Legislation authored by William Euel Cox

Includes legislation with William Euel Cox as the primary author for the 33rd through 35th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

35th Regular Session
HB 45 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the killing of bob whites, quail, or partridges; providing a penalty.
HB 172 Caption: Relating to the employments, hours of labor and compensation of females employed in any factory engaged in the manufacture of cotton.
HB 450 Caption: Relating to levying an occupation tax upon traveling vendors of patent medicines.
HB 664 Caption: Relating to the election of county auditors.
HB 818 Caption: Relating to amending Act providing for a special road system for Ellis county, as to provide that the county commissioners of said county, while acting as road commissioners for their respective precincts, may be allowed their actual and necessary expenses as such road commissioners, in an amount not to exceed twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per month in addition to their salary of one hundred ($100.00) dollars per month.
HR 46 Caption: Providing for the appointment of visiting committees for certain State Departments.
35th 1st Called Session
HB 35 Caption: Relating to creating the Dalton Common School District No. 82 of Ellis county with less than nine square miles of territory and providing for the government of said district.
33rd Regular Session
HB 251 Caption: Relating to the bond of executors and administrators.
HB 527 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the taking, catching, killing or destroying any fish by any means except the ordinary hook and line and trot line; prescribing penalties, excepting certain counties.
HB 753 Caption: Relating to providing for the erection of booths for the use of flagmen at street crossings on railroad tracks in towns and cities; providing a penalty.
HB 757 Caption: Relating to prohibiting teachers from requiring pupils to continue to study such branches in any grade as they have finished because of a failure to pass an examination in some one or more branches of such grade; providing a penalty.
HB 763 Caption: Relating to providing that physicians' prescriptions and druggists and pharmists' labels shall be in the English language, providing a penalty.
33rd 1st Called Session
HR 7 Caption: Providing for the appointment of various visiting committees.
HR 14 Caption: Inviting Governor Colquitt to address the Legislature.
HR 32 Caption: Requesting the Governor to submit certain guidance regarding the passage of the pending appropriations bill.