Constitutional amendments search results
4 amendment(s) found [ Election date: August 25, 1945 ]
Session | Bill | Prop. | Topic | Outcome |
49th R.S. | SJR 7 | For the amendment to Article VI of the Constitution of Texas, providing that any person in the armed forces of the United States, or the Armed Forces Reserve of the United States, or of any branch or component part thereof, or of the United States Maritime Service, or the United States Merchant Marine, or who has been a member of same within eighteen months prior to the holding of any election in this state authorized by law, and is otherwise a qualified voter, shall not be required to pay, or to hold a receipt for the payment of, a poll tax in order to vote at any such election, if the same is held while the United States is a war or within a certain stated time thereafter. | Adopted | |
49th R.S. | SJR 8 | For the amendment to the State Constitution providing for a Supreme Court of nine members. | Adopted | |
49th R.S. | HJR 11 | For the Constitutional Amendment providing for continuous salary per diem of all members of the Legislature during their tenure of office. | Defeated | |
49th R.S. | HJR 13 | For the amendment to the Constitution giving the Legislature the power to set up a system of payments of old age assistance to those above sixty-five (65) years of age; provided that monthly payments from State funds to any one person may be in valid amounts based on need, that the maximum payment per month per person from State funds shall not be more than Twenty Dollars ($20) per month; giving the Legislature the power to set up a system of payments for the needy blind persons over twenty-one (21) years of age; giving the Legislature the power to set up a system of payments to needy children under sixteen (16) years of age; providing for the expenditure of funds from the Federal Government; limiting the total amount which may be expended for such assistance out of State funds; and providing conditions as to residence within the State in order to become eligible to receive assistance. | Adopted |
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