Constitutional amendments search results
14 amendment(s) found [ Election date: November 5, 1968 ]
Session | Bill | Prop. | Topic | Outcome |
60th R.S. | SJR 4 | 9 | For the amendment to Section 48a of Article III allowing contributions to be made on the basis of full salary of members of the Teacher Retirement System of Texas. | Adopted |
60th R.S. | SJR 14 | 12 | For the constitutional amendment to give the Legislature the power to authorize cities and counties to issue revenue bonds for industrial development purposes. | Defeated |
60th R.S. | HJR 16 | 13 | For the constitutional amendment to exempt certain property temporarily stored in a public warehouse from ad valorem taxation. | Defeated |
60th R.S. | HJR 20 | 3 | For the constitutional amendment providing for investment of the Permanent University Fund by the Board of Regents of The University of Texas in certain types of securities within the prudent man rule. | Adopted |
60th R.S. | HJR 22 | 14 | For the constitutional amendment fixing the time during which members of the Legislature shall be ineligible to hold other offices. | Adopted |
60th R.S. | SJR 24 | 6 | For the Constitutional Amendment giving permissive authority to the Texas Legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation by the State of Texas and its political subdivisions equipment installed on real property to eliminate or abate the harmful effect of air emissions and water effluents, provided that the capital investment in such equipment complies with the air and water quality standards established by the State of Texas. | Defeated |
60th R.S. | SJR 32 | 7 | For the Constitutional Amendment continuously reducing State ad valorem property taxes and abolishing all State ad valorem property taxes after December 31, 1978, except the tax levied by Article VII, Section 17, for certain institutions of higher education. | Adopted |
60th R.S. | SJR 37 | 4 | For the amendment of Article III of the Constitution to provide that Dallas County may issue road bonds under section 52 of Article III upon a vote of a majority of the resident property taxpayers voting thereon who are qualified electors of said county, and to provide that bonds heretofore or hereafter issued under Subsections (a) and (b) of said Section 52 shall not be included in determining the debt limit prescribed in said Section. | Adopted |
60th R.S. | SJR 39 | 1 | For the Constitutional Amendment amending Subsection (a) of Section 62, Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Texas relating to the Employees Retirement Fund and the Employees Retirement System of Texas, revising provisions for investments of moneys and other assets of the Fund, and changing other existing provisions and making other new provisions with respect to the administration of the Employees Retirement System. | Adopted |
60th R.S. | SJR 41 | 2 | For the Constitutional Amendment raising the limit on the amount that may be expended in any one year out of state funds for Public Assistance payments only to Seventy-five Million Dollars ($75,000,000). | Defeated |
60th R.S. | HJR 49 | 8 | For the constitutional amendment removing certain provisions relating to the purchase of fuel and furbishing of rooms and halls of the Legislature and the requirement that the Governor, Secretary of State, and the Comptroller mush approve certain contracts of purchase. | Defeated |
60th R.S. | HJR 50 | 10 | For the constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to provide for the refund of the tax on cigars and tobacco products sold at retail within the corporate limits of Texarkana, Texas, or any incorporated city or town in Texas contiguous to Texarkana. | Defeated |
60th R.S. | HJR 60 | 11 | For the constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for consolidating governmental offices and functions and allowing political subdivisions to contract for performance of governmental functions in El Paso and Tarrant counties. | Adopted |
60th R.S. | HJR 61 | 5 | For the constitutional amendment providing the members of the Legislature shall receive as salary an amount not exceeding Eight Thousand, Four Hundred Dollars ($8,400) per year. | Defeated |
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