Legislation authored by Charles Samuel McLellan

Includes legislation with Charles Samuel McLellan as the primary author for the 47th through 51st Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

51st Regular Session
HB 59 Caption: Relating to levying an additional occupation tax upon the business of producing gas in this State; providing a severance clause; repealing all laws in conflict.
HB 128 Caption: Relating to exempting from taxation all organizations whose membership is composed entirely of veterans of World War I and World War II.
HB 376 Caption: Relating to declaring open season on fox in Austin County and making it lawful to kill any number of fox in Austin County at any and all times; repealing all laws in conflict.
HB 491 Caption: Relating to providing for the appropriation, allocation, and transfer of funds from the Clearance Fund to a fund to be known as the Farm-to-Market Road Fund of the State Highway Department of the State of Texas, in amount of $1,250,000.00 per month beginning September 1, 1949, for construction of Farm-to-Market Roads; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict with the provisions of said act; providing a saving clause.
HB 626 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Railroad Commission of Texas to fix certain rates for the transportation of fertilizer by contract motor carrier.
HB 821 Caption: Relating to providing that all funds collected by Institutions of Higher Education, now or hereafter created, be deposited to the credit of the State Treasurer, excepting Junior Colleges therefrom; repealing all laws in conflict with Act to the extent of the conflict; providing a savings clause.
HB 945 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, to provide that cities and towns which have adopted a commission form of government may adopt an aldermanic or other lawful form of government at an election under the procedure for adoption of commission form of government.
HB 981 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, providing for the filing of suits to collect delinquent taxes; providing for compensation for District Attorney filing and prosecuting such suits, etc.; repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
HCR 108 Caption: Directing no State officials to compromise in negotiations regarding the State's authority over the tidelands.
HR 67 Caption: Granting the "Dirt Farmer's Congress" permission to host a meeting in the House Chamber.
51st 1st Called Session
HB 40 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, requiring the Railroad Commission to see that railroads maintain certain schedules.
HB 41 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, authorizing the Attorney General to use a limited percentage of future collections to supplement available funds for defending the title of the State of Texas to its submerged lands.
HB 42 Caption: Relating to making an additional appropriation to the State Department of Agriculture for the biennium ending August 31, 1951, from the Special Pure Seed Fund and out of the Seed Laboratory Fees.
50th Regular Session
HB 44 Caption: Relating to levying an occupation, license or privilege tax in addition to all other taxes now levied in this State upon gathering gas; providing certain penalties; providing that if any section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Act is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Act, and that the same shall be and remain in full force and effect; repealing all laws in conflict herewith.
HB 143 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts to provide for transfer of child from one common or independent school to another.
HB 208 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts, relating to regulating the avocation and art of barbering; repealing all laws and parts of laws in conflict; if any part of this Act is declared unconstitutional it shall not affect the validity of the remainder.
HB 288 Caption: Relating to making appropriation to pay deficiency appropriations granted by the Governor prior to January 1, 1947, and for which no appropriations have heretofore been made.
HB 410 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation to pay all interest due and to retire all State of Texas Bonds held by the State Permanent School Fund, Permanent University of Texas Fund, Permanent A. & M. College Fund, Lunatic Asylum Permanent Fund, Blind Institute Permanent Fund, Deaf and Dumb Institute Permanent Fund, and Orphans Home Permanent Fund.
HB 463 Caption: Relating to authorizing the creation of county-wide independent school districts.
HB 510 Caption: Relating to creating the Colorado County Flood Control District in Colorado County, Texas, and defining its powers; providing that if provisions of this Act shall be held invalid or unconstitutional the other provisions shall not be affected ; repealing all laws or parts of laws in conflict herewith.
HB 630 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, so as to change the number of persons on the governing boards of the University of Texas, the Agricultural and Mechanical College, the normal or teachers colleges, the College of Industrial Arts, the College of Arts and Industries and Texas Technological College from nine to fifteen, providing for the method of appointment to the vacancies created and fixing the terms of the respective vacancies created; repealing all laws in conflict.
HB 790 Caption: Relating to amending a previous Act, making an additional appropriation to the Executive Department and the Secretary of State to meet the additional expenses of said departments during and for the period of the last five months of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1947; making an appropriation to the Attorney General's Department for the last five months of the fiscal year ending August 31, 1947.
HB 819 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Dollars ($250,000) to pay mileage and per diem of Members and the contingent expenses of the 50th Legislature, and to pay any unpaid accounts or expenses of the 49th Legislature.
HB 833 Caption: Relating to authorizing the State Board of Health to accept gifts and contributions from the Federal Government and from individuals, firms and corporations for the purpose of constructing a Medical Research Laboratory in the city of Austin.
HB 841 Caption: Relating to declaring the floods of Colorado County, Fayette County, and Jackson County, Texas to be a public calamity, and authorizing donation of ad valorem taxes for flood control purposes; providing that this Act shall be severable; repealing all laws in conflict.
HCR 18 Caption: Inviting President Truman to the Texas Capitol.
HCR 100 Caption: Recalling H.B. No. 510 from the Governor.
HR 62 Caption: Inviting President Truman to address the Texas House of Representatives.
HR 96 Caption: Designating Richard David Everett as a Mascot of the House.
HR 161 Caption: In memory of Joseph Mikeska of Wesley, Austin County, Texas.
HR 162 Caption: Designating Ronnie Joe Holloway, Connie Merle Holloway, and Mary Joe Flanagan as Mascots of the House.
HR 163 Caption: Designating Jerry R. Wiseman as a Mascot of the House.
49th Regular Session
HB 15 Caption: Relating to requiring applicants for registration of vehicles subject to registration by Law to Present to the County Tax Collector to whom application is made for registration a statement showing the county, school district, city or town, and other taxing districts by which such vehicles were taxable for the preceding year, and to exhibit to such Tax Collector receipts or certificates showing payment of all State, County, City or town, school district and other taxing district ad valorem taxes for such preceding year, for which such vehicle was taxable.
HB 587 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts by requiring licenses for the operation, maintenance, opening or establishment of stores in this State, prescribing the license and filing fees to be paid therefor, and the disposition thereof, and fixing the powers and duties of the Comptroller of Public Accounts in connection therewith; making an appropriation; prescribing penalties for the violation thereof.
HCR 44 Caption: Recalling H.B. No. 275 from Governor to the House of Representatives.
HCR 74 Caption: Concerning Legislation by Congress in regard to river authorities.
HR 65 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of mascot.
HR 92 Caption: Relating to Committee on State Eleemosynary and Reformatory Institutions.
HR 99 Caption: Electing children of House members to the office of mascot.
HR 102 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of Mascot.
HR 173 Caption: Inviting the Prairie View College Orchestra to appear before the legislative body on April 11, 1945.
HR 235 Caption: In memory of C. C Glenn of Austin.
48th Regular Session
HB 60 Caption: Relating to preserving and protecting the natural resources of Colorado City, Texas, by declaring the floods of Colorado County, Texas to be a public calamity.
HB 174 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws to provide that where a divorce is granted, children of the marriage shall be supported until they reach the age of eighteen (18) years.
HB 202 Caption: Relating to establishing and creating the Colorado River Navigation District under authority of Section 59 of Article XVI of the Constitution of Texas, to be a governmental agency, a body politic, municipal and corporate.
HB 243 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the payment of compensation to officers and employees of this State its counties, municipal corporations, districts, agencies and instrumentalities, for any period of time during which such officers or employees may be in the active military or naval service of the United States.
HB 440 Caption: Relating to declaring the floods of Colorado County, Fayette County, and Jackson County, Texas, to be a public calamity; authorizing a donation and grant of one-half of the State ad valorem taxes collected in those Counties.
HB 448 Caption: Relating to fixing the maximum time and limits under which certain game mammals and game birds of this State may be taken; providing the effective date of this Act.
HB 449 Caption: Relating to providing that the balance on hand in the State Treasury to the credit of the Fish Propagation and Protection Fund, Sand, Shell and Gravel Fund, Medina Lake Fund, Lake Worth-Eagle Mountain Lake Fund, Special Game Fund, and the Fish and Oyster Fund shall be transferred on August 31, 1943, within the State Treasury to the credit of a special fund to be known as the Game and Fish Fund; repealing certain laws; providing for an effective date of this Act.
HB 450 Caption: Relating to directing the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, on the basis of the fresh water fish supply in this State or in any area or body of water of same, to provide necessary authority for taking of such fish; providing suitable penalty for violating any provision of this Act.
HB 451 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts so as to include mourning doves and other migratory game birds; defining migratory game birds, and providing for the issuance of permission by the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission governing the taking, possession and retention of the same.
HB 680 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to take or attempt to take beaver or otter with certain exceptions; providing a penalty for violation of this Act; repealing conflicting laws.
HB 695 Caption: Relating to amending certain Acts to provide for uniform fees to be charged for the issuance of delayed birth and death certificates by the Probate Court, Clerk thereof, and the State Registrar.
HCR 28 Caption: Granting Alva W. Templeman permission to sue the State of Texas.
HCR 92 Caption: Providing for a Joint Session of the Legislature to hear a performance by the Prairie View Girls' Orchestra, Boys' Orchestra, and Boys' Sextet.
HR 63 Caption: Designating Wilma Jean Favors as a Mascot of the House.
HR 189 Caption: Designating Billy Carlton as a Mascot of the House.
HR 218 Caption: Providing for a committee to investigate a certain appropriation for the University of Texas.
47th Regular Session
HB 38 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the 1925 Revised Civil Statutes; including the families of Superannuated, pensioned, and Furloughed employees named in exceptions to the Free Pass, Franks and Transportation Title.
HB 262 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioners Court in all counties to provide fire protection and fire fighting equipment for the citizens of the county outside of any city, town, or village therein, either by the purchase and maintenance by the county, or by entering into contracts with the governing body of cities, towns, or villages located within the county and/or adjoining counties.
HB 303 Caption: Relating to making it unlawful to kill, attempt to kill, trap, or molest wild turkey in Colorado, Wharton, Lavaca, and Jackson Counties for certain period; providing certain penalty.
HB 378 Caption: Relating to making appropriations to pay the Presidential Electors of Texas; providing how it shall be made.
HB 379 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes by changing the open season for Mourning Doves and White-winged Doves in the remainder of the State not excepted, to the months of November 1 and December 31.
HB 434 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes relating to marks and brands of livestock in Austin County only.
HB 657 Caption: Relating to levying an occupation tax upon the producers engaged in producing, and/or severing, or extracting, salt from the earth and/or waters; providing for the adoption of rules, regulations, and enforcement; prescribing penalties.
HB 983 Caption: Relating to repealing a certain Article of the Revised Civil Statutes by prohibiting corporations, their officers, directors, stockholders, employees, and agents acting in their behalf, from expending or promising to expend any money or thing of value in order to aid or hinder the nomination or election of any person to public office or to influence the vote on any question submitted to the voters; providing for penalties.
HCR 291 Caption: Suspending joint rules for the purpose of permitting the House to consider S.B. No. 183.
HR 31 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of mascot.
HR 33 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of mascot.
HR 45 Caption: Electing the children of House members to the office of Mascot.
HR 120 Caption: In memory of Paul F. Nemec of Austin County.
HR 204 Caption: Electing the children of House Members to the office of Mascot.
HR 238 Caption: Congratulating Mrs. Malzena Gregory Zumwalt on the occasion of her 100th birthday.
HR 354 Caption: Suspending all rules necessary on Tuesday, June 24, 1941.
47th 1st Called Session
HB 49 Caption: Relating to preserving and protecting the natural resources of Colorado County, Texas, by declaring the floods of Colorado County, Texas, to be a public calamity; authorizing an adoption and grant to Colorado County of one-half of the State ad valorem taxes collected in Colorado County for flood control improvement and maintenance purposes.