J.H. McLeary

James Harvey McLeary

Full Name: James Harvey McLeary
Date of birth: July 27, 1845
Date of death: January 5, 1914

Terms of Service top

Chamber District Dates of Service Legislatures Party City/County Note Counties in District
S 30 Apr 18, 1876 - Jan 14, 1879 15th (1)   Democrat San Antonio / Bexar   Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Concho, Crockett, Edwards, El Paso, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Menard, Pecos, Presidio, Tom Green
H 29 Jan 13, 1874 - Apr 18, 1876 14th   Democrat San Antonio / Bexar   Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Menard, Wilson

(1) 15th Legislature - All Senators except District 7 listed in roll call as Senators elect, oath of office administered, 4/18/1876, p. 1; Drawing of Senatorial Terms, 4/27/1876, p. 98, drew "short term" (two years). Senate Journal. April 18, 1876 April 27, 1876

Terms of Service top

Senate District 30
Apr 18, 1876 - Jan 14, 1879
Legislatures: 15th (1)  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: San Antonio / Bexar
Counties in district: Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Concho, Crockett, Edwards, El Paso, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Menard, Pecos, Presidio, Tom Green
House District 29
Jan 13, 1874 - Apr 18, 1876
Legislatures: 14th  
Party: Democrat
Home City/County: San Antonio / Bexar
Counties in district: Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal, Edwards, Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Mason, Menard, Wilson

(1) 15th Legislature - All Senators except District 7 listed in roll call as Senators elect, oath of office administered, 4/18/1876, p. 1; Drawing of Senatorial Terms, 4/27/1876, p. 98, drew "short term" (two years). Senate Journal. April 18, 1876 April 27, 1876

Biographical Information top

Biographical Sketches

  • Biographical sketch, Hon. James Harvey McLeary, pp. 148-150. The Encyclopedia of the New West, 1881.
  • Biographical sketch in "State Senators Elect: Personal Sketches Completed - Seventeen Lawyers, Seven Grangers, Two Doctors, One Editor and Four Colored Politicians - the Political Structure of the New Senate of Texas," 3/3/1876, p. 2. Galveston Daily News.
  • MCLEARY, JAMES HARVEY (1845-1914). Handbook of Texas Online.
  • Biographical sketch, Hon. James Harvey McLeary, pp. 593-597. Born 7/27/1845 in Carthage, Smith County, Tennessee. "In 1873, he was elected to the lower branch of the Texas Legislature, and served in that capacity until he was elected to the State Senate two years later . . . While in the Legislature, Judge McLeary served in the House as Chairman of the Committee on Education, and in the Senate as Chairman of the Committee on Privileges and Elections and State Affairs. From his position he took a leading part in shaping legislation, and was the author of the law giving to towns and cities the right to control their own public schools. He also had the honor of being godfather to the fifty-six new counties, comprising the Panhandle of Texas, since he named each one of them after some prominent historical character, among others, the heroes who perished at the Alamo." Memorial and Genealogical Record of Southwest Texas: Containing Biographical Histories and Genealogical Records of Many Leading Men and Prominent Families, 1894.
  • Biographical sketch, pp. 55-57. Sketches of Legislators and State Officers, Fifteenth Legislature, 1876-1878, 1876.


Composite Photographs on Display in the Capitol

Committee Information top

15th R.S. - 1876
Arrangements, Prepare for Reception of Portrait of General Tom Green on the 4th of July  
Commerce and Manufactures  
Constitutional Amendments  
Contingent Expenses  
Educational Affairs  
General Land Office  
Indian Affairs and Frontier Protection  
Internal Improvements  
Judiciary No. 1  
Privileges and Elections (Chair) 
Public Debt  
Revision of Senate Rules of Order and Joint Committee on Rules of Joint Session  
State Affairs (Chair) 
State Penitentiaries  
Stock and Stock Raising  
14th R.S. - 1874
Claims and Accounts  
Congressional Districts (Co-Chair) 
Constitutional Amendments  
Judges M. Walker and Wesley Ogden, Supreme Court  
Judicial Districts  
Judiciary No. 1  
Removal of Judge J.J. Thornton, 24th Judicial District  
Removal of Judge M. Priest, 4th Judicial District  
State Affairs  
Town and City Corporations  

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