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HB 1002 88-0 (2023) Author: Price, Four | et. al.
Sponsor: Perry, Charles
Relating to the membership of a public school concussion oversight team and the removal of a public school student from an interscholastic athletic activity on the basis of a suspected concussion. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools|Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities|Education--School Districts|Minors--Health & Safety|OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS|PHYSICAL THERAPISTS
HB 1791 88-0 (2023) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to the qualifications of experts in certain health care liability claims. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Laid on the table subject to call CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities|EVIDENCE|Health Care Providers|Malpractice--Professionals
HB 3397 88-0 (2023) Author: Kitzman, Stan | et. al. Relating to the regulation of veterinary chiropractic. House: Agriculture & Livestock Placed on General State Calendar Animals|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|VETERINARIANS|VETERINARY MEDICAL EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF
HB 4889 88-0 (2023) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the provision of acupuncture services by a chiropractor under a certificate issued by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health ACUPUNCTURE & ORIENTAL MEDICINE|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|CONTINUING EDUCATION|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 2171 88-0 (2023) Author: Alvarado, Carol
Sponsor: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to the qualifications of experts in certain health care liability claims. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/23 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities|Health Care Providers|Malpractice--Professionals
HB 943 87-0 (2021) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the provision of acupuncture services by a chiropractor under a certificate issued by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health ACUPUNCTURE & ORIENTAL MEDICINE|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1270 87-0 (2021) Author: Stephenson, Phil | et. al. Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2406 87-0 (2021) Author: Davis, Yvonne Relating to the qualifications of experts in certain health care liability claims. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities|EVIDENCE|Health Care Providers|Malpractice--Professionals|PHYSICIANS
HB 3677 87-0 (2021) Author: Parker, Tan | et. al. Relating to the coordination of Medicaid and private health benefits for Medicaid recipients with complex medical needs. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services AUDIOLOGISTS|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|DIETETICS & DIETITIANS|HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION|Health--General|Human Services--Medical Assistance|MEDICAID|OPTOMETRY & OPTOMETRISTS|PHARMACIES & PHARMACISTS|PHYSICIANS|PODIATRISTS & PODIATRY
SB 293 87-0 (2021) Author: Perry, Charles | et. al. Relating to the practice of chiropractic. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1410 86-0 (2019) Author: Lucio III, Eddie | et. al. Relating to payment for care provided by a chiropractor under certain health benefit plans. House: Insurance Laid on the table subject to call CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS|Insurance--Health & Accident
HB 2733 86-0 (2019) Author: Stephenson, Phil | et. al. Relating to the scope of practice for chiropractors. House: Public Health Left pending in subcommittee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2869 86-0 (2019) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the provision of acupuncture services by a chiropractor under a certificate issued by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health ACUPUNCTURE & ORIENTAL MEDICINE|ADVERTISING|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|CONTINUING EDUCATION|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1739 86-0 (2019) Author: Menéndez, José
Sponsor: Lucio III, Eddie | et. al.
Relating to payment for care provided by a chiropractor under certain health benefit plans; providing administrative penalties. House: Insurance
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/19 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|HEALTH MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATIONS|Insurance--Health & Accident
SB 1867 86-0 (2019) Author: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al. Relating to the scope of practice for chiropractors. Senate: Health & Human Services Committee report printed and distributed CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health--Other Diseases & Medical Conditions|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2011 85-0 (2017) Author: Muñoz, Jr., Sergio Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2203 85-0 (2017) Author: Thompson, Senfronia Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3421 85-0 (2017) Author: Laubenberg, Jodie Relating to the types of medical professionals who may conduct an examination of certain school bus drivers. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel|Health Care Providers|SCHOOL BUSES & SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS|Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses|Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 3820 85-0 (2017) Author: Dale, Tony Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professions. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health Business & Commerce--General|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Health Care Providers|MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 679 85-0 (2017) Author: Hancock, Kelly | et. al.
Sponsor: Dale, Tony | et. al.
Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professions. House: Public Health
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective immediately Business & Commerce--General|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Health Care Providers|MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 762 84-0 (2015) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to medical assistance reimbursement for certain health care services provided by a chiropractor. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION|Health Care Providers|Human Services--Medical Assistance
HB 1174 84-0 (2015) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to the types of medical professionals who may conduct an examination of certain school bus drivers. House: Public Health Left pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel|SCHOOL BUSES & SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS|Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses|Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 1231 84-0 (2015) Author: Fletcher, Allen | et. al. Relating to the membership of school district and open-enrollment charter school concussion oversight teams. House: Public Education Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools|Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities|Education--Primary & Secondary--General|Minors--Health & Safety
HB 3925 84-0 (2015) Author: Klick, Stephanie Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3926 84-0 (2015) Author: Klick, Stephanie Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1544 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles Relating to the practice of chiropractic. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1672 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the membership of school district and open-enrollment charter school concussion oversight teams. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools|Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities|Education--Primary & Secondary--General|Minors--Health & Safety
HB 406 83-0 (2013) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to parking placards for vehicles of persons with disabilities. House: Transportation Considered in Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Disabilities, Persons with|PARKING|Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 1169 83-0 (2013) Author: Fletcher, Allen Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1876 83-0 (2013) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to the ability of certain professional associations of chiropractors to hire physicians. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|MEDICAL BOARD, TEXAS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|PHYSICIANS
HB 2628 83-0 (2013) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to health insurance coverage for services provided by chiropractic assistants. House: Insurance Left pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Insurance--Health & Accident|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2925 83-0 (2013) Author: Sheets, Kenneth Relating to alternative dispute resolution of certain insurance payment disputes with chiropractors. House: Insurance Left pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Health--General|Insurance--Health & Accident|Insurance--Insurers & Agents|MEDIATION, DISPUTE RESOLUTION, & ARBITRATION
HB 3183 83-0 (2013) Author: Laubenberg, Jodie Relating to the types of medical professionals who may conduct an examination of certain school bus drivers. House: Public Health Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel|SCHOOL BUSES & SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS|Vehicles & Traffic--Driver's Licenses|Vehicles & Traffic--General
HB 3187 83-0 (2013) Author: Raymond, Richard Peña Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3335 83-0 (2013) Author: Hughes, Bryan Relating to the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3530 83-0 (2013) Author: Leach, Jeff Relating to the membership of school district and open-enrollment charter school concussion oversight teams. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Primary & Secondary--Charter Schools|Education--Primary & Secondary--Extracurricular Activities|Minors--Health & Safety
HB 3730 83-0 (2013) Author: Coleman, Garnet Relating to medical assistance reimbursement for certain health care services provided by a chiropractor. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Human Services--Medical Assistance
HB 1683 82-0 (2011) Author: Fletcher, Allen
Sponsor: Williams, Tommy
Relating to parking placards for vehicles of persons with disabilities. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Placed on intent calendar CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Disabilities, Persons with|LICENSE PLATES|PARKING|PODIATRISTS & PODIATRY|Vehicles & Traffic--Vehicle Registration
HB 3429 82-0 (2011) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to preauthorization of certain medical services in the workers' compensation system and the eligibility of doctors, dentists, and chiropractors to perform preauthorization utilization review. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|DENTISTS & DENTISTRY|Insurance--Health & Accident|Labor--Workers' Compensation|PHYSICIANS
SB 1601 82-0 (2011) Author: Seliger, Kel Relating to the licensing and regulation of chiropractors. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance BLOOD & MEDICAL TESTS|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers
HB 1166 81-0 (2009) Author: Leibowitz, David Relating to certain requirements for doctors providing professional services under the workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|DENTISTS & DENTISTRY|Labor--Workers' Compensation|PHYSICIANS
HB 2271 81-0 (2009) Author: Truitt, Vicki | et. al. Relating to the regulation of certain chiropractic clinics; providing administrative and criminal penalties. House: Public Health Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2706 81-0 (2009) Author: Turner, Sylvester | et. al. Relating to the authority of physicians and chiropractors to form certain entities. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services Business & Commerce--General|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities|Corporations & Associations|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|PHYSICIANS
HB 3450 81-0 (2009) Author: Legler, Ken | et. al.
Sponsor: Jackson, Mike
Relating to a temporary faculty license for chiropractic faculty. House: Public Health
Senate: Administration
Effective on 9/1/09 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Education--Higher--Faculty|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1314 81-0 (2009) Author: Harris, Chris
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to the regulation of the practice of acupuncture. House: Public Health
Senate: Economic Development
SB 1954 81-0 (2009) Author: Jackson, Mike
Sponsor: Legler, Ken | et. al.
Relating to a temporary faculty license for chiropractic faculty. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
1 hr. notice-to suspend rules CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Education--Higher--Faculty|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1712 80-0 (2007) Author: Smith, Wayne | et. al. Relating to certain educational requirements applicable to the regulation of the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Education--Higher--General|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2004 80-0 (2007) Author: Giddings, Helen
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to requiring that a doctor who reviews a workers' compensation case be certified in a professional specialty appropriate to the care received by the injured employee. House: Business & Industry
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/07 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|DENTISTS & DENTISTRY|Health Care Providers|Labor--Workers' Compensation|PHYSICIANS
HB 2602 80-0 (2007) Author: Truitt, Vicki Relating to the regulation of certain chiropractic clinics; providing administrative and criminal penalties. House: Public Health Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2669 80-0 (2007) Author: Truitt, Vicki Relating to the regulation of certain chiropractic clinics; creating an offense and providing civil and criminal penalties. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3035 80-0 (2007) Author: Turner, Sylvester Relating to the authority of physicians and chiropractors to form certain entities. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services Business & Commerce--General|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|PHYSICIANS
SB 776 80-0 (2007) Author: Jackson, Mike
Sponsor: Smith, Wayne
Relating to certain educational requirements applicable to the regulation of the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Education--Higher--General|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1539 80-0 (2007) Author: Fraser, Troy Relating to the regulation by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation of certain chiropractic clinics; providing penalties. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|LICENSING & REGULATION, DEPARTMENT OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 972 79-0 (2005) Author: Solomons, Burt | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Health
Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/05 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions|Sunset Bills
HB 1395 79-0 (2005) Author: Zedler, Bill Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professionals. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health Business & Commerce--General|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Corporations & Associations|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 401 79-0 (2005) Author: Nelson, Jane Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; providing a criminal penalty. Senate: Government Organization Referred to Government Organization CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions|Sunset Bills
SB 1419 79-0 (2005) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professionals. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1266 78-0 (2003) Author: Goolsby, Tony Relating to the training required for a health care professional to safely perform spinal manipulation; providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Health Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1312 78-0 (2003) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to the liability of a chiropractor who voluntarily provides health care services. House: Civil Practices Left pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities
HB 2620 78-0 (2003) Author: Ellis, Dan Relating to the civil liability of certain chiropractors and others who participate in peer review. House: Civil Practices Left pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2998 78-0 (2003) Author: Capelo, Jaime Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professionals. House: Public Health Left pending in committee Business & Commerce--General|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Corporations & Associations|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3590 78-0 (2003) Author: Giddings, Helen Relating to medical management issues and average weekly wage benchmarks in the Texas workers' compensation system. House: Business & Industry Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Labor--Workers' Compensation|PHYSICIANS|RIGHT OF PRIVACY
SB 211 78-0 (2003) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Laubenberg, Jodie | et. al.
Relating to the licensing and regulation of chiropractors, optometrists, and therapeutic optometrists. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
SB 305 78-0 (2003) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Geren, Charlie
Relating to specialized license plates and parking placards for vehicles of persons with disabilities. House: Transportation
Senate: Infrastructure Development and Security
Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Disabilities, Persons with|PARKING|Vehicles & Traffic--Equipment
SB 842 78-0 (2003) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Capelo, Jaime | et. al.
Relating to issuance of certain licenses by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/03 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1062 78-0 (2003) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Hupp, Suzanna | et. al.
Relating to the registration of chiropractic facilities. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Placed on General State Calendar CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|MEDICAL CARE FACILITIES|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1283 78-0 (2003) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Sponsor: Capelo, Jaime
Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain business entities with certain other professionals. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Committee report sent to Calendars Business & Commerce--General|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Corporations & Associations|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1757 78-0 (2003) Author: Jackson, Mike Relating to the training required for a health care professional to safely perform spinal manipulation; providing a criminal penalty. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 248 77-0 (2001) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to the liability of a chiropractor who voluntarily provides health care services. House: Civil Practices Left pending in committee Charitable & Nonprofit Organizations|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Civil Remedies & Liabilities|Health Care Providers
HB 455 77-0 (2001) Author: Goolsby, Tony Relating to the training required for a health care professional to safely perform spinal manipulation; providing a criminal penalty. House: Public Health Committee report sent to Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 556 77-0 (2001) Author: Maxey, Glen Relating to public access to certain information regarding certain health care professionals. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|DENTISTS & DENTISTRY|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY & OCCUPATIONAL THERAPISTS|OPTOMETRY & OPTOMETRISTS|PHARMACIES & PHARMACISTS|PHYSICAL THERAPISTS|PODIATRISTS & PODIATRY|PSYCHOLOGISTS|THERAPEUTIC OPTOMETRISTS
HB 3153 77-0 (2001) Author: Capelo, Jaime | et. al.
Sponsor: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain professional associations. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 144 77-0 (2001) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Gray, Patricia
Relating to the qualifications for a provisional license to practice chiropractic. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Vetoed by the Governor CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 145 77-0 (2001) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Gray, Patricia
Relating to chiropractic facility licenses issued by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/01 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 152 77-0 (2001) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Goolsby, Tony
Relating to the appeal of certain determinations by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/01 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|TRAVIS COUNTY
SB 171 77-0 (2001) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to the renewal of a license to practice chiropractic. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/01 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 330 77-0 (2001) Author: Jackson, Mike Relating to the training required for a health care professional to safely perform spinal manipulation; providing a criminal penalty. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 651 77-0 (2001) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Davis, Yvonne
Relating to certain examinations administered by the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/01 CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1484 77-0 (2001) Author: Cain, David Relating to the authority of chiropractors to form certain professional associations. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 959 76-0 (1999) Author: Jones, Delwin Relating to the regulation of the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health Considered in Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1824 76-0 (1999) Author: Tillery, Dale Relating to the regulation of the practice of spinal manipulation by certain health care providers; providing a penalty. House: Public Health Left pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2175 76-0 (1999) Author: Uher, D.R.
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the regulation of the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health
Senate: Health Services
Vetoed by the Governor CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2774 76-0 (1999) Author: Keel, Terry Relating to the penalty for practicing chiropractic without a license. House: Public Health Left pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 3593 76-0 (1999) Author: Davis, John | et. al. Relating to the establishment of the Texas Chiropractic College as a public institution of higher education. House: Higher Education Considered in Calendars CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Higher--General|TEXAS CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE
SB 415 76-0 (1999) Author: Carona, John Relating to the regulation of the practice of chiropractic. Senate: Health Services Referred to Health Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 617 76-0 (1999) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to the penalty for practicing chiropractic without a license. Senate: Health Services Referred to Health Services CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 676 76-0 (1999) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the regulation of the practice of spinal manipulation by certain health care providers; providing a penalty. Senate: Health Services Committee report printed and distributed CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 1651 76-0 (1999) Author: Jackson, Mike
Sponsor: Davis, John
Relating to the establishment of the Texas Chiropractic College as a public institution of higher education. House: Higher Education
Senate: Education
HB 2110 70-0 (1987) Author: Colbert, Paul Relating to actions that constitute the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health 1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 135 70-0 (1987) Author: Glasgow, Bob
Sponsor: Millsap, Mike
Relating to the regulation of chiropractors and to the powers and duties of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Pending in committee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 623 70-0 (1987) Author: Whitmire, John
Sponsor: Colbert, Paul
Relating to the definition of chiropractic and to the actions that constitute the practice of chiropractic. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1708 69-0 (1985) Author: Patrick, Kae Relating to the grounds for refusing, revoking, or suspending the license of a chiropractor. House: Public Health 1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2102 69-0 (1985) Author: Millsap, Mike Relating to the regulation of chiropractic assistants; providing a penalty. House: State Affairs Referred to subcommittee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANTS ACT|EXAMINERS OF CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANTS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 283 69-0 (1985) Author: Glasgow, Bob
Sponsor: Madla, Frank
Relating to the use of peer review committees to evaluate and mediate disputes between licensed chiropractors and persons obligated to pay a fee for chiropractic services and to qualifications of committee members, to their appointment, and their immunity from liability. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Resources
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 913 69-0 (1985) Author: Harris, O.H.
Sponsor: Patrick, Kae
Relating to the grounds for refusing, revoking, or suspending the license of a chiropractor. House: Public Health
Senate: Economic Development
1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 653 68-0 (1983) Author: Glasgow, Bob
Sponsor: Cain, David
Relating to the licensing and regulation of chiropractors and their employees. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Resources
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 2256 67-0 (1981) Author: Blanton, Bill
Sponsor: Travis, Dee
Relating to the educational requirements for a chiropractor's license. House: Government Organization
Senate: Human Resources
Removed from local and uncontested calendar CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 753 67-0 (1981) Author: Glasgow, Bob
Sponsor: Bock II, Bennie
Relating to regulation of chiropractors and continuation of the Texas Board of Chiropractics Examiners and to its powers and duties. House: Government Organization
Senate: Human Resources
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions|Sunset Bills
HB 291 66-0 (1979) Author: Hill, Anita
Sponsor: Jones, Gene
Relating to insurance coverage for services of certain doctors of chiropractic. House: Insurance
Senate: Human Resources
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Insurance--Health & Accident
SB 554 66-0 (1979) Author: Jones, Gene Relating to insurance coverage for services of certain doctors of chiropractor medicine. Senate: Human Resources Referred to Committee on Human Resources CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Insurance--Health & Accident
SB 446 65-0 (1977) Author: Parker, Carl
Sponsor: Florence, Buck
Relating to examination requirements for certain applicants for a chiropractor's license. House: Health & Welfare
Senate: Human Resources
Effective immediately CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 601 65-0 (1977) Author: Jones, Gene Relating to the right to the right to select a doctor of chiropractic to perform the services which fall withing the scope of license of such a doctor that are scheduled in a health or accident insurance policy, agreement, contract, or certificate; relating to the applicability of Articles 13.09 and 21.41, Insurance Code, and in Subsection (B), Section 2, Chapter 397, Acts of the 54th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955, as added by Chapter 32, Acts of the 60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, (Article 3.70-2, Vernon's Insurance Code) to the provisions of this act, repealing laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith. Senate: Human Resources Considered by committee in public hearing CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Insurance--Health & Accident
SB 781 65-0 (1977) Author: Brooks, Chet Relating to the right, power, and authority of the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, to contract with the Texas Chiropractic College, to provide for the education of certain chiropractic students; providing for severability. Senate: Education Considered by committee in public hearing CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Education--Higher--Finance|Education--Higher--Health Institutions
SB 785 65-0 (1977) Author: Williams, Lindon
Sponsor: Vaughan, Kenneth
Relating to chiropractic and the regulation of the practice of chiropractic; granting certain civil immunity to members of the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, its employees, consultants, hearing officers, or any witness called by it; providing for the repeal of laws in conflict with this Act; providing severability House: Health & Welfare
Senate: Human Resources
90 Day Bill CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 535 64-0 (1975) Author: Weddington, Sarah Relating to the annual registration fee paid to the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners by persons licensed to practice chiropractic. House: Health & Welfare Laid on the table subject to call CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 557 64-0 (1975) Author: Nabers, Lynn Relating to the qualifications of applicants for the examination given by the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners and the fees for, and subjects included in, the examination. House: Health & Welfare Laid on the table subject to call CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1608 64-0 (1975) Author: Jones, Gene Relating to the creation, membership, and functions of Chiropractic peer review committees and granting immunity. House: Health & Welfare Considered by committee in public hearing CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 39 64-0 (1975) Author: Doggett, Lloyd
Sponsor: Weddington, Sarah
Amending Section 8, Chapter 94, Acts of the 51st Legislature, Regular Session, 1949, as amended (Article 4512b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), to raise the permissible annual license fee for the practice of chiropractic to $50. House: Health & Welfare
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 40 64-0 (1975) Author: Doggett, Lloyd
Sponsor: Nabers, Lynn
Amending Sections 10 and 12, Chapter 94, Acts of the 51st Legislature, Regular Session, 1949, as amended (Article 4512b, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes); relating to the qualifications of applicants for licenses to practice chiropractic and the required amount of an application fee; adding subjects on which applicants are to be examined. House: Health & Welfare
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 717 64-0 (1975) Author: Williams, Lindon
Sponsor: Jones, Gene
Relating to the creation, membership, and functions of chiropractic peer review committees and granting certain immunity. House: Health & Welfare
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 487 63-0 (1973) Author: Parker, Carl
Sponsor: Gammage, R.A. "Bob"
Relating to the licensing of chiropractors who hold a National Board of Chiropractic Examiners certificate and meet other certain requirements. House: Human Resources
Senate: Human Resources
Signed by the Governor CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 1010 63-0 (1973) Author: Vecchio, James S. Relating to the selection of physicians and chiropractors in workmen's compensation cases. House: Judiciary Subcommittee hearing date CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Labor--Workers' Compensation|PHYSICIANS
HB 1017 63-0 (1973) Author: Cole, James D. Relating to the licensure of certain health care institutions. House: Human Resources Subcommittee hearing date CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers
SB 580 63-0 (1973) Author: Clower, Ron Relating to selection of physicians and chiropractors in workmen's compensation cases. Senate: Human Resources Sent to subcommittee CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Health Care Providers|Labor--Workers' Compensation|PHYSICIANS
SB 687 63-0 (1973) Author: Mauzy, Oscar Relating to the regulation and prohibition of certain types of advertising by chiropractics. Senate: Human Resources Committee substitute ADVERTISING|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 131 62-0 (1971) Author: Parker, Carl Relating to refusing, revoking, suspending, and reinstating licenses to practice chiropractic and relating to the use of ionizing radiation. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 327 62-0 (1971) Author: Bridges, Ronald W.
Sponsor: Parker, Carl
Relating to refusing, revoking, suspending, and reinstating licenses to practice chiropractic and relating to the use of ionizing radiation. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 127 60-0 (1967) Author: Harding, Forrest A. Relating to the annual renewal registration fees for chiropractors. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 392 59-0 (1965) Author: Cavness, Don Relating to amending the Healing Art Identification Act, to provide the identification which shall be used by persons licensed to practice the healing art by the State Board of Chiropody Examiners. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 333 58-0 (1963) Author: Cavness, Don | et. al. Relating to amending the Healing Art Identification Act to provide the identification which shall be used by persons licensed to practice the healing art by the State Board of Chiropody Examiners. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 334 58-0 (1963) Author: Cavness, Don | et. al. Relating to providing the qualifications for eligibility to take examinations for license to practice chiropody in the State of Texas. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 851 58-0 (1963) Author: Davis, William S. "Bill" Relating to providing for the deposit of certain revenues in the General Revenue Fund; providing that expenses of the Texas State Board of Chiropody Examiners shall be paid from the General Revenue Fund; providing for the transfer of certain funds to the General Revenue Fund; providing an effective date. CHIROPODY EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|State Finances--Management & Control
SB 162 58-0 (1963) Author: Herring, Charles Relating to amending the Healing Arts Identification Act, to provide the identification which shall be used by persons licensed to practice the healing art by the State Board of Chiropody Examiners. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 163 58-0 (1963) Author: Herring, Charles Relating to providing the qualifications for eligibility to take examinations for license to practice chiropody in the State of Texas. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 391 57-0 (1961) Author: Harrington, D. Roy | et. al. Relating to amending Article 2135, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as last amended, by providing certain additional exemptions from jury service. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Courts--Juries
HB 392 55-0 (1957) Author: Ramsey, V. L. "Bo" | et. al. Relating to amending certain Acts providing for the appointment of committees within the Board, describing their duties; providing for the issuance of subpoenas, administration of oaths, the procedure of conducting hearings; relates to the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners Act. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
SB 261 55-0 (1957) Author: Bradshaw, Floyd Francis Relating to amending certain Acts by providing for the appointment of committees within the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, describing their duties, providing for the issuance of subpoenas, administration of oaths, the procedure of conducting hearings. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions
HB 208 52-0 (1951) Author: Wood, Clifford W. Relating to amending certain acts authorizing the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners to revoke, cancel or suspend the license of any person or to refuse to admit persons to its examinations and to issue licenses to practice chiropractic to any person or persons for cause. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 721 51-0 (1949) Author: Lehman, Henry G. "Bud" | et. al. Relating to establishing minimum educational standards for chiropractors; defining and regulating the practice of chiropractic; to create the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners, prescribing its qualifications, powers and duties; to repeal all laws in conflict; to provide that if any part is held unconstitutional it shall not invalidate any other part. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 171 51-0 (1949) Author: Bullock, Pat M. Relating to establish minimum educational standards for chiropractors; to define and regulate the practice of Chiropractic; to fix penalties for the violation of this Act; to repeal all laws in conflict; to provide that if any part is held unconstitutional it shall not invalidate any other part. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 40 50-0 (1947) Author: Lehman, Henry G. "Bud" Relating to defining and regulating the practice of Chiropractic; to creating the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; to repeal all laws in conflict; to provide that if any part is held unconstitutional it shall not invalidate any other part. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 79 50-0 (1947) Author: Harris, Fred R. "Red" Relating to defining and regulating the practice of Chiropractic; creating the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners; to repeal all laws in conflict; to provide that if any part is held unconstitutional it shall not invalidate any other part. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 34 49-0 (1945) Author: Roark, Woodrow W. | et. al. Relating to define chiropractic and chiropractor, and to regulate the practice of chiropractic; to create the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 720 49-0 (1945) Author: Roark, Woodrow W. Relating to amending Article relating to Chiropractic; providing that the provisions of these Chapters shall not apply to Chiropractors duly licensed under the laws of this State who confine their practice strictly to Chiropractic as defined by Statutes and making certain other exceptions. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 57 49-0 (1945) Author: Bullock, Pat M. Relating to defining chiropractic and chiropractor, and to regulate the practice of chiropractic; to repeal all laws in conflict, CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 20 48-0 (1943) Author: Westbrook, Mainor N. | et. al. Relating to regulating the practice of Chiropractic in Texas; fixing penalties; enacting repealing and saving clauses. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 189 47-0 (1941) Author: Ferguson, Walter A. | et. al. Relating to defining and regulating the practice of chiropractic; fixing certain penalties. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 459 47-0 (1941) Author: Goodman, Virgil E. Relating to protecting and safeguarding Public Health, authorizing, regulating and pertaining to the practice of Chiropractic in the State of Texas; defining Chiropractic; creating a State Board of Chiropractic Examiners and Registration; providing for prosecution and penalties. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 340 47-0 (1941) Author: Sulak, Louis J. Relating to regulating the practice of chiropractic in Texas; creating an examining board and providing for appointment and maintenance thereof; fixing penalties. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 195 46-0 (1939) Author: Loggins, Edgar Relating to regulating the practice of chiropody; providing the terms of members of the Board of Chiropody Examiners; prescribing their duties; providing for the examination and licensing of applicants to practice chiropody and the recording of licenses issued to chiropodists. CHIROPODY EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
HB 202 42-0 (1931) Author: Farmer, Clarence Edwin | et. al. Relating to providing for the licensing of chiropractors; providing penalties. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 604 41-0 (1929) Author: Williams, William Thomas "Willie" | et. al. Relating to providing for the licensing of Chiropractors. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Governor|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 233 40-0 (1927) Author: Renfro, John F. | et. al. Relating to the licensing of Chiropractors; providing for and creating a State Board of Chiropractor Examiners. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Other Trades & Professions
SB 139 39-0 (1925) Author: Floyd, Charles Richard Relating to providing for the regulation of the practice of chiropody; fixing a penalty. Senate: Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 185 39-0 (1925) Author: Parr, Archer "Archie" Relating to providing for the licensing of chiropractors, for registering license granted to chiropractors and certain sworn statements required to be made by chiropractors, and providing for the duty of the county clerk in reference thereto; defining the practice of chiropractic; providing for penalties for the violation of this Act. Senate: Public Health CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
HB 223 38-0 (1923) Author: Davenport, Douglas Samuel | et. al. Relating to providing for the licensing of chiropractors; for registering license granted to and certain sworn statements required to be made by chiropractors, and providing for the duty of the county clerk in reference thereto; providing for the right to practice chiropractic in the State of Texas, and the making of death certificates and other certificates. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations
SB 159 38-0 (1923) Author: McMillin, Dan Scott | et. al. Relating to providing for the licensing of chiropractors. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTOR EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 140 38-2 (1923) Author: McNatt, Hubert S. | et. al. Relating to providing for the licensing of chiropractors, for registering license granted to chiropractors and certain sworn statements required to be made by chiropractors, and providing for the duty of the county clerk in reference thereto. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTOR EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 590 36-0 (1919) Author: Brady, Leo C. | et. al. Relating to defining and regulating the profession or calling known as chiropody as hereinafter defined; providing for the establishment of a board of examiners for the examination and licensing of chiropodists and prescribing their qualifications; providing for their proper registration; providing regulations for the practice of chiropody; providing for the revocation of licenses; fixing suitable penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act. CHIROPODIST EXAMINERS, BOARD OF|CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
HB 122 35-0 (1917) Author: Parks, J. W. Relating to creating a State Board of Chiropractic Examiners to regulate the practice; providing for licensing and prescribing penalties. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed
SB 112 35-0 (1917) Author: Dayton, George W. Relating to the creation of a State Board of Chiropractic Examiners to regulate the practice of chiropractic in the State; defining Chiropractic, providing for licensing Chiropractors and prescribing penalties. CHIROPRACTIC & CHIROPRACTORS|CHIROPRACTIC EXAMINERS, TEXAS BOARD OF|Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations|State Agencies, Boards & Commissions--Newly Proposed

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