Legislation authored by James Nowlin

Includes legislation with James Nowlin as the primary author for the 60th through 67th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

67th Regular Session
HB 596 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to the regulation of invention development services.
HB 742 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to naming a state office building in memory of G. J. Sutton.
HB 743 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the Uniform Foreign Country Money-Judgment Recognition Act and the Recognition of money judgments by courts of foreign countries.
HB 744 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to the application of motor bus transportation regulations to ride-sharing arrangements.
HB 776 Last Action: Committee laid on table subject to call
Caption: Relating to state compensation of certain resident physicians.
HB 996 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to fares for imposed for the use of facilities of certain mass transit authorities.
HB 1016 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Human Resources
Caption: Relating to the expenses of the members of the Texas Board of Health Dental Advisory Committee and providing necessary staff.
HB 1029 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to the conveyance by the Parks and Wildlife Department of certain real property to the United Sates of America.
HB 1031 Last Action: Comm. report printed & sent to Comm. on Local & Consent Cal.
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain cities and counties to authorize certificates of obligation for the purchase of buildings.
HB 1387 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Health Services
Caption: Relating to penalties for the unlawful practice of dentistry and dental hygiene.
HB 1720 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Health Services
Caption: Relating to the commitment and treatment of persons addicted to controlled substances.
HB 1896 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to regulation of sale and issuance of securities of mutual loan corporations, farmers' cooperative associations, and farmers' cooperative societies.
HB 1942 Last Action: Committee report printed and sent to Committee on Calendars
Caption: Relating to the penalties for certain interest that is contracted for, charged or received.
HB 1970 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Liquor Regulation
Caption: Relating to the time within which appeals concerning certain orders of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission must be heard.
HB 2094 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the transfer of assets to and the naming and authority of a custodian under the Texas Uniform Gifts to Minors Act.
HB 2237 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to warning labels on certain containers of antifreeze.
HCR 73 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Granting June Insall permission to sue the state.
HCR 122 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of Judge John H. Wood, Jr.
HCR 130 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Expressing wishes for recovery to President Reagan and other victims of assassination attempt.
HCR 170 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Granting Alder Electric Company, Inc., permission to sue the state.
HCR 191 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Granting H. B. Zachary permission to sue the state.
HJR 39 Last Action: Subcommittee laid on table subject to call
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the office of county treasurer in Bexar County.
HJR 119 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to abolish the office of county treasurer in certain counties.
HR 142 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: In memory of Judge John Gallando Benavides.
HR 183 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Representative and Mrs. Matt Garcia.
HR 360 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending the South Texas Veterans of Safety.
66th Regular Session
HB 441 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Judiciary
Caption: Relating to the Uniform Foreign Country Money-Judgment Recognition Act and the recognition of money judgments by courts of foreign coutries.
HB 532 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably without amendments
Caption: Relating to work requirements for persons receiving unemployment compensation benefits.
HB 664 Last Action: Recommendations filed with the Speaker
Caption: Relating to surface water contracts of the Edwards Underground Water District.
HB 665 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the administration and authority of the Edwards Underground Water District.
HB 806 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the exemption of certain military pay and allowances from the inheritance tax.
HB 968 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Ways & Means
Caption: Relating to tax-free sales of gasoline by airport gasoline dealers for delivery into the fuel tanks of aircraft.
HB 1230 Last Action: Removed from local and uncontested calendar
Caption: Relating to appointment of deputy court reporters by certain district judges handling criminal cases.
HB 1266 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the eligibility for parole of persons convicted of certain offenses.
HB 1577 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to filing of an assumed name certificate.
HB 1578 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the offense of capital murder when an officer or employee of government is murdered.
HB 1937 Last Action: Scheduled for future calendar placement
Caption: Providing for forfeiture of certain interest charges.
HCR 59 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Granting General Food Equipment & Supply, Inc. permission to sue the state.
65th Regular Session
HB 371 Last Action: Vetoed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to the tax exemption for household and kitchen furniture.
HB 439 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee with substitute
Caption: Relating to restitution as a condition of probation or parole.
HB 1173 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Intergovernmental Affairs
Caption: Relating to the compensation of judges in certain counties.
HB 1483 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the taxation of the sale or service of mixed beverages and of alcoholic beverages used in their preparation.
HB 1702 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Human Resources
Caption: Relating to the removal of abandoned property from residential premises; declaring an emergency.
HB 1780 Last Action: Assigned to General State Calendar
Caption: Relating to officers exempt from the coverage of civil serbice in certain counties.
HB 1781 Last Action: Referred to Subcommittee on Judicial Districts
Caption: Relating to candidacy for certain judicial offices; permitting person to run as the nominee of more than one political party or as both an independent candidate and the nominee of one or more political parties; amending the Texas Election Code.
HB 1785 Last Action: Considered by subcommittee in formal meeting
Caption: Relating to the acceptance and installation of a statue in the Alamo Chapel.
HCR 17 Last Action: Assigned to Resolutions Calendar
Caption: Memorializing Congress to deregulate prices of interstate natural gas.
HCR 22 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Memorializing Congress not to repeal "right-to-work" -- sec. 14b Taft-Hartley.
HCR 29 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Permitting Mario Figueroa to sue the State of Texas and Kerrville State Hospital.
HCR 36 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of former Representative Joseph Francis Sage.
HJR 27 Last Action: Assigned to Constitutional Amendments Calendar
Caption: Proposing an amendment to Article VIII, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, to increase the tax exemption of household and kitchen furniture.
65th 2nd Called Session
HCR 17 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Granting Delta Electric Construction Company, Inc. permission to sue the state.
64th Regular Session
HB 171 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Caption: Relating to exempting from the Limited Sales, Use and Excise Tax Act the sale, production, distribution, lease or rental of, and the storage, use, or other consumption in this state of gas and electricity.
HB 282 Last Action: Considered by committee in public hearing
Caption: Relating to interest credited to the member saving account in the Texas Retirement System of Texas.
HB 371 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to exempting physicians and attorneys from provisions of the Public Welfare Act of 1941, as amended, requiring a license for certain activities relating to the placement of children for adoption.
HB 422 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to official county seals.
HB 423 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Labor
Caption: Relating to certain prima facie evidence of an organized work stoppage by public employees.
HB 424 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the practice of law by certain unlicensed persons.
HB 523 Last Action: Reported from committee favorably with amendments
Caption: Relating to electioneering and loitering at or near polling places; to change the distance within which electioneering and loitering are prohibited.
HB 524 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee with no action taken
Caption: Relating to the divestiture of real or personal property on divorce or annulment.
HB 689 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Criminal Jurisprudence
Caption: Relating to the commencement of sentence and delivery to a place of confinement after punishment in a criminal case; relating to bail pending appeal of a conviction.
HB 726 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee favorably with amendments
Caption: Relating to the designation, acquisition, and administration of state wilderness areas; prohibiting certain acts; providing for rules relating to wilderness areas; providing a penalty.
HB 727 Last Action: Effective in 90 days
Caption: Relating to the limitation on operating expenses of certain exempt insurance associations.
HB 966 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the composition of state representative districts in Bexar County.
HB 1394 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Higher Education
Caption: Relating to granting authority to the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, to contract with teaching hospitals for certain purposes.
HB 1395 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the jurisdiction of the County Court at Law No. 5 of Bexar County and its designation as a juvenile court; relating to the membership of the juvenile board in Bexar County.
HB 1732 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Revenue and Taxation
Caption: Relating to a limitation period for suits to collect delinquent ad valorem taxes on real property.
HB 1958 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the power of a city to adopt certain zoning changes.
HB 1959 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Liquor Regulation
Caption: Relating to restrictions on the number of Package Store Permits that a person may hold.
HCR 58 Last Action: Signed by Governor
Caption: Granting permission to John C. Gaston to sue the state.
HR 28 Caption: Relating to memorializing Congress to halt the unethical practice by strikers obtaining certain public funds.
HR 31 Caption: Relating to requesting the Committee on Energy Resources to study all aspects of currently available sources of energy.
HR 55 Caption: Congratulating the Pearl Brewing Company of San Antonio.
63rd Regular Session
HB 102 Last Action: Received from House
Caption: Relating to the divestiture of real property on divorce or annulment; amending Section 3.63, Family code; and declaring an emergency.
HB 163 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the method of voting at elections where names of nominees of political parties appear on ballot; removing authorization for a voter to vote a straight ticket for a political party by making a single mark or punch by operating a single lever or other mechanism; amending the following sections of the Texas Election Code: Subdivision 7 of Section 61, as amended (Article 6.05, Vernon's Texas Election Code); Section 62, as amended (Article 6.06); Seciton 8 of Section 79, as amended (Article 7.14); adn Subdivision 4, Subparagraphs (b) (3), (c) (3), (c) (4), and (d) (1) of Subdivision 11, and Subdivision 12 of Section 80 (Article 7.15); repealing Section 101a, Texas Election Code (Article 8.19, Vernon's Texas Election Code); and declaring an emergency.
HB 287 Last Action: Subcommittee hearing notice posted
Caption: Relating to the prerequisites for taking the regular examination for license to practice law.
HB 419 Last Action: Considered in public hearing
Caption: Relating to the creation of a Citizen's Investigation Commission on Organized Crime; and declaring an emergency.
HB 466 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Labor
Caption: Relating to work requirements and the results of noncompliance applicable to persons receiving unemployment compensation benefits.
HB 557 Last Action: Amended in committee
Caption: Relating to the designation, acquisition, and administration of state wilderness areas; prohibiting certain acts; providing for rules relating to wilderness areas; providing a penalty.
HB 589 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Authorizing entities, either public or private, which are engaged in the generation, transmission, or distribution of electric energy for sale to the public, to cooperate and join in the planning, financing, acquisition, construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of power plants, transmission lines and other electric facilities; providing that each of such participating entities shall owe all the duties and shall have the rights, powers, liabilities, privileges, and exemptions attributable to its undivided interest in such facilities as providing by law with respect to an entire interest in electric facilities; providing specifically for the application of such rights, powers, and exemptions of each entity, acting for itself or for the participating entities, in the issuance of bonds and other securities, purchasing and condemning property under the power of eminent domain, to tax assessments and exemptions attributable to the respective interests of the participants, and for the insuring of property and risks in such jointly owned and operated facilities; containing a severability clause.
HB 590 Last Action: Sent to Calendar Committee
Caption: Relating to selection and tenure of the chairman of the county executive committee of a political party which is required to hold primary elections.
HB 994 Last Action: Committee hearing date
Caption: Authorizing the creation of the separate office of county elections administrator in certain counties and providing for transfer of voter registration duties and other election duties to the administrator; making provisions in regard to the appointment and tenure of the administrator, his powers and duties, and other matters incidental to the operation and functioning of his office; amending the Texas Election Code.
HB 1139 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to providing a limitation period for the collection of delinquent ad valorem taxes.
HB 1140 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the exemption of certain mutual loan corporations from the Securities Act.
HB 1217 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: Relating to a depository for certain hospital districts.
HB 1407 Last Action: Reported favorably
Caption: Relating to the nonpartisan nomination and election of certain judicial officers and the procedures for their nomination and election; containing criminal penalties.
HB 1445 Last Action: Sent to subcommittee
Caption: Exempting certain veterans organizations from the fee for a Private Club Late Hours Permit.
HCR 19 Last Action: Committee hearing notice posted
Caption: Providing for suitable methods of collection and recycling of non-returnable containers.
HCR 39 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of Laura Burleson Negley.
HR 21 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Directing the Committee on Revenue and Taxation to make a study concerning cooperation in the unification of ad valorem taxation.
HR 35 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Labor
Caption: Requesting the Committee on Labor to study the effectiveness of certain practices of the Texas Employment Commission.
HR 63 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Creating an interim committee to study the problems of solid waste.
HR 94 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Labor
Caption: Memorializing Congress concerning strikers receiving benefits of certain funds.
HR 111 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Amending the House Rules, relating to voting.
HR 112 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Amending the House Rules relating to voting.
HR 171 Last Action: Adopted
Caption: Congratulating the Honorable A. L. "Tony" Dramberger.
61st Regular Session
HB 136 Caption: Relating to creating the 190th Judicial District and the 191st Judicial District and the 190th District Court of Bexar County and the 191st District Court of Bexar County; providing for the courts' jurisdiction, terms, personnel, administration, and practice.
HB 150 Caption: Relating to school transportation systems for certain elementary school children.
HB 275 Caption: Relating to the interest rate on judgments.
HB 280 Caption: Relating to changing the age of the testator in the self-proving affidavit form; amending the Texas Probate Code.
HB 327 Caption: Relating to the amount of money which a minor, an incompetent, or a drunkard is entitles to receive as a liquidated debt without a guardian.
HB 362 Caption: Relating to issuing a special restricted operator's license to certain persons.
HB 363 Caption: Relating to giving the officer presiding at a hearing on suspension or revocation of a driver's license the authority to grant probation.
HB 404 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Election Code pertaining to the filing deadline for nominations in party primaries.
HB 505 Caption: Relating to providing for counsel fees and expenses to wife in suits for divorce or to annul a marriage.
HB 536 Caption: Relating to the liability of a person in whose name a credit card is issued; amending the Business & Commerce Code.
HB 573 Caption: Relating to teaching hospital facilities provided by countywide hospital districts to state-supported medical schools.
HB 600 Caption: Relating to amending Statutes pertaining to the delivery of new vehicles to include other vehicles such as house trailers, trailers and semitrailers.
HB 672 Caption: Relating to the right to rescind a contract for sale of merchandise when solicited door to door; amending the Business & Commerce Code.
HB 773 Caption: Relating to continuation of coverage under health, hospital, or medical insurance for certain children; amending the Texas Insurance Code.
HB 1003 Caption: Relating to providing restrictions on government approval of programs or projects requiring the use or taking of public land devoted to certain use by the public and prescribing requirements as to notice, public hearing, and findings.
HB 1291 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Parks and Wildlife Department to publish information on state parks, state historic sties, and state scientific areas; authorizing sale of publications; providing for the disposition of funds.
HB 1292 Caption: Relating to providing for Commissioning of State Parks and Wildlife Department employees as peace officers, on state parks or on state historical sites, or in fresh pursuit of law violators.
HB 1388 Caption: Relating to the compensation of county court at law judges of Bexar County.
HCR 15 Caption: Granting Alva B. Rutledge permission to sue the State of Texas.
HCR 36 Caption: Expressing support of the Texas Legislature for the creation of departments of Afro-America culture in Texas state-supported institutions of higher learning.
HCR 162 Caption: Commending George Mauze, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in San Antonio, Texas, for his outstanding leadership.
HJR 11 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment to lower the minimum age required for voting to 19 years.
HJR 39 Caption: Relating to proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing establishment of a civil service system for county employees in Bexar County.
HR 156 Caption: Directing the Speaker of the House to appoint an interim committee with the purpose of studying the dangers involved in the availability and use of marijuana by Texas high school and college age youth, and to study the chemical properties and the physical and psychological effects.
HR 201 Caption: Congratulating the Eighth Grade Class of San Antonio Academy.
HR 294 Caption: Congratulating the students, faculty, and staff of Saint Mary's Hall of San Antonio, Texas.
HR 327 Caption: Congratulating May Robertson of San Antonio, Texas on her 90th birthday.
HR 330 Caption: Congratulating the faculty, staff, and students of Pat Neff Junior High School of San Antonio, Bexar County, Texas.
HR 367 Caption: Creating a special interim committee to study the consequences of water injection into the earth.
HR 402 Caption: Creating a commission to consider State governmental structures, etc., in which expenditures might be reduced or curtailed.
HR 435 Caption: Congratulating Representative A.L. (Tony) Dramberger on his birhtday.
61st 1st Called Session
HR 37 Caption: Commending Senor Hector Martinez of Mexico City, Mexico.
61st 2nd Called Session
HB 35 Caption: Relating to creating the 190th Judicial District and the 191st Judicial District and the 190th District Court of Bexar County and the 191st District Court of Bexar County; providing for the courts' jurisdiction, terms, personnel, administration, practice.
60th Regular Session
HB 115 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts so as to eliminate the maximum student requirement for entering classes at The University of Texas South Texas Medical School.
HB 285 Caption: Relating to the appointment of appraisers when letters testamentary or of administration are granted.
HB 472 Caption: Relating to amending the Texas Liquor Control Act to regulate the hours of sale and delivery of liquor.
HB 502 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts authorizing Old Age Assistance payments to noncitizens who have resided within the boundaries of the United States for at least twenty-five years; fixing an effective date of assistance grants.
HB 515 Caption: Relating to exempting certain veterans from tuition at certain institutions of collegiate rank.
HB 682 Caption: Relating to creating the 141st Judicial District and the 141st District Court of Bexar County.
HB 703 Caption: Relating to the setting of minimum prices for barber work; providing penalties.
HB 704 Caption: Relating to county law libraries; providing for a cost increase on civil cases to benefit the county law library fund.
HB 714 Caption: Relating to the appointment of appraisers when letters testamentary or of administration are granted, failure of appraisers to serve, inventory and appraisement, and discovery of additional property.
HB 808 Caption: Relating to payment for care of patients residing outside the limits of a hospital district.
HB 842 Caption: Relating to giving the officer presiding at a hearing on suspension of a driver's license the authority to grant probation.
HB 987 Caption: Relating to amending certain acts relating to city airport revenue bonds so as to make said chapter applicable to certain cities.
HB 988 Caption: Relating to the commitment of alcoholics for hospitalization.
HB 1258 Caption: Relating to providing that the salaries of judges of the County Courts at Law Nos. 1, 2, and 3, and the County Civil Court at Law of Bexar County, Texas, shall be determined and fixed by the Commissioners Court of Bexar County, Texas.
HCR 75 Caption: In memory of Charles L. McCaslin of San Antonio.
HCR 119 Caption: In memory of Mrs. Ruth Parker of San Antonio.
HJR 8 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas to provide that members of the Legislature may be employed and salaried as public school teachers when the Legislature is not in session.
HJR 38 Caption: Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of Texas to provide for the adoption by Bexar County of a home rule charter.
HR 153 Caption: Electing children of Members of the House to the office of Mascot.
HR 178 Caption: Commending students from La Salle High School and the Albertus Magnus Chapter of the National Honor Society for their academic achievements and community service in San Antonio.
HR 364 Caption: Congratulating the students of St. Mary's Hall, San Antonio, for graduating High School.
60th 1st Called Session
HCR 14 Caption: Honoring June 23, 1968 as "Henry B. Gonzalez Day" at the 1968 HemisFair in San Antonio.
HCR 34 Caption: In memory of Robert Hunter of San Antonio.
HR 42 Caption: Congratulating Michael Gainer Burk of San Antonio for receiving first place in the leadership contest from the Benevolent & Protective Order of Elks in Texas.