Legislation authored by Robert Elijah Bertram

Includes legislation with Robert Elijah Bertram as the primary author for the 30th through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

36th Regular Session
HB 75 Caption: Relating to repealing certain article requiring all the members of a jury to concur in a verdict and to enact in its stead a new article permitting a verdict in civil cases in the district court to be rendered when concurred in by nine or more jurors.
HB 76 Caption: Relating to prohibiting the charging or collecting of a greater rate of interest than ten percent per annum; prescribing what shall be shown on face of each note or contract evidencing a loan or forbearance for money and prescribing penalty for violation of this Act.
HB 77 Caption: Relating to imposing a per capita tax of one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) on each and every dog in the State of Texas, fifty cents of which shall go the available school fund of Texas, to support said department, and one dollar ($1.00) shall go to the road and bridge fund of each county, and shall be apportioned to each precinct where the owner of the dog resides.
HB 78 Caption: Relating to requiring the district courts to remain open for the transaction of business from day to day for the entire time of the terms provided by law; prohibiting the judges of such courts from closing same before the last day of the term as fixed by law, and providing where a special judge is elected in any judicial district of this State to try cases in the presence of the regular district judge, such special judge shall be paid out of the salary of regular elected district judge, seven dollars ($7.00) per day for his services.
HB 79 Caption: Relating to repealing certain statute fixing the terms of the Supreme Court.
HB 81 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute so as to better define the term "wholesale dealer" in coal oil, naphtha, benzene or any other mineral oils refined from petroleum.
HB 287 Caption: Relating to requiring the payment of an occupation tax by every person, firm, co-partnership, or association owning, operating, controlling, managing or leasing any refinery within this State, for the purpose of refining products from petroleum, and providing for quarterly reports to be made to the Comptroller of Public Accounts on the 1st days of January, April, July and October of each year; providing for failure to make such reports, or to pay the tax herein provided for.
HB 516 Caption: Relating to requiring the payment of an occupation tax by every person, firm, co-partnership, or association incorporated or unincorporated, foreign or domestic, or the agent or representative of such, owning, operating, controlling, managing or leasing any refinery within this State for the purpose of refining petroleum products, and providing for quarterly reports to be made to the Comptroller of Public Accounts on the first days of certain months; providing for failure to make such reports, or to pay the tax herein provided for.
HJR 40 Caption: Proposing an amendment to Sections 2, 24 and 26 of Article 3 of the Constitution of the State of Texas, extending the length of the regular session from sixty to one hundred and twenty days, fixing the compensation for representatives, and prescribing a basis of apportionment.
HR 60 Caption: Requesting that Congress abolish the New York Cotton Exchange.
HR 107 Caption: Endorsing Cone Johnson for the position of Attorney General of the United States.
HR 129 Caption: Sending greetings to President Woodrow Wilson.
36th 1st Called Session
HR 10 Caption: Allowing each member of the House two newspapers of their choice during this session.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 224 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Hopkins County, Texas, prescribing ways and means of conducting and supervising the construction of roads in said county or any political subdivision or defined district thereof.
HCR 23 Caption: Requiring that preference be given to fruit- and nut-bearing trees for future planting on the premises of public institutions.
HR 25 Caption: Requesting that the Comptroller inform the House of details of Confederate veterans on pension fund payroll.
HR 27 Caption: Providing for the appointment of two additional porters.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 46 Caption: Relating to establishing the Common County Line School District No. 2 in Hopkins and Franklin Counties, Texas, so as to include certain lands in Common School District No. 28 of said Franklin County, Texas.
HB 168 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to providing aid to rural schools; prohibiting school districts in which the State owns real estate in value equal to 10 per cent or more of the who real estate value in such districts.
HCR 20 Caption: Relating to issuance of warrants.
HCR 21 Caption: Relating to school funds being distributed to rural schools.
HR 20 Caption: Introducing the new Sergeant-At-Arms to the Members of the House.
HR 23 Caption: Relating to public school fund.
HR 26 Caption: Relating to audit of State Treasury.
HR 35 Caption: Relating to pay of ex-confederates.
HR 39 Caption: Relating to report of committee to audit the State Treasury.
35th Regular Session
HB 271 Caption: Relating to creating a more efficient road system for Hopkins county, providing for the employment of convicts and their compensation and the employment of delinquent poll taxpayers and a penalty for their failure to work.
HB 406 Caption: Relating to providing that the County Institute shall be held the first week of September of every scholastic year and providing that teachers who shall attend shall not receive any pay for their time while in attendance.
HB 585 Caption: Relating to the time of paying pensions.
35th 1st Called Session
HR 11 Caption: Requesting the Governor submit a subject for Legislation relating to mortuary warrants.
35th 2nd Called Session
HR 13 Caption: Providing that each Representative be allowed $5 in postage stamps.
29th Regular Session
HB 148 Caption: Relating to appropriating $50,000 to be paid to any one who will discover and furnish a practical remedy that will exterminate the cotton bill weevil, and @2500 for expenses and per diem of committee to pass on the finding of said person or persons.
HB 157 Caption: Relating to changing the name from Quarantine Department to the Department of public Health and Vital Statistics.