Legislation authored by Don Hampton Biggers

Includes legislation with Don Hampton Biggers as the primary author for the 34th through 36th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

36th 3rd Called Session
HCR 6 Caption: Relating to manufacture farm implements at state penitentiaries.
HCR 17 Caption: Relating to the grading of cotton.
HR 11 Caption: Extending thanks to William J. Wilson, Confederate veteran.
34th Regular Session
HB 133 Caption: Relating to declaring prairie dogs a public nuisance and to provide for their destruction.
HB 161 Caption: Relating to prescribing additional duties for and conferring additional power and authority upon the Board of Warehouse Supervisors of the State; providing a more efficient system of selling, shipping and buying agricultural products; making an appropriation.
HB 555 Caption: Relating to increasing the civil jurisdiction of the County Court of Lynn, Dawson, Terry, Yoakum, Garza, McMullen, Atascosa, and Gaines Counties.
HR 89 Caption: Inviting R. Louis Routt and R. P. Schuler to address the House.
34th 1st Called Session
HB 28 Caption: Relating to declaring prairie dogs a public nuisance, and to provide for the destruction thereof by land owners upon whose land prairie dogs exist, and providing for county commissioners to cause the destruction of said dogs by sheriffs, when owners refuse or fail to destroy same within one year after the taking effect of this Act, and to assess expense against owners of land on which dogs exist, by commissioners court.
HR 40 Caption: Postponing all other bills until all the appropriations bills are considered.
HR 41 Caption: Requesting the Commissioner of the General Land Office to halt the operation of incubators within the General Land Office building.