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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  CEMENT & CONCRETE ]

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HB 94 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Relating to the consideration for approval by the executive director of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an application for an authorization to use a standard permit for a concrete batch plant. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 124 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Relating to the permitting of certain concrete plants located in an area of a municipality not subject to zoning regulations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 137 88-0 (2023) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the issuance of air quality permits for concrete plants located in certain areas. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | County Government--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 344 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to the requirements for notice of a standard permit for certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS | PUBLIC NOTICE
HB 372 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to a prohibition on the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 406 88-0 (2023) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 407 88-0 (2023) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 758 88-0 (2023) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al. Relating to the deadline to request a contested case hearing on an authorization to use a standard permit for a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 759 88-0 (2023) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al. Relating to a motion to overturn an executive director decision on an authorization to use a standard permit for certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 926 88-0 (2023) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the persons entitled to request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1387 88-0 (2023) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al. Relating to the persons entitled to request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1505 88-0 (2023) Author: Bell, Keith | et. al. Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--General | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | INTERNET | PERMITS | PUBLIC NOTICE | STAFF DEVELOPMENT & TRAINING | Sunset--Commission Bills
HB 2391 88-0 (2023) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the authority of a municipality or county to request a hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 2392 88-0 (2023) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the issuance of air quality permits for concrete plants located in certain areas. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | County Government--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 2905 88-0 (2023) Author: Goodwin, Vikki Relating to air quality permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 3624 88-0 (2023) Author: Isaac, Carrie | et. al. Relating to the processing of an application for an authorization to use a standard permit for a rock or concrete crushing facility. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mines & Mineral Resources
HB 3658 88-0 (2023) Author: Isaac, Carrie | et. al. Relating to the monitoring of emissions from certain facilities that emit air contaminants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 4086 88-0 (2023) Author: Kuempel, John Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | County Government--Land Use & Zoning | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Electronic Information Systems | Interim Studies | Mines & Mineral Resources | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY
HB 4537 88-0 (2023) Author: Bell, Keith Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 4959 88-0 (2023) Author: Wilson, Terry M. Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
HB 5009 88-0 (2023) Author: Wilson, Terry M. Relating to the establishment of a certification program for public work contracting purposes for operators of certain facilities that emit air contaminants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | CONTRACTORS & SUBCONTRACTORS | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS | Purchasing--General
SB 131 88-0 (2023) Author: Campbell, Donna | et. al. Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Co-author authorized | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 503 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the issuance of air quality permits for concrete plants located in certain areas. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | County Government--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 705 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the authority of a municipality or county to request a hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 816 88-0 (2023) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to a motion to overturn an executive director decision on an authorization to use a standard permit for certain concrete plants. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 817 88-0 (2023) Author: Alvarado, Carol Relating to the deadline to request a contested case hearing on an authorization to use a standard permit for a concrete plant. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 1175 88-0 (2023) Author: Eckhardt, Sarah Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1397 88-0 (2023) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Bell, Keith | et. al.
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 1398 88-0 (2023) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al. Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 1399 88-0 (2023) Author: Schwertner, Charles | et. al.
Sponsor: Bell, Keith
Relating to the renewal and review of standard permits for certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 1416 88-0 (2023) Author: Johnson, Nathan Relating to the processing of an application for an authorization to use a standard permit for a rock or concrete crushing facility. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mines & Mineral Resources
SB 1554 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the location qualifications for a standard permit for certain concrete plants and a prohibition on the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1555 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
SB 2128 88-0 (2023) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the establishment of the Task Force on Concrete Plants. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | CONCRETE PLANTS, TASK FORCE ON | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Governor | HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES | LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR | SENATE, TEXAS | SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE | State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 2196 88-0 (2023) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Sponsor: Kuempel, John
Relating to the identification and mapping of aggregate production operations by The University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/23 | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | County Government--Land Use & Zoning | Education--Higher--Institutions & Programs | Electronic Information Systems | Interim Studies | Mines & Mineral Resources | ROCK QUARRIES & PITS | UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN BUREAU OF ECONOMIC GEOLOGY
HB 50 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to the issuance of an air quality permit for a concrete plant located in an area of a municipality not subject to zoning regulations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 56 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Relating to prohibiting the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
HB 65 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Relating to the requirements for notice of a standard permit for certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
HB 289 87-0 (2021) Author: Collier, Nicole | et. al. Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 416 87-0 (2021) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al. Relating to plot plan requirements for an application for a standard permit for a concrete batch plant issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. House: Environmental Regulation Postponed | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 889 87-0 (2021) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1267 87-0 (2021) Author: Walle, Armando Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1627 87-0 (2021) Author: Thompson, Senfronia | et. al. Relating to the issuance of air quality permits for concrete plants located in certain areas. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | County Government--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 1721 87-0 (2021) Author: Reynolds, Ron Relating to a study by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of air contaminants in residential areas in certain counties. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | County Government--Land Use & Zoning | Environment--Air | Environment--General | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1786 87-0 (2021) Author: Thierry, Shawn Relating to the issuance of air quality permits for concrete plants located in certain areas. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | County Government--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 1912 87-0 (2021) Author: Wilson, Terry M. | et. al. Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2646 87-0 (2021) Author: Johnson, Jarvis Relating to the consideration for approval by the executive director of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of an application for a standard permit for a concrete batch plant. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 3412 87-0 (2021) Author: King, Tracy Relating to the location and operation of certain concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 3594 87-0 (2021) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations near an airport. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | AIRPORTS | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 3603 87-0 (2021) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the eligibility of a concrete batch plant for a standard permit with enhanced controls following the withdrawal of an application for a standard permit. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
HB 3604 87-0 (2021) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to prohibiting the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
HB 4400 87-0 (2021) Author: Patterson, Jared Relating to the regulation of concrete plants by the commissioners court in certain counties. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | County Government--Land Use & Zoning | Environment--Air | Environment--General | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mines & Mineral Resources | PERMITS
SB 368 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the issuance of air quality permits for concrete plants located in certain areas. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | County Government--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 952 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al.
Sponsor: Walle, Armando | et. al.
Relating to plot plan requirements for an application for a standard permit for a concrete batch plant issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 953 87-0 (2021) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to prohibiting the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
SB 1166 87-0 (2021) Author: Campbell, Donna Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1209 87-0 (2021) Author: Schwertner, Charles Relating to air quality permits for aggregate production operations and concrete batch plants. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1350 87-0 (2021) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the issuance of air quality permits for concrete plants located in certain areas. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | County Government--General | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 710 86-0 (2019) Author: Wray, John Relating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities that transport ready-mixed concrete. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Taxation--Franchise | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 798 86-0 (2019) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al. Relating to plot plan requirements for an application for a standard permit for a concrete batch plant issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. House: Environmental Regulation Received from the House | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 924 86-0 (2019) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to county surety bond requirements for concrete batch plants. House: County Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars | BONDS | Business & Commerce--General | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--Roads | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 999 86-0 (2019) Author: Collier, Nicole Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 1280 86-0 (2019) Author: Allen, Alma Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1309 86-0 (2019) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to the issuance of a standard permit for certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 1310 86-0 (2019) Author: Dutton, Jr., Harold V. Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 3404 86-0 (2019) Author: Johnson, Jarvis | et. al. Relating to the issuance of a permit for a concrete plant located in an area of a municipality not subject to zoning regulations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--Land Use & Zoning | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 3817 86-0 (2019) Author: Kacal, Kyle | et. al. Relating to prohibiting the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 4063 86-0 (2019) Author: Martinez, Armando Relating to the location and operation of certain concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 4247 86-0 (2019) Author: Wilson, Terry M. | et. al. Relating to the operation of rock and concrete crushing facilities at certain locations. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Hospitals | ROCK QUARRIES & PITS
HB 4409 86-0 (2019) Author: Wilson, Terry M. Relating to monitoring emissions of air contaminants from certain mining-related facilities; imposing of a fee. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | INTERNET | Mines & Mineral Resources | PERMITS
HB 4422 86-0 (2019) Author: Wilson, Terry M. Relating to permit conditions relating to road paving for certain mining-related facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | County Government--Roads | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Mines & Mineral Resources | PERMITS | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 208 86-0 (2019) Author: Campbell, Donna | et. al. Relating to prohibiting the operation of concrete plants and crushing facilities at certain locations. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Co-author authorized | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 417 86-0 (2019) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to concrete batching and concrete crushing facilities. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 644 86-0 (2019) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities that transport ready-mixed concrete. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Taxation--Franchise | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 1247 86-0 (2019) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to who may request a public hearing from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality related to the construction of a concrete plant. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 423 85-0 (2017) Author: Wray, John
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities that transport ready-mixed concrete. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Taxation--Franchise | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 2086 85-0 (2017) Author: Walle, Armando Relating to plot plan requirements for an application for a standard permit for a concrete batch plant issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. House: Environmental Regulation Committee report sent to Calendars | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 2088 85-0 (2017) Author: Walle, Armando | et. al. Relating to the operating hours of concrete plants in certain counties issued a standard permit by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; amending a provision subject to a criminal penalty. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 3355 85-0 (2017) Author: Israel, Celia Relating to the operation of vehicles transporting precast prestressed concrete products; authorizing a fee. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | PERMITS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 793 85-0 (2017) Author: Miles, Borris | et. al. Relating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Co-author authorized | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1108 85-0 (2017) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities that transport ready-mixed concrete. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Taxation--Franchise | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 1600 85-0 (2017) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to the issuance of standard permits for certain concrete plants. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 1607 85-0 (2017) Author: Creighton, Brandon Relating to the operation of vehicles transporting precast prestressed concrete products. Senate: Transportation Referred to Transportation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | PERMITS | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 2034 85-0 (2017) Author: Miles, Borris Relating to creation of a task force to study the health effects of concrete and rock crushing. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | Governor | Health--General | Legislature | ROCK QUARRIES & PITS | Safety | TASK FORCE TO STUDY THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF CONCRETE AND ROCK CRUSHING
HB 2592 84-0 (2015) Author: Phillips, Larry Relating to the operation of ready-mixed concrete trucks on public roadways in this state; modifying provisions subject to a criminal penalty. House: Transportation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Highways | Vehicles & Traffic--Rules of Road
HB 3419 84-0 (2015) Author: Phillips, Larry Relating to certain concrete plants issued a standard permit by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality; amending a provision subject to a criminal penalty. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 3647 84-0 (2015) Author: Larson, Lyle Relating to ready-mix concrete trucks. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 3923 84-0 (2015) Author: Wray, John Relating to the computation of cost of goods sold for purposes of the franchise tax by taxable entities that transport ready-mixed concrete; adding a provision subject to a criminal penalty. House: Ways & Means Placed on General State Calendar | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Taxation--Franchise | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 427 84-0 (2015) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1720 84-0 (2015) Author: Campbell, Donna Relating to ready-mix concrete trucks. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Taxation--Franchise | Vehicles & Traffic--General
SB 114 83-0 (2013) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. Senate: Natural Resources Referred to Natural Resources | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 1572 82-0 (2011) Author: Lozano, J. M. Relating to the applicability of certain restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | BORDER | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | GULF OF MEXICO
SB 455 82-0 (2011) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. Senate: Natural Resources Referred to Natural Resources | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
SB 1003 82-0 (2011) Author: Fraser, Troy
Sponsor: Smith, Wayne
Relating to penalties for, and emergency orders suspending, the operation of a rock crusher or certain concrete plants without a current permit under the Texas Clean Air Act. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources
SB 1250 82-0 (2011) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Sponsor: Lozano, J. M.
Relating to the applicability of certain restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources
HB 2174 81-0 (2009) Author: Truitt, Vicki | et. al. Relating to governmental agency contracts that involve the production of cement. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Purchasing--Local
HB 2175 81-0 (2009) Author: Truitt, Vicki | et. al. Relating to the purchase of cement by the Texas Department of Transportation. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Highways | Purchasing--State | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
HB 2355 81-0 (2009) Author: Kent, Carol | et. al. Relating to the purchase of cement or cement products by certain governmental entities. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | Environment--Air | Purchasing--Local
HB 3424 81-0 (2009) Author: Burnam, Lon | et. al. Relating to Nitrogen Oxide emission limits for cement kilns in certain non-attainment areas for ozone. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON
HB 3942 81-0 (2009) Author: Truitt, Vicki Relating to a pilot test of an advanced control technology for the reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Utilities--Electric
SB 259 81-0 (2009) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. Senate: Natural Resources Referred to Natural Resources | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
SB 760 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Wendy | et. al. Relating to a pilot test of an advanced control technology for the reduction of nitrogen oxides emissions. Senate: Natural Resources Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | Utilities--Electric
SB 1466 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Wendy Relating to the procurement of certain cement by the Texas Department of Transportation. Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security Not again placed on intent calendar | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Highways | Purchasing--State | TRANSPORTATION, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF
SB 1467 81-0 (2009) Author: Davis, Wendy | et. al. Relating to governmental agency contracts that involve the production of cement. Senate: Government Organization Not again placed on intent calendar | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Purchasing--Local
HB 3308 80-0 (2007) Author: England, Kirk Relating to a requirement that the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality provide notice related to certain permit applications to certain local officials. House: Environmental Regulation Committee report sent to Calendars | CEMENT & CONCRETE | City Government--General | Environment--Air | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste | Environment--Solid Waste | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 644 80-0 (2007) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to restrictions on the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. Senate: Natural Resources Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
HB 923 79-0 (2005) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the location of concrete stockpiles at certain portable concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 924 79-0 (2005) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the location of concrete stockpiles at certain portable concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 1429 79-0 (2005) Author: Kuempel, Edmund Relating to the enforcement of the prohibition on constructing or operating certain rock crushers or concrete plants without the necessary Clean Air Act permit. House: Environmental Regulation Postponed | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
SB 1171 79-0 (2005) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth Relating to the enforcement of the prohibition on operating certain rock crushers or concrete plants without the necessary Clean Air Act permit. Senate: Natural Resources Referred to Natural Resources | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 87 79-1 (2005) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the location of concrete stockpiles at certain portable concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 41 79-2 (2005) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the location of concrete stockpiles at certain portable concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, TEXAS COMMISSION ON | PERMITS
HB 1005 78-0 (2003) Author: Haggerty, Pat
Sponsor: Fraser, Troy
Relating to emergency orders and penalties for rock crushers and concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources
Postponed | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Water | PERMITS
HB 1178 78-0 (2003) Author: Marchant, Kenny Relating to a required discount in homeowners' insurance premiums for the use of an insulating concrete form system. House: Insurance Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING MATERIALS | Insurance--Property & Casualty
HB 1219 78-0 (2003) Author: Haggerty, Pat Relating to the location and operation of concrete crushing facilities. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
HB 1287 78-0 (2003) Author: Chisum, Warren
Sponsor: Madla, Frank
Relating to the location and operation of certain portable facilities. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
HB 1812 78-0 (2003) Author: Edwards, Al Relating to the location and operation of a concrete crushing facility. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | Mines & Mineral Resources
HB 2490 78-0 (2003) Author: Callegari, Bill | et. al. Relating to the location of certain concrete and asphalt plants. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
HB 2741 78-0 (2003) Author: Jones, Jesse Relating to incineration of hazardous waste as fuel in cement plants in certain areas of this state. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | BURNING & INCINERATORS | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste
HB 2742 78-0 (2003) Author: Jones, Jesse Relating to incineration of hazardous waste as fuel in cement plants. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Energy--Alternative Fuels | Environment--Hazardous, Toxic & Nuclear Waste
HB 2932 78-0 (2003) Author: Flores, Kino Relating to the permitting process for the construction of certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
SB 581 78-0 (2003) Author: Jackson, Mike | et. al.
Sponsor: Marchant, Kenny
Relating to an optional discount in homeowners' insurance premiums for the use of an insulating concrete form system. House: Insurance
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/03 | CEMENT & CONCRETE | CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING MATERIALS | Insurance--Property & Casualty
SB 1272 78-0 (2003) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth
Sponsor: Flores, Kino
Relating to the permitting process for the construction of certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective on 9/1/03 | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
HB 1477 77-0 (2001) Author: Chisum, Warren Relating to the permitting process for the construction of certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Regulation Left pending in committee | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
HB 3401 77-0 (2001) Author: Denny, Mary Relating to the location of concrete or asphalt batch plants. House: Environmental Regulation Referred to Environmental Regulation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Economic & Industrial Development--General | PERMITS
HB 3560 77-0 (2001) Author: Denny, Mary | et. al. Relating to the location of certain concrete and asphalt plants. House: Environmental Regulation Committee report sent to Calendars | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Economic & Industrial Development--General | PERMITS
SB 546 77-0 (2001) Author: Brown, J. E. Relating to the permitting process for the construction of certain concrete plants. Senate: Natural Resources Not again placed on intent calendar | BUILDING CONSTRUCTION | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
SB 1390 77-0 (2001) Author: Brown, J. E.
Sponsor: Kuempel, Edmund
Relating to the penalties for operating certain facilities without obtaining a permit under the Texas Clean Air Act. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective on 9/1/01 | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air | PERMITS
HB 2134 76-0 (1999) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to the location of concrete batch plants. House: Environmental Regulation Considered in Calendars | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
HB 2312 76-0 (1999) Author: Chisum, Warren Relating to a prohibition on a requirement for air dispersion modeling before beginning construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation Laid on the table subject to call | CEMENT & CONCRETE | CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING MATERIALS | Environment--Air
SB 1298 76-0 (1999) Author: Brown, J. E.
Sponsor: Chisum, Warren
Relating to a prohibition on a requirement for air dispersion modeling before beginning construction of a concrete plant. House: Environmental Regulation
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/99 | CEMENT & CONCRETE | CONSTRUCTION & BUILDING MATERIALS | Environment--Air
HB 568 70-0 (1987) Author: Hammond, Bill
Sponsor: Montford, John
Relating to motor vehicles used to transport or manufacture concrete. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 1432 70-0 (1987) Author: Oakley, Keith
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the construction of certain concrete plants. House: Environmental Affairs
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately | Business & Commerce--General | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Environment--Air
HB 1465 70-0 (1987) Author: Patrick, Kae Relating to a notice by certain persons of the sale of certain materials used in construction of improvements to real property as a condition to the perfection of a lien by those persons. House: Judicial Affairs Referred to Judicial Affairs | Business & Commerce--General | CEMENT & CONCRETE
HB 2153 69-0 (1985) Author: Richardson, Bob
Sponsor: Montford, John
Relating to motor vehicles used to transport or manufacture concrete. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Vetoed by the Governor | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers
SB 1141 69-0 (1985) Author: Montford, John Relating to motor vehicles used to transport or manufacture concrete. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers
HB 2034 67-0 (1981) Author: Sharp, John Relating to permits for the movement on state highways of certain overweight or oversized motor vehicles. House: Transportation Referred to Committee on Transportation | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers | Highways | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
HB 556 66-0 (1979) Author: Lauhoff, Herman E. Relating to the transportation of ready-mix concrete and loose materials in a single load having an overall gross weight in excess of the limitations prescribed in Articles 6701d-11 and 6701d-12. House: Transportation Scheduled for future calendar placement | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Transportation--Miscellaneous | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT | Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
HB 770 65-0 (1977) Author: Semos, Chris V. Relating to the operation of vehicles used to transport ready-mixed concrete. House: Transportation Considered by committee in public hearing | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers
SB 412 65-0 (1977) Author: Harris, O.H.
Sponsor: Semos, Chris V.
Relating to the operation of vehicles used to transport ready-mixed concrete; prescribing load limits; giving authority to governing bodies of counties, cities, and towns to further regulate such vehicles and to require bonds of their owners; stating the relationship of this Act to federal law. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
90 Day Bill | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers
HB 51 54-0 (1955) Author: Kirklin, Wiltz Gleason "Cotton" Relating to amending certain Acts by providing that vehicles used exclusively to transport ready-mix concrete may be operated upon the public highways of this state with a tandem axle load not to exceed thirty-six thousand (36,000) pounds, a single axle load not to exceed eighteen thousand (18,000) pounds or a gross load not to exceed fifty four thousand (54,000) pounds; providing for the fixing, filing, and approval of an indemnity bond under certain circumstances. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
SB 17 54-0 (1955) Author: Fuller, Jep S. Relating to amending certain Acts by providing that vehicles used exclusively to transport ready-mix concrete may be operated upon the public highways of this state with a tandem axle load not to exceed thirty-six thousand (36,000) pounds, a single axle load not to exceed twelve thousand (12,000) pounds and a gross load not to exceed forty-eight thousand (48,000) pounds. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
HB 109 53-0 (1953) Author: Kilgore, Joe Madison Relating to providing that for a period of two (2) years, commencing September 7, 1953, vehicles used exclusively to transport ready-mix concrete may be operated upon the public highways of this State with a tandem axle load not to exceed thirty-six thousand (36,000) pounds by first filing with the State Highway Department a properly conditioned surety bond. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers
SB 53 53-0 (1953) Author: Bracewell, Jr., Joseph Searcy Relating to providing that vehicles used exclusively to transport ready-mix concrete may be operated upon the public highways of this State with a tandem axle load not to exceed thirty-six thousand (36,000) pounds by first filing with the State Highway Department a properly conditioned surety bond. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Common Carriers | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
SB 28 49-0 (1945) Author: Martin, Jesse E. Relating to amending certain Acts providing for and authorizing the State Highway Department of the State of Texas to grant permits limited to ninety (90) days, or less, for the transportation over state highways of the State of Texas and county roads of the State, bulk cement to be used in cementing oil well casings and gas well casings and in cementing oil wells and gas wells, etc.; repealing all laws in conflict herewith; providing a saving clause. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Highways | PERMITS | VEHICLE WEIGHT LIMITS & ENFORCEMENT
HB 50 47-0 (1941) Author: Turner, Reese Relating to the purchase of bricks and/or cement by the State from private sources; providing that where bricks or cement are used in State owned buildings and highways only State manufactured bricks or cement shall be used; authorizing the construction and operation of a State plant for the manufacture of bricks and cement to be operated with prison labor; providing for penalties. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources
HB 505 46-0 (1939) Author: Hardeman, Dorsey B. | et. al. Relating to establishing a state manufacturing plant or plants. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | ROCK QUARRIES & PITS
HB 384 40-0 (1927) Author: Runge, Roscoe Conkling Relating to the establishment of a state manufacturing plant or plants. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | ROCK QUARRIES & PITS
HB 27 38-2 (1923) Author: Quinn, Benjamin Edmund Relating to levying an occupation tax upon wholesale dealers in cement within this State. | ATTORNEY GENERAL | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Courts--Prosecuting Attorneys | Taxation--Occupation Tax
SB 17 37-0 (1921) Author: Dorough, Robert Pierce "Bob" | et. al. Relating to authorizing the State Highway Commission to establish and operate a cement plant, selling only to counties and municipalities to be used in constructing public highways, etc. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Highways | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources | STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION
SB 35 36-2 (1919) Author: Dorough, Robert Pierce "Bob" Relating to authorizing the Prison Commission of the State of Texas to purchase the necessary land and machinery needed with which to establish, maintain and operate a cement plant in this State. | CEMENT & CONCRETE | Corrections--Jails & Prisons | PRISON COMMISSION | Public Lands, Buildings & Resources

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