Lieutenant Governors of Texas, 1846 - present

Name Party Years in Office Legislatures as Lt. Gov.*
Dan Patrick Republican  January 20, 2015 - present 84th R.S. – 89th R.S.
David Dewhurst Republican  January 21, 2003 - January 20, 2015 78th R.S. – 84th R.S.
Bill Ratliff 1 Republican  December 28, 2000 - January 21, 2003 77th R.S. – 78th R.S.
Rick Perry 2 Republican  January 19, 1999 - December 21, 2000 76th R.S.
Bob Bullock Democrat  January 15, 1991 - January 19, 1999 72nd R.S. – 76th R.S.
William Pettus Hobby, Jr. Democrat  January 16, 1973 - January 15, 1991 63rd R.S. – 72nd R.S.
Ben F. Barnes Democrat  January 21, 1969 - January 16, 1973 61st R.S. – 63rd R.S.
Preston Earnest Smith Democrat  January 15, 1963 - January 21, 1969 58th R.S. – 61st R.S.
Ben Ramsey 3 Democrat  January 16, 1951 - September 18, 1961 52nd R.S. – 57th 2nd C.S.
Robert Allan Shivers 4 Democrat  January 21, 1947 - July 11, 1949 50th R.S. – 51st R.S.
John Lee Smith Democrat  January 19, 1943 - January 21, 1947 48th R.S. – 50th R.S.
Coke Robert Stevenson 5 Democrat  January 17, 1939 - August 4, 1941 46th R.S. – 47th R.S.
Walter Frank Woodul Democrat  January 15, 1935 - January 17, 1939 44th R.S. – 46th R.S.
Edgar E. Witt Democrat  January 20, 1931 - January 15, 1935 42nd R.S. – 44th R.S.
Barry Miller Democrat  January 20, 1925 - January 20, 1931 39th R.S. – 42nd R.S.
Thomas Whitfield Davidson Democrat  January 16, 1923 - January 20, 1925 38th R.S. – 39th R.S.
Lynch Davidson Democrat  January 18, 1921 - January 16, 1923 37th R.S. – 38th R.S.
Willard Arnold Johnson Democrat  January 21, 1919 - January 18, 1921 36th R.S. – 37th R.S.
William Pettus Hobby, Sr. 6 Democrat  January 19, 1915 - September 25, 1917 34th R.S. – 35th 2nd C.S.
William Harding Mayes 7 Democrat  January 21, 1913 - May 6, 1914 33rd R.S. – 33rd 1st C.S.
Asbury Bascom Davidson Democrat  January 15, 1907 - January 21, 1913 30th R.S. – 33rd R.S.
George D. Neal Democrat  January 20, 1903 - January 15, 1907 28th R.S. – 30th R.S.
James Nathan Browning Democrat  January 17, 1899 - January 20, 1903 26th R.S. – 28th R.S.
George Taylor Jester Democrat  January 15, 1895 - January 17, 1899 24th R.S. – 26th R.S.
Martin McNulty Crane Democrat  January 17, 1893 - January 15, 1895 23rd R.S. – 24th R.S.
George Cassety Pendleton Democrat  January 21, 1891 - January 17, 1893 22nd R.S. – 23rd R.S.
Thomas Benton Wheeler Democrat  January 19, 1887 - January 21, 1891 20th R.S. – 22nd R.S.
Barnett Gibbs Democrat  January 20, 1885 - January 19, 1887 19th R.S. – 20th R.S.
Francis Marion Martin Democrat  January 16, 1883 - January 20, 1885 18th R.S. – 19th R.S.
Leonidas Jefferson Storey Democrat  January 18, 1881 - January 16, 1883 17th R.S. – 18th R.S.
Joseph Draper Sayers Democrat  January 21, 1879 - January 18, 1881 16th R.S. – 17th R.S.
Richard Bennett Hubbard, Jr. 8 Democrat  January 15, 1874 - December 1, 1876 14th R.S. – 15th R.S.
James Flanagan 9 Radical Republican  January 8, 1870 - February 24, 1870 12th Provisional
George Washington Jones 10 Democrat  August 9, 1866 - July 30, 1867 11th R.S.
Fletcher Summerfield Stockdale 11 Democrat  November 5, 1863 - June 17, 1865 10th R.S. – 10th 2nd C.S.
John McClannahan Crockett Democrat  November 7, 1861 - November 5, 1863 9th R.S. – 10th R.S.
Edward Clark 12 Independent  December 21, 1859 - March 16, 1861 8th R.S. – 8th 1st C.S.
Francis Richard Lubbock Democrat  December 21, 1857 - December 21, 1859 7th R.S. – 8th R.S.
Hardin Richard Runnels Democrat  December 21, 1855 - December 21, 1857 6th R.S. – 7th R.S.
David Catchings Dickson Democrat  December 21, 1853 - December 21, 1855 5th R.S. – 6th R.S.
James Wilson Henderson 13 Democrat  December 22, 1851 - November 23, 1853 4th R.S. – 5th R.S.
John Alexander Greer Democrat  December 21, 1847 - December 22, 1851 2nd R.S. – 4th R.S.
Albert Clinton Horton 14 Democrat  May 2, 1846 - May 19, 1846
 November 13, 1846 - December 21, 1847
1st R.S., 2nd R.S.
*Includes outgoing service between beginning of legislative session and inauguration of new Lt. Governor.

1. Elected Lieutenant Governor by colleagues in Texas Senate 12/28/2000.

2. Perry vacated the office when he succeeded George W. Bush as Governor of Texas on December 21, 2000. Senate President Pro Tempore Ellis served as acting lieutenant governor until December 28, 2000, when Bill Ratliff was elected by the Senate.

3. Ramsey vacated the office when he accepted an appointment as railroad commissioner of Texas on September 18, 1961. Senate presidents pro tem Reagan, Herring, Krueger, and Dies filled in for the vacancy until Preston Smith was inaugurated on January 15, 1963.

4. Shivers vacated the office when he succeeded Beauford Jester as Governor of Texas on July 11, 1949. Senate presidents pro tem Morris, Hazlewood, Lane, and Bullock filled in for the vacancy until Ben Ramsey was inaugurated on January 16, 1951.

5. Stevenson vacated the office on August 4,1941, when he succeeded W. Lee O'Daniel as Governor of Texas. Senate presidents pro tem Weinert, Beck, Winfield, Lemens filled in for the vacancy until the inauguration of Lieutenant Governor John Lee Smith on January 19,1943.

6. Hobby served as acting governor during the James E. Ferguson impeachment proceedings from 8/25/1917 to 9/25/1917. Hobby succeeded to the governorship following Ferguson's removal from office on 9/25/1917. Senate presidents pro tem Smith, McNealus, Dean, Johnson, Decherd, Johnston, and Strickland filled in for the vacancy until Willard Johnson was inaugurated on January 21, 1919.

7. Mayes tendered his resignation to Governor Colquitt on April 1, 1914, to become Dean of the School of Journalism at the University of Texas. His resignation was not effective until May 6th, 1914, when Colquitt filed Mayes's letter of resignation with the Secretary of State on the same day that Mayes ipso facto forfeited the office of Lieutenant Governor under the dual office holding provisions of the Texas Constitution by accepting his first paycheck from the University. Senate presidents pro tem Collins, Warren, Wiley, Gibson, Morrow, Taylor, Watson, and Nugent filled in for the vacancy until William Hobby was inaugurated on January 19, 1915.

8. Hubbard vacated the office when he succeeded Richard Coke as Governor of Texas on December 1, 1876. Senate president pro tem Thompson filled in for the vacancy until Joseph Sayers was inaugurated on January 21, 1879.

9. James Winwright Flanagan was elected Lieutenant Governor in the 1869 general election, and was then appointed to the office by General J. J. Reynolds by means of an order issued January 8, 1870. Flanagan was not inaugurated, but he served during the Provisional Session of the 12th Legislature. On February 23, 1870, Flanagan was elected by the Texas Legislature to the U.S. Senate. He continued to serve as Lieutenant Governor until the end of the Provisional Session on February 24, 1870. Donald Campbell, president pro tem, filled in for the vacancy for the 1st Called, Regular, and Adjourned sessions of the 12th Legislature until his death on November 6, 1871. Webster Flanagan was elected president pro tem on November 13, 1871 and filled in for the vacancy for the remainder of the Adjourned Session of the 12th Legislature. Senate presidents pro tem Pickett and Ireland filled in for the vacancy until Richard Hubbard was inaugurated on January 15, 1874.

10. Jones was removed from office by General P.H. Sheridan.

11. Stockdale became acting governor on June 12, 1865 when Governor Pendleton Murrah vacated his office and fled to Mexico with other Confederate leaders. Stockdale served as acting governor until June 17, 1865, when Andrew J. Hamilton was appointed Provisional Governor of Texas by President Andrew Johnson. Senate president pro tem Guinn filled in for the vacancy until August 9, 1866.

12. Clark vacated the office March 16, 1861 when he succeeded Sam Houston as Governor of Texas. Senate presidents pro tem Grimes and Guinn filled in for the vacancy until John Crockett was inaugurated on November 7, 1861.

13. Henderson vacated the office November 23, 1853, when he succeeded Peter Bell as Governor of Texas. Senate president pro tem Taylor filled in for the vacancy until David Dickson was inaugurated on December 21, 1853.

14. On February 17, 1846 the Senate and the House of Representatives met in joint session to count the votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, after which J. Pinckney Henderson was declared the duly elected Governor and N.H. Darnell was declared the duly elected Lieutenant Governor of the State of Texas. Lt. Governor-elect Darnell set February 23, 1846 as the day on which he would take the oath of office. On February 21, 1846, the legislature discovered that some election returns had not been counted. On February 23, Lt. Governor-elect Darnell declined to take office, and called on the Legislature to reconsider the election returns for Lieutenant Governor. On May 1, 1846, the House and Senate met in joint session to count the votes for Lieutenant Governor, and declared that Albert Clinton Horton had received the majority of the votes, and was the duly and constitutionally elected Lieutenant Governor. On May 2, 1846, Lt. Governor Horton took the oath of office.

The Handbook of Texas Online [Austin, Tex.]: Texas State Historical Association and The General Libraries at the University of Texas at Austin, [1999].
House Journal.Texas House of Representatives.
Members of the Texas Congress 1836-1845, Members of the Texas Legislature 1846-1992. . [Austin, Tex.]: Senate Engrossing and Enrolling, Senate Reproduction, [2004].
Presiding Officers of the Texas Legislature 1846-2002. [Austin, Tex.]: Texas Legislative Council, 2002.
Senate Journal.Texas Senate.

Note: Beginning-of-term dates are the official date of a lieutenant governor's inauguration. End-of-term dates are either the official date of the succeeding lieutenant governor's inauguration or the date on which the office was vacated for other reasons. Where a conflict exists as to the exact date, the Senate Journal takes precedence.