Legislation authored by Dorsey B. Hardeman

Includes legislation with Dorsey B. Hardeman as the primary author for the 46th through 60th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

60th Regular Session
SB 2 Caption: Relating to providing Medical Assistance on behalf of needy individuals in the State of Texas (The Medical Assistance Act of 1967); fixing the effective dates of the provisions of this Act.
SB 3 Caption: Relating to establishing Permian State College and providing for its management and operation.
SB 4 Caption: Relating to appropriating money for the support of the Judicial, Executive, and Legislative branches of the State Government, for the construction of State buildings, the payment of claims against the State, and for State aid to public junior colleges.
SB 34 Caption: Relating to providing for the leasing of coal, lignite, sulphur and potash that may be upon and within surveys, and portions of surveys, that have heretofore been sold with all minerals reserved to the State.
SB 47 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to Inheritance Taxes.
SB 48 Caption: Relating to amending certain sections of the Penal Code by providing that any person in any county of this state with more than one pound of mercury in his possession and who has not in his possession a bill of sale or other written evidence of title, and is unable to produce such evidence without unnecessary delay, shall be guilty of a felony; providing penalties for violation of the terms of the Act; providing for a prima facie case.
SB 145 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure relating to waiver of rights, juries in felony cases, attorneys pro tem; defining peace officers; the identification of witnesses; arrests without warrants; the taking of offenders before magistrates; bail bonds, etc.
SB 183 Caption: Relating to the importation of sheep.
SB 226 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Article of the Penal Code relating to the use of parties to an offense as witnesses.
SB 256 Caption: Relating to the creation, organization, powers and functions of a Conservation and Reclamation District to be known as the "Upper Colorado River Authority".
SB 400 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering certain counties to provide safe and suitable jails for such counties by contracting with the city which is the county seat of any such county for the incarceration of such county's prisoners in, lease of or the joint operation and maintenance of the jail, jails or jail facilities owned by any such city for the mutual use of such counties and cities.
SB 454 Caption: Relating to amending and repealing certain statutes relating to Aid to Blind, Aid to Permanently and Totally Disabled, Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Old Age Assistance; lowering ages, amending requirements for residence, allowing the payment of assistance grants to individuals in institutions.
SB 455 Caption: Relating to standards of physical safety, medical, psychiatric and rehabilitative care at State tuberculosis hospitals, State mental hospitals and State schools for the retarded.
SB 502 Caption: Relating to inscriptions to be printed on state-owned motor vehicles.
SB 525 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts by providing that construction of any buildings, the prescribing of courses of study and degree offerings, and the date of beginning of courses of instruction, shall be approved by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System.
SB 547 Caption: Relating to the compensation of assistants, investigators, and stenographers of the district attorney of the 142nd Judicial District.
SB 553 Caption: Relating to authorizing all hospital districts created pursuant to Article IX, Section 9, of the Constitution to issue and refund revenue bonds for hospital purposes in accordance with the procedures prescribed for the issuance of similar bonds by County Hospital Authorities under the County Hospital Authority Act.
SCR 28 Caption: Inviting the Sons of the American Revolution to hold its 1969 Congress in Texas.
SCR 33 Caption: Inviting Edward Clark to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 63 Caption: Directing the Texas Department of State to phase out the McKnight State Tuberculosis Hospital.
SCR 78 Caption: Instructing the Enrolling clerk to make certain corrections in S. B. No. 564.
SCR 79 Caption: Instructing the Enrollment clerk to make certain corrections in S. B. No. 400.
SCR 85 Caption: Instructing the Governor to return S. B. No. 502 to the Enrolling Clerk of the Senate in order to make certain corrections.
SR 2 Caption: Directing the creation of a "Friendship Committee" to assign parking spaces to the Members.
SR 3 Caption: Providing the rules of conduct to be observed in the Senate Chamber.
SR 6 Caption: Recognizing John Ben Shepperd, and his wife, for his years of service as President of the Texas Historical Survey Committee and the Texas Fine Arts Commission.
SR 7 Caption: Congratulating Sonora and San Angelo High School football teams.
SR 9 Caption: In memory of Temple Houston Morrow.
SR 10 Caption: In memory of A. Garland Adair.
SR 12 Caption: Commending the Governor and condemning the publication of "The Death of President".
SR 13 Caption: Recognizing J. L. "Dusty" Rhoades for his service to the American Quarter Horse Association.
SR 16 Caption: In memory of Tom W. Bates.
SR 39 Caption: Directing the creation of a General Investigating Committee for the Senate.
SR 44 Caption: In memory of M. D. Bryant.
SR 57 Caption: Welcoming the students of Sabinal School to the State Capitol.
SR 75 Caption: In memory of Ernest O. Thompson.
SR 83 Caption: In memory of H. Bailey Carroll.
SR 85 Caption: Directing a committee to prepare the Local and Uncontested Bills Calendar.
SR 90 Caption: In memory of Mary Ann Hudson.
SR 94 Caption: Inviting the U. S. Senators from Texas Ralph W. Yarborough and John G. Tower to address the Senate.
SR 118 Caption: Congratulating W. O. Shafer of Odessa for his accomplishments and his years of service to his city, his State, and the State Bar of Texas.
SR 126 Caption: Directing the Texas Declaration of Independence be read on March 2, 1967 by a Member of the Senate.
SR 135 Caption: Recognizing Clyde E. Smith and his wife on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
SR 161 Caption: Recognizing Governor John Connally on the occasion of his Birthday.
SR 166 Caption: Commending Mr. and Mrs. Paul Slator for instituting the 'Pauline Slator Competition" for music.
SR 180 Caption: Directing the appointment of a Committee to determine the cost of installing amplifying systems in the Senate Chamber.
SR 224 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Senate Rules of Procedure.
SR 241 Caption: Recognizing Eric Sorantin on his retirement.
SR 257 Caption: Recognizing Former Governor Coke Stevenson on the occasion of his Birthday.
SR 271 Caption: Recognizing the State of Nebraska on the occasion of its 100th Anniversary of Statehood.
SR 310 Caption: Commending the citizens of Loving County for preserving their heritage.
SR 344 Caption: Recognizing the State of Alaska on the occasion of its Centennial Anniversary of joining the United States.
SR 364 Caption: Recognizing Vernon McGee, the Legislative Budget Director for the State, for his service.
SR 380 Caption: Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the U. S. Declaration of War during World War1.
SR 405 Caption: In memory of Robert Harry Ratliff, Sr.
SR 411 Caption: Recognizing Lara Hoggard on the occasion of his retirement.
SR 438 Caption: Recognizing the Nation of Canada on the occasion of the Centenary of the Confederation of Canada.
SR 450 Caption: Recognizing Senator David Ratliff on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 500 Caption: Recognizing the State of Mississippi on the occasion of its 150th Anniversary of Statehood.
SR 506 Caption: Grating the privileges of the floor for a day to former Senator Penrose Metcalfe.
SR 507 Caption: Recognizing former State Representative Tony Korioth and his wife on the birth of their son.
SR 547 Caption: In memory of George Wesley "Dub" Evans, Jr.
SR 556 Caption: Recognizing Former President of the United States Harry S. Truman on the occasion of his 83rd Birthday.
SR 601 Caption: Recognizing. Mary Elizabeth Jones on the occasion of her 97th Birthday.
SR 615 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for a day to former State Senator Bill Wood.
SR 641 Caption: In memory of W. J. "Chief" Elliott.
SR 642 Caption: Welcoming the family of former Speaker of the House Claud Gilmer to the State Capitol.
SR 684 Caption: In memory of Mrs. Frank Friend.
SR 685 Caption: Congratulating R. L. Cavness.
SR 700 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for a day to Mrs. Gene Hendryx and her three children.
SR 701 Caption: Designating James T. "Happy" Shahan as "Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Texas".
SR 703 Caption: In memory of Eva May Hanks.
SR 704 Caption: In memory of Eva May Hanks.
SR 723 Caption: Commending Paul Rachal and the manufacturers of Mooney Aircraft for their contributions to modern aviation.
SR 737 Caption: Welcoming Fred Lowry to the State Capitol.
SR 768 Caption: Expressing appreciation to Leslie R. Seeligson.
60th 1st Called Session
SCR 2 Caption: Paying tribute to the life of John Nance Garner, former Vice President of the United States.
SCR 6 Caption: In memory of former representative Robert R. Cauthorn of Del Rio.
SCR 10 Caption: In memory of Senator George Parkhouse of Dallas.
SCR 17 Caption: Memorializing Congress to reject proposed legislation relating to the registration of firearms.
SR 2 Caption: In memory of former Senator Hill D. Hudson.
SR 8 Caption: Congratulating Senator O. H. "Ike" Harris on his 36th Birthday.
SR 33 Caption: Congratulating Miss Nancy Richley on winning the French Women's Tennis Title meet.
SR 67 Caption: Commending the observers of National Root Beer Week.
SR 118 Caption: Congratulating Lieutenant Governor Preston Smith and his wife Ima on their 33rd Wedding Anniversary.
59th Regular Session
SB 1 Caption: General appropriations bill.
SB 30 Caption: Relating to authorizing the transfer of properties of county junior college districts after a State-supported senior college has been created within said districts, to such senior college; providing that such junior college districts shall not further maintain a junior college.
SB 31 Caption: Relating to the sale at wholesale or retail of imported fresh meats; providing a penalty for violations of this act.
SB 32 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by clarifying the salute to the Texas Flag.
SB 61 Caption: Relating to providing that the salaries of all State officers and State employees, except the salaries of District Judges and other compensation of District Judges, shall be for the period beginning September 1, 1965, and ending August 31, 1967, in such sums or amounts as may be provided for or authorized by the Legislature in the General Appropriations Act.
SB 107 Caption: Relating to establishing and adopting a Code of Criminal Procedure for the State, revising and rearranging Statutes pertaining to criminal cases.
SB 173 Caption: Relating to abolishing the Boards of Regents of North Texas State University, Texas Woman's University, Pan American College, Texas College of Arts and Industries, Midwestern University and Lamar State College of Technology, and the Board of Directors of Texas Southern University as of September 1, 1965; abolishing the Board of Regents of the State Teachers Colleges as of September 1, 1966; providing for the governance of the institutions and museums under these Boards by the Boards of Regents of The University of Texas System and the University of Houston, and the Board of Directors of the Texas A&M University and Texas Technological College.
SB 176 Caption: Relating to providing for the classification of certain patented lands in Reeves County and the issuance of a corrected patent by the State to conform to said reclassification.
SB 182 Caption: Relating to ownership of real and personal property in Texas by aliens.
SB 198 Caption: Relating to providing for the Reclassification of patented, unpatented lands in Reeves County and the issuance of a patent or corrected patent with no minerals reserved to the State to conform to said reclassification.
SB 233 Caption: Relating to defining the word audit as it applies to the examination of claims or accounts submitted to the Comptroller; providing that nothing in this Act shall be construed to give the Comptroller the right to refuse to pass for payment a legal claim for which a valid appropriation has been made.
SB 247 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to including establishment charges and disposition of fees for unofficial, as well as official, services performed by the Clerks of the Courts of Civil Appeals.
SB 391 Caption: Relating to reconstituting the membership of the State Building Commission and adding the Lieutenant Governor to the State Building Commission in place of the Chairman of the Board of Control.
SB 479 Caption: Relating to the punishment for the offense of swindling; amending the Penal Code.
SB 498 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by adding a definition and to make more certain the legislative intent that the Department shall not have the authority to determine the length of license suspension as set out in said Sections.
SB 546 Caption: Relating to transferring Four Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars from the "Operator's and Chauffeur's License Fund" to the General Revenue Fund.
SCR 1 Caption: Recognizing Ernest O. Thompson for his service to the State.
SCR 24 Caption: Urging Congress to call a convention for the purpose of proposing an article related to apportionment as an amendment to the Constitution.
SCR 36 Caption: Authorizing the Board of Control to renovate and conserve portraits of former Governors of Texas.
SCR 41 Caption: Urging Congress to continue the Predator and Rodent Control Program.
SCR 57 Caption: Directing the State Building Commission to convert the former Walton Building site into a temporary parking lot while the Legislature in session.
SCR 62 Caption: Inviting the President of the United States to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 132 Caption: Suspending Joint Rules to consider S. B. No. 233.
SJR 20 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas to provide that no person elected Governor for a four-year term shall be eligible to succeed himself.
SJR 24 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas providing a method of payment for the acquiring, constructing and equipping of buildings and other permanent improvements at certain state institutions of higher learning; providing for allocation of funds therefor.
SJR 42 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas authorizing corporate bodies with banking and discounting privileges to engage in business in more than one place in certain counties.
SR 7 Caption: Authorizing the President of the Senate to eliminate and add one appointee to the Committee on Finance.
SR 8 Caption: Providing a committee to arrange parking spaces for Members and officers.
SR 9 Caption: Amending Senate Rule 77, by adding a new section.
SR 10 Caption: Providing for an addition to Senate Rule 55.
SR 11 Caption: Providing rules of conduct and practices to be observed by and in the Senate Chamber.
SR 47 Caption: Providing for a committee to prepare Local and Uncontested Bill Calendars.
SR 65 Caption: Recognizing Douglas Roy Harrington, Jr.
SR 71 Caption: In memory of Myra Texas Ratliff.
SR 96 Caption: Recognizing the Magna Charta on the occasion of its 750th Annivesary.
SR 121 Caption: Welcoming Senator Ralph Yarborough to the State Capitol.
SR 125 Caption: Providing for a Member of the Senate to read The Declaration of Independence on March 2, 1965.
SR 129 Caption: Recognizing the city of Winters on the occasion of its 75th Anniversary.
SR 143 Caption: Welcoming Senator George Moffett and his family to the State Capitol.
SR 144 Caption: Recognizing the State of Texas on the occasion of its 119th Anniversary.
SR 146 Caption: Recognizing Senator George Moffett for his service to the State of Texas.
SR 159 Caption: In memory of the wife of Vance Stockton.
SR 161 Caption: Recognizing Governor John B. Connally on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 176 Caption: In memory of Justice Felix Frankfurter.
SR 236 Caption: Recognizing Vernon McGee on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 302 Caption: Recognizing Governor Coke R. Stevenson on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 318 Caption: Recognizing Ernest O. Thompson on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 319 Caption: Designating Ricky Malone as an Honorary Page.
SR 380 Caption: Recognizing Lloyd W. Davidson on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 410 Caption: Recognizing Lynda Rhea Allen for being named "Miss Wool of Texas".
SR 431 Caption: Recognizing the Centennial of the Confederate surrender at the Appomattox Courthouse.
SR 446 Caption: Recognizing the Centennial of the Confederate surrender at Appomattox Courthouse.
SR 457 Caption: Recognizing Senator "Doc" Blanchard and his wife on the occasion of their anniversary.
SR 458 Caption: In memory of Roscoe Conklin Runge.
SR 472 Caption: Recognizing the Centennial of the Confederate surrender at Appomattox Courthouse.
SR 478 Caption: Recognizing Abraham Lincoln and other citizens and patriots.
SR 504 Caption: Providing for a committee to arrange for a portrait of President Lyndon Baines Johnson to be displayed in the Senate Chamber.
SR 511 Caption: Recognizing the Battle of San Jacinto and its heroes.
SR 519 Caption: Recognizing the Battle of San Jacinto and its heroes.
SR 662 Caption: Designating John Key as the Honorary Page of the Senate.
SR 677 Caption: Recognizing Senator George Parkhouse on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 717 Caption: Recognizing Senator Crump on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 718 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of Sonora and Sutton County on the occasion of their Diamond Jubilee in August.
SR 762 Caption: Recognizing the members of the Texas Commission on Higher Education for their service.
SR 782 Caption: Designating James Word as Honorary Page for the day.
SR 785 Caption: Recognizing Senator Jim Bates and his wife on the occasion of their anniversary.
SR 786 Caption: Recognizing the 700th Anniversary of the Parliament of Great Britain.
SR 828 Caption: Recognizing San Angelo Junior College for its herbarium.
SR 835 Caption: Providing for a Committee to place information cards on, arrange and light the portraits belonging to the Senate.
59th 1st Called Session
SCR 2 Caption: Authorizing Class Action against the State for recovery of poll taxes paid.
SR 21 Caption: Expressing support of United States policy in Veitnam.
SR 53 Caption: Recognizing George Washington on the occasion of the anniversary of his birth.
58th Regular Session
SB 2 Caption: Relating to creating and establishing Angelo State College at San Angelo, Texas, as a coeducational institution of higher learning; authorizing the Board of Regents to enter into contracts with the Department of Defense of the United States of America to establish and maintain courses in military training, for credit therefor, under certain conditions.
SB 87 Caption: Relating to providing that any person who illegally transports in this state more than one pound of mercury shall be guilty of a felony; providing penalties for violation of the terms of this Act.
SB 101 Caption: Relating to allowing the cumulation of credits for "creditable service" of an employee employed by two or more participating departments, if certain conditions are met; by providing for the retroactive application of this Act in favor of all persons eligible for benefits under the provisions hereof from and after January 1, 1959.
SB 123 Caption: Relating to amending and repealing statutes relating to the publication of the decisions of the Supreme Court and of the Court of Criminal Appeals.
SB 124 Caption: Relating to providing for the transfer by the Supreme Court of cases from one Court of Civil Appeals to another.
SB 125 Caption: Relating to providing that the beneficiary of a deceased retired Judge shall be paid the difference between the total amount of the contributions made by him and the amount received by him as retirement pay.
SB 270 Caption: Relating to establishing and adopting a Code of Criminal Procedure for the State of Texas by revising and rearranging the statutes of this State which pertain to the trial of criminal cases; and fixing the effective date of the Code.
SB 283 Caption: Relating to classifying loans and lenders of amounts of Three Thousand Dollars ($3000) or less, repayable in installments; licensing and regulating such vendors; providing penalties.
SB 294 Caption: Relating to and fixing minimum and maximum salaries of the Official Shorthand Reporter for the 33rd, 35th, 51st, 63rd, and 119th Judicial Districts of Texas.
SB 328 Caption: Relating to the payment or distribution of cash or property by any business organizations or associations to persons registered on its books as the owners of shares or certificates, under certain conditions and which funds or property are now held in suspense by such organization or association or held in escrow or paid by or delivered to a trustee or custodian.
SB 453 Caption: Relating to clarifying the provisions relative to the suspension or revocation of drivers licenses and appeals from orders of suspension or revocation, fixing the maximum length of suspension.
SB 482 Caption: Relating to providing for the classification of certain patented lands in Reeves County and the issuance of a corrected patent to the state to conform to said re-classification.
SB 489 Caption: Relating to providing that in the acquisition of rights-of-way by or for the Texas Highway Department, the cost of relocating or adjusting eligible utility facilities shall be treated as a right-of-way cost; providing for validation of previous contracts.
SCR 55 Caption: Recognizing the Dallas Morning News Staff for winning a citation from the National Headliners Club.
SCR 77 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return S. B. No. 101 to the Senate in order to make certain corrections.
SCR 99 Caption: Instructing the House Enrolling Clerk to make certain corrections in H. B. No. 86.
SJR 5 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment to provide that no person elected Governor for two consecutive terms shall be eligible to succeed himself.
SJR 6 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment so as to remove the authorization to transfer not exceeding one per cent annually of the total value of the permanent school fund to the available school fund.
SR 18 Caption: In memory of Spencer A. Wells.
SR 27 Caption: Recognizing State Senator D. Roy Harrington and his wife on the occasion of the birth of their grandson Michal Britt Hathaway.
SR 28 Caption: In memory of Roger Gillis.
SR 29 Caption: Recognizing the service of State Senator Culp Krueger as President Pro Tempore Ad Interim of the Senate.
SR 64 Caption: Recognizing the Texas Heritage Foundation for their publication of the "Profiles of Pioneers and Heroes of Education under Texas Skies".
SR 70 Caption: Recognizing Mark Creighton as an Honorary Page of the Senate for the day.
SR 141 Caption: Commemorating the 117th anniversary of Texas Statehood.
SR 161 Caption: Designating a Member of the Senate to read the Texas Declaration of Independence on March 4, 1963.
SR 167 Caption: Recognizing Governor John Connally on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 187 Caption: Designating Jeffrey Paul Blanchard as an Honorary Page of the Senate for the day.
SR 220 Caption: Inviting Kai Walter Korte of Finland's Ministry of Justice to address the Senate.
SR 231 Caption: Recognizing the San Angelo High School basketball team for winning the Class 4A state championship.
SR 267 Caption: In memory of Galloway Calhoun, Sr.
SR 285 Caption: Recognizing former Governor Coke Stevenson on the occasion of his 75th birthday.
SR 298 Caption: Recognizing Ernest O. Thompson on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 335 Caption: Recognizing John Ben Blanchard as an Honorary Page of the Senate for the Day.
SR 347 Caption: Recognizing C. B. "Rusty" Word as an Honorary Page of the Senate for the day.
SR 369 Caption: Recognizing Frank "Quad" Owen and Bill Owen as Honorary Pages of the Senate for the day.
SR 423 Caption: Recognizing Brett Allen Hall as an Honorary Page of the Senate for the Day.
SR 424 Caption: Requesting the Lieutenant Governor to appoint a Member of the Senate to travel to Washington D. C. to represent the State's interests in the formulation of certain bills regarding cotton production.
SR 461 Caption: In memory of Ione Petty Spears.
SR 483 Caption: Providing for the restoration and rearrangement of paintings within the Senate Chamber.
SR 515 Caption: Recognizing State Senator Criss Cole on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 524 Caption: Recognizing State Senator George Parkhouse on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 526 Caption: Providing rules of conduct and practices to be observed by and in the Senate during the session.
SR 533 Caption: Recognizing State Senator Murray Watson on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 552 Caption: Recognizing State Senator James Word and his wife on the occasion of the birth of their daughter, Amy Alice Word.
SR 553 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for the day to former State Senator Earle B. Mayfield.
SR 604 Caption: Recognizing Warren Cole as an Honorary Page of the Senate.
SR 605 Caption: Extending good wishes to former State Representative Andrew M. Howsley as he recovers from illness.
SR 615 Caption: Requesting the House to return H. B. No. 1075 to the Senate for further consideration.
57th Regular Session
SB 17 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act providing that any person in any county of this State with more than one (1) pound of mercury in his possession and who has not in his possession a bill of sale or other written evidence of title shall be guilty of a felony; providing penalties for violation of the terms of the Act.
SB 18 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute providing that an instrument is payable to bearer when it is payable to the order of a fictitious or nonexistent person or to a living person not intended to have any interest in it and such fact was known to the person making it so payable or was known to his employee or other agent who supplies or causes to be inserted the name of such payee.
SB 107 Caption: Relating to liens for persons, firms, lumber dealers or corporations, artisans, laborers, mechanics, subcontractors who labor, specially fabricate material or furnish labor or material for certain construction or repair works; creating liens to support payment; fixing the effective date of this Act and prescribing the contracts to which it applies and the contracts which shall continue to be governed by the law heretofore applicable.
SB 154 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code; providing for venue for prosecutions.
SB 214 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Business Corporation Act by providing for cumulative voting by shareholders for the election of directors unless prohibited by the articles of incorporation; providing that no amendment of the articles of incorporation prohibiting the right of cumulative voting shall be effective unless at least sixty-six and two-thirds per cent (66 2/3%) of the outstanding shares of each class of stock entitled to vote thereon shall have been voted for such amendment; providing for written notice by shareholder who intends to cumulate his votes to the secretary of the corporation on or before the day preceding the election at which such shareholder intends to cumulate his votes; providing an effective date.
SB 219 Caption: Relating to changing the terms of Court of the 109th Judicial District, composed of the counties of Andrews, Crane and Winkler.
SB 315 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes providing for the utilization of the electronic data processing center by agencies of the state; providing the powers and duties of the Comptroller of Public Accounts.
SB 350 Caption: Relating to amending the Election Code of Texas relating to filing fees for candidates for all state-wide elections.
SB 351 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code relating to the filing with and approval by the Board of Insurance Commissioners of all policy forms, endorsements, and riders issued by any life, accident, health accident and health or hospitalization insurance company, doing business in this state.
SB 428 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute to require the Governing Boards of the several state institutions of collegiate rank to follow rules, regulations, and interpretations of the Commission on Higher Education respecting nonresident student tuition or registration fees required by law.
SB 452 Caption: Relating to amending Statutes by allowing the cumulation of credits for "creditable service" of an employee employed by two or more participating departments, if certain conditions are met; by providing for the retroactive application of this Act in favor of all persons eligible for benefits under the provisions hereof from and after January 1, 1959.
SB 458 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to Tom Green County Water Control and Improvement District No. 1, by providing an additional method of detaching land from, and adding land to said District; prescribing the effect of failure to hold an election within the time prescribed, resulting favorably to the assumption of District's outstanding bonds and District's obligations under its contract with the United States Government.
SB 464 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act authorizing any Independent School District, heretofore created by Special Law to select and designate its own school depository or depositories, assessor and collector of taxes, and to have the management of its school affairs subject to certain supervision and appellate jurisdiction.
SB 479 Caption: Relating to requiring every person, firm or corporation within this Stage engaged in the business of making loans at interest, to rile annually with the Secretary of State an affidavit stating that such person, firm or corporation has not, within the preceding year, made any loan in the principal sum of Two Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($2,500) or less for a greater rate of interest than ten per cent (10%) per annum; providing a penalty for the violation hereof.
SCR 5 Caption: Inviting Governor Price Daniel to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 32 Caption: Inviting Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SJR 10 Caption: Relating to proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas to provide for the vesting of the judicial power of this State, for the qualifications and election of members of the Supreme Court, for the jurisdiction and terms of court of the Supreme Court, for the creation of Supreme Judicial Districts and Courts of Civil Appeals and their jurisdiction; relating to the appointment of members of the Board of Pardons and Paroles; providing for an election.
SR 3 Caption: Recognizing Sam Rayburn on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his election as Speaker of the Texas House of Representatives.
SR 4 Caption: In memory of Walter Washington Williams.
SR 6 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to distribute parking spaces for Members of the Senate.
SR 7 Caption: Recognizing President-elect John F. Kennedy and Vice-President-elect Lyndon B. Johnson on their upcoming inauguration.
SR 20 Caption: Recognizing the State of Kansas on the occasion of its 100th Anniversary of Statehood.
SR 22 Caption: Memorializing Congress to preserve the "Connally Reservation" regarding the U.S.'s participation in the World Court.
SR 30 Caption: Directing the creation of a Committee for Local and Uncontested Bill Calendars.
SR 31 Caption: Directing the creation of a Senate General Investigating Committee.
SR 34 Caption: Extending good wishes to Tom Miller as he recovers from illness.
SR 40 Caption: In memory of J. B. McKnight.
SR 45 Caption: Recognizing the Centennial Anniversary of the Texas Ordinance of Secession.
SR 54 Caption: In memory of Edward O. Deal.
SR 81 Caption: Recognizing the city of Valentine on the celebration of St. Valentine's Day.
SR 98 Caption: Inviting T. Whitfield Davidson to address the Senate.
SR 108 Caption: Directing the Texas Declaration of Independence be read on March 2, 1961 by a Member of the Senate.
SR 109 Caption: Directing the creation of a Conservation of Paintings and Portraits Committee to serve with the Legislative Reference Librarian.
SR 206 Caption: Inviting Colorado State Senator Roy McVicker to address the Senate.
SR 243 Caption: Recognizing Ernest O. Thompson on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 246 Caption: Recognizing the people of Greece for their contributions to freedom and culture.
SR 252 Caption: In memory of Will Watt.
SR 254 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for a day to Madelyn Womack.
SR 273 Caption: Welcoming the Girl Scout Troop of Crocket County to the State Capitol.
SR 274 Caption: Commemorating the 350th Anniversary of the publication of the King James Version of the Bible.
SR 290 Caption: In memory of Ethel Foster.
SR 343 Caption: Recognizing State Senator David Ratliff on the occasion of his 49th Birthday.
SR 368 Caption: Welcoming Ernesto Ramon Blanes to the State Capitol.
SR 370 Caption: Welcoming H. Bailey Carroll and the members of the Texas State Historical Association to Austin.
SR 387 Caption: In memory of Mildred McClellan Woodward.
SR 429 Caption: Recognizing Alan B. Sheppard for his successful flight making him the first American astronaut to reach outer space.
SR 479 Caption: In memory of H. O. Lane.
SR 480 Caption: Recognizing Frank X. Tolbert on his contributions to the preservation of history.
SR 505 Caption: In memory of John Ramsey Anderson.
SR 515 Caption: Instructing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain corrections in S. R. No. 505.
SR 526 Caption: Recognizing Jaime Torres Bodet and the Ministry of Education of Mexico for their representation of the Texas fight for Independence in their history textbooks.
57th 1st Called Session
SR 23 Caption: In memory of W. Marcus Weatherred.
SR 55 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to arrange for the placement of a monument for Andrew Jackson Houston in the State Cemetery.
57th 2nd Called Session
SR 10 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of Reagan County and wishing them future success.
57th 3rd Called Session
SB 60 Caption: Relating to the Election Code of the State of Texas; relating to county and precinct conventions.
SB 61 Caption: Relating to creating Angelo State College at San Angelo, Texas, as a co-educational institution of higher learning, providing that the organization, management and control of said College shall be vested in the Board of Regents of the State Teachers Colleges.
SB 80 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the filing of rules and regulations of state administrative agencies, declaring all rules, regulations and orders in effect on or issued by state agencies after August 31, 1961, and prior to the effective date hereof to be valid although certified copies thereof were not filed with the Secretary of State.
SB 89 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute to provide for the granting by deed executed by the Governor of the State of Texas to the United States of certain portions of the beds and banks of the Pecos and Devils Rivers for the purposes of storage and flood control projects in accordance with the functions of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and United Mexican States.
SB 94 Caption: Relating to providing for improvements, construction, equipment, designation of buildings, landscaping and related actions in the Capitol Area; providing for the planning, construction, equipping and operation of a parking garage in the Capitol Area and for incorporation of an emergency control center if feasible; authorizing the State Building Commission, the Texas Employment Commission and the State Board of Control to make inter-agency agreements to carry out the purposes of this Act; authorizing the State Board of Control to cooperate with the State Building Commission in such matters; providing funds for such purposes.
SB 98 Caption: Relating to the creation of a State Disaster Council charged with the duty of carrying out the State's responsibility to its citizens in the event of a public calamity by making certain determinations and taking certain prescribed actions; relating to the powers and duties of and acts to be performed by the Governor in cases of public calamity; providing for the financing of actions taken to effectuate the purposes of the Act by the creation of a special fund and allocation of certain revenues thereto, by making certain appropriations and by authorizing investment of funds and reciprocal loan compacts with other states.
SCR 9 Caption: Recognizing Val Verde County Library at Del Rio for their services to the community.
SCR 23 Caption: Directing the State Board of Control to remove certain furnishings from the Governor's Mansion and transfer them to the Archives and Library Building.
SR 7 Caption: Recognizing the Texas Heritage Foundation, A. Garland Adair, and K. L. Berry for their service to the State.
SR 16 Caption: Recognizing former Lieutenant Governor Ben Ramsey for his years of public service.
SR 54 Caption: In memory of Lula Kennedy Parker.
SR 73 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of the State of Arizona on the occasion of their 50th anniversary of Statehood.
56th Regular Session
SB 75 Caption: Relating to amending Statutes relative to salary and expenses of Gas Utilities Division of Railroad Commission of Texas.
SB 76 Caption: Relating to amending Statutes relative to Approval by Board of Control of Employees of Railroad Commission of Texas to remove requirement for.
SB 198 Caption: Relating to providing that two or more defendants who are jointly or separately indicted or complained against for the same offense or an offense growing out of the same transaction may be, in the discretion of the court, tried jointly or separately as to one or more defendants.
SB 199 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure so as to provide for a plea of nolo contendere in all cases in which a plea of guilty might be entered.
SB 200 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code by providing that the maximum punishment for burglary at night may be life imprisonment.
SB 201 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure by providing that bills of exception shall be delivered to the trial judge within ninety (90) days after giving notice of appeal and that such judge shall thereafter have until one hundred (100) days have elapsed after notice of appeal was given within which to consider and act on the same.
SB 202 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure by increasing the amount of witness fees.
SB 371 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of the personnel to serve as Texas State Property Guards by the State Board of Control.
SB 372 Caption: Relating to requiring the teaching of Texas History in all senior high schools supported by public funds within this state and in all senior colleges and universities supported or maintained by the State of Texas.
SB 373 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure to include in the category of peace officers, Texas State Property Guards.
SB 447 Caption: Relating to creating a conservation and reclamation district to be known as the "Real-Edwards Conservation and Reclamation District."
SB 458 Caption: Relating to amending the Election Code so as to provide that in instances where a person is nominated for President or Vice President of the United States and also for an office requiring a state-wide vote election, the name of such person may appear on the official ballot as a candidate for both such offices.
SB 474 Caption: Relating to amending the Election Code so as to provide for the holding of the first and second primary elections on the first Saturday in May, and the first Saturday in June, 1960, respectively, and every two years thereafter.
SB 480 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts to provide that contracts for printing General and Special Session Laws may be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder regardless of residence in order to obtain more economical printing costs.
SB 485 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to provide that contracts for printing General and Special Session Laws may be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder regardless of residence in order to obtain more economical printing costs.
SCR 4 Caption: Inviting Governor Price Daniel to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 8 Caption: Instructing the enrolling Clerk of the House to make certain corrections to H. B. No. 1.
SCR 21 Caption: Authorizing the Board of Regents for The University of Texas to construct certain improvements at the McDonald Observatory.
SCR 35 Caption: Directing the Board of Control to prevent the erection of signs and other distracting materials on Capitol property.
SCR 43 Caption: Inviting U. S. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 47 Caption: Memorializing the Department of Agriculture to prohibit the importation of infected sheep from countries infected with scrapie disease.
SJR 3 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing for the biennial compensation and expenses of the members of the Legislature upon a two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each House by Yeas and Nays, and the names of the members voting to be entered in the Journal of each House.
SR 3 Caption: Recognizing U. S. Senators Lyndon B. Johnson and Ralph Yarborough for supporting the patriotic cause of free discussion.
SR 23 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to distribute parking spaces for Members of the Senate.
SR 48 Caption: Directing the creation of a Senate General Investigating Committee.
SR 50 Caption: Directing the Texas Declaration of Independence be read on March 2, 1959 by a Member of the Senate.
SR 54 Caption: Welcoming the students of Sonora High School to the State Capitol.
SR 104 Caption: Welcoming Walter Buenger and the members of the Pecos County Commissioners' Court to the State Capitol.
SR 105 Caption: Observing Texas Statehood Day and Statehood Week.
SR 111 Caption: Providing a Local and Uncontested Bills Calendar for the Senate.
SR 134 Caption: Expressing support for the House of Delegates of the American Bar Association for adopting the report from its Committee on Communist Tactics, Strategy, and Objectives regarding recent decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States on Communism.
SR 158 Caption: In memory of Hugh David Blair.
SR 203 Caption: Welcoming the members of the Texas League of Women Voters.
SR 235 Caption: Recognizing Ernest O. Thompson on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 247 Caption: Recognizing J. B. Adair on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
SR 253 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of Greece on the anniversary of their Nation's independence.
SR 268 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for a day to the family of Felix R. Kindel.
SR 283 Caption: Recognizing the Texas Association of Broadcasters for the services they provide to the public.
SR 330 Caption: Directing the creation of committee to preserve paintings and portraits in the possession of the Senate.
SR 340 Caption: In memory of Ella Weinert.
SR 359 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of Fort Stockton and Pecos County on the occasion of their 100th anniversary.
SR 365 Caption: Inviting Beverley Bentley to address the Senate.
SR 391 Caption: Recognizing State Senator David Ratliff on the occasion of his Birthday.
SR 401 Caption: Welcoming the students of Southern Methodist University to the State Capitol.
SR 410 Caption: In memory of Sol Mayer.
SR 446 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for a day to H. O. Lane.
SR 502 Caption: Designating the 4080th Strategic Reconnaissance Wing of Laughlin Air Force Base as Ambassadors of Good Will of Texas.
SR 522 Caption: Welcoming Vincent P. Collins to the State Capitol.
SR 536 Caption: Requesting the House of Representatives to return H. B. No. 158 to the Senate for further Consideration.
SR 558 Caption: Recognizing Jack Miller on the occasion of his election to the presidency of the Texas Junior Chamber of Commerce.
SR 568 Caption: Recognizing the Commonwealth of Virginia as they commemorate the anniversary of the establishment of Jamestown, Virginia.
56th 1st Called Session
SR 9 Caption: In memory of Kathleen Eddins.
SR 13 Caption: Recognizing the State of Colorado on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of its organization within the Jefferson Territory.
SR 15 Caption: In memory of former John Foster Dulles
SR 30 Caption: Recognizing Tom Miller for being awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by St. Edward's University.
SR 78 Caption: Recognizing State Senator Jarrard Secrest on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 91 Caption: Congratulating Lieutenant Governor and Mrs. Ramsey on the birth of their daughter MariBen. Also, designating MariBen as Princess of the Senate.
SR 111 Caption: Recognizing Gene Hendryx for the publication of his novel "Semper Fi".
56th 2nd Called Session
SB 4 Caption: Relating to providing that all appropriations made by the Legislature shall be for a specific sum.
SCR 9 Caption: Recognizing John Nance Garner, former Vice President of the United States, on the occasion of his 91st birthday.
SCR 13 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature to allow either house to consider H. B. No. 18 at any time.
SR 64 Caption: Recognizing U. S. Senator H. Styles Bridges of New Hampshire for blocking an invitation for Soviet First Vice Premier F. R. Kozlov to address the U. S. Senate.
56th 3rd Called Session
SCR 3 Caption: Providing for Sine Die adjournment of the 56th Legislature, 3rd Called Session, on August 5, 1959.
SR 11 Caption: In memory of Frank Sweeney Phillips.
SR 32 Caption: In memory of Finley J. Henderson.
55th Regular Session
SB 89 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by designating certain days as legal holidays on which all public offices of the state may be closed; providing for the effective date of such Act.
SB 95 Caption: Relating to authorizing and providing for professional unit allocations for Foundation School Program Act and Fund purposes, determinable on a sparse area formula approved by the State Board of Education applicable to any school district containing one hundred square miles or more and having fewer than one pupil per square mile and which operates and maintains a four-year accredited high school; requiring certain considerations by the State Commissioner of Education.
SB 126 Caption: Relating to declaring it illegal to divert waters released from storage and designated for downstream users; providing for penalties for violation.
SB 306 Caption: Relating to authorizing independent school districts to borrow money for current maintenance expenses.
SB 347 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts providing for the leasing of lands belonging to the State of Texas for the production of oil, gas, coal, lignite, sulfur, salt and potash; providing that the minerals may, at the discretion of the School Land Board, be leased together or separately.
SB 348 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for the prospecting of land belonging to the state for certain minerals.
SB 437 Caption: Relating to providing that it shall be unlawful, without the prior express consent of the Legislature, for any officer or employee of this state or any other person to build, construct, erect or maintain any building, structure, memorial, monument, statue or concession or any other structure, including parking areas or any additional paving on any of the grounds surrounding the State Capitol that were bounded by certain streets on January 1, 1955, with certain exceptions; providing a penalty.
SB 438 Caption: Relating to amending the Insurance Code relating to the filing with and approval by the Board of Insurance Commissioners of all policy forms, endorsements and riders issued by any insurance company.
SB 457 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the acquisition of certain land by the State Building Commission after January 1, 1958 by condemnation.
SCR 27 Caption: Inviting Prentice Cooper to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 31 Caption: Recognizing February 17-24, 1957, as Texas Statehood Week and February 19, 1957, as Statehood Day.
SCR 67 Caption: Requesting the State Building Commission to pause plans to acquire certain properties in Austin.
SCR 77 Caption: Designating the location of buildings for the Texas Employment Commission.
SJR 9 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas providing for a Court of Criminal Appeals of five members; prescribing their qualifications, election, tenure of office and compensation.
SJR 19 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas providing that the Legislature may delegate authority to zone public highways, roads, streets, and alleys or portions thereof; relating to and regulating the speed at which any motor vehicle may be operated thereon.
SR 5 Caption: In memory of Senator Kyle A. Vick.
SR 10 Caption: Recognizing Senator Ottis E. Lock and his wife on the birth of their son, Joe Allan Lock.
SR 11 Caption: Providing for a committee to designate parking spaces for Members and Officers.
SR 61 Caption: Designating Chris Harte as Honorary Page.
SR 65 Caption: Welcoming Henry Rampy, Bob Bruce, Ray Fuqua, earl Barr and John Bradley to the State Capitol.
SR 92 Caption: Requesting the President of the Senate to designate Member to read Declaration of Independence.
SR 93 Caption: Providing for a committee to prepare Local and Uncontested Bill Calendars.
SR 151 Caption: In memory of Will A. Morriss.
SR 154 Caption: In memory of Sol Mayer.
SR 200 Caption: Directing the Board of Insurance Commissioners to institute action to determine whether fiduciary bond premium rates are excessive.
SR 251 Caption: Welcoming Luther Herring to the State Capitol.
SR 258 Caption: Inviting Earline Whitt, Peggy Seay and Elizabeth Ann Hough to address the Senate.
SR 263 Caption: Recognizing the people of Greece on the occasion of the anniversary of their independence.
SR 275 Caption: Welcoming J. T. Davis to the State Capitol.
SR 305 Caption: Recognizing Senator Harry Byrd and other members of the Senate for reducing the national budget.
SR 312 Caption: Welcoming Carlos Ashley, Jr., and his wife to the State Capitol.
SR 319 Caption: Inviting former Lieutenant Governor Walter Woodul to address the Senate.
SR 320 Caption: Welcoming Mark Callaway and his wife to the State Capitol.
SR 328 Caption: Welcoming the FFA and 4-H club boys and their teachers to the State Capitol.
SR 338 Caption: Recognizing the Jamestown Festival and the communities of Williamsburg and Yorktown.
SR 347 Caption: Providing for a Senate General Investigating Committee.
SR 355 Caption: Welcoming students of San Angelo High School and their sponsors to the State Capitol.
SR 432 Caption: Welcoming members of the A Cappella Choir of Concordia Teachers College and their sponsors to the State Capitol.
SR 433 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of Alpine on the occasion of its 75th anniversary.
SR 451 Caption: Welcoming students of Bronte High School, their principal and their sponsors to the State Capitol.
SR 484 Caption: Welcoming Hugh White, Gene Hendryx and George Miller to the State Capitol.
SR 485 Caption: Welcoming Lucius D. Bunton et al. to the State Capitol.
SR 502 Caption: Providing for a committee for conservation, restoration and re-arrangement of paintings and portraits in the Senate Chamber.
SR 512 Caption: Naming John Ratliff Honorary Page of the Senate.
SR 525 Caption: Welcoming students of Talpa High School, their teachers and their sponsors to the State Capitol.
SR 529 Caption: Welcoming students of Talpa High School and their teachers to the State Capitol.
SR 536 Caption: Recognizing Rita Rhea Ramsey, Senator George Parkhouse and Senator Carlos Ashley on the occasion of their birthdays.
SR 575 Caption: Welcoming Phil Ricks and his wife, W. E. Cook, Hawley Pettitt and John L. Dodson to the State Capitol.
55th 1st Called Session
SR 3 Caption: In memory of Mrs. Charles B. Metcalfe.
SR 4 Caption: In memory of H. L. Winfield.
SR 80 Caption: Recognizing Frank L. Moffett on the occasion of his 97th birthday.
SR 81 Caption: Welcoming F. E. Hightower and Mark Cooper to the State Capitol.
54th Regular Session
SB 2 Caption: Relating to carry into effect the provisions of the proposed amendment adding Section 49c to Article III of the State Constitution; defining certain terms; providing for the Governor to appoint six resident citizens as members of the Texas Water Development Board; levying ad valorem tax, issuance of bonds and regulations therefor, membership, powers and duties of Board; making an appropriation.
SB 3 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by abolishing the Board of Water Engineers of the State of Texas and establishing as its successor the Texas Water Commission; providing for the membership of the Commission, the method and manner of appointment, residence qualifications, and term of office; providing for a surety bond of members of the Commission; setting Commissioners' salaries; authorizing payment of expenses; declaring members of the Commission to be state officers; authorizing the Governor to remove from office a Commissioner for cause after hearing; empowering the Governor to appoint the Chairman of the Commission; establishing the number necessary for a quorum and official action; providing a savings clause.
SB 4 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by authorizing the Railroad Commission of Texas to make and enforce rules, regulations, and orders in connection with the drilling of exploratory wells and wells for oil or gas, and abandoning wells, in order to prevent pollution of the streams and water courses of this State, including sub-surface waters, which results from the escape or release of crude petroleum oil or salt water and other mineralized waters from such wells.
SB 5 Caption: Relating to requiring every water district, created pursuant to the Constitution of Texas, to file with the Board of Water Engineers or its successors a certified copy of the Act or order creating same or altering its boundaries, as well as such information necessary to maintain an up-to-date list of its officers; requiring the Board to file such information for public inspection; providing penalties for violation; repealing all conflicting laws; providing a savings clause.
SB 6 Caption: Relating to requiring approval by the Texas Water Commission of certain federal projects affecting surface waters of the State of Texas; defining terms; requiring the Governor to submit to the Commission all engineering plans for a federal project when executive approval thereof is sought; providing for public hearings to be held and notice thereof issued and published; providing for the Commission to determine if a federal project is feasible and setting standards for such determination; requiring disapproval by the Commission of unfeasible projects; authorizing the Governor to either approve or disapprove such project after a finding of feasibility; repealing all conflicting laws; providing a savings clause.
SB 7 Caption: Relating to requiring everyone taking surface water from water courses under a claim of right other than one arising as a result of a permit or certified filing to file with the Texas Water Commission a sworn statement giving such information as the Commission may require to aid in the administration of the water laws of the State and the inventorying of water resources; exempting from its provisions those taking water for domestic and livestock purposes; defining certain terms; providing for the time in which such statements must be filed; providing for penalties for violation; providing for the keeping of records and the filing of annual reports; protecting riparian rights; repealing all conflicting laws; providing a savings clause.
SB 8 Caption: Relating to amending certain Laws so as to declare as abandoned all certified filings heretofore filed with and permits heretofore issued by the Board of Water Engineers and permits hereafter issued by the Texas Water Commission, which certified filings and permits authorize the appropriation of public waters, when no part of the waters authorized to be appropriated has ever been put to beneficial use at any time during a ten-year period preceding the effective date of this Act or the date of cancellation proceedings authorized hereby; requiring the Texas Water Commission to cancel such certified filings and permits when found to have been abandoned; requiring public hearings before cancellation and forfeiture; providing for notice before hearing and an opportunity to the holder to present evidence that water has been beneficially used under the certified filing or permit during such ten-year period; declaring that failure to cancel shall not validate or enhance a certified filing or permit; defining a certified filing; providing for appeals form orders of cancellation; repealing all conflicting laws; providing a savings clause.
SB 9 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes to add the additional requirement that everyone desiring to store, impound or retard the storm and flood waters of the State shall obtain a permit from the Texas Water Commission before commencing construction of such water projects; exempting structures impounding two hundred (200) acre feet of water or less under certain conditions and for certain purposes; containing a provision protecting riparian rights; repealing all conflicting laws; providing a savings clause.
SB 164 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts relative to the operation of Commercial vehicles and truck-tractors by persons other than owners.
SB 165 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by making it unlawful to issue, show, or display, or to enter into a conspiracy or agreement to issue, display, or use a false, or fictitious bill of sale, bill of lading, or manifest on commodities being transported over the highways of this State.
SB 244 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the display of flags of international organizations, other nations or states in equal or superior prominence or honor to the flag of the United States or of the State of Texas.
SB 245 Caption: Relating to regulating the display of the Texas flag so as to forbid the use of any flag other than that of the United States in a position superior to that of the Texas flag at any place within the boundaries of the State of Texas.
SB 246 Caption: Relating to regulating the display of the United States and Texas flags within the boundaries of Texas.
SB 253 Caption: Relating to authorizing Commissioners Courts to acquire land for and to purchase, construct, repair, equip and improve buildings and other permanent improvements to be used for county library purposes; providing for the location and payment therefor; authorizing the issuance of negotiable bonds for such purpose and the levy and collection of taxes in payment thereof.
SB 254 Caption: Relating to providing no person after July 1, 1956, shall be granted an undergraduate degree of any kind from any institution of higher learning supported or maintained by the State of Texas, or from any junior college receiving state aid, except that he or she has taken and passed six semester hours in American History.
SB 255 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes so as to provide that venue for the exercise of the right of eminent domain by the State Highway Commission shall be in the county where the land material sought to be condemned, or a part thereof, is located and that all such condemnation proceedings shall be in all things as provided; repealing all laws in conflict; that if any part is hold void, declaring intention to pass valid portions.
SB 256 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing for filing petition for condemnation with the County Clerk; providing for filing and docketing such petition as a preceeding in the County Court at Law; providing for filing Commissioners' report with the County Clerk.
SB 257 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by providing that if the landowner be dissatisfied with the damages he may appeal to the District Court for a trial on question of damages and compensation; providing for time and manner of appeal; for transfer of the condemnation proceeding and all papers to the District Court; no further notice to be given; the manner of docketing in District Court and for trial as in other civil cases in the District Court.
SB 389 Caption: Relating to creating a conservation and reclamation district to be known as "Reagan County Water Supply District"; conferring upon the district the powers of the general laws governing water control and improvement districts where not in conflict with this Act; providing for the governing body of the district; providing for the issuance of bonds and fixing a limitation thereon; providing for refunding bonds; adopting the ad valorem plan of taxation for said District; making bonds of the District eligible for investments, and exempting the property and the bonds of the District from taxation; finding a benefit; providing a severability clause.
SB 407 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of Fourteen Thousand Dollars ($14,000.00) or so much thereof as necessary, out of the unexpended balance heretofore appropriated to the Livestock Sanitary Commission for the purpose of paying indemnity to the owners of sheep and goats whose animals have been exposed to the contagious and fatal disease of scrapie which requires the destruction of such animals.
SB 410 Caption: Relating to making additional appropriations to certain officers, agencies, and departments of the State.
SB 432 Caption: Relating to providing for the creation of corporations with power to lend money at legal rates of interest without banking or discounting privileges, on installment contracts for the purchase of automobiles, appliances, furniture, and other personal property, and realty, and to accept liens against such properties; to borrow money for the purpose of using the same for operating capital, and pledge as security for such loans liens so received; to sell and transfer such liens or the pledged properties after proper foreclosure or surrender thereof; but without the power of selling bonds, certificates, debentures or other obligations, and without trust powers of any kind or character; providing for supervision and control by the Secretary of State.
SB 441 Caption: Relating to providing for the fixing of compensation of judges of district courts in counties in this State which comprise a part of a judicial district consisting of not less than four (4) counties, of which two (2) of said counties have two (2) or more district courts; providing the manner of payment; establishing a limitation of the amount of such compensation; providing for validity of remaining portion of Act if any part declared unconstitutional.
SB 454 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for the Water Resources Committee; providing for its expenditures under the general provisions of H.B. No. 454, Regular Session, 53rd Legislature.
SCR 15 Caption: Memorializing Congress to call a Constitutional Convention for proposing an amendment to Article V of the Constitution of the United States.
SCR 30 Caption: Inviting the Governor of Tennessee, Frank G. Clement to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
SCR 31 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return H. C. R. No. 25 to the Senate for further consideration.
SCR 56 Caption: Granting M. H. Reed and W. T. Caswell permission to sue the State of Texas.
SCR 79 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return S. B. No. 254 to the Senate in order to make certain corrections.
SJR 1 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas adding a section to be known as Section 49c of Article III, authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds by the State of Texas to create the Texas Water Development Fund to provide financial assistance to certain political subdivisions or bodies politic and corporate of the State of Texas in the conservation and development of the water resources of the State; providing for the levying of a state ad valorem tax of not to exceed three cents on the One Hundred Dollars ($100) valuation as security for such state obligations; providing for the termination of such tax levy; providing for the calling of an election and the publication and issuance of the proclamation therefor.
SR 3 Caption: Authorizing an extension of the Senate General Investigating Committee's investigation into certain alleged irregularities of the Veterans Land Board.
SR 4 Caption: In memory of former State Representative Harley Sadler.
SR 50 Caption: Welcoming the family of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Durham to the State Capitol.
SR 56 Caption: Authorizing an extension of the Senate General Investigating Committee's investigation into certain alleged irregularities of the Veterans Land Board.
SR 79 Caption: Urging the Senate Judiciary Committee of the United States to investigate to John Marshall Harlan's appointment to the Supreme Court of the United States.
SR 83 Caption: Directing the Texas Declaration of Independence to be read by a Member of the Senate on March 2, 1955.
SR 102 Caption: Directing the creation of a Local and Uncontested Bill Calendar.
SR 145 Caption: Welcoming the students of Sul Ross State College to the State Capitol.
SR 195 Caption: Welcoming Colonel and Mrs. O. L. Sims to the State Capitol.
SR 217 Caption: Recognizing Jonas E. Salk for his work on developing a vaccine for poliomyelitis.
SR 264 Caption: Paying tribute and respect to the memory of the Heroes of the Battle of San Jacinto.
SR 272 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for a day to Carlos Ashley, Jr.
SR 288 Caption: Welcoming the students of Menard High School to the State Capitol.
SR 322 Caption: Welcoming the students of Santa Anna High School to the State Capitol.
SR 339 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of Terrell County on the occasion of their 50th anniversary.
SR 347 Caption: Recognizing Rita Rhea Ramsey, State Senator George Parkhouse, and State Senator Carlos Ashley on the occasion of their birthdays.
SR 382 Caption: Memorializing Congress to refrain from increasing the Federal gasoline tax and repealing the one currently in place.
SR 399 Caption: Welcoming the students of Miles Rural High School of Runnels County to the State Capitol.
SR 402 Caption: In memory of H. C. Noelke, Jr.
SR 414 Caption: Welcoming the students of Sanderson High School to the State Capitol.
SR 426 Caption: Recognizing John Ratliff as an Honorary page of the Senate.
SR 430 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to secure qualified personnel for the repair and conservation of certain historical paintings in the State Capitol.
53rd Regular Session
SCR 3 Caption: In memory of D. F. Strickland.
SCR 22 Caption: Requesting the National Park Service to make arrangements for the dedication of Big Bend National Park.
SCR 37 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to designate a Poet Laureate for the State of Texas.
SCR 53 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature in order to allow either house to consider S. J. R. No. 14 at any time.
SCR 56 Caption: Granting W. M. Johnson permission to sue the State of Texas.
SCR 61 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules of the Legislature in order to consider H. B. No. 247 at any time.
SJR 14 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the Legislature from ever lending the credit of the State, or granting any public money, or assuming or otherwise discharging any indebtedness of any individual, person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, public agency or political subdivision of the State, now authorized, or which may hereafter be authorized to construct, maintain, or operate toll roads, or turnpikes within this State.
SR 4 Caption: Welcoming Fred Husbands to the State Capitol.
SR 7 Caption: Welcoming Billy Shireman to the State Capitol.
SR 14 Caption: Welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams to the State Capitol.
SR 36 Caption: Inviting former State Senator Penrose B. Metcalfe to address the Senate.
SR 43 Caption: Welcoming G. B. Wadzeck to the State Capitol.
SR 50 Caption: Directing the creation of a Senate General Investigating Committee.
SR 54 Caption: Welcoming W. H. Rampy and E. C. Grindstaff to the State Capitol.
SR 59 Caption: Inviting former State Senator Hill D. Hudson to address the Senate.
SR 86 Caption: Recognizing Louise Beeman Kaster for being named El Paso's "First Lady of the Year for 1952-53".
SR 110 Caption: Recognizing State Senator J. T. Rutherford and his wife on the occasion of the birth of their son, Charles Lane Rutherford.
SR 121 Caption: Recognizing the people of Greece and the sacrifices they have made in the cause of democracy.
SR 135 Caption: Directing the creation of a Committee for Local and Uncontested Bill Calendars.
SR 165 Caption: Welcoming the students of Fort Davis High School to the State Capitol.
SR 187 Caption: Inviting former State Senator H. L. Winfield to address the Senate.
SR 188 Caption: Welcoming the members of the Board of Directors of Texas Technological College to the State Capitol.
SR 215 Caption: Welcoming the students of Santa Anna High School to the State Capitol.
SR 263 Caption: Recognizing Gibb Gilchrist on the occasion of his retirement.
SR 265 Caption: Welcoming the students of Christoval High School to the State Capitol.
SR 272 Caption: Recognizing and extending sympathies to the victims of the tornadoes in San Angelo and Waco.
SR 280 Caption: Recognizing Poet Laureate Mildred Lindsey Raiborn and Alternate Poet Laureate Dee Walker to the State Capitol.
SR 300 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee for the preservation and conservation of paintings in the State Capitol.
SR 305 Caption: Recognizing the citizens of Texas that have given aid to the victims of the tornadoes in San Angelo and Waco.
53rd 1st Called Session
SB 40 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to the Water Resources Committee for the biennium ending August 31, 1955; stating certain conditions and restrictions on the expenditure of the funds.
SCR 4 Caption: In memory of Mark McGee.
SCR 15 Caption: Granting Ann Utz permission to sue the State of Texas.
SR 9 Caption: Welcoming the delegation of Brewster County sponsoring the dedication of Big Bend National Park.
SR 24 Caption: Welcoming State Senator R. A. Weinert as he returns to his duties after his recent illness.
SR 57 Caption: Welcoming H. L. Kokernot, Jr. to the State Capitol.
SR 94 Caption: Recognizing State Senator Jep S. Fuller and his wife on the occasion of their wedding anniversary.
SR 108 Caption: Welcoming the students of Santa Anna High School to the State Capitol.
52nd Regular Session
SB 146 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to clarify the requirement for payment of delay rentals and royalties during the period that the primary term of any oil, gas, or mineral lease heretofore or hereafter issued by the Commissioner of the General Land Office is suspended because the lease is involved in litigation relating to the validity of the lease or to the authority of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to issue the lease.
SB 234 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles providing for reorganization of the Board of Control; prescribing its duties; providing for the appointment of an Executive Director of and by the Board of Control and prescribing his duties.
SB 235 Caption: Relating to requiring that all funds of certain State boards be deposited in the State Treasury and providing for the expenditure thereof in according with appropriations made by law.
SB 239 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts by providing that within their respective jurisdictions, the State Highway Commission or the governing body of any incorporated city or town shall have the power to lay out, acquire, construct, maintain, and operate any section or portion of any State highway or city street within their respective jurisdictions as a freeway under certain circumstances.
SB 261 Caption: Relating to abolishing the present Board of Control and creating a new Board of Control; granting such new Board all the powers, duties and responsibilities of the old Board as well as certain additional powers; providing for the appointment of a Director; providing that the Board may delegate powers to such Director; providing for the giving of bonds by the Board members and by the Director.
SB 262 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to authorize Commissioners' Courts of counties having a population of not less than two thousand, five hundred (2,500) and not more than three thousand, four hundred ninety-nine (3,499) inhabitants according to the last preceding Federal Census to expend moneys in the General Fund for the purpose of maintenance and upkeep of the public cemeteries in their respective counties.
SB 278 Caption: Relating to repealing certain acts creating a Board of Control and defining its powers and duties, among other powers and duties being those heretofore exercised by the Board of Control abolished by this Act, as well as those heretofore exercised by the Board for Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools.
SB 306 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to authorize the pledging of unused revenues from income producing buildings for the construction of additions to said buildings or the construction of any other buildings, and the purchase of the necessary sites therefor, and providing that any subsequent issue of revenue bonds or notes shall be inferior to any outstanding revenue bonds or notes.
SB 307 Caption: Relating to providing that the Commissioner of the General Land Office, on behalf of the State of Texas or any fund belonging thereto, is authorized to execute agreements that provide for the operation of areas as a unit for the exploration, development and production of oil and gas, or either of them, and to commit to such agreements the royalty interests in oil and gas, or either of them, reserved to the State or any fund thereof by law.
SB 354 Caption: Relating to creating Boards for lease of lands owned by any Department, Board or Agency of the State.
SB 420 Caption: Relating to appropriating Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000) for the Livestock Sanitary Commission to pay traveling and subsistence expenses supplementing the appropriation for traveling expenses made for the biennium ending August 31, 1961.
SB 427 Caption: Relating to repealing certain acts relating to consolidation of rural high school districts, common school districts and independent school districts.
SB 459 Caption: Relating to the jurisdiction of the County Court of Gillespie County.
SCR 27 Caption: Recognizing May as Jury Service Month.
SR 4 Caption: Inviting John Lee Smith to address the Senate.
SR 46 Caption: Recognizing Senator Kyle Vick on the occasion of his birthday.
SR 49 Caption: In memory of Street H. Gilmer.
SR 54 Caption: Welcoming Houston Smith to the State Capitol.
SR 55 Caption: Inviting Fred "Red" Harris to address the Senate.
SR 58 Caption: Recognizing Pat Bullock for his performance of duties of Governor for the day.
SR 96 Caption: Providing for a committee to prepare local and uncontested bill calendars.
SR 103 Caption: Welcoming students of Junction High School and their teacher to the State Capitol.
SR 130 Caption: Welcoming students of Santa Anna High School and their sponsor to the State Capitol.
SR 172 Caption: Welcoming students of Novice High School School and their sponsors to the State Capitol.
SR 219 Caption: Inviting Mrs. John Will Vance and Mrs. Jim Gill to address the Senate.
SR 284 Caption: Recognizing Senator Rudolph A. Weinert and his wife on their 25th wedding anniversary.
SR 312 Caption: Recognizing Charles Herring for being appointed Federal District Attorney.
51st Regular Session
SB 387 Caption: Relating to creating the State Budget Board; prescribing its powers, duties and functions; making an appropriation.
SB 399 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, to clarify the will of Mrs. Josephine P. Todd relative to land located in Marion and Jefferson Counties, the proceeds from the sale of such lands to be used for the benefit of the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium.
SB 400 Caption: Relating to preserving the faith and credit of the State and its agency the Colorado River Authority, to which State General Ad Valorem Taxes have been donated or granted; enacting other matters relating to the subject.
SB 417 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Control to convey to the City of Brady, Texas, the water system and equipment situated outside the limits of the Brady State School for Delinquent Negro Girls at Brady, Texas.
SCR 31 Caption: Authorizing the transfer of the water utilities from Brady State School for Delinquent Negro Girls to the City of Brady.
SCR 82 Caption: Directing S. B. No. 316 to go into effect immediately upon passage.
SCR 84 Caption: Directing H. B. No. 594 to go into effect immediately upon passage.
SR 6 Caption: In memory of former State Senator Guinn Williams.
SR 14 Caption: Inviting former State Senator H. L. Winfield to address the Senate.
SR 18 Caption: In memory of former State Representative Tom Martin.
SR 51 Caption: Inviting former State Senator Penrose Metcalfe to address the Senate.
SR 62 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for the day to Weldon L. Surber.
SR 79 Caption: Welcoming the students of Santa Anna High School to the State Capitol.
SR 100 Caption: Welcoming the students of Winters High School to the State Capitol.
SR 106 Caption: Welcoming the citizens of Mason, Texas to the State Capitol.
SR 127 Caption: Welcoming the students of Novice High School to the State Capitol.
SR 145 Caption: Inviting former State Senator Jim Neal to address the Senate.
SR 154 Caption: Designating the Pat Pate as an Honorary Page of the Senate.
SR 177 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for the day to Ray Willoughby.
SR 191 Caption: Welcoming the students of Norton High School to the State Capitol.
SR 203 Caption: Welcoming K. B. Round and R. L. Powers to the State Capitol.
SR 205 Caption: Welcoming John Guinn and Herman Allen to the State Capitol.
SR 211 Caption: Welcoming F. A. Loudermilk to the State Capitol.
SR 212 Caption: Recognizing the Hill Country Peach Growers Cooperative for their generous gift to the Members if the Senate.
SR 217 Caption: Designating Ira Butler, Jr. as an honorary page of the Senate.
SR 220 Caption: Recognizing Mrs. Vance Stockton for her 35 years of service to the State.
51st 1st Called Session
SB 24 Caption: Relating to creating the State Board of Tuberculosis Nurses Examiners; providing exceptions; providing that the provisions of this law shall be severable; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict to the extent of such conflict.
SR 29 Caption: Welcoming the students of Kimble County High School to the State Capitol.
SR 48 Caption: Granting the privileges of the floor for the day to Nancy Knickerbocker and Carol Faust.
50th Regular Session
SB 406 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, by authorizing the Board of Directors of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas to establish an adjunct of the college in Kimble County, Texas.
SB 413 Caption: Relating to prohibiting expenditures in excess of appropriations; forbidding voluntary service; providing a penalty for violation; providing a saving clause.
SCR 27 Caption: Granting R.J. Fulton permission to sue the State of Texas.
SCR 50 Caption: Suspending joint rules to permit consideration of S.B. No. 291 on May 22, 1947.
47th Regular Session
HB 98 Caption: Relating to authorizing and directing the Board of Regents of the University of Texas to request the War and Navy Departments of the United States to establish and maintain military and naval training at said institution; authorizing the Board of Regents to enter into contracts for such purposes.
HB 213 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 46th Legislature (R.S.); disapproving all of the Court Rules for practice and procedure in Civil Actions promulgated by the Supreme Court.
HB 400 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes relating to defenses against claims or assessments for taxes; adding provisions whereby taxpayers may defend against attack or have reviewed assessments for ad valorem taxes relating to real or personal property on the grounds that such assessments are arbitrary or discriminatory.
HB 401 Caption: Relating to amending certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes relating to the assessed value of property for tax purposes; adding a clause providing that whenever the District or Appellate Court in any cause before it shall find that any assessment heretofore or hereafter made, or attempted to be made against any property subject to any form of taxation in this State, is void or voidable because of discrimination.
HB 419 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for the appointment of a Commission to aid the Supreme Court of Texas, and prescribing their qualifications, duties and terms of office; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 482 Caption: Relating to validating certain bonds heretofore authorized to be issued under the authority of a certain Act in reference to acquisition of lands by cities and counties for airport purposes.
HB 501 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to hunt, take, or kill wild deer in the Counties of Tom Green, Irion, Sterling, Reagan, and Glasscock for a period of five (5) years; prescribing a penalty for the violation of this Act.
HB 502 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act authorizing certain independent school districts to build or purchase certain buildings and grounds for the purpose of constructing gymnasia, stadia, or other recreational facilities.
HB 515 Caption: Relating to the County of Tom Green, prohibiting the transportation of minnows beyond the borders of said County for the purpose of sale; providing for a closed season on fishing, with certain exceptions; providing legal length of catfish in said County; providing penalties for any violation of this Act.
HB 602 Caption: Relating to providing for the regulation of a person, firm or corporation not residing in this State, or the agent thereof, to solicit or take subscriptions to or for any magazine or periodical published or printed without this State; providing for the issuance of a permit; providing a penalty for violation of this Act.
HB 603 Caption: Relating to providing for an appeal directly to the Supreme Court of Texas from any order of any District Court granting or denying any interlocutory or permanent injunction regarding the constitutionality of any Statute of this State.
HB 639 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to allowing taxing districts to proceed under laws enacted by Congress to effect a plan for the composition of their indebtedness.
HB 700 Caption: Relating to prescribing limitation laws applicable to set-offs, counterclaims, cross-claims, cross-actions and pleas in reconvention.
HB 748 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes adding a provision for the appointment of a Special Commissioner to serve with and assist a Court of Civil Appeals where a member thereof is called or ordered into active military service.
HB 887 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act regarding suits brought for delinquent taxes, etc.
HB 1025 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act by further defining the duties of members of the Commission to aid the Supreme Court of Texas.
HB 1047 Caption: Relating to suspending the running of the primary term of any oil, gas, or mineral lease issued by the Commissioner of the General Land Office which lease has been, is, or which may become involved in litigation.
HB 1082 Caption: Relating to amending House Bill No.146 authorizing the Commissioners Court in all counties in the State of Texas to appropriate from the General Fund not more than five (5) cents on the one hundred dollars assessed valuation, for the purpose of advertising and promoting the growth and development of the counties.
HCR 121 Caption: Designating May 8th, 1941, as suspension day in the House of Representatives.
HCR 125 Caption: Inviting the President of the United States and certain other officials to visit Texas to inspect the defense projects in the State.
HCR 266 Caption: Inviting Sam Rayburn to address a joint session.
HR 168 Caption: Congratulating the Greek Nation on the anniversary of their independence.
HR 260 Caption: In memory of Frank C. Van Horn, Sr of Corsicana.
HR 299 Caption: Welcoming the senior class of the Glasscock County High School to the House of Representatives.
HR 302 Caption: In memory of Molly Mims of Holly Spring, Mississippi.
HR 303 Caption: In memory of Elza Marion Perry of San Angelo.
HR 306 Caption: Memorializing Congress to provide necessary legislation to permit soldiers to communicate without being required to pay any postage on any letters.
HR 316 Caption: In memory of Harold W. Broome of San Angelo.
HR 317 Caption: In memory of J. B. Atkinson of Tom Green County
HR 320 Caption: Honoring the life of Jefferson Davis.
HR 347 Caption: Memorializing Congress in regard to passage of certain legislation.
HR 348 Caption: Expressing sympathy of the House to Mrs. Leonard in her time of illness.
HR 363 Caption: Expressing sympathy from the House of Representatives to Mrs. Coke R. Stevenson.
HR 368 Caption: Congratulating the State Sanatorium on the occasion of its 29th anniversary.
47th 1st Called Session
HR 33 Caption: Expressing gratitude of House to Tom Connally.
46th Regular Session
HB 150 Caption: Relating to making an emergency appropriation out of any money in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated for the operation, support, and maintenance, including salaries of the officers and employees, of the Big Spring State Hospital, Big Spring, Texas, until September 1, 1939.
HB 341 Caption: Relating to fixing the time of holding Court in several Counties constituting the Fifty-first Judicial District of Texas, and fixing the time of holding Court in the several Counties constituting the One Hundred and Nineteenth Judicial District of Texas.
HB 342 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; submission of cases upon special issues; provided that each party shall present in writing to the court before submission the theory or theories of recovery or defense which he desires to have submitted.
HB 348 Caption: Relating to diminishing the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the County Court of Glasscock County and to conform the jurisdiction of the District Court thereof.
HB 374 Caption: Relating to providing for the holding of college entrance examination, etc.
HB 457 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; relating to petitions for adoption so as to provide for hearings thereon during vacation of court.
HB 505 Caption: Relating to establishing a state manufacturing plant or plants.
HB 562 Caption: Relating to making certain emergency appropriations out of the General Revenue Fund of the State of Texas for the Livestock Sanitary Commission for additional support and maintenance of the Livestock Sanitary Commission for the balance of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1939, to cover the office expenses, traveling expenses, indemnity, etc.
HB 563 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the sale or disposal of cattle known to be infected with Bang's disease, for milk purposes, by any person; prescribing a penalty.
HB 564 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; including bonds issued by the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation provided both principal and interest of said bonds are guaranteed by the United States Government.
HB 565 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the General Laws of the 45th Legislature (R.S.); providing for parties and procedure in tax suits.
HB 581 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Texas State Penal Code; further defining and limiting offenses to which the suspended sentence applies.
HB 582 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (2nd C.S.); extending the suspension of driver's license when a suspended sentence is entered for certain felonies.
HB 583 Caption: Relating to amending certain Articles of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; submission by charge and special issues in civil cases; excepting cases adjudged before the effective date.
HB 584 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; submission of cases upon special issues; providing that each party shall present in writing to the court before submission the theory or theories of recovery or defense which he desires to have submitted.
HB 718 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; notice by publication in the taking of depositions of witnesses in civil cases.
HB 719 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; relating to the publication of citation where defendant is unknown.
HB 720 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; sales to satisfy liens of hotel and boarding house proprietors and innkeepers.
HB 765 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; providing that no one shall act as Chairman or as member of any District, County or City Executive Committee, who has not paid his Poll Tax, or who holds any office of profit or trust in either the United States or this State.
HB 768 Caption: Relating to regulating Bills of Exception in civil suits or actions; providing the basis of Bills of Exception, that it shall not be necessary for adverse counsel to formally except to a ruling.
HB 798 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court; regulating the form of the order of the Court in respect to the granting, refusing, or dismissing the application for writ of error.
HB 842 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; contracts and conveyances by persons subsequently adjudged insane or otherwise incompetent.
HB 875 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; property subject to any form of taxation.
HB 1092 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 46th Legislature (R.S.); providing that all ordinances enacted by Home Rule Cities of the State of Texas shall be published as provided in the charters of such Cities; and establishing rule for publication of ordinances; prescribing penalties where charter does not provide for such publication.
HB 1137 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S.); remission of taxes to Upper Colorado River Authority.
HCR 55 Caption: Authorizing certain correction in the wording of HB 341.
HCR 56 Caption: Authorizing the Enrolling Clerk to make certain correction in the caption of HB 348.
HCR 74 Caption: Memorializing Congress to pass SB 3502, "Truth in Fabric," which would require the labeling of fiber content in garments and fabric.
HCR 75 Caption: Memorializing Congress to pass SB 90 and 91, the "McCarran Bill," which would criminalize the transport of stolen livestock, livestock carcasses, or hides.
HCR 124 Caption: Granting Judge O.L. Parish permission to be absent from Texas for not more than 3 weeks during any one year.
HR 135 Caption: In memory of W.B. Silliman.
HR 166 Caption: Accepting the spur made by Chase Holland of Holland Jewelry Company of San Angelo into the West Texas dress of Speaker R. Emmett Morse.
HR 174 Caption: Inviting the Chairman of the Game, Fish, and Oyster Commission of Texas to address the House.
HR 334 Caption: Congratulating the Texas World's Fair Commission for its promotion of Texas.