Legislation authored by Flavius Marion Gibson

Includes legislation with Flavius Marion Gibson as the primary author for the 33rd through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

36th Regular Session
SB 269 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute compelling attendance upon public schools of Texas by children between the ages of 8 and 14 years.
SB 314 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute in regard to wages of teachers.
SCR 24 Caption: Urging Congress to adopt pending measures relating to reclamation of swamp lands.
SJR 15 Caption: Proposing an amendment providing for the creation of the Texas Homestead Bank, with power to loan money to actual purchasers of homesteads.
SR 26 Caption: Providing for payment of certain porters for pre-session work.
SR 85 Caption: Inviting former Senator H.D. McDonald to address the Senate.
36th 1st Called Session
SCR 4 Caption: Providing for adjournment sine die.
36th 2nd Called Session
SB 31 Caption: Relating to amending the Fannin County road law.
SB 37 Caption: Relating to creating the Three P Independent School District in Fannin County, Texas, designating its territory.
SB 91 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles fixing fees chargeable by the Board of Pharmacy.
SB 114 Caption: Relating to amending statutes for the protection of fish and oysters on the Gulf Coast.
SB 158 Caption: Relating to creating the Bailey Independent School District No. 63 in Fannin County, Texas, designating its territory.
SCR 19 Caption: Requesting that the Board of Regents of Texas State University investigate reports of socialism within the university.
SR 10 Caption: Providing for pay of members of the Finance Committee for pre-session work.
SR 14 Caption: Requesting that the Governor submit the subject of amending State highway law to give counties not less than 75 percent of automobile registration fees.
SR 21 Caption: Inviting George Defferari to address the Senate.
36th 3rd Called Session
SB 31 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the salaries of County Superintendents of Public Instruction.
SB 110 Caption: Relating to conferring upon trust companies with a capital of not less than five hundred thousand dollars, the power to purchase, sell, discount and negotiate notes, drafts, bills of exchange, etc.
SCR 3 Caption: Relating to investigation of the Pink Boll Worm infestation.
SR 6 Caption: Adding certain members to the Committee on Agriculture.
36th 4th Called Session
SB 15 Caption: Relating to repealing special road law for Fannin County.
35th Regular Session
SB 99 Caption: Relating to exemptions from operation of Anti-Pass Law so as to include State Fire Insurance Commission et al.
SB 106 Caption: Relating to providing that property upon which valid liens have been given shall not be appropriated for exemptions or to make up allowances in lieu thereof until payment of debts secured thereby.
SB 118 Caption: Relating to an Act to aid the City of Paris and Lamar County in the re-establishment and rebuilding of permanent public improvements by donating and granting to them the State ad valorem and a part of the poll taxes and occupation taxes, collected on property and from persons in said County of Lamar for a period of five years and to provide a penalty for their misapplication.
SB 152 Caption: Relating to Lamar county road law; authorizing Lamar county and subdivisions thereof to vote and issue road bonds.
SB 181 Caption: Relating to amending statutes relating to the guaranty of deposits in banks.
SB 182 Caption: Relating to further regulating the organization, supervision and control of state banks and banks and trust companies incorporated under the General Banking Laws of the State of Texas.
SB 218 Caption: Relating to amending an Act so as to rename the State Warehouse and Marketing Department and create the official office of Commissioner of Markets and Warehouses; defining the powers and duties of said Commissioner; to fix and enforce penalties.
SB 287 Caption: Relating to prohibiting co-insurance clauses in policies or contracts of insurance covering property in this state.
SB 295 Caption: Relating to regulating contracts of sale for the future delivery of cotton, grain, stocks or other commodities and declaring under what conditions such contracts shall be valid and enforceable.
SB 380 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws making forgery a misdemeanor where the amount or value mentioned in the instrument is of less value than twenty dollars, providing where the amount or value is greater than Twenty dollars the same shall be a felony; providing a penalty.
SB 439 Caption: Relating to providing for the appointment by the County Judge of guardians of the estates of persons incapable, from any cause, of properly managing their estates.
SCR 11 Caption: Inviting James C. Travis to visit the Legislature.
SJR 16 Caption: Proposing an amendment so as to authorize the mortgaging of the homestead for the purpose of obtaining money under the provisions of the Federal Farm Loan Act.
SR 20 Caption: Inviting former Senators J.R. Astin and J.M. Terrell to address the Senate.
SR 23 Caption: Designating T.H. Yarbrough as Assistant Enrolling Clerk of the Senate.
SR 45 Caption: Recognizing Senator Robbins and his wife on their return to Austin.
SR 105 Caption: Recognizing R.M. Gilmore for his dedicated work as the Journal Clerk of the Senate.
SR 108 Caption: Inviting former Senator B.B. Sturgeon to address the Senate.
35th 1st Called Session
SB 62 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Fannin County, Texas.
SB 65 Caption: Relating to creating a State Council of Defense and defining its powers and duties; making an appropriation.
SB 74 Caption: Relating to amending an Act to provide for a system of State bonded warehouses.
SCR 9 Caption: Inviting Gifford Pinchot to address the Legislature.
SCR 13 Caption: Granting Ben H. Denton leave of absence from the State.
SR 9 Caption: Inviting former Senator Travis Henderson to address the Senate.
SR 21 Caption: Expressing sympathy for Senator Alderdice on the illness of his wife.
SR 40 Caption: Inviting former Senator J.R. Astin to address the Senate on the "Council for Defense".
34th Regular Session
SB 115 Caption: Relating to providing for the amending of Robertson Insurance Law and the enactment of a law embracing some of the phases of the present law; providing for reports by life insurance companies of their Texas reserve; providing for and enforcing the payment of occupation taxes against life insurance companies; providing penalties.
SB 154 Caption: Relating to regulating the publishing, printing and circulation and distribution of campaign advertisements, bills and circulars or literature of any character and requiring the printing at the end of each such advertisement a statement showing the individual name of the person who ordered such; prescribing a penalty.
SB 234 Caption: Relating to defining telegraph and telephone companies, making them common carriers and placing them under the Railroad Commission of Texas.
SB 306 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to the better protection of the fish and oyster industry, any person, firm or corporation engaged or in who may engage in the business of wholesale dealer or dealers in fish or oysters shall on or before the first day of September of each year secure from the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, a license granting such person in said occupation.
SCR 10 Caption: Authorizing the Legislature to adjourn Sine Die on March 15, 1915.
SJR 21 Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment eliminating prohibition against the levy of taxes or the appropriation of money from the general revenue for the erection of buildings at the University of Texas.
SR 9 Caption: Appointing Ann Howe as a stenographer of the Senate.
SR 113 Caption: Removing Mrs. Francis McMinds from a certain report and authorizing the President to appoint a substitute in her place.
33rd Regular Session
SB 44 Caption: Relating to preventing fraud upon the public by requiring manufacturers to place their own names and addresses upon manufactured articles, together with a statement of the material or materials used, and fixing a penalty.
SB 60 Caption: Relating to authorizing and empowering Fannin County or any political subdivision of said county by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the resident property taxpayers, qualified voters of such county or political subdivision thereof, voting herein, to issue bonds to any amount not exceeding one-fourth of the assessed valuation of the real property of such county or of such county or of such political subdivision, and to levy and collect taxes, to pay the interest on such bonds and to provide a sinking fund for the redemption thereof for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating macadamized, ballasted, graveled or paved roads and turnpikes and prescribing ways and means of conducting and supervising said work.
SB 125 Caption: Relating to amending an act providing for the establishment, organization and control of public high schools in the common school districts of Texas, so as to define more definitely the manner and method of electing the county school trustees, giving the length of term for which they shall serve; to define the duties of the county school trustees and the county superintendent; to define the duties of the county superintendent and the county clerk with respect thereto, and to define the duties of the state superintendent of public instruction with respect to said act.
SB 126 Caption: Relating to requiring applications under oath to be made for witnesses in felony cases, to providing adequate penalties against district clerk or his deputy for unlawfully issuing subpoenas in felony cases; to defining the duties of the district judge with reference to sheriffs' accounts, and to providing for fees of witnesses residing in the county of the prosecution.
SB 182 Caption: Relating to amending the Lamar County road law, providing a method of making up the tax rolls of Lamar County, and providing a regulation for traffic on roads.
SB 262 Caption: Relating to regulating life insurance companies transacting business in this state and regulating taxes of such companies.
SB 278 Caption: Relating to amending articles 2750, 2758, and 2771 of the Revised Civil Statutes so as to provide for the election of the county superintendent of public instruction by county board and for the grouping of certain counties for supervisory purposes by the State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
SB 336 Caption: Relating to granting to Fannin County a more efficient road law.
SB 387 Caption: Relating to repealing the State Insurance Board Law, and to create the State Fire Insurance Commission, and to prescribe its duties and authority; providing penalties for violations of provisions of this Act.
SB 388 Caption: Relating to defining the offense of a tenant selling agricultural products on which there is a landlord's lien, and providing punishment therefor.
SB 441 Caption: Relating to regulating life insurance companies; providing for reports of reserve and investments; providing for examinations of such companies by the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking, and the expense thereof; providing penalties.
SCR 17 Caption: Directing the Legislature to limit its consideration of bills to those currently on a calendar for the remainder of the session.
SR 66 Caption: Inviting former State Senator Travis "Trav" Henderson to address the Senate.
SR 144 Caption: Inviting Congressman Sam Rayburn to address the Senate.
33rd 1st Called Session
SB 20 Caption: Relating to creating a state bonded warehouse system and affording a method of co-operative marketing for those engaged in the production of farm and ranch products; and for the purpose of effectuating this and the creation of a state warehouse commission; and prescribing penalties.
SB 24 Caption: Relating to amending section 5695 of Revised Civil Statutes, 1911, relating to the renewal and extension of liens that are secured by deeds of trust, mortgages or original vendors lien on real estate.
SB 47 Caption: Relating to creating the Hudsonville Independent School District in Fannin County.
SB 50 Caption: Relating to repealing chapter 105 of the General Laws of the regular session of the 33rd Legislature, 1913.
SCR 1 Caption: Directing certain state officials to withhold funds from the Standard Oil Company until the Legislature make the appropriations.
33rd 2nd Called Session
SB 8 Caption: Relating to creating a state bonded warehouse system and affording a method of cooperative marketing; creating a State Warehouse Commission; declaring gins to be subject to a public use; prescribing penalties.