Albert Clinton Horton

Albert Clinton Horton
Full name: Albert Clinton Horton
Biography: Handbook of Texas Online
Party: Democrat
Term as Lt.Governor: May 2, 1846 - May 19, 1846
November 13, 1846 - December 21, 1847*
November 13, 1846 - December 21, 1847*
Legislatures as Lt. Governor:
Legislative offices:
Elected state or federal offices:
No clips found.
*On February 17, 1846 the Senate and the House of Representatives met in joint session to count the votes for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, after which J. Pinckney Henderson was declared the duly elected Governor and N.H. Darnell was declared the duly elected Lieutenant Governor of the State of Texas. Lt. Governor-elect Darnell set February 23, 1846 as the day on which he would take the oath of office. On February 21, 1846, the legislature discovered that some election returns had not been counted. On February 23, Lt. Governor-elect Darnell declined to take office, and called on the Legislature to reconsider the election returns for Lieutenant Governor. On May 1, 1846, the House and Senate met in joint session to count the votes for Lieutenant Governor, and declared that Albert Clinton Horton had received the majority of the votes, and was the duly and constitutionally elected Lieutenant Governor. On May 2, 1846, Lt. Governor Horton took the oath of office.