HB 38
88-0 (2023)
Author: Murr, Andrew | et. al.
Relating to the elimination of certain property taxes for school district maintenance and operations and the provision of public education funding by increasing the rates of certain state taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
HB 43
88-0 (2023)
Author: Spiller, David | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 159
88-0 (2023)
Author: Landgraf, BrooksSponsor: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the procedure by which a taxing unit is required to provide public notice of certain ad valorem tax-related information.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Left pending in committee
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 268
88-0 (2023)
Author: Toth, Steve | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 379
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bell, Cecil
Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 577
88-0 (2023)
Author: Leo Wilson, Terri | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 1818
88-0 (2023)
Author: Muñoz, Jr., Sergio
Relating to the calculation of the voter-approval tax rate of certain counties and the procedure for the adoption by such a county of a tax rate that exceeds that rate; making conforming changes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2220
88-0 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit and the manner in which a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the voter-approval tax rate is approved; making conforming changes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2221
88-0 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the vote required in an election to approve an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds a taxing unit's voter-approval tax rate; making conforming changes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | SUTTON COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2463
88-0 (2023)
Author: Lozano, J. M. | et. al.
Relating to an adjustment for certain school districts under the public school finance system for revenue lost due to the use of the state value of the district's taxable value of property determined by the comptroller of public accounts.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2667
88-0 (2023)
Author: Rosenthal, Jon
Relating to the property tax rate imposed by a municipal utility district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2714
88-0 (2023)
Author: Thompson, Ed
Relating to the authority of the officer or employee designated by the governing body of a municipality to calculate certain ad valorem tax rates of the municipality to recalculate those rates.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| City Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Employees/Officers | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3120
88-0 (2023)
Author: Muñoz, Jr., Sergio
Relating to the calculation of the voter-approval tax rate of certain junior college districts.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| BORDER | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Junior College Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3273
88-0 (2023)
Author: Thierry, ShawnSponsor: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to public notice of the availability on the Internet of property-tax-related information.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Effective on 1/1/24
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3717
88-0 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the text of ballot propositions that increase taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--Administration | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3881
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bell, Keith
Relating to board of directors meeting locations of certain rural area water districts.
House: Natural Resources
Received from the House
| RURAL | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TELECONFERENCING | VIDEOCONFERENCING
HB 4405
88-0 (2023)
Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V.
Relating to the information that must be included in a school district bond election proposition.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--School Districts | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4456
88-0 (2023)
Author: Harris, CodySponsor: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a school district.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Effective on 1/1/24
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 4473
88-0 (2023)
Author: Harris, Cody
Relating to the calculation of ad valorem tax rates by certain taxing units that participate in one or more reinvestment zones for tax increment financing.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Economic & Industrial Development--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4522
88-0 (2023)
Author: Lozano, J. M.
Relating to the information that must be included in a school district bond election proposition.
House: Public Education
Left pending in committee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--School Districts | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4717
88-0 (2023)
Author: Cortez, Philip
Relating to authorizing an emergency services district to impose an ad valorem tax for the acquisition of land, equipment, or apparatus or the construction of capital improvements.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Rural | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4803
88-0 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to municipal and county ad valorem tax relief.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4825
88-0 (2023)
Author: Metcalf, Will
Relating to the calculation of the enrichment tax rate for certain school districts.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 4847
88-0 (2023)
Author: Metcalf, Will
Relating to the calculation of the enrichment tax rate for certain school districts.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4852
88-0 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the form of a notice of public hearing on a proposed ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 5285
88-0 (2023)
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to the banning of school district ad valorem taxes for certain residential properties and an increase in the rates of certain state taxes to cover the increased cost to the state of providing public education; increasing the rates of taxes.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HJR 178
88-0 (2023)
Author: Cortez, Philip
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the imposition of an additional ad valorem tax for emergency services districts, subject to voter approval, at a rate not to exceed five cents for the acquisition of land, equipment, or apparatus or the construction of capital improvements.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Rural | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 205
88-0 (2023)
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit the imposition of school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes on residence homesteads, to increase the rates of state sales and use taxes and dedicate the revenue attributable to that increase for public education, and to establish and prescribe the permissible uses of the homeowner protection fund.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| FOUNDATION SCHOOL FUND | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
SB 488
88-0 (2023)
Author: Springer, Drew
Relating to imposing a tax on the generation of electricity by certain electric generators to provide revenue for property tax relief.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Energy--Alternative Fuels | PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION | RAILROAD COMMISSION | Taxation--Energy Resources | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | Utilities--Electric
SB 942
88-0 (2023)
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to an adjustment for certain school districts under the public school finance system for revenue lost due to the use of the state value of the district's taxable value of property determined by the comptroller of public accounts.
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 976
88-0 (2023)
Author: Middleton, Mayes | et. al.
Relating to the procedure for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by a taxing unit.
Senate: Local Government
Left pending in committee
| DEBT | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 977
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to the definition of debt for the purposes of calculating certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit.
Senate: Local Government
Left pending in committee
| DEBT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 978
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of provisions providing for the calculation and effect of a de minimis ad valorem tax rate.
Senate: Local Government
Left pending in committee
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1251
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to the authority of the governing body of a school district to adopt an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the district's voter-approval tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Referred to Ways & Means
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1252
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Button, Angie
Relating to the wording of ballot propositions for bond elections.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1324
88-0 (2023)
Author: Middleton, Mayes
Relating to the effect of an election at which the voters fail to approve or vote to reduce the ad valorem tax rate adopted by the governing body of a taxing unit.
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1814
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, PaulSponsor: Shine, Hugh
Relating to the current debt rate and tax rate of a taxing unit for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Committee report sent to Calendars
| DEBT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1818
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the text of ballot propositions that increase taxes.
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1819
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the authority of the governing body of a school district to adopt an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the district's voter-approval tax rate.
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1997
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem tax rate of a taxing unit.
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1998
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, PaulSponsor: Shine, Hugh
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Vetoed by the Governor
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1999
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, PaulSponsor: Hefner, Cole
Relating to the calculation of the unused increment rate of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Effective on 1/1/24
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2118
88-0 (2023)
Author: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to the calculation of the enrichment tax rate for certain school districts.
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 2205
88-0 (2023)
Author: Parker, Tan | et. al.
Relating to the information that must be included in a school district bond election proposition.
Senate: Education
Co-author authorized
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--School Districts | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2350
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, PaulSponsor: Shine, Hugh
Relating to the voter-approval tax rate used to calculate the unused increment rate of a taxing unit for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2387
88-0 (2023)
Author: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to the calculation of the enrichment tax rate for certain school districts.
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2516
88-0 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 15
88-1 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the vote required in an election to approve an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds a taxing unit's voter-approval tax rate; making conforming changes.
| Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | SUTTON COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 17
88-1 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit and the manner in which a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the voter-approval tax rate is approved; making conforming changes.
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1
88-1 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to a reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and additional state aid for certain school districts impacted by compression, an increase in the amount of certain exemptions from ad valorem taxation by a school district applicable to residence homesteads, an adjustment in the amount of the limitation on school district ad valorem taxes imposed on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect increases in the exemption amounts, and the protection of school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.
Senate: Finance
Received from the Senate
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 26
88-1 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to providing property tax relief through the public school finance system, exemptions, and limitations on taxes and providing franchise tax relief.
Senate: Finance
Received from the Senate
| Aging | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Disabilities, Persons with | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Personal Property | PROPERTY TAX & FRANCHISE TAX RELIEF ACT | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1
88-2 (2023)
Author: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Relating to a reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and additional state aid for certain school districts impacted by compression.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 12
88-2 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the vote required in an election to approve an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds a taxing unit's voter-approval tax rate; making conforming changes.
| Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | SUTTON COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 14
88-2 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit and the manner in which a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the voter-approval tax rate is approved; making conforming changes.
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 42
88-2 (2023)
Author: Troxclair, Ellen
Relating to reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes through the use of certain surplus state revenue.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 52
88-2 (2023)
Author: Leo Wilson, Terri | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Legislature | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 61
88-2 (2023)
Author: Bell, Cecil
Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1
88-2 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to providing property tax relief through the public school finance system, exemptions, and limitations on taxes and providing franchise tax relief.
Senate: Finance
Received from the Senate
| Aging | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Disabilities, Persons with | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | PROPERTY TAX & FRANCHISE TAX RELIEF ACT | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 2
88-2 (2023)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Relating to providing property tax relief through the public school finance system, exemptions, limitations on appraisals and taxes, and property tax administration; authorizing the imposition of a fee.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date
| Aging | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Disabilities, Persons with | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | PROPERTY TAX RELIEF ACT | SECRETARY OF STATE | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 28
88-3 (2023)
Author: Bell, Cecil
Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 110
88-3 (2023)
Author: Isaac, Carrie
Relating to the state compression percentage and a school district's maximum compressed tax rate under the public school finance system.
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 187
88-3 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit and the manner in which a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the voter-approval tax rate is approved; making conforming changes.
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 188
88-3 (2023)
Author: Harrison, Brian
Relating to the vote required in an election to approve an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds a taxing unit's voter-approval tax rate; making conforming changes.
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 42
88-3 (2023)
Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit for a year in which a property owner provides notice that the owner intends to appeal an order of an appraisal review board determining a protest by the owner regarding the appraisal of the owner's property.
Co-author authorized
| GULF OF MEXICO | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 58
88-4 (2023)
Author: Bell, Cecil
Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 3
87-0 (2021)
Author: Burrows, DustinSponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the authority of the legislature, governor, and certain political subdivisions with respect to disasters, including pandemic disasters, and emergencies.
House: State Affairs Senate: State Affairs
Senate appoints conferees-reported
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | Disaster Preparedness & Relief | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT, TEXAS DIVISION OF | Governor | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | Political Subdivisions | SECRETARY OF STATE | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | STATE HEALTH SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TEXAS PANDEMIC RESPONSE ACT
HB 288
87-0 (2021)
Author: Stephenson, Phil | et. al.
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district for maintenance and operations purposes of the total appraised value of a residence homestead and the offsetting of the resulting revenue loss to school districts with state sales and use tax revenue.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 984
87-0 (2021)
Author: White, James
Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of certain property that was erroneously omitted from an appraisal roll in a previous year.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1095
87-0 (2021)
Author: Howard, Donna
Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1360
87-0 (2021)
Author: Landgraf, Brooks | et. al.
Relating to the procedure by which a taxing unit is required to provide public notice of certain ad valorem tax-related information.
House: Ways & Means
Placed on General State Calendar
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1391
87-0 (2021)
Author: Middleton, Mayes | et. al.
Relating to the effect of an election at which the voters fail to approve or vote to reduce the ad valorem tax rate adopted by the governing body of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1869
87-0 (2021)
Author: Burrows, Dustin | et. al.Sponsor: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the definition of debt for the purposes of calculating certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Effective on 9/1/21
| DEBT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1900
87-0 (2021)
Author: Goldman, Craig | et. al.Sponsor: Huffman, Joan | et. al.
Relating to municipalities that adopt budgets that defund municipal police departments.
House: State Affairs Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/21
| City Government--Annexation | City Government--Finance | City Government--Utilities | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | CRIMINAL JUSTICE DIVISION, GOVERNOR'S OFFICE | Fire Fighters & Police--General | Law Enforcement | PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF | Retirement Systems--Municipal | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2429
87-0 (2021)
Author: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.Sponsor: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the alternate provisions for ad valorem tax rate notices when the de minimis rate of a taxing unit exceeds the voter-approval tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2723
87-0 (2021)
Author: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.Sponsor: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to public notice of the availability on the Internet of property-tax-related information.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Effective immediately
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | INTERNET | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2966
87-0 (2021)
Author: Tinderholt, Tony
Relating to the repeal of provisions providing for the calculation and effect of a de minimis ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3260
87-0 (2021)
Author: Thierry, Shawn
Relating to ad valorem taxation, including the disclosure of the sales price of real property to use in appraising property for ad valorem tax purposes and the effect of an unfunded mandate on the use by a political subdivision of ad valorem tax revenue.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Political Subdivisions | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TEXAS HOMEOWNERS TAX RELIEF ACT
HB 3376
87-0 (2021)
Author: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Relating to the effect of a disaster on the calculation of certain tax rates and the procedure for adoption of a tax rate by a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Laid on the table subject to call
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3482
87-0 (2021)
Author: Rose, Toni | et. al.
Relating to the definition of "indigent defense compensation expenditures" for purposes of the adjustment of a county's no-new-revenue maintenance and operations rate to reflect increases in those expenditures.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government
| Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3680
87-0 (2021)
Author: Shine, Hugh
Relating to public notice of the availability on the Internet of property-tax-related information.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3770
87-0 (2021)
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance and administration reform; imposing taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District | Taxation--State
HB 3841
87-0 (2021)
Author: Cole, Sheryl
Relating to the adjustment of the voter-approval tax rate of a taxing unit to reflect public spending necessary to correct a deficiency in the first response capacity of a fire or police department of the taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--General | FIRE PROTECTION, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | LAW ENFORCEMENT, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Safety | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4170
87-0 (2021)
Author: Middleton, Mayes
Relating to a requirement that the voter-approval tax rate of certain taxing units be adjusted to reflect changes in the amount of money received by the taxing unit directly from the federal government.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 19
87-0 (2021)
Author: Stephenson, Phil
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by a school district for maintenance and operations purposes all or part of the appraised value of a residence homestead and to use state money to offset the resulting revenue loss to school districts.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HJR 67
87-0 (2021)
Author: Howard, Donna | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 115
87-0 (2021)
Author: Martinez, Armando
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the maximum tax rate that may be imposed on property in an emergency services district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Rural | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 638
87-0 (2021)
Author: West, Royce
Relating to the definition of "indigent defense compensation expenditures" for purposes of the adjustment of a county's no-new-revenue maintenance and operations rate to reflect increases in those expenditures.
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government
| Criminal Procedure--Defense Counsel | INDIGENT LEGAL SERVICES | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1131
87-0 (2021)
Author: Paxton, Angela
Relating to the calculation of "last year's levy" for purposes of calculating certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit.
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1424
87-0 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the date for ordering or holding an election to ratify the ad valorem tax rate of a school district; making conforming changes.
Senate: Local Government
Referred to Local Government
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1428
87-0 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the applicability of the exemptions in the event of a disaster from certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rate of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Referred to Ways & Means
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1429
87-0 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the alternate provisions for ad valorem tax rate notices when the de minimis rate of a taxing unit exceeds the voter-approval tax rate.
Senate: Local Government
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1434
87-0 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to public notice of the availability on the Internet of property-tax-related information.
Senate: Local Government
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1438
87-0 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, PaulSponsor: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Relating to the effect of a disaster on the calculation of certain tax rates and the procedure for adoption of a tax rate by a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1711
87-0 (2021)
Author: Springer, Drew
Relating to state and local taxes and fees; imposing a tax; imposing fees.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| ADVERTISING | BARBERS | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COSMETOLOGISTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FUNERALS & FUNERAL DIRECTORS | HYBRID VEHICLES | INTERIOR DESIGNERS | MASSAGE THERAPY & MASSAGE THERAPISTS | Parks & Wildlife--Hunting & Fishing | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District | Tobacco Products | Vehicles & Traffic--General | VETERINARIANS
SJR 63
87-0 (2021)
Author: Springer, Drew
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by a school district a portion of the appraised value of an individual's residence homestead.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 126
87-1 (2021)
Author: Howard, Donna | et. al.
Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 223
87-1 (2021)
Author: Shine, Hugh | et. al.
Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate.
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 292
87-1 (2021)
Author: Bell, Cecil
Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 304
87-1 (2021)
Author: White, James
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance and administration reform; imposing taxes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HJR 12
87-1 (2021)
Author: Howard, Donna | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 21
87-1 (2021)
Author: Shine, Hugh
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 12
87-1 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate.
Senate: Local Government
Co-author authorized
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 20
87-1 (2021)
Author: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate.
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
87-1 (2021)
Author: Kolkhorst, Lois
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
87-1 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
Senate: Local Government
Reported engrossed
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 11
87-2 (2021)
Author: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate and to the protection of school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 83
87-2 (2021)
Author: Murr, Andrew
Relating to the elimination of school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes and the creation of a joint interim committee on the elimination of those taxes.
| LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 149
87-2 (2021)
Author: Middleton, Mayes | et. al.
Relating to the school district property value study conducted by the comptroller of public accounts.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 157
87-2 (2021)
Author: Allison, Steve | et. al.
Relating to the ad valorem taxation of residential real property.
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 209
87-2 (2021)
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Higher--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 210
87-2 (2021)
Author: Bell, Cecil | et. al.
Relating to the allocation and deposit of certain surplus state revenue to the property tax relief fund for use in reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes.
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
87-2 (2021)
Author: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 26
87-2 (2021)
Author: Howard, Donna
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 12
87-2 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Relating to the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction from the preceding tax year in the district's maximum compressed rate and to the protection of school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
See remarks for effective date
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 32
87-2 (2021)
Author: Hall, Bob
Relating to the calculation of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by certain taxing units on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled.
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 91
87-2 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to a temporary reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and the form of the ballot proposition to be used in an election to approve a tax rate adopted by a school district that exceeds the district's voter-approval tax rate; making an appropriation.
Senate: Finance
Received from the Senate
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Elections--School District | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
87-2 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for the reduction of the amount of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for general elementary and secondary public school purposes on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled to reflect any statutory reduction from the preceding tax year in the maximum compressed rate of the maintenance and operations taxes imposed for those purposes on the homestead.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Local Government
Co-author authorized
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
87-2 (2021)
Author: Hall, Bob | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the calculation of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by certain political subdivisions on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled.
Co-author authorized
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Political Subdivisions | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
87-2 (2021)
Author: Hall, Bob
Proposing a constitutional amendment repealing the provision that subjects land designated for agricultural use to an additional tax when the land is diverted to a purpose other than agricultural use or sold.
| Agriculture | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 79
87-3 (2021)
Author: Middleton, Mayes | et. al.
Relating to the school district property value study conducted by the comptroller of public accounts.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 89
87-3 (2021)
Author: Oliverson, Tom | et. al.
Relating to a temporary reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and the form of the ballot proposition to be used in an election to approve a tax rate adopted by a school district that exceeds the district's voter-approval tax rate; making an appropriation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 91
87-3 (2021)
Author: Murr, Andrew | et. al.
Relating to the elimination of school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes and the creation of a joint interim committee on the elimination of those taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Interim Studies | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 113
87-3 (2021)
Author: Middleton, Mayes | et. al.
Relating to a temporary reduction in the maximum compressed tax rate of a school district and the form of the ballot proposition to be used in an election to approve a tax rate adopted by a school district that exceeds the district's voter-approval tax rate; making appropriations.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 117
87-3 (2021)
Author: White, James | et. al.
Relating to the repeal of or limitations on certain state and local taxes, including school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes, the enactment of state and local value added taxes, and related school finance reform; imposing taxes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 132
87-3 (2021)
Author: Allison, Steve
Relating to the ad valorem taxation of residential real property.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 148
87-3 (2021)
Author: Krause, Matt | et. al.
Relating to the effect of the receipt by a municipality or county of certain federal coronavirus relief money on the computation of certain ad valorem tax rates of and the procedure for adoption of a tax rate by the municipality or county.
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1
87-3 (2021)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Meyer, Morgan | et. al.
Relating to an increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school district and the protection of school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Legislature | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 24
87-3 (2021)
Author: Hall, Bob
Relating to the calculation of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by certain taxing units on the residence homestead of an individual who is elderly or disabled.
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
87-3 (2021)
Author: Hall, Bob
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the calculation of a limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by certain political subdivisions on the residence homestead of a person who is elderly or disabled.
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Political Subdivisions | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
87-3 (2021)
Author: Hall, Bob
Proposing a constitutional amendment repealing the provision that subjects land designated for agricultural use to an additional tax when the land is diverted to a purpose other than agricultural use or sold.
| Agriculture | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2
86-0 (2019)
Author: Burrows, Dustin | et. al.
Relating to ad valorem taxation; authorizing fees.
House: Ways & Means
Laid on the table subject to call
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Property Interests--Personal Property | PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY BOARD | PUBLIC NOTICE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | TEXAS PROPERTY TAX REFORM AND RELIEF ACT OF 2019
HB 470
86-0 (2019)
Author: Paul, Dennis
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 490
86-0 (2019)
Author: Shine, Hugh | et. al.
Relating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY BOARD | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 665
86-0 (2019)
Author: King, Ken
Relating to the use of current year property values under the public school finance system.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 735
86-0 (2019)
Author: VanDeaver, Gary | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district and a related study.
House: Public Education
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 841
86-0 (2019)
Author: Bucy III, John
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 913
86-0 (2019)
Author: Shaheen, Matt
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| REEVES COUNTY GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 959
86-0 (2019)
Author: Johnson, Julie
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2431
86-0 (2019)
Author: Springer, Drew
Relating to the authority of the commissioners court of a county to impose an additional vehicle registration fee and the effect of the fee on county ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Fees & Other Nontax Revenue--Local | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 2915
86-0 (2019)
Author: Springer, Drew | et. al.
Relating to state and local taxes and fees.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | MOTOR VEHICLES, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--General | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 3130
86-0 (2019)
Author: Middleton, Mayes
Relating to federal refundable credits paid directly to issuers of certain bonds issued by or on behalf of school districts or open-enrollment charter schools.
House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services
Committee report sent to Calendars
| BONDS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 3406
86-0 (2019)
Author: Rodriguez, Eddie
Relating to communications regarding the adoption of certain taxation rates.
House: Elections
Referred to Elections
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3427
86-0 (2019)
Author: Sanford, Scott
Relating to an increase in the state sales and use tax rate for the purpose of reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes; increasing the rate of a tax.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 3722
86-0 (2019)
Author: Swanson, Valoree
Relating to the date for ordering or holding an election to ratify the ad valorem tax rate of a school district.
House: Public Education
Referred to Public Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 3793
86-0 (2019)
Author: Stephenson, Phil | et. al.
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district for maintenance and operations purposes of the total appraised value of a residence homestead and the offsetting of the resulting revenue loss to school districts with state sales and use tax revenue.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 4043
86-0 (2019)
Author: Dominguez, Alex
Relating to a temporary exemption from the requirements regarding voter approval of a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds a taxing unit's rollback tax rate following a disaster.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4363
86-0 (2019)
Author: Cain, Briscoe
Relating to an increase in the state sales and use tax rate for the purpose of reducing school district maintenance and operations ad valorem taxes and a study of additional changes to the rate and application of the state sales and use tax for that same purpose; increasing the rate of a tax.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 4473
86-0 (2019)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to the separation of services provided by an emergency services district.
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HCR 192
86-0 (2019)
Author: Burrows, DustinSponsor: Hancock, Kelly
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make technical corrections in S.B. No. 2.
Filed with the Secretary of State
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Corrective | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 97
86-0 (2019)
Author: Springer, Drew
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by a school district a portion of the appraised value of an individual's residence homestead in an amount equal to the lesser of 50 percent of the appraised value of the residence homestead after all other applicable exemptions for which the individual has qualified the homestead are applied or 150 percent of the median appraised value of all single-family residences in the state and authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by one or more political subdivisions of this state inventory held for sale at retail.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HJR 118
86-0 (2019)
Author: Stephenson, Phil
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by a school district for maintenance and operations purposes all or part of the appraised value of a residence homestead and to use state money to offset the resulting revenue loss to school districts.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HJR 144
86-0 (2019)
Author: Krause, Matt
Proposing a constitutional amendment regarding the limitation on the rate of growth of appropriations and the use of surplus state revenue to provide for property tax relief and public school teacher compensation.
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Salaries & Expenses | State Finances--Appropriations | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HR 2184
86-0 (2019)
Author: Burrows, Dustin
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 2.
Reported enrolled
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Property Interests--Real Property | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 2
86-0 (2019)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Burrows, Dustin | et. al.
Relating to ad valorem taxation; authorizing fees.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Property Tax
See remarks for effective date
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION | Property Interests--Personal Property | PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | TEXAS PROPERTY TAX REFORM & TRANSPARENCY ACT OF 2019 | TEXAS PROPERTY TAX REFORM AND RELIEF ACT OF 2019 | TEXAS TAXPAYER TRANSPARENCY ACT OF 2019
SB 4
86-0 (2019)
Author: Taylor, Larry
Relating to public school finance and public education.
Senate: Education
Left pending in committee
| DYSLEXIA | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Accountability | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Curriculum | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks | Education--School Districts | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | GIFTED & TALENTED STUDENTS | HIGHER EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD, TEXAS | PRESCHOOL & PREKINDERGARTEN | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 343
86-0 (2019)
Author: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the information required to be included in or with a school district ad valorem tax bill.
Senate: Property Tax
Referred to Property Tax
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 462
86-0 (2019)
Author: Campbell, Donna | et. al.
Relating to ballot propositions authorizing certain political subdivisions to issue debt obligations.
House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Senate: Property Tax
Left pending in committee
| County Government--Finance | DEBT | Education--Junior College Districts | Education--School Districts | Elections--General | Political Subdivisions | SECRETARY OF STATE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 463
86-0 (2019)
Author: Campbell, Donna
Relating to procedural requirements for adopting and filing a school district budget.
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | INTERNET | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 596
86-0 (2019)
Author: Buckingham, Dawn
Relating to protests before appraisal review boards.
Senate: Property Tax
Referred to Property Tax
| Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 600
86-0 (2019)
Author: Buckingham, Dawn
Relating to voter approval of a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate, including the date for holding the election to approve the tax rate; making conforming changes.
Senate: Property Tax
Referred to Property Tax
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1046
86-0 (2019)
Author: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the Property Redevelopment and Tax Abatement Act.
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 1227
86-0 (2019)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the date for ordering or holding an election to ratify the ad valorem tax rate of a school district; making conforming changes.
Senate: Property Tax
Left pending in committee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1253
86-0 (2019)
Author: Kolkhorst, Lois | et. al.Sponsor: Miller, Rick
Relating to a public database maintained by the comptroller of information about certain political subdivisions.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Committee report sent to Calendars
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | Political Subdivisions | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
SB 1391
86-0 (2019)
Author: Menéndez, José | et. al.
Relating to an increase in the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation by a school district and the increase of the exemption amount in subsequent years to reflect inflation in homestead values, a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the homestead of a disabled or elderly person to reflect the increased exemption amounts, and the protection of school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.
Senate: Property Tax
Co-author authorized
| Aging | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Disabilities, Persons with | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1395
86-0 (2019)
Author: Seliger, Kel
Relating to voter approval of a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
Senate: Property Tax
Left pending in committee
| City Government--General | County Government--General | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Education--School Districts | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1430
86-0 (2019)
Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Relating to clarifying certain terminology, including terminology applicable to tax rate calculations, in relation to the ad valorem tax system.
Senate: Property Tax
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1752
86-0 (2019)
Author: Rodríguez, José
Relating to the expansion of eligibility for Medicaid to all persons for whom federal matching money is available.
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services
| County Government--General | HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION | Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2219
86-0 (2019)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Murphy, Jim
Relating to the notice required before the issuance of certain debt obligations by political subdivisions.
House: Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Senate: Property Tax
Committee report sent to Calendars
| BONDS | City Government--General | Elections--General | Political Subdivisions | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2337
86-0 (2019)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the treatment of captured appraised value and tax increment in the calculation of ad valorem tax rates for a taxing unit.
Senate: Property Tax
Left pending in committee
| Economic & Industrial Development--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2503
86-0 (2019)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
Senate: Property Tax
Left pending in committee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 2544
86-0 (2019)
Author: Menéndez, José
Relating to deferred collection of ad valorem taxes on certain residence homesteads.
Senate: Property Tax
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SCR 68
86-0 (2019)
Author: Hancock, Kelly
Instructing the enrolling clerk of the senate to make technical corrections in S.B. No. 2.
Received by the Secretary of the Senate
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Corrective | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SJR 76
86-0 (2019)
Author: Taylor, Larry
Proposing a constitutional amendment to reduce school district ad valorem tax rates through an increase in the state sales and use tax rate.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
SR 841
86-0 (2019)
Author: Hancock, Kelly
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction on SB 2.
Reported enrolled
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Property Interests--Real Property | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 15
85-0 (2017)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al.
Relating to ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | Electronic Information Systems | PROPERTY TAX PAYER EMPOWERMENT ACT OF 2017 | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 345
85-0 (2017)
Author: Canales, Terry
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 390
85-0 (2017)
Author: Howard, Donna | et. al.
Relating to school district ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 486
85-0 (2017)
Author: VanDeaver, Gary | et. al.Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1017
85-0 (2017)
Author: Perez, Mary Ann
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a municipality.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--City | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1144
85-0 (2017)
Author: Davis, Sarah
Relating to voter approval of a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1146
85-0 (2017)
Author: Davis, Sarah
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1147
85-0 (2017)
Author: Davis, Sarah
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1165
85-0 (2017)
Author: Paul, Dennis
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1343
85-0 (2017)
Author: Stephenson, Phil | et. al.
Relating to public access to financial and tax rate information of certain special purpose districts.
House: Special Purpose Districts
Referred to Special Purpose Districts
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 1454
85-0 (2017)
Author: Rinaldi, Matt
Relating to the information required to be provided in or with a school district ad valorem tax bill.
House: Ways & Means
Considered in Calendars
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1496
85-0 (2017)
Author: Bonnen, Greg
Relating to the date for ordering or holding an election to ratify the ad valorem tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Considered in Calendars
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1728
85-0 (2017)
Author: Faircloth, Wayne
Relating to the procedure for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by certain special districts.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3251
85-0 (2017)
Author: King, Ken
Relating to the adjustment for rapid decline in taxable value of property for school districts.
House: Public Education
Placed on General State Calendar
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3831
85-0 (2017)
Author: Gutierrez, Roland
Relating to the procedure for adopting an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds a certain rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2
85-0 (2017)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Bonnen, Dennis
Relating to the administration of the ad valorem tax system.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Committee report sent to Calendars
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Electronic Information Systems | Property Interests--Personal Property | PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY BOARD | PROPERTY TAX PAYER EMPOWERMENT ACT OF 2017 | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TEXAS PROPERTY TAX REFORM AND RELIEF ACT OF 2017
SB 625
85-0 (2017)
Author: Kolkhorst, LoisSponsor: Stephenson, Phil | et. al.
Relating to public access to financial and tax rate information of certain special purpose districts; imposing a civil penalty.
House: Special Purpose Districts Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/17
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Electronic Information Systems | INTERNET | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Special Districts & Authorities--Municipal Utility Districts | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
SB 1267
85-0 (2017)
Author: Taylor, Larry
Relating to school district ad valorem tax rates.
Senate: Education
Not again placed on intent calendar
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1360
85-0 (2017)
Author: Watson, Kirk
Relating to the information required to be included in or with a school district ad valorem tax bill.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to Ways & Means
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1426
85-0 (2017)
Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Relating to the calculation and dissemination of certain ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1810
85-0 (2017)
Author: Taylor, Van
Relating to a limitation on the cost of an attendance credit under the public school finance system and the effect of such a limitation on the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| Education--Higher--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 2239
85-0 (2017)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | INTERNET | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 4
85-1 (2017)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Elections--Administration | Elections--General | HIDALGO HEALTHCARE FUNDING DISTRICT | LAKE VIEW MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT | REEVES COUNTY GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 81
85-1 (2017)
Author: Darby, Drew | et. al.
Relating to the number of registered voters of a taxing unit other than a school district who are required to sign a petition for an election to determine whether to reduce the ad valorem tax rate adopted by the unit to the rollback tax rate in order for the petition to be valid.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Property Interests--Personal Property | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 124
85-1 (2017)
Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al.
Relating to the date for ordering or holding an election to ratify the ad valorem tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 168
85-1 (2017)
Author: VanDeaver, Gary | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 220
85-1 (2017)
Author: Shaheen, Matt
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--Administration | Elections--General | HIDALGO COUNTY HEALTHCARE DISTRICT | LAKE VIEW MANAGEMENT & DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT | REEVES COUNTY GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 303
85-1 (2017)
Author: Morrison, Geanie W.
Relating to the definition of new property value for purposes of the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates for a county.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| County Government--Finance | Oil & Gas | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 366
85-1 (2017)
Author: Paul, Dennis
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 393
85-1 (2017)
Author: Koop, Linda
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a municipality.
| City Government--Finance | Retirement Systems--Police & Firefighters | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1
85-1 (2017)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.Sponsor: Bonnen, Dennis
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Government Reform, Select
Senate appoints conferees-reported
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Electronic Information Systems | Property Interests--Personal Property | PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY BOARD | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TEXAS PROPERTY TAX REFORM AND RELIEF ACT OF 2017
SB 93
85-1 (2017)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Government Reform, Select
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Electronic Information Systems | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 96
85-1 (2017)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Government Reform, Select
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Elections--Administration | Elections--General | Electronic Information Systems | PROPERTY TAX ADMINISTRATION ADVISORY BOARD | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TEXAS PROPERTY TAX REFORM AND RELIEF ACT OF 2017
HB 365
84-0 (2015)
Author: Elkins, Gary | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Withdrawn from schedule
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 964
84-0 (2015)
Author: Howard, Donna | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1086
84-0 (2015)
Author: Isaac, Jason
Relating to the form of a motion to adopt an ordinance, resolution, or order setting an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the effective tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1953
84-0 (2015)
Author: Bonnen, DennisSponsor: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the deadline for counties and municipalities to provide notice of a proposed property tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on 1/1/16
| City Government--General | County Government--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1965
84-0 (2015)
Author: Paul, Dennis | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rate of a taxing unit and voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2432
84-0 (2015)
Author: Faircloth, Wayne
Relating to the procedure for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by certain special districts.
House: Ways & Means
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
| Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2670
84-0 (2015)
Author: Paul, Dennis
Relating to the deadline for counties and municipalities to provide notice of a proposed property tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--General | County Government--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3614
84-0 (2015)
Author: Elkins, Gary
Relating to the procedure for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Withdrawn from schedule
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 182
84-0 (2015)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rates of certain taxing units.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Disaster Preparedness & Relief | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 399
84-0 (2015)
Author: Campbell, Donna
Relating to ballot propositions authorizing certain political subdivisions to issue debt obligations.
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | DEBT | Education--Junior College Districts | Education--School Districts | Elections--General | Political Subdivisions | SECRETARY OF STATE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 744
84-0 (2015)
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the form of a motion to adopt an ordinance, resolution, or order setting an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the effective tax rate.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 766
84-0 (2015)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates of a taxing unit.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 767
84-0 (2015)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the procedure for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 884
84-0 (2015)
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the deadline for certain taxing units to provide notice of the unit's proposed property tax rate.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Electronic Information Systems | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 945
84-0 (2015)
Author: Taylor, Larry | et. al.Sponsor: Aycock, Jimmie Don
Relating to funding under the public school finance system for a school district with a compressed tax rate below the state maximum compressed tax rate.
House: Public Education Senate: Education
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1680
84-0 (2015)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the procedure for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by a taxing unit.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1692
84-0 (2015)
Author: Bettencourt, Paul
Relating to the establishment of a limit on the maximum ad valorem tax rate of a county or municipality for a tax year based on inflation and the rate of population growth.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1760
84-0 (2015)
Author: Creighton, Brandon | et. al.Sponsor: Bonnen, Dennis
Relating to the transparent and equitable application of ad valorem tax procedures.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
See remarks for effective date
| Electronic Information Systems | Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 671
83-0 (2013)
Author: Ratliff, Bennett | et. al.Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Left pending in subcommittee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 685
83-0 (2013)
Author: Márquez, Marisa | et. al.
Relating to commissioners court oversight of certain emergency services districts.
House: County Affairs
Laid on the table subject to call
| BORDER | County Government--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1946
83-0 (2013)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to the determination of the market value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2631
83-0 (2013)
Author: Alvarado, Carol
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
No action taken in committee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2707
83-0 (2013)
Author: Villarreal, Mike | et. al.
Relating to the form of the ballot proposition to be used in an election to approve a school district tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair
| Elections--School District | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2798
83-0 (2013)
Author: Raymond, Richard Peña
Relating to the definition of new property value for purposes of the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates for a county.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Oil & Gas | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3112
83-0 (2013)
Author: Hilderbran, Harvey | et. al.
Relating to the public notice required to be provided by certain taxing units before adopting an ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Electronic Information Systems | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3298
83-0 (2013)
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Relating to the definition of new property value for purposes of the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates for a county.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Oil & Gas | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3797
83-0 (2013)
Author: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the public notice required to be provided by a county before adopting an ad valorem tax rate.
House: County Affairs
No action taken in committee
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 102
83-0 (2013)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to the rollback tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district and to voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in subcommittee
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Elections--General | MONTGOMERY COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | SUTTON COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 144
83-0 (2013)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rates of certain taxing units.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in subcommittee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 637
83-0 (2013)
Author: Paxton, KenSponsor: Flynn, Dan
Relating to notice and election order requirements for bond approval elections held by political subdivisions.
House: Elections Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/13
| BONDS | Elections--General | INTERNET | Political Subdivisions | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 656
83-0 (2013)
Author: Paxton, KenSponsor: Button, Angie | et. al.
Relating to providing transparency in the budget adoption process of municipalities and counties.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Open Government
Effective on 9/1/13
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 657
83-0 (2013)
Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al.
Relating to procedural requirements for adopting and filing a school district budget.
House: Public Education Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 712
83-0 (2013)
Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the financing of school district facilities and property tax relief for school district debt; providing for reduced property tax rates.
Senate: Finance
Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair
| BONDS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 843
83-0 (2013)
Author: Paxton, KenSponsor: Hilderbran, Harvey | et. al.
Relating to public access to boundary, financial, and tax rate information of certain political subdivisions.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Open Government
Committee report sent to Calendars
| BONDS | City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | Electronic Information Systems | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | INTERNET | Political Subdivisions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
SB 1434
83-0 (2013)
Author: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the definition of new property value for purposes of the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates for a county.
Senate: Finance
Reported from s/c favorably w/o amendments
| Oil & Gas | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1510
83-0 (2013)
Author: Hinojosa, JuanSponsor: Hilderbran, Harvey
Relating to the public notice required to be provided by certain taxing units before adopting an ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 1/1/14
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Electronic Information Systems | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1780
83-0 (2013)
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the definition of new property value for purposes of the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates for a county.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in subcommittee
| County Government--Finance | Oil & Gas | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 58
83-0 (2013)
Author: Duncan, Robert
Proposing a constitutional amendment imposing a state property tax for public education, authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of that tax a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year, prohibiting school district property taxes for maintenance purposes, and authorizing school district property taxes for educational enrichment.
Senate: Finance
Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | Taxation--State
SJR 61
83-0 (2013)
Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the reduction of amounts paid by Texans to provide health care to the uninsured if Medicaid eligibility is expanded in accordance with the federal Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act; requiring hospital district and county tax rate reductions.
Senate: Finance
Committee report printed and distributed
| Human Services--Medical Assistance | MEDICAID | PATIENT PROTECTION & AFFORDABLE CARE ACT | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 32
83-1 (2013)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to the rollback tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district and to voter approval of a proposed tax rate that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 23
82-0 (2011)
Author: Riddle, Debbie | et. al.
Relating to a local option election in a county to set a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes of less than 110 percent but not less than 103 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 868
82-0 (2011)
Author: Huberty, Dan | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 874
82-0 (2011)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Relating to the provision of information by tax officials related to ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1153
82-0 (2011)
Author: Paxton, Ken
Relating to public access to financial and tax rate information of political subdivisions.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Finance | Electronic Information Systems | INFORMATION RESOURCES, DEPARTMENT OF | INTERNET | Political Subdivisions | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2215
82-0 (2011)
Author: Paxton, Ken
Relating to the requirements of a municipal budget that raises more property taxes than in the previous year's budget.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Employees/Officers | City Government--Finance | INTERNET | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2216
82-0 (2011)
Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al.
Relating to the requirements of a county budget that raises more property taxes than in the previous year's budget.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| County Government--Employees/Officers | County Government--Finance | INTERNET | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2338
82-0 (2011)
Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al.Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the posting on the Internet by the county assessor-collector of information regarding ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/11
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--General | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | INTERNET | Open Records | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2456
82-0 (2011)
Author: Zedler, Bill
Relating to the rollback tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2484
82-0 (2011)
Author: Hochberg, Scott
Relating to the state property tax compression percentage and the homestead property tax exemption under the public school finance system.
House: Public Education
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2958
82-0 (2011)
Author: Paxton, Ken
Relating to the effect of a change in the state sales and use tax base on certain ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units and the dedication of revenue attributable to the expansion of the state sales and use tax base to ad valorem tax relief.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 3186
82-0 (2011)
Author: Paxton, Ken
Relating to voter approval of a proposed tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district that exceeds the rollback tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 16
82-0 (2011)
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a local option election in a county to set a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes of less than 110 percent but not less than 103 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 12
82-0 (2011)
Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al.
Relating to the flexibility of the board of trustees of a school district in the management and operation of public schools in the district.
Senate: Education
Not again placed on intent calendar
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 112
82-0 (2011)
Author: Davis, Wendy
Relating to public school finance and certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rate of a school district.
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 720
82-0 (2011)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rates of certain taxing units.
Senate: Finance
No action taken in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1288
82-0 (2011)
Author: Watson, Kirk
Relating to a study regarding ad valorem tax relief through the use of a circuit breaker program.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1771
82-0 (2011)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the provision of information by tax officials related to ad valorem tax rates.
Senate: Finance
Not again placed on intent calendar
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1774
82-0 (2011)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the procedure for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 51
82-0 (2011)
Author: Duncan, Robert | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment imposing a state property tax for public education, authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of that tax a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year, prohibiting school district property taxes for maintenance purposes, and authorizing school district property taxes for educational enrichment.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | Taxation--State
HR 199
82-1 (2011)
Author: Eissler, Rob
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 8.
Reported enrolled
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 8
82-1 (2011)
Author: Shapiro, Florence | et. al.Sponsor: Eissler, Rob
Relating to the flexibility of the board of trustees of a school district in the management and operation of public schools in the district.
House: Public Education Senate: Education
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SR 106
82-1 (2011)
Author: Shapiro, Florence
Suspending limitations on conference committee jurisdiction, S.B. No. 8.
Reported enrolled
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Resolutions--Conf. Comm. Reports | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 46
81-0 (2009)
Author: Riddle, Debbie | et. al.
Relating to a local option election in a county to set a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes of less than 110 percent but not less than 103 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 127
81-0 (2009)
Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al.
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 134
81-0 (2009)
Author: Villarreal, Mike
Relating to ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| PROPERTY APPRAISAL, OFFICE OF | PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC COUNSEL, OFFICE OF | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 209
81-0 (2009)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Relating to the determination of the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 701
81-0 (2009)
Author: Zerwas, John
Relating to the provision of ad valorem tax relief.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | SCHOOL CLOTHES & SCHOOL SUPPLIES | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 866
81-0 (2009)
Author: Villarreal, Mike | et. al.
Relating to a study regarding ad valorem tax relief through the use of a circuit breaker program.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 979
81-0 (2009)
Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al.
Relating to a limitation on the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes of 110 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1045
81-0 (2009)
Author: Otto, John
Relating to the contents of a notice of appraised value sent to a property owner by the chief appraiser of an appraisal district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1106
81-0 (2009)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation by certain school districts and other taxing units in Harris County.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| HARRIS COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1211
81-0 (2009)
Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al.
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1221
81-0 (2009)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Relating to the provision of information by tax officials related to ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1516
81-0 (2009)
Author: Kent, Carol | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1575
81-0 (2009)
Author: Isett, Carl | et. al.
Relating to ad valorem tax relief.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1576
81-0 (2009)
Author: Isett, Carl
Relating to certain limitations on ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2291
81-0 (2009)
Author: Gattis, Dan | et. al.Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to the procedure to be used by a taxing unit in adopting an ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2505
81-0 (2009)
Author: Kolkhorst, Lois
Relating to the rates and imposition of the state sales and franchise taxes and to the allocation of certain revenue.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 2543
81-0 (2009)
Author: Eissler, Rob
Relating to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Elections--School District | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2643
81-0 (2009)
Author: Kent, Carol
Relating to the date on which a school district is required to hold an ad valorem tax rollback election.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Elections--School District | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2645
81-0 (2009)
Author: Kent, Carol
Relating to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 3699
81-0 (2009)
Author: Isett, Carl | et. al.
Relating to eligibility for and the effect for school finance purposes of the ad valorem tax exemption for pollution control property and the adjustment of the rollback tax rate of a taxing unit to compensate for the costs of compliance with pollution control requirements.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Environment--Air | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3896
81-0 (2009)
Author: Oliveira, ReneSponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the authority of the governing body of a municipality or the commissioners court of a county to enter into an ad valorem tax abatement agreement.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3997
81-0 (2009)
Author: Paxton, Ken
Relating to an election requirement for imposing new taxes and fees and increasing existing taxes and fees by local governments.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| City Government--General | County Government--General | Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4035
81-0 (2009)
Author: Kent, Carol
Relating to the adoption by a school district of a budget and an ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Education--School Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 4413
81-0 (2009)
Author: Taylor, Larry
Relating to the required notice of a public hearing on the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by the governing body of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
No action taken in committee
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4521
81-0 (2009)
Author: Phillips, Larry
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 12
81-0 (2009)
Author: Leibowitz, David | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 15
81-0 (2009)
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a local option election in a county to set a limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes of less than 110 percent but not less than 103 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 21
81-0 (2009)
Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 42
81-0 (2009)
Author: Zerwas, John | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 43
81-0 (2009)
Author: Zerwas, John
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 110 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 44
81-0 (2009)
Author: Rose, Patrick | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 49
81-0 (2009)
Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 110 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 51
81-0 (2009)
Author: Brown, Betty | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 56
81-0 (2009)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by certain school districts in Harris County a limit on the maximum appraised value of residence homesteads of 105 percent of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year and to permit certain other political subdivisions in Harris County to establish a 105 percent limit on the maximum appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem taxation by those political subdivisions.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| HARRIS COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 61
81-0 (2009)
Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or more of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 63
81-0 (2009)
Author: Jackson, Jim
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that an ad valorem tax imposed by a school district is not a state ad valorem tax.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 218
81-0 (2009)
Author: Nichols, Robert
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Elections--General | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 276
81-0 (2009)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to the determination of the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 299
81-0 (2009)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 402
81-0 (2009)
Author: Eltife, Kevin | et. al.
Relating to the authority of the voters of a municipality or a county to adopt a one-quarter cent sales and use tax in the municipality or county to provide property tax relief.
Senate: Finance
Not again placed on intent calendar
| Elections--Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
SB 653
81-0 (2009)
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the accountability of emergency services district board members to a county commissioners court.
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
No action taken in committee
| County Government--General | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 700
81-0 (2009)
Author: Patrick, Dan | et. al.
Relating to increased transparency regarding appraisals for ad valorem tax purposes and increased tax rates.
Senate: Finance
Co-author authorized
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1385
81-0 (2009)
Author: Seliger, Kel
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a school district.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1928
81-0 (2009)
Author: Watson, Kirk
Relating to a study regarding ad valorem tax relief through the use of a circuit breaker program.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2301
81-0 (2009)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the calculation of the ad valorem rollback tax rates of certain taxing units.
Senate: Finance
No action taken in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2429
81-0 (2009)
Author: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the appraisal of property for ad valorem tax purposes.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | County Government--Employees/Officers | Elections--General | Property Interests--Homestead | SECRETARY OF STATE | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2430
81-0 (2009)
Author: Davis, Wendy
Relating to public school finance and certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rate of a school district.
Senate: Education
Left pending in committee
| EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Higher--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--School Districts | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SJR 10
81-0 (2009)
Author: Nichols, Robert
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to 105 percent or less of the appraised value of the property for the preceding tax year and to permit the voters of a county to establish a higher limitation not to exceed 110 percent on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead in the county.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 13
81-0 (2009)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2
80-0 (2007)
Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al.Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making appropriations to the Texas Education Agency for the purpose of school district property tax rate reductions and providing for the transfer of general revenue into the property tax relief fund.
House: Appropriations Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/07
| EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 5
80-0 (2007)
Author: Berman, Leo | et. al.Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the school district's tax rate and protecting a school district against any resulting loss in local revenue.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on adoption of const. amendment
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 74
80-0 (2007)
Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the school district's tax rate and protecting a school district against any resulting loss in local revenue.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 102
80-0 (2007)
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Relating to a local option election in a county to set a limit of less than 10 percent but not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 190
80-0 (2007)
Author: Callegari, Bill
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 234
80-0 (2007)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to increasing the maximum amount of the local option residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation by a taxing unit from 20 percent to 30 percent.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 438
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al.Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn | et. al.
Relating to the limitation on the maximum percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 476
80-0 (2007)
Author: Vo, Hubert
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 10 percent.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 696
80-0 (2007)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Political Subdivisions | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 881
80-0 (2007)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1063
80-0 (2007)
Author: King, Phil
Relating to the publication of certain notices by a taxing unit in connection with the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate for the taxing unit.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1124
80-0 (2007)
Author: Creighton, Brandon
Relating to a local option election in Montgomery County to set a limitation of not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for purposes of ad valorem taxation by each political subdivision in the county.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| MONTGOMERY COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2085
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hill, Fred
Relating to the authority of the voters of a municipality or a county to adopt a one-quarter cent sales and use tax in the municipality or county to provide property tax relief.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Elections--Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 2553
80-0 (2007)
Author: Callegari, Bill
Relating to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3149
80-0 (2007)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to the authority of the governing body of a taxing unit that imposes ad valorem taxes on real property in Harris County, other than a school district or junior college district, to establish a limitation of not less than five percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem taxation by the taxing unit.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| HARRIS COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3189
80-0 (2007)
Author: Howard, CharlieSponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the notice of the public hearings to be held on a proposal to increase the total ad valorem tax revenues of a taxing unit.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Committee report printed and distributed
| Property Interests--Homestead | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3195
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hill, FredSponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the requirements of a municipal or county budget that raises more property taxes than in the previous year's budget.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/07
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3495
80-0 (2007)
Author: Otto, John | et. al.Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the contents of the notice of the meeting at which the governing body of a taxing unit will vote on a proposed ad valorem tax rate that will result in a tax revenue increase.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on 1/1/08
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3534
80-0 (2007)
Author: Isett, Carl | et. al.
Relating to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3630
80-0 (2007)
Author: Van Arsdale, CorbinSponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes of agricultural or open-space land.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on 1/1/08
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3732
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hardcastle, Rick | et. al.Sponsor: Averitt, Kip | et. al.
Relating to the implementation of advanced clean energy projects and other environmentally protective projects in this state.
House: Energy Resources Senate: Natural Resources
See remarks for effective date
| Energy--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
80-0 (2007)
Author: Berman, Leo | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Laid on the table subject to call
| Aging | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 16
80-0 (2007)
Author: Leibowitz, David
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to five percent or more.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 18
80-0 (2007)
Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Legislature | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 32
80-0 (2007)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the maximum amount of the local option residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation by a political subdivision from 20 percent to 30 percent.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 40
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al.Sponsor: Hegar, Glenn
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide that the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation is limited to the lesser of the most recent market value of the residence homestead as determined by the appraisal entity or 110 percent, or a greater percentage, of the appraised value of the residence homestead for the preceding tax year.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 41
80-0 (2007)
Author: Vo, Hubert
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to 10 percent or more.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 47
80-0 (2007)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by a school district a limit on the annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads of five percent or more, and to permit other political subdivisions to adopt a five percent limit on those appraisal increases.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Political Subdivisions | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 52
80-0 (2007)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 56
80-0 (2007)
Author: Creighton, Brandon
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a local option election in Montgomery County to set a limitation of not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for purposes of ad valorem taxation by each political subdivision in the county.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| MONTGOMERY COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 60
80-0 (2007)
Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes and providing that state appropriations made for the purpose of directly reducing local property taxes do not count against the constitutional state spending limit.
House: Ways & Means
Withdrawn from schedule
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Legislature | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 88
80-0 (2007)
Author: Straus, Joe
Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow library districts to impose property taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Libraries & Librarians | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 97
80-0 (2007)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit the governing body of a political subdivision that imposes ad valorem taxes on real property in Harris County, other than a school district or junior college district, to establish a limitation of not less than five percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem taxation by the political subdivision.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| HARRIS COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Property Interests--Real Property | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 2
80-0 (2007)
Author: Ogden, Steve
Relating to making appropriations to the Texas Education Agency for the purpose of school district property tax rate reductions.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 84
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to increasing the maximum amount of the local option residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation by a taxing unit from 20 percent to 30 percent.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 321
80-0 (2007)
Author: Deuell, Bob
Relating to providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the school district's tax rate and protecting a school district against any resulting loss in local revenue.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 347
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 348
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to the establishment of a 10 percent limit on annual increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of certain real property, other than residence homesteads, used primarily for residential purposes by the owner of the property.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 391
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the limit on the maximum percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 407
80-0 (2007)
Author: Eltife, Kevin | et. al.
Relating to the authority of the voters of a municipality or a county to adopt a one-quarter cent sales and use tax in the municipality or county to provide property tax relief.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Reported favorably as amended
| Elections--Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
SB 575
80-0 (2007)
Author: Nichols, Robert
Relating to limitations on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Elections--General | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 582
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to providing for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the school district's tax rate and protecting a school district against any resulting loss in local revenue.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1099
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Relating to a local option election in Harris County to set a limitation of not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for purposes of ad valorem taxation by each political subdivision in the county.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| HARRIS COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1502
80-0 (2007)
Author: Zaffirini, JudithSponsor: Bolton, Valinda | et. al.
Relating to the adoption, increase, or abolition of a sales and use tax by an emergency services district.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1638
80-0 (2007)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the calculation of certain tax rates and certain notice requirements for local taxing jurisdictions.
Senate: Finance
Not again placed on intent calendar
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1758
80-0 (2007)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Relating to the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by a school district.
Senate: Finance
Not again placed on intent calendar
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1785
80-0 (2007)
Author: Averitt, Kip
Relating to the implementation of clean energy projects in this state, including certain tax exemptions and rollbacks.
Senate: Natural Resources
Not again placed on intent calendar
| Energy--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SCR 20
80-0 (2007)
Author: Ogden, SteveSponsor: Chisum, Warren
Relating to the appropriation of state tax revenues for the purpose of funding school district property tax rate reductions.
House: Appropriations
Signed by the Governor
| Resolutions--Legislative Policy | State Finances--Appropriations | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the maximum amount of the local option residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation by a political subdivision from 20 percent to 30 percent.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 10
80-0 (2007)
Author: Janek, Kyle | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the political subdivision a limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the political subdivision.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Political Subdivisions | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 13
80-0 (2007)
Author: Averitt, Kip | et. al.Sponsor: Berman, Leo | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes for the 2006 and 2007 tax years.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Legislature | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SJR 14
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 15
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to establish a 10 percent limit on annual increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of certain real property, other than residence homesteads, used primarily for residential purposes by the owner of the property.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Constitutional Revision | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 17
80-0 (2007)
Author: Hegar, Glenn
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide that the maximum appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation is limited to the lesser of the most recent market value of the residence homestead as determined by the appraisal entity or 110 percent, or a greater percentage, of the appraised value of the residence homestead for the preceding tax year.
Senate: Finance
Not again placed on intent calendar
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 23
80-0 (2007)
Author: Nichols, Robert
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes to five percent or less and to permit the voters of a county to establish a higher limitation not to exceed 10 percent on increases for residence homesteads in the county.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 24
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Aging | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SJR 27
80-0 (2007)
Author: Deuell, Bob
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a reduction of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any reduction in the rate of those taxes.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Aging | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SJR 34
80-0 (2007)
Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow library districts to impose property taxes.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Libraries & Librarians | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 39
80-0 (2007)
Author: Patrick, Dan
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a local option election in Harris County to set a limitation of not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for purposes of ad valorem taxation by each political subdivision in the county.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| HARRIS COUNTY | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3
79-0 (2005)
Author: Keffer, Jim | et. al.Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to financing public schools in this state and reducing school property taxes.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Senate appoints conferees-reported
| Amusements, Games, Sports | Corporations & Associations | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--General | Taxation--Motor Fuels | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District | TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE FUND | Utilities--Telecommunications
HB 213
79-0 (2005)
Author: Guillen, Ryan | et. al.
Relating to a limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed on the residence homestead of an eligible person serving on active duty in the United States armed forces or the National Guard.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Military & Veterans | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 359
79-0 (2005)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al.
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 733
79-0 (2005)
Author: Gattis, Dan
Relating to the date on which an election on the issuance of bonds or the imposition or increase of taxes must be held.
House: Elections
Left pending in committee
| BONDS | City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Elections--General | Elections--Initiative, Referendum & Recall | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 784
79-0 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Relating to providing tax relief and protection for ad valorem tax payers.
House: Ways & Means
Recommitted to committee
| Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 980
79-0 (2005)
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1006
79-0 (2005)
Author: Isett, Carl | et. al.Sponsor: Janek, Kyle | et. al.
Relating to the adoption of ad valorem tax rates by taxing units and to related tax bills.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
House appoints conferees-reported
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1043
79-0 (2005)
Author: Baxter, Todd
Relating to the procedures for adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by a taxing unit other than a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1468
79-0 (2005)
Author: McReynolds, Jim | et. al.
Relating to the counties eligible to create a county assistance district that may impose a sales and use tax.
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars
| COUNTY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS | County Government--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 1479
79-0 (2005)
Author: Jackson, Jim
Relating to the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by the governing body of certain taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Junior College Districts | Elections--School District | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1881
79-0 (2005)
Author: Laubenberg, Jodie
Relating to the calculation of the rollback tax rate of a taxing unit other than a school district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1984
79-0 (2005)
Author: Bohac, DwayneSponsor: Janek, Kyle
Relating to the information required to be provided with a notice of appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes and an ad valorem tax bill.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 1/1/06
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2575
79-0 (2005)
Author: Hamric, Peggy
Relating to the tax rate for emergency services districts located in certain populous counties.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Laid on the table subject to call
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3298
79-0 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Relating to providing tax relief and protection for ad valorem tax payers.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
79-0 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to establish a three percent limitation on annual increases in the appraised value for ad valorem tax purposes of residence homesteads and other residential real property.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 28
79-0 (2005)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 35
79-0 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to five percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Point of order sustained
| Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 36
79-0 (2005)
Author: Leibowitz, David
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Legislature | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 40
79-0 (2005)
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 47
79-0 (2005)
Author: Guillen, Ryan
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing a state property tax for public education, prohibiting school district property taxes for maintenance purposes, and authorizing an equalized school district property tax for educational enrichment.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Junior College Districts | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | Taxation--State
HJR 98
79-0 (2005)
Author: Menendez, Jose | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow library districts to impose property taxes.
House: Local Government Ways & Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Libraries & Librarians | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 18
79-0 (2005)
Author: Williams, Tommy | et. al.Sponsor: Ritter, Allan
Relating to the adoption of ad valorem tax rates by taxing units and to related tax bills.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 567
79-0 (2005)
Author: Deuell, BobSponsor: Keffer, Jim
Relating to requiring a taxing unit to include in the public notice of a hearing on the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate certain information relating to the taxing unit's budget and appraisal roll.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 967
79-0 (2005)
Author: Fraser, TroySponsor: Hupp, Suzanna
Relating to the creation of the Central Texas Groundwater Conservation District; providing authority to impose a tax and issue bonds.
House: Natural Resources Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately
| BURNET COUNTY | CENTRAL TEXAS GROUNDWATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT | Special Districts & Authorities--Soil & Water Conservation | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1621
79-0 (2005)
Author: Lindsay, JonSponsor: Hamric, Peggy
Relating to the tax rate for emergency services districts located in certain populous counties.
House: Local Government Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/05
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 31
79-0 (2005)
Author: Madla, Frank
Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow library districts to impose property taxes.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Libraries & Librarians | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2
79-1 (2005)
Author: Grusendorf, KentSponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to public education and public school finance matters; imposing criminal penalties.
House: Public Education Senate: Education
Point of order sustained
| ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Bilingual | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Testing | Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | EDUCATORS' PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES BOARD | Elections--School District | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 4
79-1 (2005)
Author: Isett, Carl | et. al.
Relating to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 37
79-1 (2005)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al.
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 67
79-1 (2005)
Author: Leibowitz, David
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 70
79-1 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to the information required to be provided with an ad valorem tax bill.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 72
79-1 (2005)
Author: Hope, Ruben
Relating to providing a six percent limit on real property appraisal increases for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 16
79-1 (2005)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 20
79-1 (2005)
Author: Leibowitz, David
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to five percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 21
79-1 (2005)
Author: Hope, Ruben
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to six percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 4
79-1 (2005)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to the calculation and imposition of an ad valorem tax by a taxing unit.
Senate: Finance
No action taken in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 25
79-1 (2005)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Relating to authorizing the governing body of a taxing unit to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the taxing unit a lower limit on increases in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the taxing unit.
Senate: Finance
No action taken in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
79-1 (2005)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to authorize the governing body of a political subdivision to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the political subdivision a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the political subdivision.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2
79-2 (2005)
Author: Grusendorf, Kent
Relating to public education and public school finance matters; imposing criminal penalties.
House: Public Education Reform, Select
Reason for vote recorded in Journal
| ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Bilingual | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Testing | Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | EDUCATORS' PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES BOARD | Elections--School District | Electronic Information Systems | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | REGIONAL EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS | Salaries & Expenses | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 3
79-2 (2005)
Author: Keffer, Jim
Relating to property tax relief and protection of taxpayers, certain taxes, fees, and property, and other matters relating to the financing of public schools; providing civil and criminal penalties; making an appropriation.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Statement(s) of vote recorded in Journal
| Amusements, Games, Sports | NATIVE AMERICANS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District | VIDEO LOTTERY
HB 8
79-2 (2005)
Author: Swinford, David
Relating to property tax relief and protection of taxpayers, certain taxes, fees, and property, and other matters relating to the financing of public schools; providing civil and criminal penalties; making an appropriation.
House: Public Education Reform, Select
Committee report sent to Calendars
| ATTORNEY GENERAL | COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Economic & Industrial Development--General | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District
HB 14
79-2 (2005)
Author: Hopson, Chuck | et. al.
Relating to increasing the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes to $45,000, providing for an adjustment of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for those purposes on the homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect the increased exemption amount and changes in school district ad valorem tax rates, and protecting school districts against the resulting loss in local revenue.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 19
79-2 (2005)
Author: Riddle, Debbie | et. al.
Relating to the authorization of a local option election in a county to set a limit of less than 10 percent but not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 20
79-2 (2005)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 21
79-2 (2005)
Author: Rodriguez, Eddie
Relating to state taxes and financing schools through those taxes; providing penalties.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Economic & Industrial Development--General | Education--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Income | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES UNIFORM GROUP BENEFITS ACT
HB 28
79-2 (2005)
Author: Hope, Ruben
Relating to providing a five percent limit on real property appraisal increases for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 29
79-2 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem taxation by a school district to five percent.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 31
79-2 (2005)
Author: Hochberg, Scott | et. al.
Relating to public education and public school finance matters.
House: Public Education Reform, Select
Referred to Public Education Reform, Select
| EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, STATE BOARD OF | Education--Bilingual | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Testing | Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks | Education--School Districts | Electronic Information Systems | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Governor | LEGISLATIVE BUDGET BOARD | Property Interests--Homestead | REGIONAL EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS | Salaries & Expenses | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 54
79-2 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 59
79-2 (2005)
Author: Isett, Carl
Relating to the calculation and imposition of ad valorem taxes by certain taxing units and to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 13
79-2 (2005)
Author: Berman, Leo | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase or reduce, as applicable, the amount of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homestead of an elderly or disabled person in proportion to any increase or reduction in the tax rate of the school district.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 14
79-2 (2005)
Author: Hopson, Chuck | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes to $45,000 and providing for an adjustment of the limitation on the total amount of taxes that may be imposed for those purposes on the homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect the increased exemption amount and changes in school district ad valorem tax rates.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 15
79-2 (2005)
Author: Riddle, Debbie | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a local option election in a county to set a limit of less than 10 percent but not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Elections--General | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 16
79-2 (2005)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 19
79-2 (2005)
Author: Hope, Ruben
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to five percent or more.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 20
79-2 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for purposes of ad valorem taxation by a school district to five percent or more.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 21
79-2 (2005)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to permit the commissioners court of a county to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation a limit of less than 10 percent but not less than three percent on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the county.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 22
79-2 (2005)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by a school district a limit on the annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads of five percent or more, and to permit other political subdivisions to adopt a limit on those appraisal increases of less than 10 percent but not less than five percent.
House: Property Tax Relief, Select
Referred to Property Tax Relief, Select
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 8
79-2 (2005)
Author: Shapiro, FlorenceSponsor: Grusendorf, Kent
Relating to public education and public school finance matters; imposing criminal penalties.
House: Public Education Reform, Select Senate: Education
Committee report sent to Calendars
| ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION PROGRAMS | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | Education--Bilingual | Education--Primary & Secondary--Admission & Attendance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools | Education--Primary & Secondary--Discipline | Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Facilities | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--General | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Special | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Testing | Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks | Education--Primary & Secondary--Vocational | Education--School Districts | EDUCATOR CERTIFICATION, STATE BOARD FOR | EDUCATORS' PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES BOARD | Elections--School District | Electronic Information Systems | EMPLOYEE BENEFITS & LEAVE | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Minors--Health & Safety | REGIONAL EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS | Salaries & Expenses | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | TEXAS EDUCATION FUND
SB 13
79-2 (2005)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Relating to authorizing the governing body of a taxing unit to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the taxing unit a lower limit on increases in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the taxing unit.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 33
79-2 (2005)
Author: Williams, Tommy
Relating to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| City Government--General | County Government--General | Education--Junior College Districts | Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
79-2 (2005)
Author: Janek, Kyle | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the political subdivision a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the political subdivision.
Senate: Finance
Co-author authorized
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1
79-3 (2006)
Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al.Sponsor: Shapiro, Florence | et. al.
Relating to public school finance, property tax relief, public school accountability and programs, and related matters; making an appropriation.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
See remarks for effective date
| ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE | EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--School Districts | Insurance--Health & Accident | REGIONAL EDUCATION SERVICE CENTERS | Salaries & Expenses | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 14
79-3 (2006)
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Relating to the appraisal of property for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 20
79-3 (2006)
Author: Rodriguez, Eddie
Relating to the imposition of an income tax and the funding of public education through that tax; providing penalties.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Income | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | TEXAS PUBLIC SCHOOL EMPLOYEES UNIFORM GROUP BENEFITS ACT
HB 24
79-3 (2006)
Author: Callegari, Bill
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 48
79-3 (2006)
Author: Phillips, Larry
Relating to voter approval of certain school district property tax increases.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 53
79-3 (2006)
Author: Leibowitz, David
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 65
79-3 (2006)
Author: Wong, Martha
Relating to authorizing the governing body of a taxing unit to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the taxing unit a limit on increases in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the taxing unit of not less than five percent.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 72
79-3 (2006)
Author: Berman, Leo | et. al.Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to providing for an adjustment of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed by a school district on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any change in the school district's tax rate and protecting a school district against the resulting loss in local revenue.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Meeting cancelled
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 76
79-3 (2006)
Author: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to making an appropriation for the purpose of providing school district ad valorem tax rate relief.
House: Appropriations
Referred to Appropriations
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | Taxation--Property-Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 98
79-3 (2006)
Author: Keffer, Bill | et. al.
Relating to the use of current and future state budget surpluses to reduce local school district property tax rates; making an appropriation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| EDUCATION AGENCY, TEXAS | EDUCATION, COMMISSIONER OF | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | State Finances--Appropriations | State Finances--Budget | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 133
79-3 (2006)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for purposes of ad valorem taxation by a school district to five percent.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 134
79-3 (2006)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Relating to the limitation on increases in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem taxation.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 148
79-3 (2006)
Author: Keffer, Jim
Relating to the limitation of ad valorem tax rates of school districts and other taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 150
79-3 (2006)
Author: Leibowitz, David
Relating to property tax rate relief for school district taxpayers.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 152
79-3 (2006)
Author: Wong, Martha | et. al.
Relating to authorizing the governing body of a school district to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the district a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property in the district that is less than 10 percent but not less than five percent.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 164
79-3 (2006)
Author: Isett, Cheri | et. al.
Relating to certain limitations on the ad valorem tax rates of school districts and other taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 172
79-3 (2006)
Author: Smith, Wayne | et. al.
Relating to authorizing the commissioners court of a county to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation a limitation on increases in the appraised value of real property in the county that is less than 10 percent but not less than three percent.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| County Government--General | Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 11
79-3 (2006)
Author: Riddle, Debbie
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for a local option election in a county to set a limit of less than 10 percent but not less than three percent on the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 13
79-3 (2006)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by a school district a limit on the annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads of five percent or more, and to permit other political subdivisions to adopt a five percent limit on those appraisal increases.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 16
79-3 (2006)
Author: Callegari, Bill
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 17
79-3 (2006)
Author: Hopson, Chuck | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of the residence homestead exemption from ad valorem taxation for public school purposes to $22,500 and providing for an adjustment of the limitation on the total amount of taxes that may be imposed for those purposes on the homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect the increased exemption amount and changes in the rate of the tax imposed for those purposes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 19
79-3 (2006)
Author: Bonnen, Dennis
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 20
79-3 (2006)
Author: Leibowitz, David
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to five percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 23
79-3 (2006)
Author: Otto, John
Proposing a constitutional amendment dedicating certain state tax revenues to school district ad valorem tax rate reduction.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District | Taxation--State
HJR 24
79-3 (2006)
Author: Wong, Martha
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the political subdivision a limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the political subdivision.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 25
79-3 (2006)
Author: Nixon, Joe | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to establish a maximum school district ad valorem tax rate for maintenance and operation purposes and to clarify that an ad valorem tax that is levied or collected by a school district in this state is not a state ad valorem tax.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 26
79-3 (2006)
Author: Berman, Leo | et. al.Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for an adjustment of the limitation on the total amount of ad valorem taxes that may be imposed for public school purposes on the residence homesteads of the elderly or disabled to reflect any change in the rate of those taxes.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Meeting cancelled
| Aging | Disabilities, Persons with | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 28
79-3 (2006)
Author: Paxton, Ken | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing for school district property tax rate reduction through the dedication of a portion of available state revenue for that purpose.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | State Finances--Budget | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 33
79-3 (2006)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by a school district a limit on the annual increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads of five percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 34
79-3 (2006)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes to three percent or more.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 35
79-3 (2006)
Author: Van Arsdale, Corbin
Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the governing body of a school district to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the district a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the district.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 36
79-3 (2006)
Author: Wong, Martha | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a school district to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the school district a limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of real property in the school district.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 38
79-3 (2006)
Author: Smith, Wayne
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the commissioners court of a county to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation a limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of real property in the county.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| County Government--General | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
79-3 (2006)
Author: Ogden, Steve
Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a maximum school district ad valorem tax rate for maintenance purposes and providing that an ad valorem tax imposed by a school district is not a state ad valorem tax.
Senate: Finance
Committee report printed and distributed
| Education--Junior College Districts | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
79-3 (2006)
Author: Janek, Kyle | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the governing body of a political subdivision to establish for purposes of ad valorem taxation by the political subdivision a limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of residence homesteads in the political subdivision.
Senate: Finance
No action taken in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 390
78-0 (2003)
Author: Pitts, JimSponsor: Averitt, Kip
Relating to the effect of tax increment financing by certain taxing units in the calculation of ad valorem tax rates for those taxing units.
House: Local Government Ways and Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 1/1/04
| Property Interests--Real Property | REINVESTMENT ZONES | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 428
78-0 (2003)
Author: Callegari, Bill
Relating to the system by which an application for a low income housing tax credit is scored.
House: Urban Affairs
Left pending in committee
| Housing--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 474
78-0 (2003)
Author: Wong, Martha | et. al.
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 846
78-0 (2003)
Author: Howard, Charlie | et. al.
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 925
78-0 (2003)
Author: Eiland, Craig
Relating to the rollback tax rate for certain taxing units.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Considered in Calendars
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 939
78-0 (2003)
Author: Isett, Carl | et. al.
Relating to the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Committee report sent to Calendars
| City Government--Finance | County Government--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1680
78-0 (2003)
Author: Stick, Jack
Relating to the ad valorem tax rate imposed by municipalities on property in certain municipal utility districts and to disannexation following a failure to set that rate.
House: Land & Resource Management
Left pending in committee
| Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--City | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1782
78-0 (2003)
Author: Hegar, Glenn
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1918
78-0 (2003)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Relating to limiting the annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead and certain other residential property for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2073
78-0 (2003)
Author: Hilderbran, HarveySponsor: Fraser, Troy
Relating to the ad valorem tax rate of a hospital district created under general or special law.
House: Local Government Ways and Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
| Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3223
78-0 (2003)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.Sponsor: Janek, Kyle
Relating to limiting the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on intent calendar
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3258
78-0 (2003)
Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to the property tax rate levied by a hospital district, the appointment of boards of directors of certain hospital districts, and the transfer of municipal and county hospital property and funds and related obligations to a hospital district.
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs
| Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
78-0 (2003)
Author: Bohac, Dwayne | et. al.Sponsor: Janek, Kyle
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to limit the maximum average annual increase in the appraised value of real property for ad valorem tax purposes to five percent or more.
House: Local Government Ways and Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Placed on intent calendar
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 32
78-0 (2003)
Author: Wong, Martha | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 45
78-0 (2003)
Author: Howard, Charlie
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 69
78-0 (2003)
Author: Hegar, Glenn
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Left pending in committee
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 180
78-0 (2003)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Relating to the limitation on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 392
78-0 (2003)
Author: Williams, Tommy | et. al.Sponsor: Gattis, Dan
Relating to certain procedures for the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by certain conservation and reclamation districts.
House: Local Government Ways and Means Senate: Natural Resources
Effective on 9/1/03
| Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1416
78-0 (2003)
Author: Staples, Todd
Relating to the transfer of the powers and duties of the comptroller of public accounts relating to state administration of the property tax system to the commissioner of the General Land Office.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | GENERAL LAND OFFICE COMMISSIONER | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1791
78-0 (2003)
Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Relating to the property tax rate levied by a hospital district, the appointment of boards of directors or certain hospital districts, and the transfer of municipal and county hospital property and funds and related obligations to a hospital district.
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
| Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 10
78-0 (2003)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 11
78-0 (2003)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Proposing a constitutional amendment to require a two-thirds vote of the membership of each house of the legislature to enact certain tax bills.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Finance
| Legislature | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 29
78-0 (2003)
Author: Madla, Frank
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the maximum tax rate that may be imposed on property in an emergency services district.
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Not again placed on intent calendar
| Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Health--Rural | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 104
78-1 (2003)
Author: Isett, Carl
Relating to the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1
78-4 (2003)
Author: Grusendorf, KentSponsor: Shapiro, Florence
Relating to public education, public school finance, and related matters, including certain new or modified taxes and fees and other state and local tax and revenue measures to provide sufficient funding for public education and to provide tax relief and protection for taxpayers; providing penalties.
House: Public School Finance, Select Senate: Committee of the Whole Senate
Meeting cancelled
| ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE | Amusements, Games, Sports | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers | Education--Primary & Secondary--Testing | EDUCATOR EXCELLENCE INCENTIVE PROGRAM | FOUNDATION SCHOOL PROGRAM | Taxation--Cigarette | Taxation--Franchise | Taxation--General | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales | Taxation--School District | Taxation--State | VIDEO LOTTERY
HB 6
78-4 (2003)
Author: Isett, Carl
Relating to the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Education--Junior College Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 58
78-4 (2003)
Author: Casteel, Carter
Relating to providing for an increase in certain tax rates of a taxing unit because of the imposition of an unfunded federal mandate or approval of a local measure.
House: Local Government Ways and Means
Referred to Local Government Ways and Means
| Political Subdivisions | State Finances--Management & Control | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 63
78-4 (2003)
Author: Isett, Carl
Relating to the adoption of ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Public School Finance, Select
Referred to Public School Finance, Select
| Education--Junior College Districts | Special Districts & Authorities--Water & Utility | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
78-4 (2003)
Author: Janek, Kyle
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to set a lower limit on the maximum average annual percentage increase in the appraised value of a residence homestead for ad valorem tax purposes.
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 182
77-0 (2001)
Author: Turner, BobSponsor: Madla, Frank
Relating to the tax rate of the Sutton County Hospital District.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective in 90 days -- 8/27/01
| Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | SUTTON COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1468
77-0 (2001)
Author: Pitts, JimSponsor: Cain, David
Relating to the calculation of ad valorem tax rates for certain taxing units.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/01
| REINVESTMENT ZONES | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2021
77-0 (2001)
Author: Isett, Carl
Relating to the ad valorem tax rates of certain taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2226
77-0 (2001)
Author: Davis, JohnSponsor: Jackson, Mike
Relating to the certification by a chief appraiser of certain taxable properties not included in the initial appraisal roll for a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 1/1/02
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2605
77-0 (2001)
Author: Hawley, Judy | et. al.
Relating to the maximum tax rate for certain hospital districts.
House: County Affairs
Referred to County Affairs
| Elections--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2637
77-0 (2001)
Author: George, Kenn
Relating to an interim study of certain school district ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Interim Studies | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2743
77-0 (2001)
Author: Carter, Bill | et. al.
Relating to the maximum tax rate allowed on property in emergency service and rural fire prevention districts.
House: County Affairs
Laid on table subject to call in committee
| Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2745
77-0 (2001)
Author: Carter, Bill | et. al.
Relating to the property tax rate in overlapping emergency services and rural fire prevention districts.
House: County Affairs
Laid on table subject to call in committee
| Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2746
77-0 (2001)
Author: Carter, Bill | et. al.Sponsor: Madla, Frank
Relating to emergency services and rural fire prevention districts.
House: County Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
| Elections--General | Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 87
77-0 (2001)
Author: Carter, Bill | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the maximum tax rate allowed on property in emergency service and rural fire prevention districts.
House: County Affairs
Committee report sent to Calendars
| Fire Fighters & Police--Volunteer | Health--Emergency Services & Personnel | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 460
77-0 (2001)
Author: Duncan, Robert
Relating to the inclusion of certain contractual obligations in the debt of a school district for property tax purposes.
Senate: Education
Committee report printed and distributed
| DEBT | Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 1816
77-0 (2001)
Author: Jackson, Mike
Relating to the certification by a chief appraiser of certain taxable properties not included in the initial appraisal roll for a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Ways & Means
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Taxation--Property-Appeal of Tax Decisions | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 591
76-0 (1999)
Author: West, George
Relating to the rate of the county sales and use tax.
House: Ways & Means
Subcommittee members named
| Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 954
76-0 (1999)
Author: Uher, D.R. | et. al.Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the notice and public hearing requirements for a taxing unit to increase the unit's tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 1/1/00
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 982
76-0 (1999)
Author: Williams, Thomas
Relating to the publication of ad valorem tax rates for small taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
No action taken in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1520
76-0 (1999)
Author: Junell, Robert | et. al.Sponsor: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to public notice of ad valorem tax rates for certain taxing units with low tax levies.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1747
76-0 (1999)
Author: Sadler, Paul
Relating to public school finance and to school district ad valorem tax rates.
House: Public Education
Withdrawn from schedule
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2232
76-0 (1999)
Author: Alexander, Clyde
Relating to the written notice that a school district is required to provide to property owners before adopting the annual ad valorem tax rate for the district.
House: Public Education
Left pending in committee
| Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2546
76-0 (1999)
Author: Williams, Thomas
Relating to public notice of and public hearings on proposed ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3064
76-0 (1999)
Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Relating to the requirement that the governing body of a taxing unit that imposes ad valorem taxes provide property owners with certain information before the governing body adopts a new tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3147
76-0 (1999)
Author: Smith, Todd
Relating to the requirement that a taxing unit proposing to increase the unit's tax rate provide notice of and hold a public hearing on the proposal.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Open Meetings | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--City | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 17
76-0 (1999)
Author: Chisum, Warren
Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the aggregate ad valorem tax rate on property.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 693
76-0 (1999)
Author: Cain, DavidSponsor: Williams, Thomas
Relating to public notice of ad valorem tax information and to public hearings on proposed ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means Senate: State Affairs
Placed on General State Calendar
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1118
76-0 (1999)
Author: Armbrister, KennethSponsor: Olivo, Dora
Relating to the adoption by the governing body of a taxing unit of an ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 1/1/00
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1119
76-0 (1999)
Author: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the publication of certain tax and financial information required prior to the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by a taxing unit.
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Left pending in committee
| County Government--Employees/Officers | COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 173
75-0 (1997)
Author: Nixon, Joe
Relating to the procedures for adoption of an annual ad valorem tax rate by the governing body of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 826
75-0 (1997)
Author: Turner, BobSponsor: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to the tax rate of the Sutton County Hospital District.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective in 90 days -- 9/01/97
| Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | SUTTON COUNTY HOSPITAL DISTRICT | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2044
75-0 (1997)
Author: Smith, Todd
Relating to notice that a municipality must provide before holding a public hearing on the adoption of an ad valorem tax increase.
House: Ways & Means
Placed on General State Calendar
| City Government--General | Taxation--City | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2649
75-0 (1997)
Author: Hamric, PeggySponsor: Lindsay, Jon
Relating to the maximum ad valorem tax rate for certain rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on adoption of const. amendment
| RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3482
75-0 (1997)
Author: Holzheauser, Steve
Relating to the requirement that a taxing unit proposing to increase total ad valorem tax revenues hold a public hearing on the increase.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in committee
| Open Meetings | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 11
75-0 (1997)
Author: Chisum, Warren | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the aggregate ad valorem tax rate on property.
House: Revenue & Public Education Funding, Select
Referred to Revenue & Public Ed. Funding
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 95
75-0 (1997)
Author: Heflin, Talmadge | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish property taxes and limit the rate of the sales and use tax.
House: Revenue & Public Education Funding, Select
Referred to Revenue & Public Ed. Funding
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HJR 96
75-0 (1997)
Author: Hamric, PeggySponsor: Lindsay, Jon
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to authorize an ad valorem tax of five cents for each $100 of taxable property in rural fire prevention districts located in Harris County.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Filed with the Secretary of State
| HARRIS COUNTY | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 859
74-0 (1995)
Author: Giddings, Helen
Relating to financing of certain urban improvements.
House: Urban Affairs
Referred to Urban Affairs
| Amusements, Games, Sports | Arts & Humanities | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1537
74-0 (1995)
Author: Craddick, TomSponsor: Brown, J.E. | et. al.
Relating to the calculation of the effective tax rate for taxing units.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective in 90 days -- 8/28/95
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1773
74-0 (1995)
Author: Eiland, Craig
Relating to the authority of certain school districts to establish an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the rate limitation imposed on school districts.
House: Public Education
No action taken in committee
| Education--School Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1855
74-0 (1995)
Author: Madden, Jerry
Relating to the taxable value of property in certain school districts.
House: Public Education
No action taken in committee
| Education--School Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 2033
74-0 (1995)
Author: Hamric, Peggy
Relating to the tax rate for rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2609
74-0 (1995)
Author: Craddick, TomSponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to real property valuations for certain governmental purposes.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Withdrawn from intent calendar
| Property Interests--Eminent Domain | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3108
74-0 (1995)
Author: Johnson, Jerry
Relating to the computation of a school district ad valorem tax rollback rate.
House: Public Education
Left pending in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 3149
74-0 (1995)
Author: Brimer, Kim
Relating to the calculation of property tax value.
House: Public Education
No action taken in committee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 88
74-0 (1995)
Author: Hamric, Peggy
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize an increase in the tax rate limit for rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 439
74-0 (1995)
Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to an additional sales tax in certain municipalities for ad valorem property tax relief.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--City | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
SB 756
74-0 (1995)
Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to equalizing valuations for governmental taxing and taking; and declaring an emergency.
Senate: Finance
Referred to special subcommittee
| Property Interests--Real Property | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1010
74-0 (1995)
Author: Brown, J.E.
Relating to the calculation of the effective tax rate and rollback tax rate of a taxing unit.
Senate: Finance
Reported from s/c favorably with substitute
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1220
74-0 (1995)
Author: Patterson, Jerry
Relating to the authority of certain school districts to establish an ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the rate limitation imposed on school districts.
Senate: Education
Referred to Education
| Education--School Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 155
73-0 (1993)
Author: Junell, RobertSponsor: Sims, Bill
Relating to submission and publication of ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-State Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 657
73-0 (1993)
Author: Earley, Robert
Relating to the effect of a state or federal mandate on local ad valorem tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to subcommittee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1058
73-0 (1993)
Author: Alexander, Clyde
Relating to the publication of truth in taxation notices.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1386
73-0 (1993)
Author: Eckels, Robert
Relating to the repeal or tax rate rollback of taxes imposed by political subdivisions of this state.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Ways & Means
| Political Subdivisions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--State
HB 2396
73-0 (1993)
Author: Brady, Kevin | et. al.Sponsor: Sims, Bill
Relating to the tax rate for rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Placed on intent calendar
| Fire Fighters & Police | RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2653
73-0 (1993)
Author: Greenberg, Sherri
Relating to granting immunity from liability for a person who gives information to a government agency.
House: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs
| Civil Remedies & Liabilities | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 112
73-0 (1993)
Author: Brady, KevinSponsor: Sims, Bill
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize an increase in the tax rate limit for rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Placed on intent calendar
| Fire Fighters & Police | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 228
73-0 (1993)
Author: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the effect of a state or federal mandate on local ad valorem tax rates.
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 305
73-0 (1993)
Author: Wentworth, Jeff
Relating to the issuance of truth in taxation notices.
Senate: Finance
No action taken in subcommittee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1338
72-0 (1991)
Author: Hill, Fred
Relating to the imposition of property taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Left pending in subcommittee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1499
72-0 (1991)
Author: Brady, Kevin | et. al.
Relating to the tax rate for rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means
1st Printing sent to Calendars
| RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2346
72-0 (1991)
Author: Craddick, Tom
Relating to the determination of property tax payments.
House: Ways & Means
Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 62
72-0 (1991)
Author: Brady, Kevin | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize an increase in the tax limit for rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means
1st Printing sent to Calendars
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | RURAL FIRE PREVENTION DISTRICTS | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 293
72-0 (1991)
Author: Armbrister, KennethSponsor: Earley, Robert
Relating to the date on which a taxing unit is required to adopt a tax rate for the current year.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 1/1/92
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 876
72-0 (1991)
Author: Leedom, JohnSponsor: Blackwood, Bill
Relating to the eligibility of certain municipalities to adopt an additional sales and use tax to reduce property taxes.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| City Government--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 194
70-0 (1987)
Author: Kubiak, L.B.
Relating to the procedures for calling an election to repeal or limit certain ad valorem tax rate increases.
House: Ways & Means
1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal.
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 328
70-0 (1987)
Author: Guerrero, LenaSponsor: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Relating to the notice that a taxing unit must give of a proposed ad valorem tax rate increase.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective in 90 days-8/31/87
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 886
70-0 (1987)
Author: Carriker, Steve
Relating to the ad valorem tax rate of a hospital district.
House: Ways & Means
1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal.
| Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1162
70-0 (1987)
Author: Rudd, Jim
Relating to the tax imposed on life, accident, and health insurance premiums.
House: Insurance
Pending in committee
| Insurance--Insurers & Agents | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1316
70-0 (1987)
Author: Leonard, Jr., Bob
Relating to the maximum property tax rate a rural fire prevention district may levy.
House: Ways & Means
Placed on General State Calendar
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1866
70-0 (1987)
Author: Schlueter, StanSponsor: Jones, Grant
Relating to the procedure for adoption of a property tax rate, providing a limitation on the use of taxes levied to pay debt, and the procedure for pledging taxes to pay debt.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on 1/1/88
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2233
70-0 (1987)
Author: Carter, Bill
Relating to the maximum property tax rate a rural fire prevention district may adopt.
House: Ways & Means
Pending in subcommittee
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 60
70-0 (1987)
Author: Leonard, Jr., BobSponsor: Glasgow, Bob
Proposing a constitutional amendment to raise the maximum property tax rate that may be adopted by rural fire prevention districts after an election.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Filed with the Secretary of State
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | RURAL | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 103
70-0 (1987)
Author: Carter, Bill
Proposing a constitutional amendment to raise the maximum property tax rate that may be adopted by rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means
Pending in subcommittee
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | RURAL | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1420
70-0 (1987)
Author: Jones, GrantSponsor: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to the procedures for adopting an ad valorem tax rate and to the use of certain ad valorem taxes.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 53
70-2 (1987)
Author: Leonard, Jr., BobSponsor: Glasgow, Bob
Relating to the maximum propriety tax rate that may be adopted by certain rural fire prevention districts.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Eff. on adoption of const. amendment
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | RURAL | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 837
69-0 (1985)
Author: Kubiak, L.B.
Relating to the procedures for calling an election to repeal or limit certain ad valorem tax rate increases.
House: Ways & Means
Transferred to Calendars Committee
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1405
69-0 (1985)
Author: Uher, D.R.
Relating to the authority of the governing board of a public junior college district to increase the property tax rate in the district under certain circumstances.
House: Higher Education
Referred to Higher Education
| Education--Junior College Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2280
69-0 (1985)
Author: Roberts, Ted
Relating to authorizing a property owner to bring suit to require a taxing unit to comply with certain procedures in setting its tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Withdrawn from schedule
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 623
69-0 (1985)
Author: Jones, GrantSponsor: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to property tax bills after late adoption of tax rate.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 1125
69-0 (1985)
Author: Jones, GrantSponsor: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to the calculation and adoption of property tax rates; giving private right of action.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 578
68-0 (1983)
Author: Clemons, Billy
Relating to county sales and use taxes and to the county ad valorem tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Committee laid on table subject to call
| County Government--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--Sales
HB 616
68-0 (1983)
Author: Gavin, John
Relating to the time when a county commissioners court may adopt a tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Committee report printed and sent to Committee on Calendars
| Courts--County & Statutory | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1005
68-0 (1983)
Author: Peveto, Wayne
Relating to the calculation of the effective tax rate for a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
Reported from subcommittee favorably without amendments
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1746
68-0 (1983)
Author: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to calculation of the effective tax rate of a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means
See remarks
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1997
68-0 (1983)
Author: Horn, Jim
Relating to public notice of the procedures by which the voters of a taxing unit may call for an election to repeal or limit certain ad valorem tax rate increases.
House: Ways & Means
Subcommittee laid on table subject to call
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2134
68-0 (1983)
Author: Schlueter, StanSponsor: Jones, Grant
Relating to the calculation of the effective tax rate for a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2285
68-0 (1983)
Author: Schlueter, StanSponsor: Jones, Grant
Relating to the public notice requirements for certain tax rate increases by taxing units.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
| PUBLIC NOTICE | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 11
68-0 (1983)
Author: Mauzy, OscarSponsor: Cain, David
Relating to the quorum and the number of votes required for a commissioners court to levy a tax and the meetings at which a tax may be levied.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
| City Government--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 974
68-0 (1983)
Author: Jones, Grant
Relating to the calculation of the effective tax rate for a taxing unit.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SCR 134
68-0 (1983)
Author: Jones, GrantSponsor: Rudd, Jim
Recalling H.B. 2134 for further senate consideration.
Filed without the Governor's signature
| Resolutions--Recall | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 48
68-2 (1984)
Author: Whitmire, JohnSponsor: Colbert, Paul
Relating to certain transactions involving business machines; requiring certain reports; providing a penalty.
House: Business & Commerce Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1876
67-0 (1981)
Author: Clark, Bill
Relating to recovery of attorney's fees in suits involving improper adoption of a tax rate.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to subcommittee
| ATTORNEY'S FEES | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1959
67-0 (1981)
Author: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to notice and public hearing and meeting requirements to be observed by taxing units before increasing property taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to subcommittee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2069
67-0 (1981)
Author: Peveto, Wayne
Relating to reductions or limitations on property tax rates adopted by taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Subcommittee laid on table subject to call
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2223
67-0 (1981)
Author: Peveto, Wayne
Relating to taxing residence homesteads at a lesser rate than that imposed on other property.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
| Property Interests--Homestead | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2235
67-0 (1981)
Author: Clark, Bill
Relating to the public hearing and meeting requirements to be observed by taxing units before increasing property taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to subcommittee
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2250
67-0 (1981)
Author: Clayton, Bill
Relating to the rate of the state property tax.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to subcommittee
| Education--Higher--Finance | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--State
HJR 89
67-0 (1981)
Author: McFarland, Bob
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to state ad valorem taxes.
House: Constitutional Amendments
Committee laid on table subject to call
| Education--Higher--Finance | PERMANENT UNIVERSITY FUND | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 458
67-0 (1981)
Author: Parker, Carl
Relating to the maximum property tax rate for a rural fire prevention district and to the de-annexation of the portion of a city that lies within a rural fire prevention district.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | RURAL | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 916
67-0 (1981)
Author: Mengden, Walter
Relating to the number of voters required to vote in an election to reduce or limit the ad valorem tax rate adopted by a taxing unit.
Senate: Finance
Referred to Committee on Finance
| Elections--Administration | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 23
67-0 (1981)
Author: Parker, Carl
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the maximum tax rate for rural fire prevention districts.
House: Constitutional Amendments Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | RURAL | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 38
67-1 (1981)
Author: Nabers, Lynn
Relating to the percentage of qualified voters that must vote for an election to reduce an increase in the effective property tax rate to take effect.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 65
67-1 (1981)
Author: Davis, Bob
Relating to limitations on increases in property taxes.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 102
67-1 (1981)
Author: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to elections to limit increases in property tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Notice given-1 hour suspend rules to consider
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 3
66-0 (1979)
Author: Clark, BillSponsor: Meier, Bill
Relating to elections to reduce local increases in effective property tax rates.
House: Intergovernmental Affairs Senate: Jurisprudence
Considered by committee in public hearing
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1589
66-0 (1979)
Author: Wright, Brad
Relating to elections to reduce local increases in effective property tax rates.
House: Ways & Means
Coauthor authorized
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 1984
66-0 (1979)
Author: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to certain property tax increases and the conduct of elections to repeal such increases.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
| Elections--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2133
66-0 (1979)
Author: Pierce, George
Relating to the taxation, budgeting, expenditures, and assessment for taxation of a hospital districts in certain counties.
House: Intergovernmental Affairs Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Relations
| Special Districts & Authorities--Hospital | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 2170
66-0 (1979)
Author: Schlueter, Stan
Relating to assessment of property for state ad valorem taxation at a percentage of its value.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Referred to Committee on Finance
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 68
66-0 (1979)
Author: Price, Albert
Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to the 10-cent state property tax used for the construction of improvements by certain state universities.
House: Constitutional Amendments
Referred to Committee on Constitutional Amendments
| Education--Higher--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 18
65-2 (1978)
Author: Clark, BillSponsor: Farabee, Ray
Relating to restricting increases in property taxes by local taxing units.
House: Ways & Means Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 20
65-2 (1978)
Author: Davis, Bob
Relating to a limitation on increases in total property tax revenues by local taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Referred to Committee on Calendars
| Taxation--Property-Appraisals & Appraisal Districts | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 22
65-2 (1978)
Author: Benedict, Jerry L.
Relating to a restriction on increases in total property tax revenues by local taxing units.
House: Ways & Means
Considered by committee in public hearing
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 398
60-0 (1967)
Author: Rosson, Renal B.
Relating to the permissible tax rate in certain common school districts.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 830
60-0 (1967)
Author: Haynes, Jr., Clyde
Relating to the tax assessment rate in rural fire prevention districts.
| Fire Fighters & Police--General | RURAL | Special Districts & Authorities--Miscellaneous | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HCR 109
60-0 (1967)
Author: Rosson, Renal B.
Instructing the Enrolling Clerk to make corrections in H.B. No. 398.
| Resolutions--Corrective | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 124
60-0 (1967)
Author: Hightower, Jack
Relating to the permissible tax rate in certain common school districts.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 1039
59-0 (1965)
Author: Hale, L. DeWitt
Relating to requiring all taxing authorities using the services of the county tax assessor-collector, either in assessing or collecting taxes for the taxing authority, to furnish the county tax assessor-collector, on or before July 20th of each year, the tax rate adopted by the taxing authority for the succeeding taxable year.
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 549
59-0 (1965)
Author: Hall, Ralph M. | et. al.
Relating to requiring all taxing authorities using the services of the county tax assessor-collector, either in assessing or collecting taxes for the taxing authority, to furnish the county tax assessor-collector, on or before July 20th of each year, the tax rate adopted by the taxing authority for the succeeding taxable year.
| COUNTY TAX ASSESSOR-COLLECTORS | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 23
54-0 (1955)
Author: Yancy, Jr., James Watson
Proposing an Amendment to Section 9 of Article VIII of the Constitution of Texas so as to provide that the Commissioners Court in each county may levy whatever sums may be necessary for general fund purposes, permanent improvement fund purposes, road and bridge purposes and jury purposes so long as the total of these tax rates does not exceed eighty (80) cents on the one hundred dollars valuation in any one year, and providing further that the Commissioners Court shall not impair any outstanding bonds or other obligations; providing for the necessary election and form of ballot; and providing for the necessary proclamations and publications.
| County Government--Finance | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 36
54-0 (1955)
Author: Lock, Ottis E.
Relating to amending certain Acts so as to increase the authorized rate of tax which may be levied by school districts for bond purposes to seventy-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation; and increasing the amount of bonds which may be issued accordingly.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 116
54-0 (1955)
Author: Aikin, Jr., A.M.
Relating to fixing the maximum rate of tax to be levied for maintenance purposes in school districts in Texas to an amount not to exceed One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50) on the One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) property valuation; providing for a decreasing maximum maintenance rate; providing for a vote of the people before such tax may be levied; providing for the issuance of bonds for the purchase, construction, repair, or equipment of public free schools not to exceed ten per cent (10%) of the total assessed valuation of the district; and providing that said districts may levy ad valorem taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the interest on and principal of all bonds hereafter issued for such purpose; providing for a vote of the people before such bonds may be issued or such tax rates levied.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 228
54-0 (1955)
Author: Secrest, Jarrard
Relating to coordinating and correlating the existing statutes relating to the equalization of property for purposes of ad valorem taxation and the fixing of tax rates by all governmental subdivisions and districts whose taxes are carried on the county tax roll, and to provide the county tax assessor-collector sufficient time to complete the current tax roll, current receipts and tax notices prior to the date fixed by law for current collections to begin, by requiring that commissioners courts sitting as boards of equalization shall convene on the second Monday in May of each year and complete equalization as nearly as possible not later than July 1; requiring that the State, the various counties and all other subdivisions and districts whose taxes are assessed, collected or assessed and collected by the County Tax Assessor-Collector shall fix their respective tax rates not later than July 1; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith.
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 257
49-0 (1945)
Author: Conner, Charles M.
Relating to fixing a maximum rate of tax to be levied for school purposes in all independent school districts which include within their limits a city or town, according to the latest preceding Federal Census, with a population of now fewer than Three Thousand Eleven (3,011) and not more than Three Thousand Seventy (3,070 inhabitants, whether organized under a General or Special Law; repealing all laws conflicting herewith.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 153
48-0 (1943)
Author: Mauritz, Fred
Relating to amending certain Statutes to provide the State tax on property shall never exceed Seventeen and a half (17 1/2) Cents on the One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars valuation; repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
47-0 (1941)
Author: McAlister, Obel L.
Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that not exceeding ten (10c) cents on the one hundred ($100.00) dollar valuation in any year may be used out of any of the constitutional funds for the purpose of maintaining hospitals owned or operated in whole or in part by the county, and for the relief of paupers.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 25
47-0 (1941)
Author: Reed, William Otey | et. al.
Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the assessment and levying of ad valorem taxes for the general fund of the State to twenty (20 cents) on each one hundred dollars valuation of property.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
47-0 (1941)
Author: Moffett, George Clarence "Cotton"
Proposing a constitutional amendment limiting the assessment and levying of ad valorem taxes for the general fund of the State to twenty ($.20) cents on each one hundred dollars valuation of property; authorizing counties to levy up to fifteen cents ($.15) to take care of indigents not eligible or pensions.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 306
46-0 (1939)
Author: Brown, Henry Turner
Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; calculating the ad valorem rate of taxes to be collected for the State and public free school purposes.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 863
46-0 (1939)
Author: Alsup, Lon E.
Relating to making provisions in certain independent school districts in this State, for an election to determine tax rate to be levied for payment of bonds and interest thereon.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 967
46-0 (1939)
Author: Burkett, Omar | et. al.
Relating to fixing the maximum rate of tax to be levied for school purposes in all independent school districts which include within their limits a city or town which according to the latest Federal Census had a population of not fewer than six thousand, two hundred (6,200) and not more than six thousand, two hundred and twenty-five (6,225) whether organized under General or Special Law.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
SB 24
42-2 (1931)
Author: Cunningham, Oliver C.
Relating to amending certain Statutes relating to ascertaining tax rate.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 17
42-3 (1932)
Author: Sherrill, Clarence Junius
Relating to the mode and manner of rendering for taxes and taxing property which has had a value placed thereon for rate making purposes.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 46
39-0 (1925)
Author: Smith, John T.
Relating to a tax to providing for the levy and collection of an annual ad valorem tax for the general revenue and purposes for Confederate pensions and for the available school fund; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act.
House: Revenue and Taxation
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SB 80
39-0 (1925)
Author: Parr, Archer "Archie"
Relating to validating the proceedings of the county school trustees of Jim Wells County, Texas, in changing the lines of the Alice Independent School District in said county and validating all proceedings had with respect to levying a tax of $1.00 upon the $100.00 valuation of all the taxable property in said school district and validating al proceedings had with reference to building bonds and authorizing their issuance.
Senate: Educational Affairs
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HB 524
38-0 (1923)
Author: Satterwhite, Robert Lee
Relating to conferring upon the State Automatic Tax Board authority to calculate the State tax for public free school purposes.
| COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--School District
HJR 22
38-0 (1923)
Author: Patman, John William Wright | et. al.
Relating to submitting an amendment to the constitution limiting the power of the legislature to levy an ad valorem tax not to exceed thirty-five cents on the one hundred dollar valuation for school purposes.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--State
38-0 (1923)
Author: Burkett, Sr., Joseph W.
Proposing an amendment to Section 1, Article 8 of the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing for a graduated land tax and exempting homestead improvements of less than $2500 in value from taxation.
| Property Interests--Homestead | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Exemptions | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 12
36-0 (1919)
Author: Dean, William Luther
Proposing an amendment increasing the total tax rate that may be levied by cities and towns having a population of five thousand or less; making an appropriation.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--City | Taxation--County | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
35-0 (1917)
Author: Clark, Henry
Proposing an amendment authorizing the levying of a graduated land tax.
| Agriculture | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 39
35-0 (1917)
Author: Blalock, Myron Geer
Proposing an amendment relating to the collection of taxes by cities and towns.
| Taxation--City | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
35-1 (1917)
| County Government--Roads | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
35-1 (1917)
Author: Hopkins, Sr., George Milton
Relating to proposing and amendment to Section 9, Article 8, of the Constitution, authorizing 75c special road tax.
| County Government--Roads | Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 43
34-0 (1915)
Author: Dickson, David W. "Dave"
Relating to amending a certain Act providing pensions for ex-Confederate soldiers and their widows, after a bona fide, continuous residence of seven years.
| Military & Veterans | Retirement Systems--General | Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 465
33-0 (1913)
Author: Calvin, Elvis Abner
Relating to fixing the ad valorem tax rate at five cents on the one hundred valuation for the purpose of creating a special fund for the payment of pensions for services in the Confederate Army or Navy, Frontier organizations and the militia of the state of Texas, and the widows of such soldiers serving in said organizations.
| Military & Veterans | Retirement Systems--General | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HJR 31
33-0 (1913)
Author: Chrestman, E. M.
Proposing an amendment to the constitution to cap the amount of funds collected through property taxes; also authorizing the collection of additional ad valorem taxes by Counties and municipalities.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 16
33-0 (1913)
Author: Paulus, David Augustus
Proposing a constitutional amendment to place certain limitations on the collection of property taxes.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
SJR 20
33-0 (1913)
Author: Terrell, Henry Berryman
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing certain forms of taxation by the state, counties, and municipalities.
| Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 4
26-1 (1900)
Relating to amending Article 5046, Chapter 1, Title 104, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas of 1895, relating to the subject of taxation; reducing the ad valorem tax rate to sixteen and two-thirds cents.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 270
24-0 (1895)
Relating to providing for levy and collection of an annual ad valorem State tax for the general revenue purposes of twenty-five cents on the one hundred dollars valuation for 1895, and twenty cents thereafter.
| Taxation--Property-Assessment & Collection | Taxation--Property-Tax Rate
HB 256
22-0 (1891)
Relating to providing for the levy and collection of an annual ad valorem State tax for general revenue purposes of fifteen cents on the hundred dollars.
| Taxation--Property-Tax Rate | Taxation--State