Legislation authored by Marsene Johnson

Includes legislation with Marsene Johnson as the primary author for the 31st through 31st Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

31st Regular Session
HB 185 Caption: Relating to protecting from injury by reason of defective baled and rebaled cotton, all laborers, workingmen, cotton screwmen, longshoremen and others employed in the work of handling, or stowing baled cotton, and providing that damages may be recovered of any person violating the provisions of this act by any person injured by reason of the non-compliance with the provisions hereof, and fixing the venue of suits for damages for such personal injuries in the counties wherein such personal injuries occur.
HB 186 Caption: Relating to amending the charter of the city of Galveston by adding Section 71f and 71g, authorizing the board of commissioners of the city of Galveston to issue the bonds of said city of Galveston, and their proceeds to be used and expended exclusively for raising and filling to grade certain avenues, streets, sidewalks, alleys, lots and blocks in said city of Galveston situated between Thirty-third Street and Forty-fifth and Broadway and Avenue H.
HB 350 Caption: Relating to amending Article Seven hundred and twenty one (721) of Chapter Fourteen (14), Title Twenty one (21) of Revised Statutes of the Twenty fourth Legislature, relating to Channel and Dock Corporations and to Amend Article Seven hundred and twenty two (722) of said Chapter Fourteen (14), Title Twenty one (21) as amended by the Twenty-fifth Legislature, and to further amend said Chapter Fourteen (14) Article Twenty-one (21) by adding thereto additional Section Seven hundred and twenty two A (722A), explanatory of right of Channel and Dock Corporations.
HB 368 Caption: Relating to amending the charter of the city of Galveston so as to prescribe saloon limits in the city of Galveston.
HB 369 Caption: Relating to amending Section 16 of Chapter 115 of the General Laws of the Twenty-sixth Legislature, as amended by Section 1 of Chapter 113 of the General Laws of the Twenty-eight Legislature, as amended by Section 16 of Chapter 106 of the General Laws of the Twenty-ninth Legislature, so as to include in the provision of that Section the Telegraphers' Mutual Benefit Association, and to exempt said association from the provisions of the laws governing Fraternal Beneficial Associations.
HB 436 Caption: Relating to amending Title XVII, Chapter III of the Penal Code by creating two new Articles in said Chapter to wit: Article 794a and Article 794b, so as to require all street cars to be equipped with fenders on the front end, prescribing penalties.
HB 437 Caption: Relating to amending Article 719, Title VIII (8), chapter V (5) of the Code of Criminal Procedure by striking out the words "but when so requested shall give or refuse such charges with or without modification as are asked in writing".
HB 441 Caption: Relating to preventing discrimination by telephone companies and requiring all telephone companies to prescribe uniform charges for rentals and tolls for use of its lines and instruments by patrons in all incorporated towns and cites; prescribing penalties.
HB 442 Caption: Relating to repealing Article 723 of Title VIII (8), Chapter V(5) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, creating a new article, to-wit: Article 723 in said title and chapter of said penal code.
HB 449 Caption: Relating to amending Article 642 of the Revised Civil Statutes, relating to the purpose of which private corporations may be formed by adding to said article another subdivision known as Subdivision 72.
HB 461 Caption: Relating to compressed cotton bales, defining defective bales; making unlawful any shipment of same; prescribing penalties.
HB 501 Caption: Relating to the relief of Kate Chambers Sturgis and Stella J. McGregor, only children of Thomas J. Champers, deceased.
HB 545 Caption: Relating to amending the Charter of the City of Galveston, by adding a Section 24a, requiring all police officers to execute a bond in the sum of $1,000, payable to the city and to any person agrieved.
HB 546 Caption: Relating to amending the charter of the city of Galveston, to-wit Section 24 of Chapter 63 of the Special Laws of Texas of 1907, so as to permanently fix the salaries of men employed in the police and fire departments.
HB 549 Caption: Relating to amending the charter of the city of Galveston, by adding new section providing that contractors and others doing public work for Galveston, shall employ only bona fide inhabitants to do said work.
HB 555 Caption: Relating to authorizing cities of over twenty thousand inhabitants to prescribe the hours of opening and closing all places of innocent amusement and business.