Legislation authored by Charles Wilbur Boner

Includes legislation with Charles Wilbur Boner as the primary author for the 33rd through 35th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

35th Regular Session
HB 8 Caption: Relating to regulating the sale of and defining agricultural seeds, requiring their proper labeling and providing for the collection of samples for examination by the Commissioner of Agriculture; fixing penalties.
HB 99 Caption: Relating to the renting of real estate and residential property, limiting the amount of rental charges, imposing duties on the county tax assessor, and providing a penalty.
HB 100 Caption: Relating to fixing a closed season for killing doves, bob-whites quail or partridges, as to prohibit them from being killed for the next five years, empowering the commissioner of agriculture to issue regulations to protect other birds not herein named.
HB 101 Caption: Relating to regulating the ginning business, to set a price for the ginning and wrapping of cotton and the handling and wrapping ties, empowering the Commissioner of Agriculture with enforcement and supervision, and creating a penalty.
HB 133 Caption: Relating to the duties of county school trustees.
HB 199 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful as a manager, ticket seller or player to play or engage in the playing at any game of baseball or football on Sunday; providing penalties.
HB 225 Caption: Relating to providing for the payment of costs in felony criminal cases.
HB 234 Caption: Relating to apportioning the state into congressional districts and providing for the election of a member of the United States Congress from each district.
HB 278 Caption: Relating to the creation of common county line school districts, giving the county school trustees authority to create such districts.
HB 279 Caption: Relating to special venires, providing that orders for special venire shall not be issued unless the state insists upon the death penalty.
HB 323 Caption: Related to regulating commission merchants dealing in agricultural products and requiring licensure; prescribing penalties.
HB 374 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of county shorthand stenographic reporters.
HB 380 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Comptroller to appoint and contract with persons to collect inheritance taxes.
HB 401 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the giving away or sale of cigarettes; prohibiting public exhibition of certain notices and signs referring to cigarettes and prohibiting the smoking of cigarettes in certain public places; fixing an occupation tax on dealers of cigarettes.
HB 403 Caption: Relating to the purchase of property by the State when sold by virtue of a judgment in favor of the State.
HB 422 Caption: Relating to the making of proof for Confederate pensions.
HB 605 Caption: Relating to granting relief to railroad companies failing to complete their lines within the time required by law.
HCR 14 Caption: Granting W.N. Bonner leave of absence from the State.
HJR 16 Caption: Proposing an amendment relating to authorizing the exemption from taxation of cotton and woolen mills.
HJR 17 Caption: Proposing an amendment relating to taxation.
35th 1st Called Session
HB 6 Caption: Relating to amending the law providing for a uniform system of text-books.
HR 70 Caption: Granting the State Farmers' Institution permission to use the House Chamber.
34th Regular Session
HB 49 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute prohibiting double taxation; providing that all obligations by which any debt is secured and real-estate is pledged for the payment and discharge thereof shall, for the purpose of taxation, be deemed and treated as an interest in the real-estate affected.
HB 99 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute defining the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court and regulating practice therein.
HB 101 Caption: Relating to amending the Penal Code prohibiting vendors of nursery products from defrauding vendees; providing penalties.
HB 102 Caption: Relating to providing for the building of fire escapes in all public school buildings; providing a penalty.
HB 104 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute making it an additional duty of the Secretary of State to certify all nominations of district officers to the various county clerks.
HB 109 Caption: Relating to regulating the making and selling of boots and shoes; providing that when substitutes for leather are used the name of same shall be stamped upon the sole; providing a penalty.
HB 110 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure providing for speedy examining trials before a magistrate; permitting accused time to procure counsel and providing that said trials shall be held in the precinct and near the place where offense was committed.
HB 120 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment of court stenographers in county courts.
HB 143 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to the protection of wild birds until January 1st, 1920; defining certain duties of the game, fish and oyster commissioner and peace officers; providing penalties.
HB 270 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to the payment of Confederate pensions, providing for their monthly payment; adding certain new duties to the county judges and Justice of the Peace.
HB 314 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to the recovery of stolen animals and detection and punishment of thieves; exempting Clay County.
HB 416 Caption: Relating to requiring the platting of lots, blocks and subdivisions offered for sale; providing for recording fee and penalty.
HB 433 Caption: Relating to preventing the use of wagons with tires less than four inches wide on any public road; prohibiting the sale of any such wagon; providing exemptions and penalties.
HB 483 Caption: Relating to amending an act creating a special road law for Clay County, Texas.
HB 510 Caption: Relating to increasing the time of holding the District Court in Clay County to eight weeks.
HB 528 Caption: Relating to simplifying and regulating the procedure in suits for the collection of delinquent taxes and to regulate the costs of appeals therein.
HB 629 Caption: Relating to amending the law relating to special venires, providing that order for special venire shall not be issued unless the state insists upon the death penalty.
HB 635 Caption: Relating to the using of natural gas for heating and lighting purposes; providing for the speedy adjustment of complaints as to the misreading of meters and overcharges for natural gas; providing for venue of such cases.
HB 643 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute defining the duties of the justices of peace in reference to process and the issuance of same.
HB 649 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the creation of independent school districts containing territory within two or more counties; providing for the creation of such districts by joint meeting of county school trustees of all counties affected.
HB 651 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the creation of common county line school districts; vesting the county school trustees with authority to create such districts.
HJR 10 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment exempting from taxation woolen and cotton factories.
HJR 11 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment reducing the representation in the legislature by providing for the election of twenty one senators and sixty three representatives.
HR 31 Caption: Commending President Woodrow Wilson for his policies concerning Mexico and the war in Europe.
HR 35 Caption: Requesting Congress to abolish the program of free seed distribution across state lines.
HR 119 Caption: Requesting the opinion of the Attorney General regarding the issue of Members of the Legislature accepting free transportation.
34th 1st Called Session
HB 37 Caption: Relating to amending "An Act to increase the time of holding the District Court in Clay County to eight weeks," fixing the time of holding the district courts in the Thirtieth Judicial District so as to increase the time of holding the District Court in Clay County to eight weeks and validating certain processes and to change the time of holding the district court in Wichita County.
HR 12 Caption: Authorizing the Speaker to appoint an assistant enrolling and engrossing clerk.
HR 18 Caption: Directing the President of the University of Texas to submit an itemized list of the number of hours professors engaged in instruction each week.
HR 36 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to study the issue of whether there is sufficient appropriations for the housing of "the unfortunate insane" in state asylums.