Last action: Coauthor Authorized
Author: Brian McCall
Joint Author: Debra Danburg | Toby Goodman | Roberto Gutierrez | Elliott Naishtat
Coauthor: David Swinford | Bob Turner | Mario Gallegos, Jr. | Jim Tallas | John Hirschi | Henry Cuellar | Betty Denton | Peggy Hamric | Glen Maxey | Robert Eckels | Leticia Van de Putte | Delwin Jones | Christine Hernandez | Steven Wolens | David Counts | Carolyn Park | Ray Allen | Helen Giddings | Jim Horn | Charles Finnell | Richard Raymond | Homer Dear | Tom Craddick | Mike Martin | Jerry Madden | Ken Marchant | Pedro Nieto | Ted Kamel | Edmund Kuempel | Dianne Delisi | Bill Siebert | Harvey Hilderbran | Dalton Smith | Keith Oakley | Bob Rabuck | Doyle Willis | Fred Hill | Anna Mowery | Kim Brimer | George West | Billy Clemons | John Shields | Bernard Erickson | John Smithee | Gerald Yost | Jerry Johnson | Barry Telford | Huey McCoulskey | Sergio Munoz | Frank Corte | Sherri Greenberg | Jim Pitts | Scott Hochberg | Todd Hunter | Dan Kubiak | Bob Glaze | Irma Rangel | Mary James | Robert Duncan | Talmadge Heflin | Kent Grusendorf | Kip Averitt | Garnet Coleman | Yolanda Flores | Paul Moreno | John Cook | Diana Davila | John Carona | Susan Combs | Karyne Conley | Al Edwards | Paul Hilbert | Jesse Jones | Nancy Moffat | Pete Patterson | Zeb Zbranek | Steve Ogden | Sylvester Turner | Sue Schechter | Leo Alvarado | Jim Solis | Jim Rudd | David Cain | Richard Williamson | Clyde Alexander | Pat Haggerty | Senfronia Thompson | Mike Jackson | Ashley Smith | Bill Carter | John Culberson | Ben Campbell | Yvonne Davis | Kevin Bailey | John Longoria | Roberto Alonzo | Tony Parra | Garfield Thompson | Jack Harris | Kevin Brady | Nancy McDonald | Sylvia Romo | Paul Sadler | Fred Bosse | Tony Goolsby | Steve Holzheauser | Mark Stiles
Crimes--Against Persons
House Committee: Criminal Jurisprudence (Allen Place, Ray Allen, Susan Combs, Eddie De La Garza, Al Granoff, Sherri Greenberg, Will Hartnett, Pedro Nieto, Jim Solis, Mark Stiles, Robert Talton)
February 15 1993
House Committee: Stalking (HB 51) (Jim Solis, Will Hartnett, Robert Talton)
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