Texas legislators on X
For your convenience, the library has assembled a list of current Texas legislators who have accounts on X. In addition, we've created a single feed where you can view Texas legislators' posts to X. Legislators may use X to share news items or other information that is of interest to their constituents. The library is not responsible for, and does not endorse, the content of individual feeds.
Name | Chamber | X handle |
Alma Allen | H | RepAllenTX131 |
Steve Allison | H | stevefortx |
Carol Alvarado | S | CarolforTexas |
Rafael Anchía | H | RafaelAnchia |
Trent Ashby | H | TrentAshbyTX |
Ernest Bailes | H | Bailesfortx |
Cecil Bell, Jr. | H | CBellJr |
Diego Bernal | H | DiegoBernalTX |
Paul Bettencourt | S | TeamBettencourt |
Salman Bhojani | H | SalmanBhojaniTX |
Brian Birdwell | S | SenatorBirdwell |
César Blanco | S | CesarJBlanco |
Greg Bonnen | H | DrGregBonnen |
Rhetta Bowers | H | RhettaforHD113 |
John Bryant | H | johnbryantfortx |
Brad Buckley | H | BradBuckleyDVM |
John H. Bucy III | H | BucyForTexas |
Benjamin Bumgarner | H | Bumgarner4HD63 |
DeWayne Burns | H | BurnsForTexas |
Dustin Burrows | H | Burrows4TX |
Angie Chen Button | H | AngieChenButton |
Briscoe Cain | H | BriscoeCain |
Donna Campbell | S | DonnaCampbellTX |
Liz Campos | H | VoteLizCampos |
Terry Canales | H | TerryCanales40 |
Giovanni Capriglione | H | VoteGiovanni |
Travis Clardy | H | travisfortexas |
Sheryl Cole | H | SherylCole1 |
Nicole Collier | H | NicoleCollier95 |
David Cook | H | DavidCookTexas |
Molly Cook | S | MollyforTexas |
Philip Cortez | H | CortezPhilip |
Brandon Creighton | S | CreightonForTX |
Charles Cunningham | H | CharlesTX127 |
Mano DeAyala | H | ManoForStateRep |
Mark Dorazio | H | DorazioforTexas |
Harold V. Dutton, Jr. | H | RepHaroldDutton |
Jill Dutton | H | JillDutton |
Sarah Eckhardt | S | sarah_eckhardt |
Pete Flores | S | PeteFlores_TX |
Lulu Flores | H | VoteLuluFlores |
James Frank | H | RepJamesFrank |
Frederick Frazier | H | FrazierForTexas |
Erin Elizabeth Gámez | H | RepErinEGamez |
Josey Garcia | H | JoseyforHD124 |
Gary Gates | H | GatesforTexas |
Stan Gerdes | H | StanGerdesforTX |
Charlie Geren | H | charliegeren |
Barbara Gervin-Hawkins | H | VoteBarbara |
Craig Goldman | H | GoldmanCraig |
Mary González | H | RepMaryGonzalez |
Jessica González | H | jessicafortexas |
Vikki Goodwin | H | VikkiGoodwinTX |
R.D. 'Bobby' Guerra | H | RDBobbyGuerra |
Ryan Guillen | H | RyanGuillen |
Roland Gutierrez | S | RolandForTexas |
Bob Hall | S | SenatorBobHall |
Kelly Hancock | S | KHancock4TX |
Sam Harless | H | SamHarless126 |
Cody Harris | H | CodyforTexas |
Caroline Harris | H | CarolineforTX |
Brian Harrison | H | brianeharrison |
Richard Hayes | H | Hayes4TXHouse |
Cole Hefner | H | ColeHefnerTX |
Ana Hernandez | H | AnaHdzTx |
Abel Herrero | H | RepAbelHerrero |
Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa | S | TxChuy |
Gina Hinojosa | H | GinaForAustin |
Justin Holland | H | justinaholland |
Donna Howard | H | DonnaHowardTX |
Joan Huffman | S | joanhuffman |
Bryan Hughes | S | SenBryanHughes |
Lacey Hull | H | LaceyHullTX |
Todd Hunter | H | Dist32StateRep |
Carrie Isaac | H | CarrieIsaac |
Jacey Jetton | H | JaceyJetton |
Nathan Johnson | S | NathanForTexas |
Julie Johnson | H | juliejohnsonTx |
Jarvis Johnson | H | jarvisjohnsontx |
Ann Johnson | H | VoteAnnJohnson |
Jolanda "Jo" Jones | H | JonesJolanda |
Venton Jones | H | VentonJonesTX |
Kyle Kacal | H | KyleKacal |
Ken King | H | KingForTexas |
Phil King | S | PhilKingTX |
Stan Kitzman | H | StanKitzmanTX |
Stephanie Klick | H | StephanieKlick |
Lois W. Kolkhorst | S | loiskolkhorst |
John Kuempel | H | repjohnkuempel |
Suleman Lalani | H | DoctorLalani |
Morgan LaMantia | S | lamantia4texas |
Stan Lambert | H | RepStanLambert |
Brooks Landgraf | H | BrooksLandgraf |
Jeff Leach | H | leachfortexas |
Oscar Longoria | H | RepLongoria |
Ray López | H | raylopezfortx |
Janie Lopez | H | JanieLopezForTX |
J.M. Lozano | H | RepJMLozano |
John Lujan | H | LujanForTX |
Christian Manuel | H | Christian4Texas |
Armando Martinez | H | andoconmando39 |
Trey Martinez Fischer | H | TMFtx |
José Menéndez | S | Menendez4Texas |
Will Metcalf | H | willmetcalfTX |
Morgan Meyer | H | MorganMeyerTX |
Terry Meza | H | TerryforTexas |
Mayes Middleton | S | mayes_middleton |
Borris Miles | S | BorrisLMiles |
Joe Moody | H | moodyforelpaso |
Christina Morales | H | RepMorales145 |
Eddie Morales | H | EddieMoralesJr |
Penny Morales Shaw | H | RepPennyMShaw |
Geanie Morrison | H | GeanieWMorrison |
Sergio Muñoz, Jr. | H | SergioMunozJr |
Victoria Neave Criado | H | Victoria4Texas |
Robert Nichols | S | SenatorNichols |
Candy Noble | H | CandyNobleHD89 |
Tom Oliverson | H | TomOliverson |
Claudia Ordaz | H | ClaudiaOrdazTX |
Angelia Orr | H | AngeliaOrrForTX |
Lina Ortega | H | lina4texas |
Tan Parker | S | TanParkerTX |
Jared Patterson | H | JaredLPatterson |
Dennis Paul | H | DennisPaul129 |
Angela Paxton | S | AngelaPaxtonTX |
Mary Ann Perez | H | repmaryann |
Charles Perry | S | electcharles |
Dade Phelan | H | DadePhelan |
Mihaela Plesa | H | plesaforTexas |
Four Price | H | FourPriceTX |
Ana-Maria Ramos | H | Ramos4Texas |
John Raney | H | RaneyForTexas |
Richard Peña Raymond | H | RepRaymondTX |
Ron Reynolds | H | ronereynolds |
Glenn Rogers | H | RogersForTexas |
Ramon Romero, Jr. | H | RepRamonRomero |
Toni Rose | H | RepToniRoseTX |
Jon Rosenthal | H | Jon_RosenthalTX |
Matt Schaefer | H | RepMattSchaefer |
Nate Schatzline | H | NateSchatzline |
Charles Schwertner | S | DrSchwertner |
Matt Shaheen | H | MattShaheen |
Carl Sherman, Sr. | H | CarlOShermanTX |
Hugh Shine | H | ShineforTexas |
Shelby Slawson | H | ShelbySlawson |
Kevin Sparks | S | kevinsparkstx |
David Spiller | H | DavidSpillerTX |
Drew Springer | S | DrewSpringer |
Lynn Stucky | H | RepLynnStucky |
James Talarico | H | jamestalarico |
Carl H. Tepper | H | CarlTepper |
Shawn Thierry | H | ShawnieT146 |
Kronda Thimesch | H | KrondaForTexas |
Ed Thompson | H | RepEdThompson |
Senfronia Thompson | H | Senfronia4Texas |
Tony Tinderholt | H | reptinderholt |
Steve Toth | H | Toth_4_Texas |
Ellen Troxclair | H | EllenTroxclair |
Chris Turner | H | ChrisGTurner |
Gary VanDeaver | H | GaryVanDeaver |
Cody Vasut | H | cvasut |
Hubert Vo | H | HubertVo149 |
Armando Walle | H | RepWalle |
Royce West | S | SenRoyceWest |
Terry Wilson | H | TerryWilsonTX |
Gene Wu | H | GeneforTexas |
Judith Zaffirini | S | JudithZaffirini |
Erin Zwiener | H | ErinForYall |