Legislation authored by Alonzo James Porter

Includes legislation with Alonzo James Porter as the primary author for the 31st through 32nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

32nd Regular Session
HB 70 Caption: Relating to creating and incorporating the Indian Gap Independent School District in Hamilton county, Texas, and defining its boundaries.
HB 71 Caption: Relating to the holding and regulation of primary elections; regulating political conventions.
HB 125 Caption: Relating to defining and prohibiting pandering; providing for punishment; providing for the competency of certain evidence at the trial therefor and what shall be a defense.
HB 134 Caption: Relating to preserving and protecting the wild native birds of Texas; providing penalties.
HB 145 Caption: Relating to regulating the inspection of agricultural seeds; fixing penalties.
HB 348 Caption: Relating to authorizing the St. Louis Southwestern Railway Company of Texas to purchase, own and operate as a part of its line, the railroad of the Stephenville, North & South Texas Railway Company, together with all the franchises and property incident or appertaining thereto.
HB 360 Caption: Relating to repealing an Act relating to taxes on certain occupations.
HB 486 Caption: Relating to amending an Act relating to Hamilton county road law.
HR 61 Caption: Inviting D. H. L. Bonner to deliver his famous address, "The Garden of Eden", the House.
31st Regular Session
HB 111 Caption: Relating to amending Article 633, Chapter 7 of the Penal Code, defining rape.
HB 198 Caption: Relating to preventing the recording of deeds conveying lands or real property upon which all taxes have not been paid, and providing a penalty for the violation of this act.
HB 199 Caption: Relating to requiring the assessor of taxes to enter on the tax rolls the postoffice address of each taxpayer listed thereon.
HB 326 Caption: Relating to creating the county of Culberson out of the territory of the county of El Paso.
HB 558 Caption: Relating to amending Section 2 of the Special Road law for Mills county.
HB 563 Caption: Relating to creating Carlton Independent School District, in Hamilton county, Texas, and defining its boundaries, providing for the election of a board of trustees to manage and control the public free schools within said district, defining the title to school property in said district, naming fiscal year as to taxes, investing the said district with all the powers, rights and duties of independent school districts formed for free school purposes only.
HB 572 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Hamilton county, and making county commissioners ex-officio road commissioners, and prescribing their powers and duties as such, and providing for their compensation as such road commissioners; and fixing a penalty.
HJR 26 Caption: Relating to a proposed amendment to Article III of the Constitution by adding thereto Section 51a, authorizing the Legislature to suitable reward the nineteen men who on the 11th of June, 1865, rescued the Treasury of Texas from an organized band of robbers.