Senate Committee on Finance - 48th R.S. (1943)
Committee Members
- Royston Conrad Lanning, Chair
- Fred Mauritz, Vice Chair
- A.M. Aikin, Jr.
- John Houghton Brownlee
- Pat Bullock
- Marshall Clinton Formby
- William Carey Graves
- Grady Hazlewood
- Rogers Caswell Kelley
- Wardlow William Lane
- Karl Lee Lovelady
- Penrose Blakely Metcalfe
- George Clarence Moffett
- Weaver Moore
- George Carroll Morris
- Allan Shivers
- J. Franklin Spears
- William Elver Stone
- Louis J. Sulak
- Kyle Alfred Vick
- Rudolph Adolph Weinert
- Henry Logan Winfield
Marshall Formby (Member) appointed 1/25/1943.
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