Legislation authored by Dave Finney

Includes legislation with Dave Finney as the primary author for the 58th through 64th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

64th Regular Session
HB 121 Last Action: Considered by subcommittee in formal meeting
Caption: Relating to public mass transportation; changing the name of the State Highway Department to the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation; creating the Public Transportation Division of the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation to assist in developing public mass transportation systems in the state; dedicating a portion of the revenue from the motor vehicle sales and use tax to the public transportation fund; abolishing the Texas Mass Transportation Commission.
HB 333 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the definition of an industrial development agency.
HB 334 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to allocating funds to the rural economic development fund and the rural industrial development fund.
HB 408 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Energy Resources
Caption: Stating the powers and authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas relating to unitization; for conservation of oil and gas and protection of correlative rights; definition of terms; providing for an application and its contents for approval of a plan of unitization; the matters to be found by the commission and the nature of its orders; permissive provisions in plan of unitization and provisions not to be considered fair and reasonable; approval of plan of unitization by working interest owners and royalty interest owners and effective date of commission order; procedure and notice; appeals; liability for unit expense and liens to secure payments to and by unit operator and by working interest owners to royalty interest owners; the effect of unitized operations upon property rights, leases, contracts and title to property, allocation and distribution of unit production, delivery and separate sale of unit production, sale of unit production not taken in kind, title disputes, no effect upon lease obligations and applicability to lands of the State of Texas and its political subdivisions; enlargement of unit area and creation of new units; amendment of plan of unitization and commission orders and the continuing power of the commission to review and approve unitized operations covering a unit area previously established; severability of provisions; a provision that agreements are not in restraint of trade; Act supplemental to other laws relating to unitization.
HB 468 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the International Commerce Division of the Texas Industrial Commission and to the Texas Industrial Commission's hearing and report of employment controversies.
HB 550 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: An Act to further the provision of community based services for the mentally handicapped by conveying to the Dallas County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Center a certain described tract of land and certain personal property, conveying to the Tarrant county Hospital District Mental Health Mental Retardation Center certain personal property, and providing for the reversion of title to the real property not used for the provision of mental health and/or mental retardation services or any public purpose.
HB 740 Last Action: Tabled
Caption: Relating to enacting the Southern Growth Policies Agreement.
HB 926 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to non-profit legal service corporations, issuance of contracts for prepaid legal services.
HB 1082 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably with amendments
Caption: Relating to the scope of certain express warranties and implied warranties.
HB 1086 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the regulation of certain natural gas pipeline utilities as common carriers.
HB 1318 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Providing that certain brokers and dealers shall not be subject to the limitations or provisions of Title 79, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, on demand debit balances in accounts carried for their customers under certain circumstances; setting maximum permissible interest rates for such transactions.
HB 1742 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the licensing physical therapist.
HB 1743 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the method and time of payment for livestock purchased for slaughter by a meat processor or any other person, corporation, association, or other legal entity; providing a penalty for noncompliance with such payment provisions; providing for a lien on such livestock...
HB 2098 Last Action: Reported from committee with substitute
Caption: Relating to the regulation of financial institutions, banks, trust companies, and bank holding companies; providing penalties.
HB 2099 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to alternative rates of interest.
HB 2100 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to the designation of the governor to represent the state in negotiating a compact among the states bordering the Republic of Mexico; setting forth the functions and duties of the Greater South Texas Cultural Basin Commission; calling for a biennial report by the governor; and providing for ratification of any compact by the legislature.
HB 2101 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs
Caption: Relating to the issuance, refunding, and authorization procedure for bonds by any city, hospital district, and hospital authority.
HB 2102 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the funding and staffing of the Texas Commission on Services to Children and Youth.
HB 2103 Last Action: Considered by subcommittee in formal meeting
Caption: Relating to the organization of cooperative, non-profit corporations furnishing electric energy and telephone service in rural areas.
HB 2104 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to an amendment of the Insurance Code to provide for the licensing of certain corporations for the limited purpose of collecting and transmitting insurance premiums.
HB 2105 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Financial Institutions
Caption: Relating to the chartering, organization, procedure, powers, regulation, and supervision of credit unions; providing penalties.
HCR 111 Last Action: Signed by Governor
Caption: Endorsing the efforts of the beef development taskforce.
HCR 135 Last Action: Signed by Governor
Caption: Requesting Governor to represent State of Texas in conference to formulate an interstate compact establishing the Border States Authority.
HJR 28 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Revision
Caption: Relating to placing certain limits on state taxes.
HJR 49 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Revision
Caption: Relating to broadening the duties of certain hospital districts and allowing limited state aid to certain hospital districts.
HJR 62 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Revision
Caption: Relating to the creation of special districts with certain tax limitations.
HJR 85 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Revision
Caption: Relating to providing for the creation of special districts with certain tax and indebtedness limiations.
63rd Regular Session
HB 248 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Providing standards for state administrative agency practice and procedure; providing for review of state agency proceedings.
HB 311 Last Action: Motion to suspend rules lost
Caption: Fitting the powers and authority of the Railroad Commission of Texas relating to unitization for conservation of oil and gas and protecion of correlative rights; definition of term.
HB 373 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to state government; setting forth the purpose of the Act; defining terms; creating the office of ombudsman; providing powers, duties, privileges, procedures, and qualifications; making certain acts unlawful; providing a penalty; providing that the provisions of the Act are cumulative of any other law or procedure; and declaring an emergency.
HB 493 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Relating to purchase of land; providing for purchasing of such land for the purpose of preserving or returning it to its natural state and for the purpose of preservation of native wildlife; providing that all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed to the extent of the same conflict only; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency.
HB 525 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Texas Border Development Commission.
HB 798 Last Action: Committee hearing date
Caption: Relating to accident and sickness insurance; prohibiting the exclusion of benefits provided for mental illness or mental retardation on the basis that the care or treatment is provided in a tax supported institution of the State of Texas including Community Centers for Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services; and providing an effective date.
HB 873 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Providing for three rural members of the Texas Industrial Commission; providing for a Rural Business Development Division of the Texas Industrial Commission and providing for a Deputy Director for Rural Business Development in the Texas Industrial Commission; providing for funding of the Rural Business Development Division of the Texas Industrial Commission.
HB 1532 Last Action: Amended in committee
Caption: Relating to the allocation of student services at state supported institutions of higher education; and amending Section 54.503, subsection (b) of the Texas Education Code; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1537 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Business and Industry
Caption: Repealing Article 3.16, Title 79, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended (Article 5069-3.16, Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes), relating to alternative rates of interest charged on certain loans; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1538 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Amending the provisions of Article 2.07, Sec. 7 of the Insurance Code of the State of Texas providing that certain insurance companies desiring to purchase either by tender offer or through negotiated private transaction issued and outstanding shares of their own capital stock may purchase said shares in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Business Corporation Act provided prior approval is first obtained from the State Board of Insurance; providing that any such company, the shares of whose capital stock is listed on a national security exchange and which desires to purchase in its own name and for its own account issued and outstanding shares of its own capital stock by means of purchases from time to time on the open market, may do so in accordance with the provisions of the Texas Business Corporation Act provided prior approval is first obtained from the State Board of Insurance; setting forth the contents of applications for approval of the State Board of Insurance; providing for severability; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1539 Last Action: Committee hearing date
Caption: Validating certain treasury warrants heretofore authorized by certain cities pursuant to home rule charter for certain purposes therein permitted; and validating all ordinances and proceedings of the governing bodies of such cities pertaining to such treasury warrants; authorizing the consummation of the delivery by exchange or by sale of the treasury warrants herein validated; authorizing the refunding of the same; providing a no-litigation clause; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1540 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Amending Chapter 327, 62nd Leg., Acts 1971 (compiled as art, 1269j-4.4), relating to cities and towns owning sea life park, oceanarium, and other public facilities operated in conjunction therewith; by authorizing such cities and towns to acquire the properties, assets, rights and facilities of any person or corporation operating any part or all of the same on behalf of such city or town and by more definitively stating and defining the revenues and security which may be pledged and granted as security for the certificates of indebtedness authorized by said act and in connection with any refunding thereof; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1541 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Relating to the appointment of a commissioner to represent the state in negotiating a compact among the states bordering the Republic of Mexico; and providing for ratification of any compact by the Legislature; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1542 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the licensure of administrators of child-caring institutions by the State Department of Public Welfare; prohibiting any person from serving as an administrator of a child-caring institution unless he holds a license and providing a penalty; providing for the revocation of the license of a child-caring institution which employs an unlicensed child care administrator; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1543 Last Action: Committee hearing date
Caption: Relating to the total or partial financing of street beautification projects by the levying of special assessments against property in the area based on the benefit conferred by the projects; and declaring an emergency.
HCR 6 Last Action: Committee hearing notice posted
Caption: Creating a Constitutional Revision Commission.
HCR 27 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Commemorating the incorporation of the city of Fort Worth on February 17, 1873.
HCR 40 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Establishing a multi-state regional economic development commission.
HCR 41 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Requesting the secretary of commerce to designate all Texas counties that border the Rio Grande River as an economic development region.
HCR 42 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Requesting the United State Secretary of Commerce to designate the areas of Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California which border on Mexico and certain other areas as an "economic development region".
HCR 46 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Expressing the support of the Texas Legislature for the Reserve Officers Training Corps.
HCR 147 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Requesting N.A.S.A. to award Space Shuttle contracts to Texas manufacturers.
HCR 213 Last Action: Failed of adoption
Caption: Suspending Rule 16 of the Joint Rules to permit the House of Representatives to consider H.B. No. 834.
HJR 26 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Proposing an amendment to Article III of the Texas Constitution.
HJR 27 Last Action: Considered in public hearing
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize issuance of $200,000,000 in general obligation bonds of the state for use in making loans for hospital purposes to political subdivisions or bodies politic and corporate of the state.
HJR 37 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Proposing an amendment of the Texas Constitution to permit the legislature to establish a Rural Industrial Development Fund, and make appropriations to the fund, to be used for loans to industrial development agencies to promote industrial development in rural areas.
HR 176 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to study need for legislation regarding housing agencies and the financing of housing in Texas.
HR 179 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to study feasibility of creating health maintenance organization for state employees.
HR 180 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting the State Affairs Committee to study all matters relating to the General Land Office.
HR 181 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to make an interim study on changes needed in Articles III and XVI of the Texas Constitution.
HR 182 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to study possible new uses of Hemisfair grounds and facilities.
HR 183 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Requesting the State Affairs Committee to study feasibility of placing historical artifacts in a museum at Corpus Christi.
HR 188 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to study operations, duties, and functions of state departments and agencies.
HR 189 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to conduct a study concerning reimbursement to hospital districts.
HR 210 Caption: Creating a special interim committee to conduct a study for limiting state spending through revenue control.
HR 211 Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to make a certain study concerning improving fiscal efficiency of state agencies.
HR 247 Caption: Congratulating Dr. Jerome A. Moore.
HR 258 Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to study need for creating additional Institutes of Texas Cultures.
HR 259 Caption: Requesting State Affairs Committee to study feasibility of creating new state agencies.
63rd 1st Called Session
HB 11 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Natural Resources
Caption: Stating the powers and authority of the Railroad Commission relating to unitization.
62nd Regular Session
HB 281 Caption: Relating to death or disablement pension benefits of firemen from heart or lung disease.
HB 282 Caption: Relating to the display of certain artifacts and other objects.
HB 338 Caption: Relating to the creation, powers and duties of the Texas Industrial Training Council.
HB 339 Caption: Relating to the creation, organization, operation, powers, and duties of a business development corporation.
HB 466 Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Texas Commission on Services to Children and Youth.
HB 582 Caption: Relating to the profession of physical therapy, requiring licensure of physical therapists, establishing a Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, establishing educational and training requirements for physical therapists.
HB 612 Caption: Relating to certain consumer and other credit transactions and constituting the uniform consumer credit code.
HB 641 Caption: Relating to state government; creating the office of ombudsman; providing powers, duties, privileges, procedures, qualifications, making certain acts unlawful; providing a penalty.
HB 1580 Caption: Relating to the release of uranium and thorium and related minerals within surveys and portions of surveys sold with minerals reserved to the state.
HB 1581 Caption: Relating to providing for annexation of school districts to contiguous independent school districts in counties with a certain population.
HB 1582 Caption: Relating to allowing private banks doing business in this state to apply and be accepted as state depositories.
HJR 32 Caption: Proposing an amendment authorizing the Legislature to authorize cities and school district to levy an occupation tax on persons engaged in the business of renting, leasing or otherwise for compensation providing space for the parking and storing of mobile homes in lieu of property taxes on certain mobile homes.
HR 107 Caption: Congratulating Mrs. Irma Marsh.
HR 338 Caption: Congratulating the State of California and its Assembly.
61st Regular Session
HB 368 Caption: Relating to providing restrictions on government approval of programs or projects requiring the use or taking of public land devoted to certain use by the public and prescribing requirements as to notice, public hearing, and findings.
HB 584 Caption: Relating to providing for restricting certain purchases or public works contracts by state agencies to United States goods.
HB 837 Caption: Relating to authorizing the International Commerce Development Corporation, to establish, operate and maintain a foreign trade zone at Fort Worth, Tarrant County, Texas, and other sub-zones; authorizing the International Commerce Development Corporation, to apply to the Foreign Trade Zone Board, Washington, D.C., for a grant to permit the establishment, operation and maintenance of the foreign trade zone and sub-zones in accordance with federal laws and the regulations of the Federal Trade Zones Board; authorizing the acceptance of such grant.
HB 869 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Insurance Code to provide that the State Board of Insurance shall establish at least 100 separate classes of insurance risk for private passenger automobiles and set a different rate of premium for each class.
HB 881 Caption: Relating to death or disablement pension benefits of firemen from heart or lung disease.
HB 1072 Caption: Relating to the consolidation of the powers, duties, and functions of the county auditor and the county treasurer in Tarrant County, Texas.
HJR 26 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the issuance of bonds to provide a fund to purchase books for libraries of state supported colleges and universities.
HJR 38 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment to make it possible for the legislature to propose an amendment to the constitution during a called session as well as a biennial session.
HR 359 Caption: Creating the interim Committee on Secured Transactions of Real Property.
HR 360 Caption: Creating a special interim Committee on Livestock Marketing.
61st 1st Called Session
HB 34 Caption: Relating to death or disablement pension benefits of firemen from heart or lung disease.
HR 49 Caption: Providing for the appointment of a committee to study the economic feasibility of making widespread use of desalination processes.
61st 2nd Called Session
HB 34 Caption: Relating to death or disablement pension benefits of firemen from heart or lung disease.
60th Regular Session
HB 72 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code so as to include lysergic acid and LSD in the list defining "dangerous drug," and specifying its possession to be an unlawful act.
HB 73 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code by providing that no person may falsely claim to be the parent or guardian of a minor applying for a marriage license for the purpose of inducing the county clerk to issue the license and providing a penalty.
HB 401 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Insurance Code so as to exempt an applicant for an insurance license from examinations if he holds the designation chartered life underwriter (C.L.U.) or chartered property and casualty underwriter (C.P.C.U.).
HB 402 Caption: Relating to rioting; amending the Penal Code so as to make rioting punishable by imprisonment for one to three years; repealing certain articles prescribing lesser penalties for specific acts of rioting.
HB 403 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Insurance Code to provide that the State Board of Insurance shall establish at least 100 separate classes of insurance risk for private passenger automobiles and set a different rate of premium for each class.
HB 1076 Caption: Relating to the Interest and Expense Funds of the Teachers Retirement System.
HB 1077 Caption: Relating to designating private vehicles operated by volunteer rescue men when answering an emergency as authorized emergency vehicles under the Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways.
HB 1147 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to authorize the acquisition and operation of necessary off-street parking to be used in connection with certain public buildings in certain counties.
HCR 56 Caption: Inviting the Honorable Ramsey Clark, Attorney General of the United States, to address a Joint Session of the Legislature.
HCR 133 Caption: Directing the Committee on State and Local Tax Policy to study possible revenue loss caused by amending the Civil Statues.
HJR 6 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas to increase the tax exemption on furniture to $2,500 and to prohibit a transfer tax on livestock and negotiable securities.
HJR 35 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas relating to the legislative department of the State government.
HJR 57 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas to raise the state residence homestead exemption to $10,000.
HJR 60 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas to provide for consolidating offices and functions of government by act of the Legislature and for performance of governmental functions by contract between political subdivisions in El Paso and Tarrant Counties.
60th 1st Called Session
HR 35 Caption: Directing the Department of Finance at the University of Texas Graduate School of Business to study the feasibility of a Texas Stock Exchange.
59th Regular Session
HB 531 Caption: Relating to the adoption of an interstate compact on juveniles.
HB 549 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts providing for a procedure to dissolve the Benbrook Water and Sewer Authority.
HB 578 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts to provide for the acquisition and operation of necessary off-street parking to be used in connection with public buildings.
HB 587 Caption: Relating to creating the Court of Domestic Relations No. 2, of Tarrant County and providing for its jurisdiction, terms, personnel, administration, and procedures.
HB 588 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by changing the name of the Court of Domestic Relations in and for Tarrant County, Texas.
HB 857 Caption: Relating to applicability of certain Acts to persons, firms, associations, partnerships, and corporations subject to regulation under certain Acts.
HB 923 Caption: Relating to making it a crime to post or fasten, or have posted or fastened, any handbills, signs, posters, or other advertisement in certain places.
HB 1077 Caption: Relating to authorizing higher property value assessments by certain cities.
HB 1176 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts to authorize the acquisition and operation of necessary off-street parking to be used in connection with certain public buildings in certain counties.
58th Regular Session
HB 180 Caption: Relating to establishing the County Criminal Court No. 3 of Tarrant County, Texas, to define the jurisdiction thereof and to conform to such change the jurisdiction of the County Court of Tarrant County, the County Criminal Court of Tarrant County and the County Criminal Court No. 1 of Tarrant County.
HB 478 Caption: Relating to fixing the compensation of official shorthand reporters of each judicial district, civil or criminal, and the official shorthand reporters of each county court at law, civil or criminal, in any county having a population of not less than Five Hundred Thirty-eight Thousand (538,000) nor more than Nine Hundred Thousand (900,000) inhabitants, according to the 1960 Federal Census.
HB 905 Caption: Relating to creating the office of Industrial and Occupational Safety Coordinator under the control of the Industrial Accident Board.
HB 973 Caption: Relating to authorizing increased salaries for the statutory judges of Tarrant County.
HCR 8 Caption: Authorizing the Texas Employment Commission to make a comprehensive survey of existing methods, criteria and standards used by the various State agencies, public bodies or agencies, in ascertaining the general prevailing wage rate in an given locality where a contract for public work is to be performed.
HCR 110 Caption: Suspending the Joint Rules to consider House Bill No. 905.
HR 591 Caption: Congratulating L. R. "Dutch" Meyer on his retirement from Athletic Director at Texas Christian University.