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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  Tourism ]

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HJR 133 87-0 (2021) Author: Kuempel, John | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to foster economic development and job growth and to provide tax relief and funding for education and public safety by creating the Texas Gaming Commission, authorizing and regulating casino gaming at a limited number of destination resorts and facilities licensed by the commission, authorizing sports wagering, requiring occupational licenses to conduct casino gaming, and requiring the imposition of a tax. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee
SJR 49 87-0 (2021) Author: Alvarado, Carol | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment to foster economic development and job growth and to provide tax relief and funding for education and public safety by creating the Texas Gaming Commission, authorizing and regulating casino gaming at a limited number of destination resorts and facilities licensed by the commission, authorizing sports wagering, requiring occupational licenses to conduct casino gaming, and requiring the imposition of a tax. Senate: State Affairs Co-author authorized
HB 951 86-0 (2019) Author: Stucky, Lynn Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
HB 1135 86-0 (2019) Author: Price, Four | et. al.
Sponsor: Seliger, Kel
Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HB 1136 86-0 (2019) Author: Price, Four | et. al.
Sponsor: Nelson, Jane
Relating to territory included in a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district established by a municipality. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HB 1417 86-0 (2019) Author: Clardy, Travis
Sponsor: Nichols, Robert
Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HB 1474 86-0 (2019) Author: Anderson, Charles "Doc"
Sponsor: Birdwell, Brian
Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/19
HB 1577 86-0 (2019) Author: Anchía, Rafael | et. al. Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Laid on the table subject to call
HB 3356 86-0 (2019) Author: Bucy III, John
Sponsor: Schwertner, Charles
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue in certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 3499 86-0 (2019) Author: Holland, Justin Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs Laid on the table subject to call
HB 4216 86-0 (2019) Author: Krause, Matt Relating to the deposit of certain hotel occupancy and car rental tax revenue into the foundation school fund. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations
SB 385 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Holland, Justin
Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/19
SB 386 86-0 (2019) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Stucky, Lynn
Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on 9/1/19
SB 642 86-0 (2019) Author: Johnson, Nathan | et. al.
Sponsor: Anchía, Rafael
Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
SB 2102 86-0 (2019) Author: Birdwell, Brian Relating to a common characteristic or use project in a public improvement district in certain municipalities. Senate: Intergovernmental Relations Referred to Intergovernmental Relations
HB 1447 85-0 (2017) Author: Wu, Gene Relating to the creation of a certificate program to promote travel to and throughout this state; authorizing fees. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism Considered in Calendars
HB 1896 85-0 (2017) Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to the application of and use of revenue from hotel occupancy taxes imposed by municipalities and counties. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/17
HB 2079 85-0 (2017) Author: Hunter, Todd | et. al.
Sponsor: Hinojosa, Juan | et. al.
Relating to the promotion of tourism related to the musical heritage of this state. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/17
HB 2445 85-0 (2017) Author: Stucky, Lynn | et. al.
Sponsor: Estes, Craig
Relating to the imposition of hotel occupancy taxes by and the collection and use of certain tax revenue in certain municipalities and counties, including the authority of certain municipalities to pledge certain tax revenue for the payment of obligations related to hotel and hotel and convention center projects; authorizing the imposition of a tax. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 2871 85-0 (2017) Author: Guillen, Ryan Relating to the use of county hotel occupancy taxes by certain counties. House: Ways & Means Placed on General State Calendar
HB 3484 85-0 (2017) Author: Paddie, Chris
Sponsor: Hughes, Bryan
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue by certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 3636 85-0 (2017) Author: Hunter, Todd Relating to the promotion of the cruise industry in this state by the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office. House: Texas Ports, Innovation & Infrastructure, Select Left pending in committee
HB 3650 85-0 (2017) Author: Hunter, Todd Relating to the promotion and development of the cruise industry in this state. House: Texas Ports, Innovation & Infrastructure, Select Left pending in committee
SB 99 85-0 (2017) Author: Hall, Bob Relating to the abolishment of the Music, Film, Television, and Multimedia Office in the office of the governor and other incentives for media productions. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee
SB 942 85-0 (2017) Author: Hughes, Bryan
Sponsor: Paddie, Chris
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue in certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately
SB 1957 85-0 (2017) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to a pilot program to reduce the cost of hunting and fishing licenses for nonresidents. Senate: Agriculture, Water & Rural Affairs Referred to Agriculture, Water, & Rural Affairs
SB 2146 85-0 (2017) Author: Taylor, Larry Relating to the application of and use of revenue from hotel occupancy taxes imposed by municipalities and counties. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee
HB 302 84-0 (2015) Author: Wu, Gene Relating to the creation of a certificate program to promote travel to and throughout this state; authorizing fees. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
HB 1203 84-0 (2015) Author: Murr, Andrew | et. al. Relating to limited liability for an agritourism entity involved in an agritourism activity. House: Agriculture & Livestock Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
HB 1585 84-0 (2015) Author: Paul, Dennis
Sponsor: Taylor, Larry
Relating to the use of hotel occupancy tax revenue in certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/15
HB 1717 84-0 (2015) Author: Oliveira, René
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes by certain municipalities for ecological and space exploration-related tourism. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 1984 84-0 (2015) Author: Bonnen, Greg | et. al. Relating to the aerospace and aviation office of the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office and to the aerospace and aviation advisory committee. House: Business & Industry Laid on the table subject to call
HB 3613 84-0 (2015) Author: Isaac, Jason | et. al. Relating to a Pan American Games trust fund, an Olympic Games trust fund, a Major Events trust fund, a Motor Sports Racing trust fund, and an Events trust fund for sporting and non-sporting events, and to the abolishment of the special event trust fund. House: Economic & Small Business Development Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 3615 84-0 (2015) Author: Isaac, Jason
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to the use of hotel occupancy tax revenues in certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 3629 84-0 (2015) Author: Raney, John
Sponsor: Schwertner, Charles
Relating to use and allocation of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenues for certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective immediately
SB 458 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Bonnen, Greg | et. al.
Relating to the aerospace and aviation office of the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office and to the aerospace and aviation advisory committee. House: Business & Industry
Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/15
SB 610 84-0 (2015) Author: Perry, Charles
Sponsor: Murr, Andrew
Relating to limited liability for an agritourism entity involved in an agritourism activity. House: Agriculture & Livestock
Senate: State Affairs
Effective immediately
SB 682 84-0 (2015) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to the use of hotel occupancy tax revenues in certain municipalities. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 1399 84-0 (2015) Author: Hall, Bob Relating to abolishing the Music, Film, Television, and Multimedia Office. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 1423 84-0 (2015) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes by certain municipalities for ecological and space exploration-related tourism. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Referred to Natural Resources & Economic Development
SB 1951 84-0 (2015) Author: Hinojosa, Juan Relating to the promotion of tourism related to the musical heritage of this state. Senate: Natural Resources & Economic Development Left pending in committee
HB 2575 83-0 (2013) Author: Kleinschmidt, Tim Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes in certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 2642 83-0 (2013) Author: Davis, John Relating to information on the moving image industry incentive program. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism Left pending in committee
HB 3169 83-0 (2013) Author: Bohac, Dwayne
Sponsor: Lucio, Jr., Eddie
Relating to the imposition of the sales and use tax on certain taxable items. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/13
HB 3296 83-0 (2013) Author: Raney, John
Sponsor: Schwertner, Charles
Relating to the rates of municipal and county hotel occupancy taxes in certain municipalities and counties and the use of certain revenue from those taxes; changing the rates of taxes. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 3385 83-0 (2013) Author: Hilderbran, Harvey Relating to limited liability for an agritourism entity involved in an agritourism activity. House: Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs
SB 1276 83-0 (2013) Author: Watson, Kirk Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes in certain municipalities. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development
SB 1504 83-0 (2013) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the imposition of the sales and use tax on taxable items sold or provided under certain contracts. Senate: Finance Referred to s/c on Fiscal Matters by Chair
HB 970 82-0 (2011) Author: Gonzales, Larry | et. al.
Sponsor: Ogden, Steve
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue to enhance and upgrade coliseums and multiuse facilities in certain municipalities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HR 538 82-0 (2011) Author: Hunter, Todd Honoring the Texas tourism industry. Reported enrolled
HB 656 81-0 (2009) Author: Rios Ybarra, Tara | et. al. Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Economic Development
Referred to Economic Development
HB 873 81-0 (2009) Author: Dukes, Dawnna | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob | et. al.
Relating to incentives for the film, television, video, and digital interactive media production industries. House: Culture, Recreation & Tourism
Senate: Economic Development
Effective immediately
HB 3197 81-0 (2009) Author: Flynn, Dan Relating to the tourist-oriented directional sign program. House: Transportation Left pending in subcommittee
SB 605 81-0 (2009) Author: Deuell, Bob | et. al. Relating to incentives for the film, television, video, and digital interactive media production industries. Senate: Economic Development Co-author authorized
SB 2388 81-0 (2009) Author: Lucio, Jr., Eddie Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes for ecological tourism events. Senate: Economic Development Referred to Economic Development
HB 1496 80-0 (2007) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to incentives for the film, television, and multimedia production industries. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism Referred to Culture, Recreation, and Tourism
HB 1634 80-0 (2007) Author: Dukes, Dawnna | et. al.
Sponsor: Deuell, Bob
Relating to incentives for the film, television, and multimedia production industries. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism
Senate: Finance
Effective immediately
HB 3113 80-0 (2007) Author: Cook, Byron Relating to the transfer of the Texas State Railroad to, and the creation of, the Texas State Railroad Authority. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism Laid on the table subject to call
HB 3441 80-0 (2007) Author: Phillips, Larry
Sponsor: Estes, Craig
Relating to the eligibility of an establishment to be included on a specific information logo sign along a highway. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Effective immediately
HB 3706 80-0 (2007) Author: Laubenberg, Jodie | et. al.
Sponsor: Harris, Chris
Relating to the creation, powers, and duties of film districts. House: County Affairs
Senate: Business & Commerce
Committee report printed and distributed
SB 731 80-0 (2007) Author: Carona, John
Sponsor: Isett, Carl
Relating to the eligibility of an establishment to be included on a specific information logo sign along a highway. House: Transportation
Senate: Transportation & Homeland Security
Returned to Local & Consent Calendars Comm.
SB 782 80-0 (2007) Author: Deuell, Bob | et. al. Relating to incentives for the film, television, and multimedia production industries. Senate: Finance Left pending in committee
SB 1319 80-0 (2007) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to county development district programs to promote tourism. Filed
SB 1659 80-0 (2007) Author: Nichols, Robert
Sponsor: Cook, Byron
Relating to the transfer of the Texas State Railroad to, and the creation of, the Texas State Railroad Authority. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism
Senate: Natural Resources
Effective immediately
HB 1894 79-0 (2005) Author: Eiland, Craig Relating to the definition of a primary job with respect to a project that may be undertaken by a development corporation. House: Economic Development Left pending in committee
HB 1982 79-0 (2005) Author: Blake, Jr., Roy | et. al.
Sponsor: Staples, Todd
Relating to the creation and operation of a Texas Certified Retirement Community Program. House: Economic Development
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/05
HB 2135 79-0 (2005) Author: Phillips, Larry | et. al.
Sponsor: Madla, Frank
Relating to the creation of a tourist-oriented directional sign program. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Removed from local & uncontested calendar
HB 2621 79-0 (2005) Author: Eiland, Craig Relating to the power of certain coastal municipalities to impose assessments to pay for improvement projects, services, or special events. House: Land & Resource Management Left pending in committee
HB 2903 79-0 (2005) Author: Hilderbran, Harvey Relating to the development of bicycle tourism trails in this state. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2954 79-0 (2005) Author: Hamric, Peggy | et. al. Relating to the creation of a film industry incentive program. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism Placed on General State Calendar
SB 602 79-0 (2005) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Hilderbran, Harvey
Relating to the development of bicycle tourism trails in this state. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/05
SB 923 79-0 (2005) Author: Janek, Kyle Relating to the definition of a primary job with respect to a project that may be undertaken by a development corporation. Senate: Business & Commerce Refer to s/c on Emrg Tech & Econ Dev by Pres
SB 1100 79-0 (2005) Author: Deuell, Bob | et. al.
Sponsor: Hilderbran, Harvey
Relating to the promotion of tourism related to the musical heritage of this state. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism
Senate: Business & Commerce
Placed on General State Calendar
SB 1142 79-0 (2005) Author: Carona, John | et. al.
Sponsor: Hamric, Peggy
Relating to the creation of a film industry incentive program. House: Culture, Recreation, & Tourism
Senate: Business & Commerce
Effective on 9/1/05
HB 740 78-0 (2003) Author: Davis, John | et. al. Relating to the Texas Department of Economic Development's duty to promote tourism. House: Economic Development Left pending in committee
HB 1233 78-0 (2003) Author: Solomons, Burt | et. al. Relating to the abolition of the Texas Department of Economic Development and the transfer of certain of its functions and the functions of the Texas Aerospace Commission to the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office; to the establishment, operation, and funding of the Texas Economic Development Bank; and to the administration and operation of certain economic development programs. House: Economic Development Committee report sent to Calendars
HB 2976 78-0 (2003) Author: Chavez, Norma | et. al. Relating to the promotion of and funding for heritage tourism and economic development near the Texas-Mexico border. House: Border and International Affairs Committee report sent to Calendars
SB 275 78-0 (2003) Author: Nelson, Jane
Sponsor: Solomons, Burt | et. al.
Relating to the abolition of the Texas Department of Economic Development and the transfer of certain of its functions and the functions of the Texas Aerospace Commission to the Texas Economic Development and Tourism Office; to the establishment, operation, and funding of the Texas Economic Development Bank; and to the administration and operation of certain economic development programs; authorizing the issuance of bonds. House: Economic Development
Senate: Government Organization
Effective on 9/1/03
SB 659 78-0 (2003) Author: Brimer, Kim | et. al. Relating to the creation of the economic development coordinator; the abolition of the Texas Department of Economic Development and the transfer of its functions to the economic development coordinator; and the establishment of economic and business development programs to be administered by the economic development coordinator. Senate: Government Organization No action taken in committee
HB 53 78-1 (2003) Author: Swinford, David
Sponsor: Ellis, Rodney
Relating to the reorganization of, efficiency in, and other reform measures applying to state government; making appropriations. House: Government Reform
Senate: Government Organization
Not again placed on intent calendar
HR 206 78-4 (2003) Author: Garza, Timoteo Designating the "El Camino Real Travel Trail" for House District 80 and Middle Rio Grande Development Council counties. House: Rules & Resolutions Reported enrolled
HB 470 77-0 (2001) Author: Solomons, Burt Relating to requiring confirmation of a hotel reservation. House: Business & Industry Left pending in committee
HB 755 77-0 (2001) Author: Gallego, Pete | et. al. Relating to the allocation of a portion of the sales tax for promoting tourism. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee
HB 1177 77-0 (2001) Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Relating to the Texas Department of Economic Development's duty to promote tourism. House: Economic Development Left pending in committee
HB 1825 77-0 (2001) Author: Coleman, Garnet | et. al. Relating to the creation of a scenic byways program. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
HB 1977 77-0 (2001) Author: Hunter, Bob Relating to creating the Tourism Coordinating Council. House: State, Federal & International Relations Referred to State, Fed. & International Rel.
HB 3419 77-0 (2001) Author: Olivo, Dora Relating to inclusion of certain information on a highway information sign. House: Transportation Referred to Transportation
SB 870 77-0 (2001) Author: Lindsay, Jon
Sponsor: Thompson, Senfronia
Relating to the authority of a commissioners court of a county to authorize certain community and economic development programs. House: County Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
SB 919 77-0 (2001) Author: Lindsay, Jon Relating to the Texas Department of Economic Development's duty to promote tourism. Senate: Business & Commerce Referred to Business & Commerce
SB 1129 77-0 (2001) Author: Bernsen, David
Sponsor: Coleman, Garnet
Relating to a study by the Texas Department of Transportation of the feasibility of adopting a scenic byways program. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
HB 1686 76-0 (1999) Author: Hunter, Bob Relating to the issuance of special license plates to fund tourism activities and the marketing of other programs of the department of economic development. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
HB 2778 76-0 (1999) Author: Pitts, Jim Relating to the allocation of a portion of the revenue from the hotel occupancy tax for use in international marketing activities. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee
HB 2820 76-0 (1999) Author: Hunter, Bob Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Historical Commission. House: State, Federal & International Relations Comm. report sent to Local & Consent Calendar
SB 639 76-0 (1999) Author: Bernsen, David
Sponsor: Hunter, Bob
Relating to the issuance of special license plates to fund tourism activities of the Texas Department of Economic Development. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/99
SB 1327 76-0 (1999) Author: Gallegos, Jr., Mario
Sponsor: Hunter, Bob
Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Historical Commission. House: State, Federal & International Relations
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/99
HB 1268 75-0 (1997) Author: Madden, Jerry Relating to the use of revenue from the municipal hotel occupancy tax. House: Ways & Means Referred to subcommittee
SB 893 75-0 (1997) Author: Moncrief, Mike
Sponsor: Lewis, Glenn
Relating to certain convention center hotel facilities. House: Economic Development
Senate: Finance
Placed on General State Calendar
SB 932 75-0 (1997) Author: Sibley, David
Sponsor: Oliveira, Rene | et. al.
Relating to abolishing the Texas Department of Commerce and transferring its powers and duties to the newly created Texas Department of Economic Development and to certain other economic development programs in the state. House: Economic Development
Senate: Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/97
SB 1265 75-0 (1997) Author: Armbrister, Kenneth Relating to the abolition of the Texas Department of Commerce, and the consolidation of economic development and tourism activities from the Texas Department of Commerce and other agencies into the Office of Economic Development and Tourism and a public-private effort called "Partnership Texas." Senate: Economic Development Left pending in committee
HB 672 73-0 (1993) Author: Jackson, Mike Relating to the use of certain municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue for a manned space flight tourism facility. House: Ways & Means Referred to subcommittee
HB 891 73-0 (1993) Author: Hunter, Todd
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the use of revenue generated by the hotel tax by counties bordering the Gulf of Mexico. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective in 90 days -- 8/30/93
HB 992 73-0 (1993) Author: Smith, Ashley Relating to the continuation of the Texas Department of Commerce. House: Economic Development Laid on the table subject to call
HB 1122 73-0 (1993) Author: Haggerty, Pat
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy taxes. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/93
HB 1123 73-0 (1993) Author: Haggerty, Pat
Sponsor: Armbrister, Kenneth
Relating to the use of county hotel occupancy taxes. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on 9/1/93
SB 405 73-0 (1993) Author: Carriker, Steven
Sponsor: Smith, Ashley
Relating to the continuation of the Texas Department of Commerce. House: Economic Development
Senate: Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/93
HB 53 72-0 (1991) Author: Cuellar, Henry
Sponsor: Zaffirini, Judith
Relating to promotion of tourism in this state. House: State, Federal & International Relations
Senate: Economic Development
Effective on 9/1/91
HB 1187 72-0 (1991) Author: Cuellar, Henry Relating to an appropriation to increase tourism advertising in Texas. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations
HB 1951 72-0 (1991) Author: Granoff, Al | et. al. Relating to the promotion of tourism as an industry. House: Business & Commerce
Senate: Economic Development
Referred to Economic Development
HB 2375 72-0 (1991) Author: Brimer, Kim Relating to the authority of the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission to provide specific information logo signs along interstate highways. House: Transportation Left pending in committee
HB 2820 72-0 (1991) Author: Chisum, Warren
Sponsor: Bivins, Teel
Relating to the creation of recreation and tourism districts with authority to issue revenue bonds and impose an ad valorem tax. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Placed on intent calendar
SB 518 72-0 (1991) Author: Sims, Bill
Sponsor: Junell, Robert
Relating to the authority of the State Highway and Public Transportation Commission to provide specific information logo signs along interstate highways. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/91
SB 797 72-0 (1991) Author: Carriker, Steven
Sponsor: Taylor, M.A.
Relating to the production, marketing, and distribution of state travel materials. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Effective in 90 days -- 8/26/91
HB 1023 71-0 (1989) Author: Wolens, Steven | et. al.
Sponsor: Leedom, John
Relating to taxes on the occupancy of a hotel, motel, or similar establishment. House: Business & Commerce
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HB 2465 71-0 (1989) Author: Hightower, Allen Relating to the eligibility of certain counties to impose a tax on occupancy in a hotel, motel, or similar facility. House: Ways & Means Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2705 71-0 (1989) Author: Madla, Frank
Sponsor: Tejeda, Frank
Relating to the taxation of Leasehold and Other Possessory Interests in Exempt Property, and taxation of property used by a Chamber of Commerce to promote tourism, conventions and local development. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Removed from local & uncontested cal.
HB 2883 71-0 (1989) Author: Hunter, Todd Relating to the purposes for which revenue from a municipal hotel tax may be used. House: Ways & Means Referred to Ways & Means
HB 2971 71-0 (1989) Author: Cuellar, Henry Relating to promotion of tourism in this state. House: State, Federal & International Relations Referred to subcommittee
HB 3162 71-0 (1989) Author: Wilson, Ron Relating to the expenditure of hotel tax revenue by certain counties and municipalities. House: Ways & Means Withdrawn from schedule
SB 1363 71-0 (1989) Author: Haley, Bill
Sponsor: Hightower, Allen
Relating to the eligibility of certain counties to impose a tax on occupancy in a hotel, motel, or similar facility. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
SB 1713 71-0 (1989) Author: Brown, J.E.
Sponsor: Pennington, Randy
Relating to the use of certain municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue for manned space flight tourism facilities. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective in 90 days-8/28/89
HB 2055 70-0 (1987) Author: Wallace III, Ralph
Sponsor: Brooks, Chet
Relating to changing the name of the Texas Tourist Development Agency to the Texas Tourist Development Commission. House: Cultural and Hist. Resources
Senate: State Affairs
Reported favorably w/o amendments
HR 62 70-0 (1987) Author: Wallace III, Ralph Commending Donna Tuttle, Under Secretary of the United State Travel and Tourism Administration and the men and women of the Texas tourism industry. Reported enrolled
HB 2216 69-0 (1985) Author: Berlanga, Hugo
Sponsor: Krier, Cynthia
Relating to the authority of cities to establish industrial districts in areas in which the tourist industry is located. House: Urban Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
HB 2365 69-0 (1985) Author: Schlueter, Stan Relating to a supplemental appropriation to the Texas Tourist Development Agency. House: Appropriations Laid on table subj. to call in comm.
HB 782 68-0 (1983) Author: Harrison, Jr., W.O. "Bill" Relating to the allocation and use of revenue from the state hotel occupancy tax. House: Cultural and Hist. Resources Reported from subcommittee favorably without amendments
HB 1801 68-0 (1983) Author: Wallace III, Ralph Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for nonprofit agencies promoting conventions or tourism on behalf of a city or county. House: Cultural and Hist. Resources Placed on daily General State Calendar
SB 123 68-0 (1983) Author: Leedom, John
Sponsor: Shea, Gwyn
Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for certain equipment used by the visually handicapped and to certain items sold, leased, rented to, or stored, used, or consumed by certain nonprofit agencies. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
SB 1357 68-0 (1983) Author: Truan, Carlos
Sponsor: Wallace III, Ralph
Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for nonprofit agencies promoting conventions or tourism on behalf of a city or county. House: Cultural and Hist. Resources
Senate: Finance
Committee report printed and sent to Committee on Calendars
HB 758 66-0 (1979) Author: Madla, Frank
Sponsor: Vale, Bob
Relating to the exemption of tourist trade centers from the law against selling certain items on both Saturday and Sunday. House: Business & Industry
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
HB 1407 66-0 (1979) Author: Harrison, Jr., W.O. "Bill" Relating to the allocation to and use by the Texas Tourist Development Agency of revenue from the state hotel occupancy tax and making an appropriation to that agency. House: Ways & Means
Senate: Finance
Referred to Committee on Finance
SR 322 65-0 (1977) Author: Longoria, Raul Authorizing the Special Committee on Trade and Tourism to continue its studies of undue hindrance of trade and tourism. Senate: Administration
HB 2221 64-0 (1975) Author: Kaster, James J.
Sponsor: Santiesteban, H.
Relating to the apointment of a person to manage the promotion, development, tourism, and convention activities of cities. House: Intergovernmental Affairs
Senate: Intergovernmental Relations
Effective immediately
SR 377 64-0 (1975) Author: Santiesteban, H. | et. al. Creating a Special Committee of the Senate to investigate alleged undue hindrance of trade and tourism by U. S. Border Patrol & Bureau of Customs. Senate: Administration
HCR 119 63-0 (1973) Author: Allred, Dave
Sponsor: Hightower, Jack
Commending the Texas Highway Department for the effective conduct of its portion of the program to extend, encourage, and develop the vistor industry in the State of Texas. House: Rules
Senate: Administration
Signed by the Governor
HB 1463 62-0 (1971) Author: Blythe, W.J. "Bill" Relating to the abolition of the Good Neighbor Commission and the transfer of all powers, duties, functions, property, funds, equipment, files, records and papers of the abolished agency to the Texas Tourist Development Agency.
HB 792 61-0 (1969) Author: Lemmon, Ray Allen | et. al. Relating to the organization, control, and management of the Texas Tourist Development Agency.
HB 87 60-0 (1967) Author: Heatly, W.S. "Bill" Relating to making supplemental appropriations to the Water Development Board, to the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, to the Attorney General's Office, and to the Texas Tourist Development Agency; repealing laws in conflict.
HB 16 59-0 (1965) Author: Kothmann, Glenn | et. al. Relating to providing State support and participation in HemisFair 1968; appropriating $7,500,00 for these purposes.
SB 166 59-0 (1965) Author: Spears, Jr., Franklin Scott | et. al. Relating to recognizing HemisFair 1968; to provide state support and participation therein, to provide a permanent structure therein for post-fair use by the State of Texas; appropriating $7,500,000 for these purposes.
SCR 101 59-0 (1965) Author: Dies, Jr., Martin Requesting the Council of State Governments to study advertising tourist attractions of the State in foreign news media.
HB 11 58-0 (1963) Author: Walker, Bill Newton "Billy" | et. al. Relating to the advertising of the scenic, historical, natural, agricultural, educational, recreational, and other attractions of Texas; providing for the creation of the Texas Tourist Development Agency.
HB 9 57-3 (1962) Author: Ratcliff, Joseph Neil "Joe" | et. al. Relating to appropriating Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) out of the General Revenue Fund to the State Highway Department for advertising tourist attractions in Texas.
SB 62 57-3 (1962) Author: Reagan, Bruce A. Relating to making an appropriation to the State Highway Department out of the General Revenue Fund for the purpose of publicizing and advertising tourist attractions in Texas.
HB 68 56-0 (1959) Author: Hinson, George T. | et. al. Relating to the advertising of the historical, natural, agricultural, industrial, educational, recreational, and other resources of Texas; providing for the creation of the Texas Development Board.
SB 152 56-0 (1959) Author: Reagan, Bruce A. | et. al. Relating to the advertising of the historical, natural, agricultural, industrial, educational, recreational, and other resources of Texas; providing for the creation of the Texas Development Board and prescribing the powers and duties thereof.
HJR 13 55-0 (1957) Author: Bryan, Sr., Jack C. | et. al. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas providing that the Legislature be authorized to appropriate money and establish the procedure necessary to expend such money for the purpose of developing information about the natural, agricultural, industrial, educational, marketing, and living resources and tourist and recreational facilities of Texas and for the purpose of informing the people of Texas and other states through advertising, public relations or other promotional work, of the facts about and the advantages offered by the State of Texas.
SJR 4 55-0 (1957) Author: Ashley, Sr., Carlos C. | et. al. Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of Texas providing that the Legislature be authorized to appropriate money and establish the procedure necessary to expend such money for the purpose of developing information about the historical, natural, agricultural, industrial, educational, marketing, recreational and living resources of Texas and for the purpose of informing persons and corporations of other states through advertising in periodicals having national circulation and the dissemination of factual information about and advantages and economic resources offered by the State of Texas.
SJR 3 54-0 (1955) Author: Ashley, Sr., Carlos C. | et. al. Proposing an amendment to Section 56 of Article XVI of the Constitution of the State of Texas, providing that the Legislature be authorized to appropriate money and establish the procedure necessary to expend such money for the purpose of developing information about the natural, agricultural, industrial, educational, marketing and living resources of Texas and for the purpose of informing the people of Texas and other states through advertising, public relations or other promotional work of the facts about and the advantages offered by the State of Texas.
HB 298 52-0 (1951) Author: Rutherford, James T. Relating to amending certain acts by providing that certain cities or counties may appropriate from their funds amounts for purpose of advertising and promoting development.
HB 395 51-0 (1949) Author: Rutherford, James T. Relating to amending certain Acts providing for County Boards of Development; providing for a severability clause.
SJR 9 50-0 (1947) Author: Stanford, Jr., James A. Proposing an amendment authorizing appropriation for bringing tourists, immigrants and industries to this state.
SJR 5 47-0 (1941) Author: Brownlee, J. Houghton Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the Legislature to appropriate not to exceed the sum of Five Hundred Thousand ($500,000.00) Dollars, per year for a period of five (5) years for the purpose of bringing tourists, immigrants and industries into this State.
SJR 8 46-0 (1939) Author: Van Zandt, Olan Rogers | et. al. Proposing a constitutional amendment providing that the Legislature is authorized to appropriate not to exceed the sum of Six Hundred Thousand ($600,000.00) Dollar, per year for a period of five (5) successive years and commencing at any time within two (2) years after the adoption hereof, for the purpose of bringing tourists, immigrants and industries into this State.

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