William Pettus Hobby, Sr.

William Pettus Hobby, Sr.
Full name: William Pettus Hobby, Sr.
Biography: Handbook of Texas Online
Party: Democrat
Term as Lt.Governor: January 19, 1915 - September 25, 1917*
Legislatures as Lt. Governor:
35 2nd C.S. (August 1, 1917 - August 30, 1917)
35 1st C.S. (April 18, 1917 - May 17, 1917)
35 R.S. (January 9, 1917 - March 21, 1917)
34 1st C.S. (April 29, 1915 - May 28, 1915)
34 R.S. (January 12, 1915 - March 20, 1915)
Legislative offices:
Governor (September 25, 1917 - January 18, 1921)
Elected state or federal offices:
No clips found.
*Hobby served as acting governor during the James E. Ferguson impeachment proceedings from 8/25/1917 to 9/25/1917. Hobby succeeded to the governorship following Ferguson's removal from office on 9/25/1917. Senate presidents pro tem Smith, McNealus, Dean, Johnson, Decherd, Johnston, and Strickland filled in for the vacancy until Willard Johnson was inaugurated on January 21, 1919.