Last action: Effective immediately
Author: Craig Eiland
Sponsor: Mike Moncrief
Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2001, 77th R.S.,ch. 1011, General and Special Laws of Texas
Bill Analyses:
Enrolled (Senate Research Center)
Engrossed (Senate Research Center)
Committee Report (Senate Research Center)
Enrolled (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Introduced (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Disabilities, Persons with
Retirement Systems--General
House Committee: Human Services (Elliott Naishtat, Norma Chavez, John Davis, Harryette Ehrhardt, Rick Noriega, Richard Raymond, Barry Telford, Mike Villarreal, Arlene Wohlgemuth)
March 5 2001
Senate Committee: Business & Commerce (John Carona, Troy Fraser, Mike Jackson, Eddie Lucio, Jr., Frank Madla, Eliot Shapleigh, David Sibley, Leticia Van de Putte)
May 8 2001
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