Speaker and Lt. Governor documents - search results

Lt. Governor document search results

5 result(s)   [  Author= Preston Earnest Smith  Document type= newsRelease   ]

Session Date Author Title Type
59th R.S. 08/04/1966 (59th R.S.) Lt. Governor Preston Earnest Smith Statement on Directing the Texas Legislative Council to Brief Constitutional Provisions and Texas Statutes to Determine the Feasibility of Enacting Laws to Ensure Incarceration for Life of Murderers Who Escape Punishment by Pleading Insane (University of Texas Tower tragedy) news release
59th R.S. 07/06/1966 (59th R.S.) Lt. Governor Preston Earnest Smith Statement on Appointment of Advisory Committee to Assist the Texas Legislative Council Study Committee on County Government news release
59th R.S. 04/06/1966 (59th R.S.) Lt. Governor Preston Earnest Smith Statement on Appointment of Senator Andy Rogers to Senate Committee on Interstate Cooperation news release
59th R.S. 02/09/1965 (59th R.S.) Lt. Governor Preston Earnest Smith Statement on Water Conservation news release
58th R.S. 01/01/1963 (58th R.S.) Lt. Governor Preston Earnest Smith Release of Statewide Public Financing Survey Results news release