Legislation authored by Nolan 'Buzz' Robnett

Includes legislation with Nolan 'Buzz' Robnett as the primary author for the 66th through 72nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.

72nd Regular Session
HB 7 Last Action: Senate appoints conferees-reported
Caption: Relating to the administration of, benefits payable by, and credit established in the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HB 938 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to membership in, and benefits and administration of, the statewide retirement system exclusively for volunteer fire fighters.
HB 982 Last Action: Effective in 90 days -- 8/26/91
Caption: Relating to increasing the student medical services fees at Texas Tech University.
HB 1008 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the amounts of certain annuities payable by the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
HB 1070 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to reimbursement of contributions to the group insurance program for retired public school employees; providing a penalty.
HB 1148 Last Action: Left pending in subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the continuation of the office of fire fighters' pension commissioner and the powers and duties of that officer and the state board of trustees of the statewide retirement system for volunteer fire fighters.
HB 1301 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to participation and credit in, and administration of, retirement systems for paid, partially paid, or volunteer fire fighters.
HB 1302 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to the use of bond proceeds received by an issuer.
HB 1303 Last Action: Referred to Finance
Caption: Relating to the allocation of the authority in this state to issue private activity bonds.
HB 1572 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to depositories for municipal funds.
HB 1711 Last Action: Referred to Criminal Justice
Caption: Relating to the deferral of proceedings in certain criminal cases involving misdemeanors punishable by fine only.
HB 1712 Last Action: Laid on table subject to call in committee
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain home-rule cities to make contracts for the enforcement of certain arrest warrants.
HB 1713 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to retirement benefits from the Employees Retirement System of Texas for certain law enforcement and custodial officers.
HB 1714 Last Action: Referred directly to subcommittee by chair
Caption: Relating to the issuance of anticipation notes by counties and municipalities.
HB 1853 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to the authority of certain political entities to establish, finance and administer public retirement systems.
HB 1937 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to recovery of certain retirement benefits by a public retirement system.
HB 1954 Last Action: Laid on table subject to call in committee
Caption: Relating to increasing the fine for certain Class C misdemeanors.
HB 1955 Last Action: Referred to Economic Development
Caption: Relating to pools and spas owned or controlled by apartment owners and property owners associations; providing a civil penalty.
HB 1956 Last Action: Referred to County Affairs
Caption: Relating to the creation and authority of political subdivisions in areas proposed for planned unit development districts.
HB 1957 Last Action: Postponed in committee
Caption: Relating to the extension of certain subdivision and other municipal ordinances into a municipality's extraterritorial jurisdiction.
HB 1958 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Calendars
Caption: Relating to reestablishment of certain credit in the Texas County and District Retirement System for purposes of the proportionate retirement program.
HB 1959 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to benefits and premium contributions under the Texas Employees Uniform Group Insurance Benefits Act.
HB 2169 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to membership and credit in, and benefits and administration of, the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
HB 2560 Last Action: Left pending in committee
Caption: Relating to credit in, and benefits and administration of, programs administered by the Employees Retirement System of Texas for officers and employees of the state.
HR 827 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring B. L. Parker, chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Employees Retirement System of Texas.
72nd 1st Called Session
HB 5 Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Relating to public officers and employees and to public servant benefits.
HB 158 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/91
Caption: Relating to the administration and financing of, benefits payable by, and credit under programs administered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
HJR 2 Last Action: Referred to Appropriations
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to administrative expenses of state public retirement systems and contributions to the Employees Retirement System of Texas and the Teacher Retirement System of Texas.
71st Regular Session
HB 183 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/89
Caption: Relating to the regulation of underground storage tank installers; providing a penalty.
HB 799 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to an emergency appropriation to the State Pension Review Board for administrative expenses.
HB 800 Last Action: Effective in 90 days-8/28/89
Caption: Relating to the requirements for appointment to the State Pension Review Board.
HB 1573 Last Action: Referred to State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the determination of income tax expenses of a public utility for ratemaking purposes.
HB 1749 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the creation of a public funds investment pool and to the investment of local funds of certain political subdivisions of the state.
HB 1750 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the collateral eligible to secure deposits of public funds.
HB 1751 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to the investment of public funds.
HB 1752 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/89
Caption: Relating to membership in, benefits from, and administration of the volunteer fire fighters' relief and retirement fund.
HB 1893 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to the sale of checks; providing penalties.
HB 2107 Last Action: Referred to Elections
Caption: Relating to changes in electoral boundaries of certain political subdivisions.
HB 2108 Last Action: Referred to Business & Commerce
Caption: Relating to the disposition of property removed by a landlord from a rental dwelling abandoned by a tenant.
HB 2109 Last Action: Companion considered in lieu in comm.
Caption: Relating to the interruption of utilities and the exclusion of a tenant.
HB 2110 Last Action: Companion considered in lieu in comm.
Caption: Relating to the removal by a landlord of certain property from leased premises.
HB 2111 Last Action: Reported favorably w/o amendments
Caption: Relating to the participation of defendants convicted of misdemeanors in public improvement programs of municipalities.
HB 2112 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to reports by a justice court to the Department of Public Safety of certain complaints disposed of by the justice court.
HB 2113 Last Action: Referred to Urban Affairs
Caption: Relating to administrative adjudication of parking offenses in certain municipalities.
HB 2114 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Relating to certain abandoned motor vehicles.
HB 2140 Last Action: Tagged in committee
Caption: Relating to benefits and rates under the Texas Employees Uniform Group Insurance Program.
HB 2141 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in comm.
Caption: Relating to forcible entry and detainer.
HB 2606 Last Action: Effective in 90 days-8/28/89
Caption: Relating to the custody and holding of the assets of the Employees Retirement System of Texas, Teacher Retirement System of Texas, and the Judicial Retirement System of Texas Plan Two and to their securities....
HB 2676 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to extension of rules and ordinances to the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality.
HB 2677 Last Action: Withdrawn from schedule
Caption: Relating to the designation of a Planned Unit Development District within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality and agreements between the municipality and the Planned Unit Development District.
HB 2827 Last Action: Referred to Public Safety
Caption: Relating to increasing the amount of the fee paid by a garagekeeper with respect to an abandoned vehicle, and increasing the amount retained by a police department with respect to proceeds from the auction of an....
HB 2828 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in comm.
Caption: Relating to an exemption from the child labor law when a child is employed through a rehabilitation program supervised by a municipal court judge.
HB 2829 Last Action: Laid on table subj. to call in comm.
Caption: Relating to authorizing mass transit departments in certain cities to issue bonds and notes for the construction, reconstruction or maintenance of municipal streets, and to expend sales tax funds for such purposes.
HB 2830 Last Action: Referred to Corrections
Caption: Relating to authorizing the use of certain prison labor on the public improvements of a city.
HB 3064 Last Action: 1st Printing sent to Comm. on Cal.
Caption: Relating to membership, participation, and credit in, and benefits and administration of, the Teacher Retirement System of Texas and programs administered by the retirement system.
HJR 63 Last Action: Referred to subcommittee
Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize local governments to invest their funds as authorized by law.
HR 349 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Teysha Cellars Winery.
HR 462 Last Action: Referred to Rules and Resolutions
Caption: Designating April 11, 1989 as "Lubbock Day."
HR 495 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Designating April 5, 1989, as Capitol Health Day in Texas.
HR 502 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring the volunteers of Texas Tech University's Health Science Center School of Medicine.
HR 566 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Designating April 11, 1989, as "Lubbock Day."
HR 629 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring W. Frank Mullican, Jr.
HR 1067 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating Mae Murfee Elementary School.
71st 1st Called Session
HR 102 Last Action: Referred to Rules and Resolutions
Caption: Amending the house rules to change the name of the Committee on Retirement and Aging.
71st 4th Called Session
HB 123 Last Action: Referred to Retirement and Aging
Caption: Relating to benefits and rates under the state employees uniform group insurance program.
HR 160 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring TexPERS .
70th Regular Session
HB 1208 Last Action: Effective immediately
Caption: Relating to the regulation of credit unions.
HB 1489 Last Action: Laid on the table subject to call
Caption: Relating to a foreign trade zone adjacent to the U.S. Customs Port of Entry at Lubbock.
HB 1671 Last Action: Comm. laid on table subj. to call
Caption: Relating to the filing deadline for candidates' applications for a place on the ballot for certain city offices.
HB 1672 Last Action: Referred to Financial Institutions
Caption: Relating to the regulation of private banks.
HB 1947 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/87
Caption: Relating to modification, extension, amendment, restatement, and rescheduling of terms and conditions of a secondary mortgage loan and to certain charges for insurance on such a loan.
HB 1948 Last Action: Effective on 9/1/87
Caption: Relating to conflicts of interest of local public officials.
HB 1949 Last Action: Referred to Financial Institutions
Caption: Relating to bank loan fees.
HB 1950 Last Action: Effective in 90 days-8/31/87
Caption: Relating to the authority of the Lubbock County Hospital District to establish medical and other health facilities.
HB 1951 Last Action: No action taken in committee
Caption: Relating to ad valorem tax liens on manufactured housing.
HR 169 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing February 22-28, 1987, as Texas Tech Appreciation Week.
HR 216 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing April 7, 1987 as "Lubbock Day."
HR 310 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Recognizing the importance of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center.
HR 417 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Commending Coronado High School Chorale of Lubbock.
HR 516 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Honoring Representative Jerry Clark on his birthday.
69th Regular Session
HB 1775 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the security for deposits of public funds.
HB 2075 Last Action: Referred to Transportation
Caption: Relating to the creation and administration of metropolitan transit authorities in certain cities.
HB 2076 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to utility submetering for certain dwellings.
68th Regular Session
HB 236 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Judicial Affairs
Caption: Relating to the terms and jurisdiction of County Court at Law No. 1 of Lubbock County and County Court at Law No. 2 of Lubbock County.
HB 326 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the form in which certain government records may be kept.
HB 633 Last Action: No action taken
Caption: Relating to an appropriation to Texas Tech University for snowstorm damage to the Livestock Pavilion.
HB 1000 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Public Health
Caption: Relating to dental health service corporations.
HB 1486 Last Action: Placed on daily Major State Calendar
Caption: Relating to the use of a photograph of stolen property as evidence in a criminal case.
HB 1867 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the registration of a securities dealer, agent, or salesman.
HB 1868 Last Action: Reported from subcommittee with substitute
Caption: Relating to the prevailing wage paid on public works construction.
HB 1869 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for gold, silver, and numismatic coins and platinum, gold, and silver bullion.
HB 2294 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the terms and jurisdiction of County Court at Law No. 1 of Lubbock County and County Court at Law No. 2 of Lubbock County.
HCR 23 Last Action: Signed by the Governor
Caption: In memory of Mr. Idris Rhea Traylor.
HCR 166 Last Action: Filed without the Governor's signature
Caption: Granting Lubbock Poster Company permission to sue the State of Texas and the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation.
HR 94 Caption: Commending J. T. Hutchinson Junior High 9th Grade basketball team.
HR 97 Caption: Congratulating R. P. (Bob) Fuller.
68th 2nd Called Session
HCR 15 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Rules and Resolutions
Caption: In memory of the Honorable Bill McAllister, Mayor of Lubbock.
HR 119 Caption: Commending Representative Bob Simpson.
67th Regular Session
HB 1624 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to the qualifications for office of the Lubbock County criminal district attorney.
HB 1812 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to disclosure requirements for retirement villages and certain facilities that provide care for individuals. pref. no. 29.
HB 1888 Last Action: Scheduled for public hearing on . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to continuation of the Board of Vocational Nurse Examiners and regulation of the practice of vocational nursing.
HB 2046 Last Action: Effective on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Caption: Relating to smoke detectors in residential dwelling units in which are rented or leased.
HB 2047 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Judiciary
Caption: Relating to alternative service of citation in forcible entry and detainer cases.
HCR 11 Last Action: Referred to Committee on Rules
Caption: Inviting the governor to address a joint session.
HR 134 Last Action: Reported enrolled
Caption: Congratulating the Monterey High School girls basketball team.
67th 1st Called Session
HR 61 Caption: Congratulating Raymond and Therese Tapp.
66th Regular Session
HB 661 Last Action: Referred to Committee on State Affairs
Caption: Relating to the authority of the board of regents of Texas Tech University to convey certain property.
HB 666 Last Action: Coauthor authorized
Caption: Relating to the expulsion of certain foreign students from public institutions of higher education.