Last action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Author: Eddie Lucio, Jr.
Coauthor: Paul Bettencourt | Brian Birdwell | Dawn Buckingham | Donna Campbell | Brandon Creighton | Bob Hall | Kelly Hancock | Bryan Hughes | Lois Kolkhorst | Angela Paxton | Charles Perry | Charles Schwertner | Drew Springer | Larry Taylor
Sponsor: Stephanie Klick
Joint Sponsor: Candy Noble | Tom Oliverson | David Cook | James B. Frank
CoSponsor: Steve Allison | Charles "Doc" Anderson | Trent Ashby | Cecil Bell | Keith Bell | Kyle Biedermann | Greg Bonnen | Brad Buckley | DeWayne Burns | Giovanni Capriglione | Jeff Cason | Tom Craddick | Jay Dean | Charlie Geren | Sam Harless | Cody Harris | Cole Hefner | Justin Holland | Dan Huberty | Lacey Hull | Todd Hunter | Jacey Jetton | Kyle Kacal | Phil King | Matt Krause | John Kuempel | Brooks Landgraf | Jeff Leach | Ben Leman | J. M. Lozano | Will Metcalf | Morgan Meyer | Mayes Middleton | Geanie W. Morrison | Jim Murphy | Tan Parker | Jared Patterson | Dennis Paul | Four Price | John Raney | Glenn Rogers | Scott Sanford | Mike Schofield | Matt Shaheen | Hugh Shine | Bryan Slaton | Shelby Slawson | Reggie Smith | David Spiller | Phil Stephenson | Lynn Stucky | Valoree Swanson | Ed Thompson | Tony Tinderholt | Steve Toth | Gary VanDeaver | Cody Vasut | James White | Terry M. Wilson
Session Law Chapter:
Acts 2021, 87th 2nd C.S.,ch. 10, General and Special Laws of Texas
House Committee: Public Health (Stephanie Klick, Steve Allison, Liz Campos, Garnet Coleman, Nicole Collier, R. D. "Bobby" Guerra, Jacey Jetton, Jolanda Jones, Tom Oliverson, Four Price, Reggie Smith, Erin Zwiener)
Senate Committee: Health & Human Services (Lois Kolkhorst, César Blanco, Dawn Buckingham, Donna Campbell, Bob Hall, Borris Miles, Charles Perry, Beverly Powell, Kel Seliger)
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