SB 1816, 82nd R.S. history

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SB 1816, 82nd R.S.
Relating to county and municipal land development regulation.

Last action: H. refuses to adopt conf. comm. rept-reported

Author: Judith Zaffirini
Sponsor: Richard Pena Raymond


HB 2803 (Identical)

Bill Analyses:
Introduced (Senate Research Center)
Committee Report (Senate Research Center)

Conference Committee:

Conference Committee Report 
House Members: (appointed 05/25/2011) Richard Pena Raymond (Chair) | Ryan Guillen | Harvey Hilderbran | Dee Margo | Aaron Peña |

Senate Members: (appointed 05/24/2011) Judith Zaffirini (Chair) | John Carona | Troy Fraser | Eddie Lucio, Jr. | José Rodríguez |

City Government--Land Use & Zoning
County Government--Land Use & Zoning
Property Interests--Real Property

House Committee: Land & Resource Management (Rene Oliveira, Rafael Anchía, Rodney Anderson, Fred Brown, John Garza, Tim Kleinschmidt, Lois Kolkhorst, George Lavender, Dee Margo, John Raney)
Minutes: May 16 2011 | May 18 2011
Senate Committee: International Relations & Trade (Eddie Lucio, Jr., Wendy Davis, Troy Fraser, Mario Gallegos, Jr., José Rodríguez, Kel Seliger, Tommy Williams)
Minutes: April 18 2011 | April 20 2011

Index to Sections Affected

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