Merit Selection of Judges, Committee of 100 for the - 69th R.S. (1985)
Committee Members
Public members
- John L. Hill, Jr., Chair
- William P. Hobby, Vice Chair
- Willie J. Alexander
- Felix D. Almarez, Jr.
- Robert Alonzo
- Ken Ardoin
- W. Buck Arnold
- Glen Ashworth
- Morris Atlas
- Frank Barron
- Charles Barrow
- Bill Bass
- Evelyn Bonavita
- William Bonilla
- Scott Bradley
- Manuel Bravo, Jr.
- Bill Burdock
- Cecil E. Burney
- Adelfa Callejo
- Robert W. Calvert
- David Chappell
- Diana Clark
- Bill Coker
- Charles Crenshaw
- John H. Crooker, Jr.
- Barbara Culver
- Tim Curry
- Clifford Davis
- Don M. Dean
- Frank Denius
- Joe Denton
- Ralph H. Duggins
- Pat Eisenhauer
- Arturo R. Eureste
- Wayne Fisher
- Wesley Foust
- Jan Fox
- Esmeralda Pena Garcia
- Pitser Garrison
- H. Lee Godfrey
- Joe Greenhill
- Clarence A. Guittard
- John Hardin
- Lew W. Harpold
- Mary Haynes
- John Hildreth
- William B. Hilgers
- Albert Huerta
- Kay Bailey Hutchison
- Andrew Jefferson
- Bob Johnson
- Hubert D. Johnson
- Orrin W. Johnson
- Travis Camp Johnson
- Darrell E. Jordan
- Alan Kahn
- Dee J. Kelly
- Hugh Rice Kelly
- Rpnald W. Kessler
- Jerry Lastelick
- Tom H. Law
- Zac Lentz
- Janiece Longoria
- Joe B. Lovelace
- Maline McCalla
- Richard T. McCarroll
- Connally McKay
- J. Mark McLaughlin
- Maria Luisa Mercado
- Enrique Moreno
- Dirk Murchison
- Elsa Nava
- Frank Newton
- Jon Newton
- Paul W. Nye
- Robert Parsley
- Dean Patton
- Daniel L. Penner
- Herbert C. Petry, Jr.
- Thomas Phillips
- Thomas D. Powers
- Jorge Rangel
- Don Reavis
- Jack Reeves
- Reben Rendon
- Jo Ann Reyes
- Don Rives
- Glen Roney
- Jeff Rusk
- Anthony J. Sadberry
- Harmon Schepps
- W.O. Shafer
- Sander W. Shapiro
- Max Sherman
- James A. Showers
- G. Duffield Smith, Jr.
- Charles Solomon
- Roberto Soto
- Joe Spurlock
- Louis Stumberg
- Dick Tarpley
- Jo Ben Whittenburg
- William Key Wilde
- Doyle Willis, Jr.
- James W. Wray, Jr.
- F.M. Young
- Robert Zepeda
- Study the "merit plan" method of judicial selection and make recommendations to the Legislature.*
* This represents an abstract of the report contents. Charge text is incomplete or unavailable.
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