Legislation authored by Ephraim McDaniel Davis

Includes legislation with Ephraim McDaniel Davis as the primary author for the 42nd through 45th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

45th Regular Session
SB 4 Caption: Relating to reciting the existing conditions of of the farm, grazing, and different lands of the State of Texas.
SB 5 Caption: Relating to increasing the maximum penalty for the theft of sheep or goat from four years to ten years.
SB 6 Caption: Relating to increasing the maximum penalty for the theft of cattle or hog from four years to ten years.
SB 37 Caption: Relating to providing that it shall be unlawful to kill, take or possess any of the game birds, game animals, fur-bearing animals or fish of this State, except in compliance with regulations promulgated by the Fame, Fish and Oyster Commission; providing suitable penalties for violation of this Act or any regulations issued hereunder.
SB 38 Caption: Relating to controlling the orderly conservation and development of the underground waters of the State in compliance with the intent and command of Section 59a, b, and c, of Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Texas.
SB 78 Caption: Relating to providing and enjoining duties upon the district attorney, county attorney and Attorney General, defining reliable information and providing a penalty for the district attorney, county attorney or Attorney General for a failure to perform duties enjoined upon him.
SB 79 Caption: Relating to increasing the State's penalties and remedies against telegraph and telephone companies for aiding or assisting in pool selling or bookmaking schemes or in placing bets on horse races, and prescribing additional penalties and remedies against owners, agents or lessees of property permitted to be used as a place for selling pools or bookmaking or wagering on horse races; increasing the penalties for violations of the laws prohibiting betting or wagering on horse races and pool selling or bookmaking.
SB 80 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering all Water Improvement Districts created and organized under certain statute, to levy, assess and collect an annual tax not to exceed twenty (20ยข) cents on the taxable properties situated within the boundaries of such Districts.
SB 117 Caption: Relating to providing that all insurance companies issuing or delivering any form of insurance policy in this State, which term shall include surety and fidelity and other forms of bonds written by insurance companies, other than fire, life, tornado, windstorm, hail, automobile, title and workman's compensation insurance policies, shall file with the commissioner its classification of risks and premium rates or schedules of rates.
SB 148 Caption: Relating to providing that no provision of the Acts creating the State Insurance Commission or the board of Insurance Commissioners, or relating to the supervision or operation of insurance companies in this State, shall be construed to prohibit any insurance company issuing any insurance policies of any kind in this State from extending to any insured in this State the benefit of any saving it effects in the acquisition cost of the business of such insured.
SB 149 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act defining who are insurance agents and exempting from the provisions of said Act citizens of this State who arbitrate in the adjustment of losses between the insurers and insured.
SB 244 Caption: Relating to authorizing the County Board of Trustees of each organized county to detach from one and add to another School District territory contiguous to the Common Boundary Line of the Districts affected.
SB 252 Caption: Relating to making appropriation from the Treasury of the State of Texas from funds not otherwise appropriated, to the Central Colorado River Authority, providing for the method of drawing warrants, providing for the repayment thereof.
SB 309 Caption: Relating to creating the Central Colorado River Authority, vesting the powers of the District in a board of nine directors and prescribing the manner of their appointment and their duties.
SB 352 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation from the Treasury of the State of Texas from any funds not otherwise appropriated, to the Upper Colorado River Authority.
SB 371 Caption: Relating to providing for stock law elections in certain counties or subdivisions thereof, forbidding the running at large in such counties or such subdivisions said counties of horses, mules, jacks, jennets and cattle.
SB 372 Caption: Relating to authorizing the adoption of a County Unit System of Education for counties having a certain population.
SB 402 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Texas National Guard Armory Board to issue securities with which to obtain funds to construct and acquire armories.
SB 403 Caption: Relating to recognizing the validity of Brown County Water Improvement District No. 1, recognizing the flood control value of the storage dam erected by said district across the waters of Pecan Bayou, and the value thereof to the entire Colorado River District.
SB 420 Caption: Relating to the jurisdiction of the County Court of Sterling County, conferring upon said court civil and criminal jurisdiction and increasing the criminal and civil jurisdiction of said Court.
SB 433 Caption: Relating to fixing the salaries and compensation of County Commissioners in Counties with a population of not less than two thousand forty-eight (2048) inhabitants, nor more than two thousand, two hundred eighteen (2218) inhabitants according to the last Federal Census as to population, and providing for the manner of the payment of the salaries and the funds from which said salaries shall be paid.
SB 475 Caption: Relating to providing for the repeal of that part of 'The Securities Act" defining a security as a "certificate or any instrument representing any interest in or under an oil, gas or mining lease, fee or title" and defining such interest as real estate; providing certain exemptions; providing any one Act prohibited herein shall be a violation hereof.
SB 496 Caption: Relating to the time for holding court in the several Counties constituting the 119th Judicial District of Texas, composed of the Counties of Coleman, Concho, Runnels and Tom Green, fixing the terms for holding court in each County.
SB 501 Caption: Relating to granting to Silas Gotcher and also Mrs. Katie Gotcher and husband, S. N. Gotcher, their heirs and assigns permission to ring suit against the State of Texas and the State highway Department in the District or other Court of Brown County, Texas.
SCR 58 Caption: Granting District Judge O. L. Parrish permission to leave the State during the next biennium.
SCR 67 Caption: Granting Silas Gotcher permission to sue the State of Texas.
SCR 73 Caption: Instructing the conference committee on H. B. No. 24 to make certain corrections in the bill.
45th 1st Called Session
SB 4 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute prohibiting the use of buildings for certain activities so as to provide and enjoin duties upon the District Attorney, County Attorney and Attorney General, defining reliable information and providing a penalty for the District Attorney, County Attorney or Attorney General for a failure to perform duties upon him by said statute.
SB 5 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any person to operate a bookie shop as defined in this Act, and providing a penalty.
SB 28 Caption: Relating to validating, ratifying, confirming and legalizing all time warrants heretofore authorized by the governing bodies of Independent School Districts in the State of Texas having a scholastic enumeration of not less than 769 and not more than 775 according to the last preceding scholastic enumeration, validating all proceedings heretofore had in connection with the issuance of such time warrants, including the levy of and provision for a tax for the payment of principal and interest on said time warrants as the same mature and authorizing such governing bodies of said Independent School Districts to do any and all things necessary and requisite in the issuance, sale and delivery of said time warrants.
45th 2nd Called Session
SB 16 Caption: Relating to exempting from county supervision of its schools all independent school districts in certain counties regardless of the population of said districts.
SB 26 Caption: Relating to authorizing Cities and Towns to make contracts with Water Improvement and Water Control and Improvement Districts.
SB 27 Caption: Relating to describing the consequences of soil erosion and the depletion of the fertility of the soil; reciting appropriate corrective measures.
44th Regular Session
SB 167 Caption: Relating to providing that where the execution requires that the judgment shall be made out of the property of the debtor, it may be issued in the first instance as well as subsequently, to any county in the State.
SB 168 Caption: Relating to regulating and controlling representation in legislative matters in the practice of influencing legislation by personal contact.
SB 227 Caption: Relating to creating a State Conservation Board, providing for the duties of said Board and its organization, conferring on it authority to adopt rules and regulations governing its organization and the conduct of its business, providing its authority.
SB 296 Caption: Relating to destruction of wild flowers and shrubs.
SB 330 Caption: Relating to providing the salaries of County Commissioners in certain counties.
SB 331 Caption: Relating to increasing the State's penalties and remedies against telegraph and telephone companies for aiding or assisting in pool selling or book-making schemes or in placing bets on horse races, and prescribing additional penalties and remedies against owners, agents or lessees of property permitted to be used as a place for selling pools or book-making or wagering on horse races.
SB 334 Caption: Relating to creating a conservation and reclamation district composed of the counties of Coke and Tom Green, to be known as the Upper Colorado River Authority.
SB 335 Caption: Relating to validating the organization and creation of all school districts, including common school districts, independent school districts, common consolidated independent school districts, county line school districts, and rural high school districts, whether created by General or Special Law or by County Boards of Trustees.
SB 354 Caption: Relating to amending the law relating to Water Improvement Districts by giving to such districts the powers to adopt and promulgate reasonable police ordinances or regulations, defining the limitations thereof and objects to be accomplished thereby; providing for the immediate effectiveness of this Act.
SB 355 Caption: Relating to creating a conservation and reclamation district to be known as the Central Colorado River Authority.
SB 402 Caption: Relating to authorizing Board of Directors of Agricultural and Mechanical College to establish a experiment station at some point within the West Cross Timber Section of Texas.
SB 403 Caption: Relating to reports on mutual insurance.
SB 426 Caption: Relating to providing for the retentioning, opening, and destroying of the contents of ballot boxes after being used in primary elections, unless there be some legal proceedings or a contest for a nomination.
SB 427 Caption: Relating to providing and enjoining duties upon the District Attorney, County Attorney and Attorney General, defining reliable information and providing a penalty for the District Attorney, County Attorney or Attorney General for a failure to perform duties enjoined upon him by certain statutes.
SB 436 Caption: Relating to making provisions for the regulation of the sale and dealings in certain stocks, bonds, and securities in this State; prescribing penalties and making appropriations.
SB 440 Caption: Relating to providing for a jury wheel and the selection of juries and drawing of veneries by means thereof in certain counties; providing for penalty for the violation of the provisions of this Act.
SB 501 Caption: Relating to authorizing the creation of the Texas National Guard Armory Board, defining its personal and the duties and functions of said Board, making an appropriation.
SCR 47 Caption: Granting Em. Wilson and Anna Maude Wilson permission to sue the State of Texas.
SCR 53 Caption: Recalling S.B. No. 227 from the Governor's office.
SCR 61 Caption: Suspending Joint Rules 22, 24, and 32 to dispose S.B. No. 355.
SCR 69 Caption: Suspending joint rules to take up H.B. Nos. 395 and 807.
SCR 71 Caption: Suspending joint rules to take up H.B. No. 972.
SR 18 Caption: Inviting A. Parr to address the Senate.
SR 70 Caption: Providing for a corrected copy of S.B. No. 227 to be delivered.
SR 104 Caption: Designating Wilbur Martin as the mascot of the Forty-fourth Senate.
44th 2nd Called Session
SB 6 Caption: Relating to the compensation of district and designated county officers, and providing the method and means by which such officers shall be compensated for their services; providing the effective date of this Act.
SCR 7 Caption: Providing for a Joint Session of the Legislature to honor the memory of Will Rogers.
SCR 14 Caption: Authorizing the Board of Control to dispose of properties used in connection with the administration of relief.
SCR 15 Caption: Authorizing the Board of Control to designate a site for a building to house and preserve relief administration records.
SCR 19 Caption: Providing for accepting a portrait of President James K. Polk.
SCR 22 Caption: Requesting the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture to revoke an order requiring goat meat to be labeled as "chevon".
44th 3rd Called Session
SB 16 Caption: Relating to ratifying, confirming and validating all acts of County Boards of Trustees in laying out or attempting to establish, combine, abolish or change any independent or common school districts, and all elections held in any County in this State for the purpose of laying out, establishing, combining, abolishing or changing any such independent or common school districts.
SB 21 Caption: Relating to ad valorem taxes in Coke and Tom Green Counties remitted to the Upper Colorado River Authority.
SCR 2 Caption: Authorizing the State Board of Education on adoption of the reading of music to be taught in public schools.
SCR 7 Caption: Providing for cooperation with the Federal Government on soil conservation efforts.
42nd Regular Session
HB 293 Caption: Relating to providing that the salaries and actual and necessary expenses of all official shorthand reporters and deputy official shorthand reporters of the District Courts of the State of Texas shall hereafter be paid by the State of Texas.
HB 327 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful for any owner of any turkey, chicken, duck, goose, guinea or other domesticated fowl to allow such to run at large or trespass upon the cultivated lands of another without the consent of such owner or person in charge of said lands; prescribing a penalty.
HB 456 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes so as to provide that private corporations may be formed for any lawful purpose except as specified in this Act.
HB 458 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes by providing that an execution requiring that the judgment shall be made out of the property of the debtor may be issued to any County in the State of Texas.
HB 459 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes relating to county roads and their classification by the Commissioner's Court.
HB 595 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes by providing for procedure and practice in suits against those having the right of eminent domain for property, damages to property, or injunction.
HB 600 Caption: Relating to providing that in any Civil case tried in the County or District Courts where the main issue involved is the value of or damage to real property or corporeal personal property, the trial Judge may within his discretion permit the Jury to view and inspect said property.
HB 920 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code by providing that the pugilistic encounters prohibited in certain Articles shall not apply to boxing contests which may be held under the auspices of colleges, clubs, voluntary associations and organizations which are not organized for profit or pecuniary gain.
HR 80 Caption: In memory of Henry P. Taylor of Brown County.
42nd 1st Called Session
HB 19 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts relating to pipe lines; providing a basis for pipeline rates requiring the Railroad Commission to immediately establish and enforce same on said basis and authorizing and requiring the Commission to fix rates and charges for transportation, storage and loading of crude oil and petroleum; providing penalties.
42nd 3rd Called Session
HB 24 Caption: Relating to releasing or reducing the interest and penalties for certain taxes.