Legislation authored by William Owen Murray

Includes legislation with William Owen Murray as the primary author for the 30th through 33rd Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

33rd Regular Session
SB 6 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Governor, Attorney General and Land Commissioner, to lease the water rights in the Guadalupe River in DeWitt County; granting the Cuero Light & Power Company certain privileges and rights to build certain dams across the Guadalupe river near Cuero, Texas.
SB 65 Caption: Relating to appropriating money to erect new buildings at the State Insane Asylum, located at Austin, the Southwestern Insane Asylum, located at San Antonio, and the Epileptic Colony, located at Abilene; and for the erection of buildings for the care and accommodation of feeble-minded children.
SB 94 Caption: Relating to providing for the protection of honey bees against foul brood and other contagious diseases, and providing that all beekeepers report to the State Entomologist when infectious diseases exist; providing for collecting the expenses of eradicating the disease, and fixing the charge upon the owner or agent of the bees; providing for the extermination of all contagious diseases; and providing penalties.
SB 119 Caption: Relating to defining certain classes of Indemnity contracts; prescribing regulations therefor, and fixing a license fee.
SB 120 Caption: Relating to prohibiting any person from maliciously, willfully or wantonly making or circulating any false statement against any civil officer or candidate for any state, county, precinct, or municipal office, for the purpose of injuring or which would reasonably injure the character or candidacy of such officer or candidate, and to affix a penalty therefor.
SB 144 Caption: Relating to providing for five commissioners to be known as Fish and Oyster Commissioners, defining the powers and duties, and fixing their compensation, and providing that the fresh waters shall be under the jurisdiction of the several Commissioner's Courts of the State and providing for the stocking of same with fish and appointing fresh water deputies; providing for the taking and catching of fish, oysters, turtle, terrapin and shrimp in coastal waters; and declaring for the purposes of this act what are public and what private oyster beds and providing for the location of same, surveying and leasing thereof; the leasing of private oyster beds, and the collection of all fees, licenses, taxes and other revenue derived from the fish and oyster industry in said coastal waters and due the state; providing penalties.
SB 213 Caption: Relating to granting the Green and Welhausen firm the power, privilege and authority to erect, build, construct, maintain and operate two dams across the Guadalupe River in DeWitt or Gonzales County; granting the privilege and right to use all of the land and water and riparian rights.
SB 230 Caption: Relating to defining certain classes of indemnity contracts, prescribing regulations therefor, fixing a license fee, setting forth a penalty for violations of this Act, and prescribing terms under which the Commissioner of Insurance and Banking may reject any applications made hereunder, or may revoke same after it has been granted.
SB 272 Caption: Relating to amending article 4783 of the Revised Statutes of 1911 so as to permit foreign life insurance companies to engage exclusively in a loan business without being subject to the occupation tax for the years they have ceased to do business in this state.
SB 297 Caption: Relating to making it a criminal offense, punishable by fine, for any person in this State, pursuing the business or occupation of a peddler, hawker or itinerant vendor of goods, wares and merchandise, to willfully refuse to leave the premises owned or leased by another, after being requested by the person, or agent of the person, owning or in possession of such premises, to leave such premises.
SB 303 Caption: Relating to amending article 257 relating to prescribing penalties for corporations or officers thereof who directly or indirectly, furnish, loan or give any money or thing of value to aid the political campaign of any candidate, and to apply the provisions of said article to all persons and corporations required to obtain a permit or a license to do business in this state.
SB 304 Caption: Relating to empowering the city commission or city council of any city or town in the state to prescribe the districts within which intoxicating liquors may be sold, prescribing penalties.
SB 305 Caption: Relating to providing that when the people of any county or subdivision thereof vote on local option and it is defeated, the people of such county or any subdivision thereof, may petition the Commissioners' Court and ask for an election to determine whether or not the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be confined to unbroken packages.
SB 362 Caption: Relating to authorizing, empowering and permitting Aransas County, Texas, to issue bonds to build a road or causeway across waters of Aransas Bay.
SB 363 Caption: Relating to prohibiting railroad companies from building of main lines nearer the shore line or water line of Aransas Harbor than 4,000 feet.
SB 406 Caption: Relating to rendering more effective and efficient the road law in the county of Refugio, and providing that the commissioners of each precinct shall be road commissioner of his respective precinct and receive compensation.
SB 419 Caption: Relating to transferring Karnes County from the 24th Judicial District of the State of Texas to the 36th Judicial District of the State of Texas, and to change the time of holding district court in said 24th and 36th Judicial Districts.
SCR 14 Caption: Requesting the Governor to return S. B. No. 6 to the Senate in order to make certain corrections.
SR 168 Caption: Granting the House consent to take up and pass H. B. No. No. 409.
32nd Regular Session
SB 69 Caption: Relating to amending "An Act to render more effective and efficient the present road law in the State of Texas, in its application and operation in the counties of Guadalupe, Caldwell, Bee, Jackson, Grimes, Comal, Colorado, Gillespie, Wood, Jefferson and Maverick," by omitting the county of Caldwell from said Act, by further omitting the county of Guadalupe from said Act, and to hereafter read as follows.
SB 92 Caption: Relating to transferring the county of Bee from the Twenty-fourth Judicial District to the Thirty-sixth Judicial District, and to change the time of holding district court in said Twenty-fourth and Thirty-sixth Judicial Districts.
SB 111 Caption: Relating to providing for the sale of land belonging to the public free school fund and the funds of the several asylums, providing for the reservation of the minerals of said lands.
SB 164 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office, with the approval of the Governor, to lease for mineral development purpose any of the islands, lakes and bays within tide water limits, and the unsold public free school lands.
SB 316 Caption: Relating to amending an Act so as to take the counties of Walker and Goliad out of the counties which are exempted from the provisions of said chapter; which chapter provides for the appointment of road superintendents.
SB 322 Caption: Relating to authorizing Aransas county, to build a causeway and erect a drawbridge across the waters of Aransas Bay between the southern end of Lamar peninsula, at or near the old town of Lamar in said county, and the northern end of Live Oak peninsula, also in said county, for the purpose of connecting the public road system of said county between Lamar and Live Oak peninsulas and to authorize the issuance of county boards [bonds], for the construction of said causeway and bridge, and for the construction and maintenance of a public highway along and upon same between such points.
SB 347 Caption: Relating to amending an Act to provide for the protection of honey bees against foul brood and other contagious diseases, providing that beekeepers report when infections exist, providing penalties."
SB 348 Caption: Relating to providing for the protection of the fish and oysters within tide water limits along the Gulf coast of this State from the most interior point of tidewater seaward co-extensive with the jurisdiction of the State and the fish in such fresh water lakes inland as may be owned by the State; and providing penalties for the violation of this Act, and appropriating to certain funds the proceeds from sale and fines arising under this Act.
SJR 10 Caption:
SJR 11 Caption:
32nd 1st Called Session
SB 47 Caption: Relating to granting to the Cuero Light and Power Company, a corporation duly incorporated under the laws of the State of Texas and having the authority to maintain and operate two dams across the Guadalupe, the right to in connection with each of said dams to erect reservoirs, lakes, locks, abutments, buildings and machinery; granting the privilege and right to use all of the land and water and riparian rights, and to back water in said Guadalupe River and its tributaries to any height.
SB 67 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Frio County; making the county commissioners of Frio County ex-officio road commissioners; providing for working county convicts upon the public roads; providing for the condemnation of land for public road purposes; providing for the working of delinquent poll taxpayers on the roads; providing for a special road and bridge tax to be levied for Frio County.
31st Regular Session
SB 56 Caption: Relating to repealing Chapter 5 of the Acts of the Special Session of the Thirtieth Legislation, creating independent school district for Nixon, Wilson, and Gonzales counties, Texas.
SB 200 Caption: Relating to creating an independent school district to be known as the Goliad Independent School District, including within its limits the unincorporated town of Goliad, authorizing the board of trustees to levy, assess and collect special taxes and to issue bonds.
30th Regular Session
SB 57 Caption: Relating to changing the official title of Fish and Oyster Commissioner to Fish, Oyster and Game Commissioner, supplementing his salary, authorizing him to appoint assistants, providing for hunting license, providing for the protection and propagation of wild game, wild birds and fowls, providing for the enforcement of all game laws and providing penalties for the violation thereof.
SB 76 Caption: Relating to transferring from the pure food account $55,357.40, as shown on the books of the State Treasurer, and transferring said sum to the general fund.
SB 77 Caption: Relating to the prohibition on any person or persons to employ any other than a regularly appointed and qualified public weigher or his deputy to weigh any cotton, wool, sugar or hides required to be weighed, sold or offered for sale in any city having a public weigher duly qualified.
SB 101 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statutes relating to general occupation taxes.
SB 124 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Commissioner of the General Land Office, with the consent and approval of the Governor and Attorney General, to sell the guayule, lechuguilla, sotol and other vegetation on school land, and to enter into contract for the purpose of determining the commercial value of those and all other substances found upon public school land.
SB 130 Caption: Relating to providing for the payment to W. R. Davie, Tax Commissioner of the State of Texas, the sum of one thousand and forty-one dollars and sixty-six cents ($1041.66) in payment of salary as such Tax Commissioner from the 2nd day of January, 1906, to and including the 31st day of May, 1906, at the rate of $2000 per annum.
SB 131 Caption: Relating to providing for the sale and lease of the public free school and asylum land, providing for placing the school land in certain counties on the market for sale.
SB 209 Caption: Relating to notices of appeal in misdemeanor cases.
SB 220 Caption: Relating to authorizing the Land Commissioner to have surveyed and located certain mineral bearing school lands.
SB 258 Caption: Relating to providing for butchers' reports.
SB 268 Caption: Relating to providing for the listing and valuing of property for the purposes of taxation; providing penalties for violation thereof.
SB 269 Caption: Relating to amending the Special Road Law for Karnes County.
SB 287 Caption: Relating to creating the office of inspector of all petroleum oils and products, providing for the appointment of inspectors and deputy inspectors, defining their qualifications and duties; providing penalties for violation of this Act.
SB 291 Caption: Relating to defining the extent of the lien for water rent in favor of the person, corporation or association of persons leasing or renting water for irrigation, and regulating its enforcement.
SB 304 Caption: Relating to providing for the payment of certain occupation taxes.
SB 311 Caption: Relating to authorizing, enabling and permitting the territory situated in Gonzales County and bounded as described, to incorporate as an independent school district for free school purposes only, to be known as the Nixon Independent School District, with all the powers, rights and duties of independent school districts formed by incorporations of towns and villages for free school purposes only.
30th 1st Called Session
SB 4 Caption: Relating to providing for the listing and valuing of property for the purposes of taxation, defining duties of assessors and deputy assessors; prescribing additional oaths to be adminstered to tax assessors and deputy assessors, county judges and county commissioners, and providing penalties for violation thereof.
SB 42 Caption: Relating to the sale and lease of the land belonging to the public free school and asylum funds.
SB 66 Caption: Relating to correcting and amending certain Act creating an independent school district in the counties of Gonzales and Wilson, State of Texas, to be known as the Nixon Independent School District, and to have all the powers, rights and duties of independent school districts formed by the incorporation of towns and villages for free school purposes only.
29th Regular Session
HB 16 Caption: Relating to appropriating one hundred and twenty thousand dollars to pay the mileage and per diem of members and per diem of officers and employees of the Twenty-ninth legislature.
HB 17 Caption: Relating to appropriating twenty thousand dollars to pay the contingent expenses of the Twenty-ninth legislature.
HB 223 Caption: Relating to requiring a charter from corporations setting forth the name, purpose, place of business and other information.
28th Regular Session
HB 266 Caption: Relating to regulating and prohibiting the sale of unwholesome food and flesh of animals and to prescrible penalties.
HB 267 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act providing the colonies of honey bees may be taxed.
HB 272 Caption: Relating to establishing a State museum in connection with and as a part of the Department of Agriculture, Insurance, Statistics and History, making appropriation.
HB 298 Caption: Relating to providing a system of electric power, electric lights and waterworks for the purpose of supplying electric power, electric lights and water to the State capitol, the General Land Office, the Governor's Mansion and the various public institutions of the State of Texas in the city of Austin; to appoint a board of three persons to implement and oversee.
28th 1st Called Session
HB 5 Caption: Relating to providing a system of electric power, electric lights and waterworks for the capitol and the various State institutions at Austin.
HB 10 Caption: Relating to providing for the sale and lease of public free school and asylum lands.
27th Regular Session
HB 125 Caption: Relating to making appropriation for the State Purchasing Agent.
HB 168 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to charges and instructions to juries.
HB 211 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Act relating to the manner and method of notice to be served by the sheriff upon all jurors.
HB 500 Caption: Relating to providing pay for sheriffs and constables for services rendered and processes executed in habeas corpus cases, and to pay for executing criminal processes in examining trials where indictments are returned and conviction had in felony cases.
HB 537 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Karnes county, Texas, and making the county commissioners of said county ex-officio road commissioners.
27th 1st Called Session
HB 2 Caption: Relating to making appropriation for contingent expenses.
HB 8 Caption: Relating to making appropriations for the support of the State government for two years, September 1, 1901 and ending August 31, 1903.