Last action: Considered in Calendars
Author: Joe Nixon
Coauthor: Clyde Alexander | Ray Allen | Leo Alvarado | Kip Averitt | Kevin Bailey | Dennis Bonnen | Fred Bosse | Kim Brimer | Betty Brown | Fred Brown | Jaime Capelo | Bill Carter | Norma Chavez | Warren Chisum | Wayne Christian | Ron Clark | Garnet Coleman | Frank Corte | David Counts | Joe Crabb | Tom Craddick | Ronny Crownover | Henry Cuellar | John Culberson | Debra Danburg | John Davis | Dianne Delisi | Mary Denny | Jim Dunnam | Harold V. Dutton, Jr. | Al Edwards | Craig Eiland | Gary Elkins | Jessica Farrar | Kino Flores | Pete Gallego | Kenn George | Helen Giddings | Bob Glaze | Toby Goodman | Tony Goolsby | Rick Green | Sherri Greenberg | Kent Grusendorf | Pat Haggerty | Peggy Hamric | Rick Hardcastle | Talmadge Heflin | Paul Hilbert | Harvey Hilderbran | Fred Hill | Juan Hinojosa | Mark Homer | Ruben Hope | Charlie Howard | Suzanna Hupp | Carl Isett | Kyle Janek | Delwin Jones | Jesse Jones | Terry Keel | Jim Keffer | Phil King | Mike Krusee | Edmund Kuempel | Glenn Lewis | John Longoria | Vilma Luna | Jerry Madden | Kenny Marchant | Glen Maxey | Brian McCall | Ruth McClendon | Joe Moreno | Paul Moreno | Geanie Morrison | Anna Mowery | Elliott Naishtat | Rick Noriega | Dora Olivo | Sue Palmer | Joseph Pickett | Jim Pitts | Irma Rangel | John Shields | Bill Siebert | Todd Smith | John Smithee | Jim Solis | Burt Solomons | David Swinford | Robert Talton | Senfronia Thompson | Vicki Truitt | Bob Turner | Sylvester Turner | Leticia Van de Putte | Gary Walker | Thomas Williams | Ron Wilson | Miguel Wise | Arlene Wohlgemuth | Beverly Woolley | Ken Yarbrough
Bill Analyses:
Introduced (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Committee Report (Office of House Bill Analysis)
Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel
Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers
Taxation--School District
House Committee: Public Education (Paul Sadler, Jim Dunnam, Harold V. Dutton, Jr., Kent Grusendorf, Scott Hochberg, David Lengefeld, Rene Oliveira, Dora Olivo, Todd Smith)
March 15 1999 | April 13 1999 | April 29 1999
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