Legislation authored by Robert Ross Owen

Includes legislation with Robert Ross Owen as the primary author for the 36th through 37th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

37th Regular Session
HB 74 Caption: Relating to amend a certain Act increasing compensation of the scholastic census enumerators.
HB 76 Caption: Relating to a certain Act defining and extending the term nepotism.
HB 77 Caption: Relating to a certain Act requiring the publication of certain legal notices in newspapers.
HB 79 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding the duties of Commissioner's Courts with reference to expenditure of road and bridge fund.
HB 153 Caption: Relating to a certain Act regarding the salaries of county superintendents of Public Instruction.
HB 357 Caption: Relating to more particularly defining the membership of the boards of permanent road commissioners for road districts created in Navarro County, Texas.
HCR 23 Caption: Providing for a joint session to hold conference with the Governor.
HR 17 Caption: Providing for payment for temporary porters.
HR 76 Caption: Inviting the New Hope Choir to perform for the House.
37th 1st Called Session
HR 17 Caption: Requesting reports from the heads of certain State Departments relating to their employees.
HR 27 Caption: Providing for a group photo to be taken of the new Members of the House.
HR 39 Caption: Providing for the framing of a group photo of the new House Members.
HR 47 Caption: Relating to the Texas Day program as the State Orphan Home.
36th Regular Session
HB 90 Caption: Relating to making unlawful sexual intercourse by any person knowing or having reasonable ground to believe that he is infected with any communicable venereal disease and providing a penalty therefor.
HB 118 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute so as to provide that the testimony of any witness whose testimony has been recorded, transcribed and certified officially by the official shorthand reporter may be introduced as original testimony, without the necessity of recalling said witness.
HB 146 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles so as to provide for a proper presentation, authentication and proof of claims against counties and political subdivisions thereof; providing for the auditing of accounts, for certificates of approval by the county auditor; providing that any violation of the provisions of this Article or any failure to perform any duty herein required, shall constitute a misdemeanor, and providing penalties therefor.
HB 182 Caption: Relating to amending certain statutes fixing the time and manner of submitting instructions to the jury.
HB 202 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles by further defining the duties of commissioners courts with reference to expenditures of road and bridge fund.
HB 309 Caption: Relating to providing for cooperation between the State of Texas and the United States in the settlement of soldiers, sailors, marines, and others upon State lands and lands acquired under this Act; creating a Soldier Settlement Board, defining its powers and duties, and making an appropriation therefor.
HB 327 Caption: Relating to creating the office of Commissioner of Pensions, fixing his salary and duties, transferring from the Comptroller's Department the administration of said office and making an appropriation to defray the expenses of said office for the fiscal year ending August 31, 1919.
HB 487 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the certification of teachers.
HB 519 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the issuance of Road Improvement bonds by Navarro County or any political subdivision or defined district thereof.
HB 588 Caption: Relating to amending certain sections of the Penal Code to further define the term "nepotism"; and declaring unlawful, within the meaning of the nepotism law, the employment by any State officer, or the head of any State department or institution, of any person related within the second degree by affinity, or within the third degree by consanguinity, to any person holding a State office or at the head of any State department or institution.
HCR 18 Caption: Providing for inclusion of Jefferson's Manual in the publication of the Legislative Manual.
HR 1 Caption: Increasing salaries of certain porters.
HR 72 Caption: Requesting that the State Library stay open on Sundays.
HR 122 Caption: Increasing salaries of certain porters.
HR 123 Caption: Providing holiday for all stenographers and pages.
HR 124 Caption: Providing for the payment of temporary porters.
HR 140 Caption: Expressing high esteem and regard for every inmate of the Confederate Home and every Confederate soldier or his widow; correcting alleged statements to the contrary.
36th 1st Called Session
HB 8 Caption: Relating to amending certain articles so as to exempt soldiers, seamen and marines holding honorable discharges from the payment of poll taxes.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 139 Caption: Relating to the prevention of the spread of hydrophobia by dogs; providing for the licensing of dogs; providing penalties.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 89 Caption: Relating to authorizing the separate incorporation of gas pipe lines now owned by oil and gas producing corporations; authorizing such corporations to subscribe for and own the capital stock of the organized pipe line corporation.
HR 19 Caption: Extending thanks to manager of Majestic Theater.
HR 45 Caption: Relating to Minimum Wage Law.