64th Regular Session (1975) – Governor Dolph Briscoe
Bill | Caption | Document |
HB 135 | Texas Department of Corrections; furloughs for inmates | Veto |
HB 659 | Mechanical voting machines | Veto |
HB 970 | Relating to the disqualification of a district judge in a civil action or pretrial hearing. | Veto |
HB 1073 | Authorizing the Department of Public Welfare to supervise federal matching programs for political subdivisions which provide emergency services for children of needy families. | Veto |
HB 1079 | Relating to electronic voting systems. | Veto |
HB 1136 | Permitting young children to accompany parents into polling places and voting booths. | Veto |
HB 1481 | Relating to construction, operation and maintenance of regional residential facilities in El Paso and Cameron Counties for juvenile offenders in custody of Youth Council. | Veto |
HB 1953 | Relating to original and appellate jurisdiction in probate matters. | Veto |
HB 1984 | Relating to appeals from justice court in actions for forcible entry and detainer. | Veto |
HB 2215 | Relating to the creation of a County Court at Law Number 4 of Travis County. | Veto |
SB 52 |
General Appropriations Act
Line Item Veto. |
Veto |
SB 172 | Authorizing and requiring the State, its agencies and departments, and all political subdivisions employing one or more peace officers, to provide legal services and representation for such officers, without cost to the officer. | Veto |
SB 270 | Relating to the defense of lack of privity and failure to give notice with respect to a manufacturer's liability in a suit for breach of warranty. | Veto |
SB 313 | Relating to the authority and duties of a city governing body and providing procedures for initiation of preparation and submission of a proposed city charter. | Veto |
SB 434 | Relating to refunding of certain tuition and fees by institutions of higher education. | Veto |
SB 510 | Relating to appointment, term of position and compensation of county road engineers. | Veto |
SB 511 | Relating to the authority of the Court of Civil Appeals for the Thirteenth Supreme Judicial District to transact business at the county seat of the counties in the district. | Veto |
SB 664 | Relating to the authority of the Parks and Wildlife department to request the attorney general to bring suit for injunctive relief and/or civil penalties against persons violating the statutory prohibition against water pollution. | Veto |
SB 980 | Relating to establishing a notification, hearing and appellate procedure by which parents or guardians of exceptional children shall be assured due process in identification, evaluation and educational placement of their children. | Veto |
Information about Vetoed Bills is unofficial and is provided as a public service by the Texas Legislative Reference Library. The Texas Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the table.