House Committee on Revenue and Taxation - 53rd R.S. (1953)
Committee Members
- Dexter Harold Buchanan, Chair
- Marshall Odom Bell, Vice Chair
- William Henry Abington
- Lemuel Lawrence Armor
- Robert Wayne Baker
- Garth C. Bates
- Douglas Ernest Bergman
- Jessie Gordon Bristow
- Joseph Washington Burkett, Jr.
- Frank Herman Carpenter
- Waggoner Carr
- Jack Gordon Fisk
- Thomas Roger Joseph
- Joe Madison Kilgore
- Wiltz Gleason Kirklin
- Gary Pinkney Pearson
- Joe Richard Pool
- William Carl Ross
- Charles Lloyd Sandahl
- Harold Seay
- Edwin Stanton Stone
- Frank G. Svadlenak
- Lamar Acker Zivley
Joseph Burkett and Jack Fisk (Members) appointed 3/15/1954.
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