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[  Session(s): all  Chamber =  Both  Bill Type = all    Subjects =  Handicapped Persons ]

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Select bill Bill Session Author & Sponsor Caption Committees Last action
HB 28 72-0 (1991) Author: Park, Carolyn Relating to permanent guardianships for minors or physically or mentally handicapped persons. House: Judiciary Referred to subcommittee
HB 143 72-0 (1991) Author: Junell, Robert Relating to the fee for disabled person identification cards. House: Ways & Means Left pending in committee
HB 168 72-0 (1991) Author: Soileau, Curtis Relating to discontinuation of local exchange telephone service to persons who are ill or disabled. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee
HB 544 72-0 (1991) Author: Eckels, Robert Relating to exempting electric mobility vehicles from certain motor vehicle regulations. House: Transportation
Senate: State Affairs
Referred to State Affairs
HB 909 72-0 (1991) Author: Schechter, Sue | et. al. Relating to the abolition of the Council on Disabilities and to the transfer of its functions to the operation of the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities. House: Government Organization Left pending in subcommittee
HB 1125 72-0 (1991) Author: Junell, Robert Relating to uniform standards for handicapped parking privileges. House: Transportation 1st Printing sent to Calendars
HB 1132 72-0 (1991) Author: Evans, Larry
Sponsor: Glasgow, Bob
Relating to confidentiality of conversations when one of the parties is hearing impaired; providing a criminal penalty. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/91
HB 1146 72-0 (1991) Author: Gibson, Bruce Relating to the continuation, functions, and change of the name of the State Purchasing and General Services Commission, the transfer of responsibility for architectural barrier programs from the commission to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and the acquisition by the commission and other entities of property and services, including consulting services and school buses; providing penalties. House: Government Organization Referred to subcommittee
HB 1173 72-0 (1991) Author: Price, Albert Relating to the tuition exemption at institutions of higher education for students who are blind or deaf. House: Higher Education Left pending in committee
HB 1424 72-0 (1991) Author: Jackson, Mike Relating to an exemption from fishing license fees for handicapped persons. House: Environmental Affairs No action taken in committee
HB 1471 72-0 (1991) Author: Delco, Wilhelmina Relating to the Second Joint Advisory Committee on Educational Services to the Deaf. House: Human Services 1st Printing sent to Calendars
HB 1551 72-0 (1991) Author: Glossbrenner, Ernestine Relating to the governing board of the Texas School for the Deaf. House: Human Services Laid on the table subject to call
HB 1635 72-0 (1991) Author: Linebarger, Libby Relating to a requirement that each hospital and mental health and mental retardation facility provide certified interpreters to assist a patient who is hearing impaired. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health
HB 1644 72-0 (1991) Author: Price, Albert Relating to Braille instruction for blind or visually impaired students. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services
HB 1679 72-0 (1991) Author: Fraser, Troy
Sponsor: Montford, John
Relating to written examinations for education professionals that are administered to persons who are hearing impaired and to certain courses and services for certain students who are hearing impaired. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/91
HB 1680 72-0 (1991) Author: Fraser, Troy | et. al. Relating to requiring certain services for hearing impaired students at the Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf and at the Texas State Technical Institute. House: Higher Education 1st Printing sent to Calendars
HB 1892 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott | et. al. Relating to criminal history checks of employees in certain facilities serving the elderly or disabled. House: Human Services Withdrawn from schedule
HB 1933 72-0 (1991) Author: Heflin, Talmadge Relating to regional day schools for the deaf; amending Sec.11.10(r), Texas Education Code. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 1945 72-0 (1991) Author: Rangel, Irma Relating to requiring public institutions of higher education to provide certain services for hearing-impaired students. House: Higher Education 1st Printing sent to Calendars
HB 1975 72-0 (1991) Author: Barton, Erwin | et. al. Relating to the licensing and regulation of personal care facilities and to the repeal of laws requiring the registration of boarding homes or board and lodging homes for senior citizens or disabled persons; providing penalties. House: Human Services Left pending in committee
HB 2100 72-0 (1991) Author: Colbert, Paul Relating to certain regulatory functions and procedures of the Texas Department of Health involving screening of children who have special senses and communication disorders and who need remedial vision, hearing, speech, and language services; providing for the certification of screeners of children and trainers of screeners; providing for a program of remedial services and approval criteria for providers of remedial services, and eligibility criteria; providing for notice and hearing upon denial, modification, suspension or revocation of affected interests; providing emergency authority; providing for penalties; establishing an interagency committee on special senses and communication disorders; revising Chapter 36, Health and Safety Code; and declaring an emergency. House: Public Health Referred to subcommittee
HB 2271 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Sponsor: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Relating to emergency protective services for certain incompetent elderly or disabled persons. House: Human Services
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/91
HB 2277 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Sponsor: Moncrief, Mike
Relating to Braille instruction for blind or visually handicapped students. House: Human Services
Senate: Education
Effective on 9/1/91
HB 2278 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Relating to the tuition exemption at institutions of higher education for students who are blind or deaf. House: Higher Education 1st Printing sent to Calendars
HB 2353 72-0 (1991) Author: Vowell, Jack
Sponsor: Brooks, Chet
Relating to changing the name of the Texas Commission for the Deaf to the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/91
HB 2354 72-0 (1991) Author: Vowell, Jack Relating to mental health services for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired. House: Human Services Withdrawn from schedule
HB 2402 72-0 (1991) Author: Denton, Betty Relating to testing of deaf and blind students enrolled at institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education Left pending in committee
HB 2462 72-0 (1991) Author: Barton, Erwin Relating to discrimination in employment based on perceived disabilities. House: State Affairs Left pending in committee
HB 2708 72-0 (1991) Author: Maxey, Glen Relating to the assisting of visually impaired students in Texas by Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services
HB 2776 72-0 (1991) Author: Price, Albert Relating to the placement of print access devices in libraries to improve access to library services and collections by persons who have disabilities that prevent them from reading standard print independently. House: Science & Technology 1st Printing sent to Calendars
HB 2840 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott
Sponsor: Moncrief, Mike
Relating to the residence of the superintendent of the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately
HCR 134 72-0 (1991) Author: Madla, Frank Encouraging the Texas Supreme Court to establish an education program for members of the judiciary and legal profession to provide an increased awareness of the needs and rights of hearing-impaired individuals who are involved in legal or judicial matters. House: Judicial Affairs Referred to Judicial Affairs
HCR 182 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Directing the agencies participating in the "Memorandum of Understanding on Transition Planning for Students Enrolled in Special Education" to include the Texas Transition Task Force as a full participant. House: Public Education Received from the House
HCR 240 72-0 (1991) Author: Naishtat, Elliott Resolving that the state of Texas take all actions necessary for the full implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. House: Human Services 1st Printing sent to Calendars
SB 71 72-0 (1991) Author: Sims, Bill Relating to the fee for disabled person identification cards. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services
SB 255 72-0 (1991) Author: Brooks, Chet Relating to mental health and mental retardation services for persons who are deaf or hearing impaired. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services
SB 381 72-0 (1991) Author: Carriker, Steven
Sponsor: Schechter, Sue
Relating to the abolition of the council on disabilities and to the transfer of its functions to and the operation of the Governor's Committee on People with Disabilities. House: Government Organization
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/91
SB 418 72-0 (1991) Author: Montford, John Relating to the creation of the offense of indecency with an invalid individual. Senate: Criminal Justice Tabled in committee
SB 442 72-0 (1991) Author: Montford, John Relating to written examinations for education professionals that are administered to persons who are hearing impaired. Senate: Education Recommended for local & uncontested Calendar
SB 478 72-0 (1991) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Glossbrenner, Ernestine
Relating to the governing board of the Texas School for the Deaf. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/91
SB 577 72-0 (1991) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo Relating to guardianships for incapacitated persons. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence
SB 662 72-0 (1991) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to discrimination in employment based on perceived disabilities. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
1st Printing sent to Calendars
SB 761 72-0 (1991) Author: Green, Gene Relating to uniform standards for handicapped parking privileges. Senate: State Affairs Postponed in committee
SB 778 72-0 (1991) Author: Brooks, Chet Relating to permanent guardianships for minors or physically or mentally handicapped persons. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence
SB 831 72-0 (1991) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Gibson, Bruce
Relating to the continuation, functions, and change of the name of the State Purchasing and General Services Commission, the transfer of responsibility for architectural barrier programs from the commission to the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation, and the acquisition by the commission and other entities of property and services, including consulting and professional services and school buses; providing penalties. House: Government Organization
Senate: State Affairs
House adopts conf. comm. report-reported
SB 847 72-0 (1991) Author: Zaffirini, Judith Relating to requiring certain services for hearing impaired students at the Southwest Collegiate Institute for the Deaf and at the Texas State Technical Institute. House: Higher Education
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Higher Education
SB 865 72-0 (1991) Author: Johnson, Eddie | et. al.
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to the licensing and regulation of personal care facilities and to the repeal of laws requiring the registration of boarding homes or board and lodging homes for senior citizens or disabled persons; providing penalties. House: Human Services
Senate: Health Services
Effective on 9/1/91
SB 867 72-0 (1991) Author: Glasgow, Bob Relating to confidentiality of conversations when one of the parties is hearing impaired. Senate: Criminal Justice Referred to Criminal Justice
SB 971 72-0 (1991) Author: Truan, Carlos Relating to a requirement that each hospital and mental health and mental retardation facility provide certified interpreters to assist a patient who is hearing impaired. Senate: Health & Human Services Record vote
SB 1013 72-0 (1991) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Naishtat, Elliott
Relating to the tuition exemption at institutions of higher education for students who are blind or deaf. House: Higher Education
Senate: Education
1st Printing sent to Calendars
SB 1016 72-0 (1991) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo Relating to the expiration period of emergency orders for protective services for certain incompetent elderly or disabled persons. Senate: Jurisprudence Referred to Jurisprudence
SB 1086 72-0 (1991) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Senate: Health & Human Services Motion withdrawn
SB 1087 72-0 (1991) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Barton, Erwin
Relating to the authority of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to obtain criminal history record information relating to a prospective employee. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Placed on Major State Calendar
SB 1147 72-0 (1991) Author: Parker, Carl
Sponsor: Denton, Betty
Relating to testing of deaf or blind students enrolled at institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education
Senate: Education
1st Printing sent to Calendars
SB 1170 72-0 (1991) Author: Brooks, Chet Relating to changing the name of the Texas Commission for the Deaf to the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Senate: State Affairs Removed from local & uncontested calendar
SB 1249 72-0 (1991) Author: Carriker, Steven
Sponsor: Vowell, Jack
Relating to services for the aged and disabled. House: Human Services
Senate: Health Services
Effective in 90 days -- 8/26/91
SB 1298 72-0 (1991) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo Relating to the assisting of visually impaired students in Texas by Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Senate: Health Services Referred to s/c on Health Services by Pres.
SB 1338 72-0 (1991) Author: Krier, Cynthia Relating to eligibility for tel-assistance service. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
SB 1436 72-0 (1991) Author: Bivins, Teel | et. al.
Sponsor: Luna, Gregory
Relating to conduct causing injury to a child, elderly individual, or invalid. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/91
SCR 112 72-0 (1991) Author: Tejeda, Frank
Sponsor: Madla, Frank
Encouraging the Texas Supreme Court to establish an education program for members of the judiciary and legal profession to provide an increased awareness of the needs and rights of hearing-impaired Texans who are involved in legal or judicial matters. House: Judicial Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
1st Printing printed and distributed
SCR 121 72-0 (1991) Author: Brooks, Chet Resolving that the state of Texas will take all actions necessary for the full implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Senate: Administration Referred to Administration
SCR 150 72-0 (1991) Author: Brooks, Chet Resolving that the state of Texas will take all actions necessary for the full implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Senate: Health & Human Services Reported favorably w/o amendments
SR 887 72-0 (1991) Author: Brooks, Chet Resolving that the state of Texas will take all actions necessary for the full implementation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Reported enrolled
HB 62 72-1 (1991) Author: Fraser, Troy Relating to the testing of hearing impaired education professionals and of certain deaf or blind students. House: Public Education Referred to Public Education
HB 108 72-1 (1991) Author: Swinford, David Relating to transferring the functions of the Texas Commission for the Deaf and Hearing Impaired and the Texas Commission for the Blind to the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations
HB 231 72-1 (1991) Author: Gibson, Bruce Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services
HR 131 72-1 (1991) Author: Linebarger, Libby Commending and endorsing the "Calling on America" campaign for its goals of improving the lives of citizens with disabilities and promoting awareness of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. House: Rules and Resolutions Reported enrolled
SB 88 72-1 (1991) Author: Ellis, Rodney
Sponsor: Gibson, Bruce
Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. House: Human Services
Senate: Finance
1st Printing printed and distributed
HB 14 72-2 (1991) Author: Denton, Betty Relating to testing of deaf or blind students enrolled at institutions of higher education. House: Higher Education Referred to Higher Education
HB 94 72-2 (1991) Author: Gibson, Bruce Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. House: Human Services Referred to Human Services
SB 50 72-2 (1991) Author: Ellis, Rodney Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Rehabilitation Commission. Senate: Finance Referred to Finance
SB 4 72-4 (1992) Author: Green, Gene Relating to the issuance of special license plates for certain vehicles to be operated by disabled persons. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 182 71-0 (1989) Author: Hury, James
Sponsor: Henderson, Don
Relating to the provision of refueling services to disabled persons and to the price charged for motor vehicle fuel provided to those persons; providing a penalty. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/89
HB 211 71-0 (1989) Author: Moreno, Paul Relating to exemption from certain parking fees for vehicles operated by or for disabled persons. House: State Affairs Referred to subcommittee
HB 212 71-0 (1989) Author: Moreno, Paul Relating to the provision of refueling services to disabled persons and to the price charged for motor vehicle fuel provided to those persons; providing a penalty. House: State Affairs Referred to subcommittee
HB 329 71-0 (1989) Author: Beauchamp, Jerry
Sponsor: Krier, Cynthia
Relating to voting on election day at an absentee polling place by a disabled voter. House: Elections
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/89
HB 606 71-0 (1989) Author: Hudson, David
Sponsor: Parmer, Hugh
Relating to the provision of school bus transportation for children who attend certain child care facilities or who live within two miles of the school they attend. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 695 71-0 (1989) Author: Seidlits, Jr., Curtis | et. al. Relating to support for a minor or adult disabled child. House: Judicial Affairs Referred to subcommittee
HB 737 71-0 (1989) Author: Kuempel, Edmund | et. al.
Sponsor: Ratliff, Bill
Relating to the requirement that the Texas Department of Aging study the need for regulating home-care companion referral services. House: Retirement and Aging
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
HB 823 71-0 (1989) Author: Craddick, Tom Relating to offenses involving injury to children, elderly individuals, and disabled persons. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Reported from s/c favorably w/amdt(s)
HB 964 71-0 (1989) Author: Moreno, Paul Relating to access by handicapped persons to mass transit systems. House: Transportation Referred to subcommittee
HB 1145 71-0 (1989) Author: Smith, Terral Relating to the qualifications of school bus drivers for hearing impaired students. House: Public Safety Laid on the table subject to call
HB 1196 71-0 (1989) Author: Denton, Betty | et. al.
Sponsor: Parker, Carl
Relating to the exemption of deaf or blind students from certain academic skills testing and remedial coursework requirements. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 1402 71-0 (1989) Author: Moreno, Paul Relating to the division on divorce or annulment of certain property of handicapped persons. House: Judicial Affairs Pending in committee
HB 1469 71-0 (1989) Author: Hinojosa, Juan
Sponsor: Uribe, Hector
Relating to the definition of "handicapped person" for the purposes of education, training, and special services provided by a rehabilitation district. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Effective immediately
HB 1475 71-0 (1989) Author: Barton, Erwin
Sponsor: Brooks, Chet
Relating to the regulation of certain continuing care facilities. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
HB 1510 71-0 (1989) Author: Garcia, Orlando Relating to the creation of an offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or invalid individual. House: Criminal Jurisprudence Reported from s/c favorably w/amdt(s)
HB 1675 71-0 (1989) Author: Guerrero, Lena Relating to the emergency removal of asbestos and the acquisition and installation of replacement materials at the Texas School for the Deaf; making an appropriation. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations
HB 1682 71-0 (1989) Author: Thompson, Garfield Relating to disabled parking privileges for persons from other states or countries. House: State, Federal & International Relations No action taken in committee
HB 1717 71-0 (1989) Author: Guerrero, Lena Relating to the definition of "person with a disability" and to discrimination based on disability; providing penalties. House: State Affairs Pending in committee
HB 1939 71-0 (1989) Author: Harris, Chris Relating to the support of an adult child who requires continuous care and personal supervision because of a physical or mental disability and to the continuing conservatorship and guardianship.... House: Judicial Affairs Referred to Judicial Affairs
HB 2438 71-0 (1989) Author: Vowell, Jack Relating to the use and removal from state agencies and other entities of telecommunication devices for the deaf. House: Human Services Laid on the table subject to call
HB 2545 71-0 (1989) Author: Beauchamp, Jerry Relating to access by disabled persons to mass transit systems. House: Transportation Referred to subcommittee
HB 2559 71-0 (1989) Author: Colbert, Paul | et. al. Relating to certain regulatory functions and procedures of the Texas Department of Health involving screening of children who have special senses and communication disorders and who need remedial vision.... House: Public Health Referred to Public Health
HB 2597 71-0 (1989) Author: Colbert, Paul
Sponsor: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Relating to changing the name of the Texas School for the Blind. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately
HB 2601 71-0 (1989) Author: Schoolcraft, Alan
Sponsor: Tejeda, Frank
Relating to the training of guide dogs for the blind. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
HB 2617 71-0 (1989) Author: Shelley, Dan | et. al. Relating to the definition of family homes as community-based residential homes exclusively for disabled persons. House: Public Health Referred to subcommittee
HB 2651 71-0 (1989) Author: Danburg, Debra Relating to access to certain buildings by persons who are disabled and to enforcement of the laws relating to access. House: State Affairs Pending in committee
HB 2833 71-0 (1989) Author: Carter, Bill | et. al. Relating to the establishment of an office for the prevention of developmental disabilities. House: Public Health Referred to Public Health
HB 2873 71-0 (1989) Author: Madla, Frank Relating to the establishment of a support program to assist persons with disabilities and their families; providing a criminal penalty. House: Human Services Companion considered in lieu in comm.
HCR 114 71-0 (1989) Author: Barton, Erwin
Sponsor: Brooks, Chet
Encouraging maximum participation in the State Use Program providing for purchases of products and goods of disabled persons. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Signed by the Governor
HCR 168 71-0 (1989) Author: Smith, Terral Requesting the Texas Rehabilitation Commission to take certain steps to improve regulation of service providers. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Referred to Health & Human Services
HJR 89 71-0 (1989) Author: Schlueter, Stan Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds for certain state facilities. House: State Affairs Pending in committee
HR 74 71-0 (1989) Author: Finnell, Charles Expressing support for the continuation and expansion of programs that provide health care and personal care services for elderly and disabled Texans. House: Retirement and Aging Reported enrolled
SB 174 71-0 (1989) Author: Washington, Craig
Sponsor: Smith, Terral
Relating to the qualifications of school bus drivers for hearing impaired students. House: Public Safety
Senate: Education
Effective in 90 days-8/28/89
SB 175 71-0 (1989) Author: Washington, Craig
Sponsor: Evans, Larry
Relating to administrative costs of the Texas Commission for the Deaf. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately
SB 298 71-0 (1989) Author: Caperton, Kent
Sponsor: Seidlits, Jr., Curtis
Relating to support for a minor or adult disabled child. House: Judicial Affairs
Senate: Jurisprudence
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 487 71-0 (1989) Author: Brooks, Chet | et. al.
Sponsor: Kuempel, Edmund
Relating to the provision of long-term health care; providing civil and criminal penalties. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 793 71-0 (1989) Author: Montford, John
Sponsor: Thompson, Garfield
Relating to disabled parking privileges for persons from other states or countries. House: State, Federal & International Relations
Senate: State Affairs
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 923 71-0 (1989) Author: Green, Gene Relating to a requirement that each hospital provide certified interpreters to assist hearing impaired patients. Senate: Health & Human Services Reported favorably with substitute
SB 957 71-0 (1989) Author: Parmer, Hugh
Sponsor: Hill, Anita
Relating to criminal conviction checks of employees of subsidized housing for the elderly or disabled; providing a criminal penalty. House: State Affairs
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 1154 71-0 (1989) Author: Tejeda, Frank
Sponsor: Garcia, Orlando
Relating to the offense of injury to a child, elderly individual, or invalid individual. House: Criminal Jurisprudence
Senate: Criminal Justice
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 1192 71-0 (1989) Author: Edwards, Chet
Sponsor: Guerrero, Lena
Relating to the definition of "person with a disability" and to discrimination based on disability; providing penalties. House: State Affairs
Senate: Health & Human Services
1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal.
SB 1314 71-0 (1989) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo Relating to changing the name of the Texas School for the Blind to the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired. Senate: Health & Human Services No action taken in committee
SB 1404 71-0 (1989) Author: Caperton, Kent Relating to the creation of a special needs parole program for inmates of the Texas Department of Corrections who are elderly, significantly ill, physically handicapped, mentally retarded, or mentally ill. House: Corrections
Senate: Criminal Justice
Referred to Corrections
SB 1509 71-0 (1989) Author: Brooks, Chet
Sponsor: Madla, Frank
Relating to the establishment of a support program to assist persons with disabilities and their families; providing a criminal penalty. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 1527 71-0 (1989) Author: Zaffirini, Judith | et. al.
Sponsor: Carter, Bill
Relating to the establishment of an office for the prevention of developmental disabilities. House: Public Health
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 1541 71-0 (1989) Author: Green, Gene Relating to insurance coverage for respite care services. Senate: Health & Human Services Referred to Health & Human Services
SB 1542 71-0 (1989) Author: Green, Gene Relating to the provision by the Texas Department of Human Services or respite services for caregivers to the elderly and disabled. Senate: Health & Human Services Reported favorably w/amendments
SB 1570 71-0 (1989) Author: Brooks, Chet | et. al.
Sponsor: McKinney, Mike
Relating to the establishment of a statewide telecommunications relay service for the hearing and speech impaired. House: State Affairs
Senate: Health & Human Services
1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal.
SB 1582 71-0 (1989) Author: Brooks, Chet Relating to access by disabled persons to mass transit systems. Senate: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
SB 1587 71-0 (1989) Author: Brooks, Chet
Sponsor: Vowell, Jack
Relating to the use and removal from state agencies and other entities of telecommunication devices for the deaf. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective on 9/1/89
SB 1630 71-0 (1989) Author: Uribe, Hector Relating to the definition of "handicapped person" for the purposes of education, training, and special services provided by a rehabilitation district. House: Public Education
Senate: Education
Referred to Public Education
SB 1651 71-0 (1989) Author: Barrientos, Gonzalo
Sponsor: Cain, David
Relating to the exemption of certain vehicles used to transport clients of certain agencies from motor bus regulation by the Railroad Commission of Texas and to insurance standards for those vehicles. House: Transportation
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective immediately
SB 1731 71-0 (1989) Author: Sims, Bill
Sponsor: Lewis, Ron
Relating to the membership of the state committee for purchases of products and services of blind and severely disabled persons. House: Human Services
Senate: Health & Human Services
Effective in 90 days-8/28/89
SB 1821 71-0 (1989) Author: Henderson, Don Relating to the definition of family homes as community-based residential homes exclusively for disabled persons. Senate: Health & Human Services Received from the Senate
SCR 81 71-0 (1989) Author: Washington, Craig Establishing the Advisory Committee on the Mental Health Care of Deaf or Hearing Impaired Adults and Children to the Commissioner of Mental Health and Mental Retardation. House: House Administration
Senate: Administration
Referred to House Administration
SCR 175 71-0 (1989) Author: Washington, Craig Requesting the lieutenant governor and speaker to reestablish the Transition Services Task Force. Senate: Administration Received from the Senate
SR 363 71-0 (1989) Author: Washington, Craig Establishing the Advisory Committee on the Mental Health Care of Deaf or Hearing Impaired Adults and Children. Senate: Administration Referred to Administration
SR 364 71-0 (1989) Author: Washington, Craig Reestablishing the Transition Services Task Force. Senate: Administration No action taken in committee
HB 92 71-2 (1989) Author: Hury, James Relating to an exemption for full-service gasoline stations during certain times from the requirement to provide refueling service to disabled persons. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 36 71-3 (1990) Author: Shine, Hugh Relating to the chronically ill and disabled children's services program; making an emergency appropriation. House: Appropriations Referred to Appropriations
HB 58 71-3 (1990) Author: Hury, James Relating to an exemption for full-service gasoline stations during certain times from the requirement to provide refueling service to disabled persons. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 40 71-4 (1990) Author: Hury, James Relating to an exemption for full-service gasoline stations during certain times from the requirement to provide refueling service to disabled persons. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 56 71-5 (1990) Author: Hury, James Relating to an exemption for full-service gasoline stations during certain times from the requirement to provide refueling service to disabled persons. House: State Affairs Referred to State Affairs
HB 121 71-5 (1990) Author: Park, Carolyn Relating to permanent guardianships for minors or physically or mentally handicapped persons. House: Judiciary Referred to Judiciary
HB 48 71-6 (1990) Author: Hury, James
Sponsor: Brooks, Chet
Relating to an exemption for full-service gasoline stations during certain times from the requirement to provide refueling service to disabled persons. House: State Affairs
Senate: State Affairs
Effective in 90 days -- 9/6/90
SB 55 71-6 (1990) Author: Brooks, Chet Relating to an exemption for full-service gasoline stations during certain times from the requirement to provide refueling service to disabled persons. Senate: Economic Development Reported favorably w/o amendments

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