Legislation authored by John Richard Elliott

Includes legislation with John Richard Elliott as the primary author for the 31st through 32nd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

32nd Regular Session
HB 29 Caption: Relating to instructions to juries in civil cases.
HB 31 Caption: Relating to amending the Code of Criminal Procedure reversal of cases by the Court of Criminal Appeals.
HB 282 Caption: Relating to amending an Act relating to granting a new charter to the city of Denison.
HB 283 Caption: Relating to amending an Act relating to liens executed by husband and wife.
HB 284 Caption: Relating to amending an Act relating to delinquent taxes.
HB 427 Caption: Relating to creating to the Golden Rule Independent School District situated Grayson county, Texas.
HB 470 Caption: Relating to relief of railway corporations which have failed or about to fail to construct their roads and branches within the time required by law.
HB 500 Caption: Relating to amending "An Act granting to Denison, Grayson county, Texas, a new charter of incorporation," defining the corporate powers of the city of Denison, regulating contracts for public work, providing for a depository of the city funds, regulating the assessing and collecting of taxes.
HJR 5 Caption: Relating to amending Section 1, Article 8 of the Constitution relating to taxation by exempting cotton and woolen mills' manufacturers, including grounds, machinery and property incident to such business.
31st Regular Session
HB 181 Caption: Relating to reorganizing the Fifteenth and Fifty-ninth Judicial Districts and creating the Sixty-ninth Judicial District.
HB 382 Caption: Relating to amending "An Act granting to Denison, Grayson county, Texas, a new charter of incorporation," regulating the issuance of bonds by said city and declaring certain bonds heretofore issued by said city to have been issued in compliance with said act, and to be valid.
HB 404 Caption: Relating to amending Section 9 of Chapter LXV (65) of the Thirtieth Legislature, entitle "An Act to define 'delinquent child' and to regulate the treatment and control of same"; providing for the commitment of delinquent juveniles to the State Institution for the Training of Juveniles.
HB 405 Caption: Relating to amending Section nine of Chapter LXV (65) the General Laws of the Thirtieth Legislature, entitled "An Act to define 'delinquent child' and to regulate the treatment and control of same"; providing for commitment of delinquent juveniles to the State Institution for the Training of Juveniles.
HB 406 Caption: Relating to amending Articles 2941, 2942, 2943, 2944, 2945, 2946, 2947, 2948, 2949, 2950, 2951, 2952 and 2953 of Title LIV (54) of the Revised Statutes, 1895, relating to the House of Correction and Reformatory.
HB 603 Caption: Relating to amending Chapter 75 of the General Laws, passed by the 27th Legislature, creating a more efficient road system; and Chapter 65 of the Special Laws, passed by the 30th Legislature, providing for the creation of road districts.
HB 607 Caption: Relating to creating an independent school district in the county of Grayson, State of Texas, to be known as the Dorchester Independent School District, and to have all the powers, rights and duties of independent school districts formed by the incorporation of towns and villages for free school purposes only.
HJR 22 Caption: Relating to amending Section 1, Article 8 of the Constitution, relating to taxation, by exempting cotton and woolen mills' manufactures, including grounds, machinery and property incident to such business.
HJR 24 Caption: Relating to amending Section 1, Article 8 of the Constitution, relating to taxation, by exempting railroads and electrical railways.