Legislation authored by Rushing Manning

Includes legislation with Rushing Manning as the primary author for the 47th through 48th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

48th Regular Session
HB 17 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Department of Education to issue State Teachers Certificates to teachers of the deaf or the blind.
HB 30 Caption: Relating to amending certain Statutes by prescribing the time and place of meeting of the County Board of School Trustees.
HB 95 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission of Texas to enter into cooperative agreements with the United States for the protection and management of wildlife resources on certain national forest lands in Texas situated in the Counties of Angelina, Jaspar, Nacogdoches, San Augustine, Houston, Trinity, Sabine, Shelby, Montgomery, San Jacinto, and Walker and to restock and protect the same.
HB 219 Caption: Relating to appropriating the sum of One Million, Two Hundred and Eleven Thousand, Five Hundred and Fifty-five Dollars and Fifty-eight cents ($1,211,055.58) per year or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the next biennium beginning September 1, 1943, and ending August 31, 1945, from the General Revenue Fund for the purpose of promoting public school interests and assisting local districts in the teaching of vocational agriculture, home economics, trades and industries, vocational rehabilitation and rehabilitation for crippled children according to the Federal laws governing vocational education, all of which shall be matched by Federal funds.
HB 253 Caption: Relating to amending statute relative to funds that should be paid into school funds.
HB 563 Caption: Relating to fixing an open season for taking squirrels in certain Counties; providing a bag limit and possession limit of squirrels.
HB 617 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of an amount necessary to pay the claim of the heirs of James Walken the sum of Thirty Thousand ($30,000) Dollars.
HB 633 Caption: Relating to requiring all operators of parking lots and/or storage places for power driven vehicles which are open to the public to carry insurance to cover claims for loss of or injury to property while in such parking lot or storage place.
HCR 133 Caption: Granting the heirs of James Walker permission to sue the State of Texas.
HR 64 Caption: Designating Jessie Faye Duckett as a Mascot of the House.
HR 83 Caption: Inviting Bruce Henry, Ensign, to address the House.
HR 128 Caption: Designating Mervyn Stephyn Ramsey and Merilyn Paul Ramsey as Mascots of the House.
47th Regular Session
HB 78 Caption: Relating to providing for agreements between the Commissioners' Court of any county and the United States, relative to resettlement of rural rehabilitation projects; providing for the payment by the United States to the county of sums in lieu of taxes.
HB 169 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; exempting from payment of certain poll tax all ex-service men who served in previous wars and who hold an honorable discharge from any armed forces of the United States.
HB 170 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; exempting from payment of certain poll tax all ex-service men who served in previous wars and who hold an honorable discharge from any armed forces of the United States.
HB 171 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; exempting from payment of certain poll tax all ex-service men who served in previous wars and who hold an honorable discharge from any armed forces of the United States.
HB 172 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Chapter of the Acts of the 42nd Legislature (1st C.S.); setting the qualifications and salary of the Rural Supervisor of Shelby County.
HB 178 Caption: Relating to providing that any conveyance of any mineral or mineral interests, apart from the surface, shall not be effective or valid for a longer period than ten (10) years after the date of the conveyance, unless such mineral is produced in commercial quantities within and prior to such ten (10) year period.
HB 225 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statues; limiting the fee for admission to the University of Texas to $15.00.
HB 226 Caption: Relating to providing exemption from the State Bar Examination of graduates of law schools approved by the Supreme Court.
HB 228 Caption: Relating to amending a certain House Bill of the Acts of the 44th Legislature (R.S); including the Counties of San Augustine, Sabine, and Shelby in the experimental stations in Southeast Texas.
HB 381 Caption: Relating to defining the words "beer," "import" and "Board" and providing that it shall be unlawful to import beer into this State except as herein provided; requiring importers to secure a permit from the Texas Liquor Control Board and fixing the fees for such permit; allocating the proceeds of such fees to the Old Age Assistance Fund.
HB 672 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes relating to reducing the tuition rates in State Institutions of collegiate rank; prescribing a minimum fee of admission for nonresident students.
HB 688 Caption: Relating to taxing all poultry, chickens, turkeys, etc., of the State, that are stuffed or killed and prepared for public consumption.
HB 707 Caption: Relating to releasing interest and penalties on certain delinquent taxes in certain counties provided same are paid on or before a certain date.
HB 883 Caption: Relating to defining the jurisdiction of the County Court of Shelby County and diminishing its civil jurisdiction.
HB 918 Caption: Relating to certain counties in this State; prescribing the time and place of meeting of the County Board of School Trustees in such counties; providing for compensation to the members and prescribing the fund from which such compensation shall be paid.
HB 940 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act to provide methods of determining the age of an applicant for or recipient of old age assistance.
HB 963 Caption: Relating to appropriating out of the State General Revenue Fund the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) to the Eddins Common School District, No. 62, Shelby County, Texas, to be used by said School District in rebuilding a public schoolhouse within the District.
HB 1100 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to take, kill, pursue, or attempt to take, kill, or pursue, or otherwise molest or attempt to molest any deer in Shelby County until November 16, 1946; providing a suitable penalty.
HCR 139 Caption: Suspending joint rules so that House may take up and consider H.B. No. 228.
HCR 193 Caption: Providing for recess during the period beginning on June 20,1941, and ending on June 30, 1941.
HCR 199 Caption: Providing for recess for the members of the Legislature on Thursday, June 12, 1941.
HCR 210 Caption: Providing for recess of the Legislature beginning on June 16,1941, and ending on July 14,1941.
HCR 277 Caption: Placing H.B. 963 into immediate effect.
HCR 296 Caption: Suspending joint rules for the purpose of permitting the Senate to consider H.B. No. 1100.
HR 15 Caption: In memory of E.N. Foster of Center, Shelby County, Texas.
HR 109 Caption: Relating to telegram that is to be sent to Martin Dies.
HR 131 Caption: Inviting the Sam Houston State Teachers College Band to render a concert on the floor of the House.
HR 319 Caption: Congratulating Ethel Coughran and LaFayette Lionel Duckett on the occasion of their marriage.
47th 1st Called Session
HB 53 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission of Texas to enter into cooperative agreements with the United States for the protection and management of wildlife resources on certain national forest lands in Texas situated in certain counties to restock and protect the same; prescribing penalty for violations of the rules and regulations promulgated by the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission.
HCR 3 Caption: Granting the State Highway Department to loan iron pipe to the school board of Weaver Public School District.