James Flanagan

James Flanagan
Full name: James Winwright Flanagan
Biography: Handbook of Texas Online
Party: Radical Republican
Term as Lt.Governor: January 8, 1870 - February 24, 1870*
Legislatures as Lt. Governor:
Legislative offices:
Texas House of Representatives
(1851 - 1853)
Texas Senate
(1855 - 1857)
Elected state or federal offices:
U.S. Senator (1870 - 1875)
1 biographical clips about: James Flanagan
*James Winwright Flanagan was elected Lieutenant Governor in the 1869 general election, and was then appointed to the office by General J. J. Reynolds by means of an order issued January 8, 1870. Flanagan was not inaugurated, but he served during the Provisional Session of the 12th Legislature. On February 23, 1870, Flanagan was elected by the Texas Legislature to the U.S. Senate. He continued to serve as Lieutenant Governor until the end of the Provisional Session on February 24, 1870. Donald Campbell, president pro tem, filled in for the vacancy for the 1st Called, Regular, and Adjourned sessions of the 12th Legislature until his death on November 6, 1871. Webster Flanagan was elected president pro tem on November 13, 1871 and filled in for the vacancy for the remainder of the Adjourned Session of the 12th Legislature. Senate presidents pro tem Pickett and Ireland filled in for the vacancy until Richard Hubbard was inaugurated on January 15, 1874.
Messages or Proclamations
News Releases