32nd 1st Called Session (1911) – Governor Oscar Branch Colquitt

Bill Caption Document
HB 10 Apportioning the State of Texas into Senatorial Districts.   Veto
SB 3 Relating to making appropriations for the support of the State Government for two years, beginning September 1, 1911, and ending August 31, 1913, and for other purposes, and prescribing certain regulations and restrictions in respect thereto; to make additional appropriations for the support of the State government for the year ending August 31, 1911, and to pay various miscellaneous claims against the State.
Line item veto
Governor's Message To the House and Senate
Governor's Message To the Secretary of State
Attorney General's Opinion
SB 41 Amending article 5, section 1 of the charter of the city of Dallas and providing for purchases by the Board of Education of said city.
No formal proclamation has been found, but bill did not appear as session law and there is a "veto" notation on the signed bill in the official bill file.
Signed Bill Text.
HCR 1 Requesting the Governor to submit certain subjects for legislation at the present called session.   Veto
HCR 2 Endorsing action of Congress in selecting San Francisco as location for World's Panama Exposition.   Veto
HCR 3 Endorsing Dallas as the place for holding next annual meeting of Advertising Clubs of America.   Veto
SCR 2 Inviting the International Typographical Union to hold its next annual convention in the city of Houston, Texas.   Veto

Information about Vetoed Bills is unofficial and is provided as a public service by the Texas Legislative Reference Library. The Texas Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the table.