House Committee on Conservation and Reclamation - 39th R.S. (1925)
Committee Members
- Clifford Eugene Dinkle, Chair
- Oscar Lindsey Baker, Vice Chair
- Edwin Donald Dunlap
- Bowd Farrar
- Harry Lee Faulk
- James Finlay
- Robert Elbert High
- Emery Polk Hornaday
- Thomas Kirk Irwin
- Nathaniel Green Jacks
- Wade Pope Lane
- George Raiford Lipscomb
- Joseph McGill
- William Rogers Montgomery
- Overton L. Parish
- William Robert Poage
- John Allen Rawlins
- Roger Finelle Robinson
- Corry Thaddeus Sheats
- Richard B. Stevens
- Walter Sidney Tomme
- Henry Albert Turner
- Henry E. Webb
- Howard Walling Wells
Henry Webb appointed 1/28/1925.
1st C.S.: Henry Turner and E. Polk Hornaday appointed 9/14/1926.
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