Legislative Archive System Search for bills by bill number, session law chapter, author, subject, or caption. View scanned bill files, actions, bill analyses, and related documents.
Index to Sections Affected
Search for legislation affecting Texas statutes back to the 74th session (1995).
Constitutional amendments
View amendments to the Texas Constitution from 1879 forward. Search by legislative session or article.
View lists of the Governor's vetoes by legislative session. Link to scanned versions of veto proclamations.
State budget Links to resources related to the legislative budgeting process, including online editions of appropriations bills and other primary sources.
Redistricting Information about the history of redistricting and reapportionment in Texas.
Statutory revision documents Scanned copies of revisor's reports and notes related to the ongoing statutory revision process.
Texas law timeline Timeline of significant events in Texas constitutional and statutory history, with links to historical documents online.