6th Adjourned (1856) – Governor Elisha M. Pease

Bill * Caption Document
HB Int.7/9/1856 An act authorizing Jno. Mooney to construct a dam across San Marcos River, cut a race from the same, on the East bank of said River and erect Mills and Factories thereon.   Veto
HB Int.7/24/1856 An act to create the county of Hardin.   Veto
HB Int.8/16/1856 An act to provide for the safekeeping of the Capitol and furniture, and define the duties of the Secretary of the Senate, and the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives.
Governor's formal veto has not been located.
House Override - House Journal Text.
Senate Refused to Pass over Governor's Veto - Senate Journal Text.
SB Int.7/26/1856 An act to create the county of La Salle.   Veto
* Bill numbers were not always documented in the House and Senate Journals in the early years of the Legislature. Here we list the date that a bill was introduced.

NOTE: SB int. 1855-12-05 -- An act for the relief of Jesse Dean was included in a Message from Governor Pease, dated Feb. 4, 1856, which listed various bills that Governor did not have time to examine; this bill was listed in message as no. 101 (Senate Journal, p. 528, p. 531).

In the sixth adjourned session Governor Pease sent a veto message, dated July 7th, 1856, (Senate Journal, p. 14), however, the Governor later sent a message to Senate, dated July 11, 1856, stating that he had received additional information and that he was withdrawing his veto message (Senate Journal, p. 26-27)

The Bill was passed and appears at Special Laws, Chapter, LXXXV for 6th Adjourned Session.

Information about Vetoed Bills is unofficial and is provided as a public service by the Texas Legislative Reference Library. The Texas Legislative Reference Library makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy and makes no warranty in regards to its use. Users assume all risk of reliance on the table.