Legislation authored by Ralph 'Skip' Scoggins

Includes legislation with Ralph 'Skip' Scoggins as the primary author for the 59th through 63rd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

63rd Regular Session
HB 724 Last Action: Subcommittee hearing date
Caption: Relating to the exemption of certain employees from coverage under the Texas Minimum Wage Act of 1970 and the amount of minimum wage.
HB 738 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the eligibility for renewal of Mixed Beverage Permits held by corporations.
HB 1562 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Relating to the age of employees in mixed beverage establishments; amending Subdivision (b), Subsection (5), Section 17, Article I, Texas Liquor Control Act, as amended (Article 666-17, Vernon's Texas Penal Code); and declaring an emergency.
HB 1675 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Relating to the effect of a change in ownership of a partnership holding a license or permit under the Texas Liquor Control Act; adding Section 18(a) to Article I, Texas Liquor Control Act, as amended (Article 666-1, et seq., Vernon's Texas Penal Code); and declaring an emergency.
HCR 37 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee
Caption: Establishing a joint interim committee to study the needs of public employees in Texas.
HR 37 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating the Honorable and Mrs. Charles F. Tupper, Jr.
63rd 1st Called Session
HCR 8 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of the Honorable and Mrs. John E. (Ned) Blaine.
60th Regular Session
HB 580 Caption: Relating to the composition of the State Board of Health; defining qualifications, term of office, and compensation.
HB 654 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the Commission for Indian Affairs.
HB 836 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Attorney General to bring suit to enjoin certain persons from continuing in business until certain reports are filed and certain taxes are paid and authorizing the Comptroller to require security as a condition for receiving or retaining a permit.
HB 888 Caption: Relating to transfer of trust responsibilities concerning the Tigua Indians.
HB 889 Caption: Relating to detaching territory from one school district and annexing it to a contiguous school district.
HB 1305 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Board of Regents of The University of Texas to select and convey to the County of El Paso, Texas, a tract of land not exceeding ten (10) acres upon the campus of The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas, as a field house site upon which site will be erected and constructed a field house, parking areas, access roads, and related facilities by the County of El Paso, Texas, at its expense.
HB 1313 Caption: Relating to providing that ophthalmic dispensers may fit contact lenses in certain circumstances.
HB 1350 Caption: Relating to the authority of certain cities to establish, acquire, lease, purchase, construct, improve, enlarge, equip, repair, operate, maintain, and finance certain civic, cultural, recreational, and other buildings and facilities.
HCR 110 Caption: Granting Mr. Tilford Edwards, et al, permission to sue the State of Texas.
HCR 111 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to study the extent that the State can be held liable for the negligent acts of its employees.
HR 257 Caption: In memory of Don Lee Cotton of El Paso.
HR 267 Caption: Congratulating Mrs. Blackstock on being elected State Welfare Chairman of the Texas Classroom Teachers Association.
HR 268 Caption: In memory of Allen Falby of El Paso.
HR 269 Caption: Electing children of Members of the House to office of Mascot.
HR 295 Caption: Commending Bruce Bissonette for his outstanding articles with the El Paso Times.
HR 296 Caption: Commending James Phelan of El Paso for his success at the University of Texas at El Paso.
HR 297 Caption: In memory of Robert W. McAfee of El Paso.
HR 302 Caption: In memory of Ord R. Gary of El Paso.
HR 308 Caption: In memory of Norman L. Chamberlain of El Paso.
HR 339 Caption: Congratulating State Representative John E. Blaine and his wife Anna on their 54th wedding Anniversary.
HR 342 Caption: Congratulating Don Haskins for being named "Senior College Coach of the Year" and taking the University of Texas at El Paso men's basketball team to the NCAA Championship.
HR 343 Caption: Commending the citizens of El Paso for their interest in State Government.
HR 361 Caption: In memory of Robert B. Price of El Paso.
60th 1st Called Session
HR 22 Caption: In memory of B. Marshall Willis of El Paso.
HR 43 Caption: Congratulating Lee Trevino of El Paso for winning 1968 U. S. Open Golf tournament
HR 47 Caption: Directing the creation of photographs for the new Members that have been elected to the House since the last Session.
HR 83 Caption: Congratulating Harris T. Vogel on his election as President of the Texas Police Association.
59th Regular Session
HB 779 Caption: Relating to the disposition of the balance of retirement contributions of a deceased retired judge.
HB 781 Caption: Relating to removing the requirement that a church vesting management of its affairs in its members provide for a board of directors in its articles of incorporation; amending the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act.
HB 972 Caption: Relating to creating a Court of Domestic Relations in and for El Paso County, Texas.
HB 1186 Caption: Relating to constituting a local law for the maintenance of the public roads and highways in El Paso County by authorizing the County to issue certificates of indebtedness for certain stated purposes.
HCR 134 Caption: Creating a special interim committee on Judicial Redistricting.
HCR 180 Caption: Making H. B. No. 1186 immediately effective.
HR 60 Caption: In memory of Hugh B. Dwyer of El Paso.
HR 185 Caption: In memory of Judge Milton Vaughn "Buddy" Ward of El Paso.
HR 344 Caption: In memory of Dan R. Ponder of El Paso.
HR 430 Caption: Commending the outstanding citizens of the City of El Paso on their interest in state government.