Party affiliation - 32nd Legislature

  Totals based on membership as of first day of the regular session, January 10, 1911

House of Representatives

Democrats in the House of Representatives [132 of 133 = 99%]

Jonathan Lee Aston
William Taylor Bagby
Jess Alexander Baker
Sidney Smith Baker
Thomas Jefferson Barrett
James Logan Birdsong
Thomas Rayford Bolin
Dixon H.L. Bonner
James Abijah Brooks
William S. Brookshire
Z. Broughton
Marvin Holloman Brown
James Milton Brownlee
James Paul Buchanan
Thomas Patrick Buffington
Robert Thomas Burns
Roger Byrne
Robert Lee Cable
W. Nunnelee Camp
John William Campbell
Benjamin Franklin Cathey
William Wade Caves
Dennis Bangs Chapin
Joe Frank Coffey
William Henry Corder
Edwin T. Cox
Jefferson Davis Cox
Joshua P. Cranke
George Oliver Craven
Albert Sidney Crisp
Calvin Maples Cureton
John E. Davis
John James Dillard
Charles Henry Donegan
Homer A. Dotson
Patrick Francis Dunn
John Richard Elliott
George Washington Fant
John William Flournoy
James Lyde Fountain
Forrest Gaither
Samuel Houston German
Emil Gieptner
Clarence Edgar Gilmore
William Benjamin Goodner
Horace Edward Graham
Robert F. Gross
Bolling Clayton Hall
George Elbert Hamilton
John Thomas Hamilton
Edgar Pierce Haney
George Albert Harmon
Gustav A. Heilig
Lewie Herring Henry
George Herder
Charles C. Highsmith
Fitzhugh Francisco Hill
LeRoy Hamilton Hillyer
Harry Paulson Hornby
Burrel Jefferson Hubbard
Richard Burton Humphrey
Joseph Clark Hunt
Pryor Morton Johnston
Walter Keeble
Austin Milton Kennedy
Thomas Kraitcher
Ras Landry
James King Lane
William Wesley Lawson
Lucius Pat Leach
Brown F. Lee
John Millard Logan
Bert P. Maddox
Edward P. Mangum
Columbus Alfred Martin
John Maxwell
Ernest Ashley McDaniel
Robert Lee McDowra
William Conall McGown
Andrew Todd McKinney
Thomas McNeal
Joseph Mikeska
John William Minton
James Henry Morris
Richard Timothy Mulcahy
Joseph Francis Nichols
Luther Nickels
George Fields Oliver
Daniel F. Parker
Henry Eugene Pharr
Alonzo James Porter
James Banton Randolph
Sam Rayburn
Huling Parker Robertson
James Harvey Robertson
Almoth Dowden Rogers
Tipton Smith Ross
Thomas David Rowell, Sr.
Augustus Rogers Rucks
Thomas Jefferson Russell
Henry B. Savage
Frederick Albert Schlick
Augustus Garwood Schluter
Thomas J. Self
Thomas H. Shannon
James Jeptha Singleton
John Beall Smith
Ralph Roy Smith
Charles Milton Spradley
William Oscar Stamps
Isaac Mayfield Standifer
William Joseph Stead
Whitley S. Stepter
Fred Morris Stevens
John Stubblefield Stevenson
Clifford Lemuel Stone
William Allen Tarver
Levi Marion Teel
Chester Hunter Terrell
George Butler Terrell
Albert Macon Turney
August Von Haxthausen
Otto Wahrmund
Agesilaus Wilson Walker
Daniel Watson
Thomas Watson White
Henry Reid Williams
Newton Barber Williams
Austin Bertrand Wood
James Hollins Woods
Louis J. Wortham
James Lafayette Yarbrough

Republicans in the House of Representatives [1 of 133 = 1%]


Democrats in the Senate [29 of 30 = 97%]

Republicans in the Senate [1 of 30 = 3%]

Districts represented by more than one person
H District 4 Columbus Alfred Martin Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 4 Robert Lee McDowra Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 19 James Jeptha Singleton Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 19 Samuel Houston German Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 23 Austin Bertrand Wood Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 23 John William Campbell Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 24 Charles C. Highsmith Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 24 Isaac Mayfield Standifer Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 24 August Von Haxthausen Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 26 John Stubblefield Stevenson Democrat 01/10/1911 - 11/22/1911  
H District 26 Andrew Todd McKinney Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 33 Joseph Francis Nichols Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 33 Edward P. Mangum Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 34 Sam Rayburn Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 34 Thomas J. Self Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 35 John Richard Elliott Democrat 01/10/1911 - 03/13/1911  
H District 35 Jonathan Lee Aston Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 35 Robert F. Gross Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 35 Henry W. Witcher Democrat 07/31/1911 - 01/14/1913   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 36 James Lafayette Yarbrough Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 36 Charles Milton Spradley Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 37 John E. Davis Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 37 George Albert Harmon Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 37 Henry Reid Williams Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 39 Thomas Watson White Democrat 01/10/1911 - 12/01/1912  
H District 39 Whitley S. Stepter Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 40 William Allen Tarver Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 40 James Hollins Woods Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 48 Thomas Kraitcher Democrat 01/10/1911 - 05/28/1911  
H District 48 Andrew Chastain Murray Democrat 07/31/1911 - 01/14/1913   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 61 Augustus Garwood Schluter Democrat 01/10/1911 - 06/10/1912  
H District 61 James Harvey Robertson Democrat 01/10/1911 - 03/02/1912  
H District 63 Christopher Columbus Pearson Democrat Elected but never sworn   Not included in the statistics above.
H District 63 William Henry Corder Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 68 John Maxwell Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 68 Newton Barber Williams Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 69 Joe Frank Coffey Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 69 Austin Milton Kennedy Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 70 Huling Parker Robertson Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 70 Henry B. Savage Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 72 Luther Nickels Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 72 Robert Thomas Burns Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 78 Marvin Holloman Brown Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 78 Louis J. Wortham Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 92 Chester Hunter Terrell Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 92 Otto Wahrmund Democrat 01/10/1911 - 01/14/1913  
H District 92 W. Nunnelee Camp Democrat 01/10/1911 - 08/10/1912  
H District 95 Dennis Bangs Chapin Democrat 01/10/1911 - 11/28/1912  
H District 95 James Abijah Brooks Democrat 01/10/1911 - 09/11/1911  
H District 99 Albert Macon Turney Democrat 01/10/1911 - 05/08/1911  
H District 99 Joseph O. Boehmer Democrat 07/31/1911 - 01/14/1913   Not included in the statistics above.

Members not listed above
S District 1 Horace Worth Vaughan Democrat 01/14/1911 - 04/01/1913   Not included in the statistics above.