Private Participation in Toll Projects, Legislative Study - 80th R.S. (2007)
Committee Members
The legislative study committee shall select a presiding officer from among its members and conduct public hearings and study the public policy implications of including in a comprehensive development agreement entered into by a toll project entity with a private participant in connection with a toll project a provision that permits the private participant to operate and collect revenue from the toll project. In addition, the committee shall examine the public policy implications of selling an existing and operating toll project to a private entity.
Not later than December 1, 2008, the legislative study committee shall:
(1) prepare a written report summarizing:
(A) any hearings conducted by the committee;
(B) any legislation proposed by the committee;
(C) the committee's recommendations for safeguards and protections of the public's interest when a contract for the sale of a toll project to a private entity is entered into; and
(D) any other findings or recommendations of the
committee; and
(2) deliver a copy of the report to the governor, the
lieutenant governor, and the speaker of the house of
Created pursuant to SB 792, 80th Legislature.
House members appointed by the Speaker pursuant September 26, 2007.
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