Legislation authored by Joe Wyatt, Jr.

Includes legislation with Joe Wyatt, Jr. as the primary author for the 62nd through 65th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

65th Regular Session
HB 1 Last Action: Votes recorded
Caption: Relating to the reduction of and exemption and exclusion from various state taxes.
HB 493 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to liability for the sales tax by persons engaged in the leasing or licensing of motion picture films.
HB 503 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to areas of specialization designated in teacher certificates.
HB 615 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the compensation of District Judges of the 24th Judicial Districts and the 135th Judicial Districts.
HB 616 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Higher Education
Caption: Relating to the combined tuition to be charged a student registering at two institutions of higher education.
HB 617 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Providing for fractional service retirement benefits for members of the Texas County and District Retirement System, the Texas Municipal Retirement System, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, the Employees Retirement System of Texas, and the Judicial Retirement System of Texas.
HB 618 Last Action: Assigned to Consent Calendar
Caption: Relating to the requirement of an independent audit of certain district, county, and precinct books, records, and accounts.
HB 619 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the performances of water treatment installations, exchanges, services, or repairs permitted with a plumbing license or when certified by the Domestic Water Supply Branch of the Division of Environmental Engineering of the State Health Department.
HB 694 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the application of the sales and use tax to newspaper and magazines; providing for definitions of "newspaper" and "magazine".
HB 700 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the punishment of persons using or possessing, and to the seizure and disposition of, illegal nets, seines, trawls, traps, and other devices used for catching aquatic life.
HB 800 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the cargo of loaded motor vehicles found to exceed weight limits.
HB 801 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to county parks.
HB 802 Last Action: Considered by committee in formal meeting
Caption: Relating to unemployment compensation.
HB 860 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the juvenile boards in the counties in the 24th and 135th Judicial Districts.
HB 861 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to certain fees and jurisdiction of Small Claims Court.
HB 1006 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the registration and certification of persons engaged in the assessment of property for ad valorem taxation; creating the State Board of Registration and Professional Certification for Assessors in Texas; providing for membership, terms, organization, functions and duties of the board; providing procedures for carrying out the terms of this Act; providing for fees, the establishment of the Assessor's Registration Fund, and the payment of compensation and expenses; providing enforcement procedures, providing qualifications, duties, and standards of conduct for persons engaged in assessing property; defining certain offenses and providing penalties; and declaring an emergency.
HB 1066 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to qualifications of peace officers in certain cities and towns.
HB 1255 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to the use and allocation of certain cigarette tax revenue.
HB 1256 Last Action: Assigned to General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to compulsory inspection of certain vehicles, inspection stations, inspectors, and uniform standards of safety.
HB 1262 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the exemption of leasing or licensing motion picture films from the taxes imposed by the Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax Act.
HB 1303 Last Action: Failed to pass to third reading
Caption: Relating to the practice of law by a person retired under the Judicial Retirement System of Texas.
HB 1369 Last Action: Referred to Subcommittee on Judicial Districts
Caption: Relating to credit in the Judicial Retirement System of Texas for service as a county judge.
HB 1370 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to abolishing the State Building Commission; transferring the powers and duties of the State Building Commission to the State Board of Control; abolishing the State Building Fund and transferring the State Building Fund to the general revenue fund.
HB 1561 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to the disposition and allocation of certain state revenue; eliminating the tax clearance fund; eliminating the allocation of certain funds for enforcement purposes; transferring revenue to and from the general revenue fund; providing for tax refund payments; providing priorities and allocations for the teacher retirement fund, the foundation school fund, and the farm-to-market road fund.
HB 1688 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to resale certificates on sales to retailers holding permits or licenses authorizing the sale of alcoholic beverages.
HB 2067 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to withholding warrants to persons owing delinquent taxes to the State.
HB 2068 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the auditing of records and accounts of all cities, towns, and villages in this state, and the preparation and filing of financial statements; delcaring such financial statements to be a public record; providing for severability.
HB 2069 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to participation by certain persons and benefits payable in the Texas County and District Retirement System.
HB 2070 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to benefits, funding, and funds of the Texas County and District Retirement System; and providing that this Act shall take effect January 1, 1978.
HB 2151 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the creation, administration, powers, duties, operations, and financing of the Port O'Conner Municipal Utility District of Calhoun County.
HB 2184 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the Calhoun County Navigation District.
HB 2195 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the County Court at Law of Victoria County.
HB 2203 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to imposing an alternate tax on producers of natural gas based on a rate applying to the volume of gas produced and saved as adjusted; providing for the application of the alternate tax to certain liquid hydrocarbons removed from gas.
HB 2232 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to imposing an alternate tax on oil produced within this state based on a rate applying to the volume of oil produced and saved.
HCR 172 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Congratulating Jack Cowan on being selected Texas State Artist.
HCR 184 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Granting permission to Primary Fuels, Inc., Salomen Brothers, Paul R. Haas, L.A. McNeil, and Emmet C. Wilson to sue the state.
HJR 60 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing amendments to the Texas constitution to expand the jurisdiction of justices of the peace to include civil cases where the amount in controversy is $500 or less and to raise the minimum civil jurisdiction of the county court to cases in excess of $500.
HJR 80 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Proposing an amendment of the Texas Constitution relating to the State Building Commission and the State Building Fund.
65th 2nd Called Session
HB 1 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to exemptions from the state inheritance tax for certain Class A beneficiaries and providing for certain exempt transfers; relating to the taxation or exemption from taxation of the receipts from the sale, production, distribution, lease or rental of, and the storage, use, or other consumption of gas and electricity for residential uses under state and local sales and use taxes.
64th Regular Session
HB 74 Last Action: Considered by subcommittee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the requirement of an independent audit of certain district, county, and precinct books, records, and accounts.
HB 75 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs
Caption: Relating to the closing of certain water in Calhoun County to the taking or carrying away of marl, gravel, sand, shells, and mud shell.
HB 76 Last Action: Referred to Subcommittee on State Parks
Caption: Relating to requiring the Parks and Wildlife Department to spend all appropriated funds for the purposes for which the funds were appropriated.
HB 77 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to the exemption from taxation of property owned by the G.I. Forum.
HB 485 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Amending the definition of "military duty" to permit members to purchase creditable service in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas for certain military duty rendered before becoming a member of that system; removing the privilege of purchasing creditable service for certain nonmilitary service and providing for the payment of a fee when purchasing service credit for military duty; declaring effective dates for the provisions of this Act.
HB 546 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the revision of certain tax laws.
HB 548 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the office of county school superintendent in certain counties.
HB 845 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the corporate franchise tax.
HB 860 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to presidents pro tempore of boards of aldermen.
HB 992 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to traveler's checks that are subject to escheat.
HB 1011 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the imposition of a use tax on persons to whom metal dealer license plates are issued.
HB 1012 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Transportation
Caption: Relating to the issuance of dealer's and manufacturer's license plates and tags for unregistered motor vehicles, motorcycles, house trailers, trailers, and semitrailers, and the use and cancellation of, and fees for, the plates and tags.
HB 1124 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably with amendments
Caption: Relating to compulsory inspection of certain vehicles, inspection stations, inspectors, and uniform standards of safety.
HB 1164 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Comptroller of Public Accounts to prescribe the dates of reports and payments to be made pursuant to Title 122A. Taxation-General, revised Civil Statutes of Texas 1925.
HB 1225 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Limiting campaign contributions and expenditures with respect to candidates for certain offices and with respect to certain political committees, and regulating the handling and reporting of the contributions and expenditures.
HB 1262 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to reporting of property tax information to the comptroller of public accounts.
HB 1405 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the time and method for election of directors of certain drainage districts.
HB 1545 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the authority of the governor to approve, approve with modification, or disapprove, a regulation proposed by an executive agency.
HB 1568 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to proportionate service retirement benefits for members of the Texas County and District Retirement System, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, the Employees Retirement System of Texas,and the Judicial Retirement System of Texas.
HB 1569 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the allowance of a minimum compensation to certain court-appointed attorneys.
HB 1735 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the Bicentennial Advisory Commission and its power, duties, composition, and meetings; providing for projects commemorating the 200th birthday of the United States of America and the 100th anniversary of the opening of the State Capitol; relating to the authority of the State Building Commisision to carry out the purposes of this Act; providing for the allocation of certain cigarette taxes and establishing the Bicentennial Fund.
HB 1747 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Caption: Relating to exempting from property taxes for state purposes certain passenger cars, motorcycles, and certain commercial vehicles; authorizing political subdivisions to exempt such motor vehicles from property taxes imposed by such political subdivisions; providing an effective date.
HB 1776 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Caption: Relating to increasing the rate of the taxes on the occupations of producing oil and producing gas in this state.
HB 1777 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Liquor Regulation
Caption: Relating to the eligibility of certain foreign corporations to engage in certain aspects of the alcoholic beverage business.
HB 2084 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to the establishment of the University of Houston at Victoria.
HB 2085 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee with substitute
Caption: Relating to extending the authority with certain limitations of the Guadalupe-Blanco River Authority; finding notice of intention to introduce this Act.
HB 2161 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Caption: Relating to eliminating certain obsolete, unconstitutional, or otherwise unneccessary statutes from the property tax laws.
HB 2173 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the compensation of the Criminal District Attorney of Victoria County and compensation to the county.
HCR 148 Last Action: Signed by Governor
Caption: Directing the Parks and Wildlife Commission to seek acquisition of the federally-owned portion of Matagorda Island.
HJR 47 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Revision
Caption: Relating to creating a special fund to finance captial improvements for certain state agencies and institutions of higher education.
HJR 91 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Constitutional Revision
Caption: Relating to authorizing the legislature to exempt from taxation certain classes of motor vehicles.
HR 103 Caption: Amending House rules relating to renaming the Revenue and Taxation Committee.
63rd Regular Session
HB 384 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Caption: Relating to exempting from property taxes certain passenger cars, motorcycles, and certain commercial motor vehicles.
HB 834 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Relating to apportionment of the state into representative districts.
HB 1178 Last Action: Rules suspended
Caption: Creating the County Court at Law of Victoria County; making other provisions relative to the court; adding the judge of the County Court at Law of Victoria County to the membership of the Victoria County Juvenile Board.
HB 1499 Last Action: Committee hearing date
Caption: Relating to the auditing of records and accounts of all cities, towns and villages in this State, and the preparation and filing of financial statements for public record; relating to the duties of the city treasurer in general law cities, to delete the requirement for the semi-annual statement; providing for severability.
HB 1500 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Appropriations
Caption: Relating to the duties and responsibilities of the Legislative Audit Committee; establishing a Legislative Audit Committee; establishing the position of Legislative Post-Auditor; designating the qualifications, duties and responsibilities and term office of the Legislative Post-Auditor; providing for post-audit of all State agencies, political subdivisions, organizations, and institutions that receive state funds by grant, contract, or appropriation; providing for fiscal and performance evaluations; providing for disposition of public reports, files, accounts, and records; providing a repealing clause, and a savings clause.
HB 1585 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the creation of the constitutional office of criminal district attorney for Calhoun County; abolishing the office of county attorney for Calhoun County; conforming the jurisdiction of the District Attorney for the 24th Judicial District; and declaring an emergency.
HCR 10 Last Action: Committee hearing notice posted
Caption: Creating a committee to appoint a Texas State Artist for the years beginning May 1973 and May 1974.
HCR 207 Last Action: Filed without Governor's signature
Caption: Requesting the Governor to return House Bill No. 1585 to the House of Representatives.
HJR 18 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Proposing an amendment of the Texas Constitution to authorize the legislature to exempt from taxation all or certain classes of motor vehicles.
HR 38 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Amending the House Rules concerning witnesses appearing before committees.
62nd Regular Session
HB 666 Caption: Relating to the definition of organized volunteer fire departments.
HB 667 Caption: Relating to the compensation of the members and clerk of the Victoria County Juvenile Board.
HB 668 Caption: Relating to enforcement of land use restrictions by certain cities.
HB 1054 Caption: Relating to priority of payment of funeral expenses in certain amounts.
HB 1055 Caption: Relating to creating and establishing in the City of Victoria a coeducational institution of higher learning to be known as Victoria State University.
HB 1081 Caption: Relating to an increased maintenance tax in certain school districts.
HB 1360 Caption: Relating to making an appropriation for acquisition of land and development of Port Lavaca Fishing Pier State Park.
HB 1531 Caption: Relating to increasing the filing fee for suits for divorce or dissolution of marriage in all counties in the 24th Judicial District and the 135th Judicial District.
HB 1586 Caption: Relating to regulating the production of marl, gravel, sand, shells, or mudshell under certain conditions.
HB 1587 Caption: Relating to the closing of certain waters in Calhoun County to the taking of marl, gravel, sand, shells, or mudshell.
HB 1744 Caption: Relating to the quail season in Victoria County.
HCR 175 Caption: Authorizing correction in HB 1081.
HJR 67 Caption: Proposing an amendment setting the salary of the lieutenant governor and members of the legislature at $9,000 per year with a biennial cost of living adjustment.
HR 71 Caption: Concerning the Parks and Wildlife Commission reconsidering the advisability of granting a dredging permit to Lone Star Cement Company.
HR 103 Caption: Honoring the Honorable Dick Cory.
HR 197 Caption: Congratulating the Victoria High School Stingarettes basketball team.
HR 262 Caption: Commending Shadrack Barnes Society of the Children of the American Revolution.
HR 429 Caption: Congratulating Bill Fowler.
HR 430 Caption: Welcoming the Senior Class of Bloomington High School.
HR 468 Caption: Creating the House Interim Committee for Restoration, Arts, and Heritage.
HR 510 Caption: In memory of Francis Frederick Montier.
HR 515 Caption: Commending the St. Joseph Flyers High School baseball team.
62nd 3rd Called Session
HCR 12 Caption: Directing the Board of Control to remove the remaining round, blue cut-glass windows from the skylight and to trasnfer them to the Texas Library and Historical Commission so that these historical windows may be preserved for posterity.
HCR 21 Caption: Commending Mrs. Brucene Smith for her achievements.
HR 22 Caption: Arranging for the removal of the Apollo 11 Eagle from its location in the House Chamber to another area in the House wing of the Capitol.
62nd 4th Called Session
HCR 19 Caption: Resolving that the State Highway Commission not construct its headquarters building on Block 124 in Austin.
HR 18 Caption: Creating an interim committee to study the office space needs of the House.
HR 21 Caption: Creating a special interim committee to study the Texas OEO report entitled Poverty in Texas.