Legislation authored by Dan Scott McMillin

Includes legislation with Dan Scott McMillin as the primary author for the 34th through 38th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

38th Regular Session
SB 42 Caption: Relating to requiring hotel owners or keepers to post in each room a card or sign stating the price per day for such room; prohibiting any advance in prices within 30 days; fixing penalty.
SB 45 Caption: Relating to marking of highway intersections and authorizing commissioners' courts to have same marked by advertising concerns, prescribing a penalty.
SB 136 Caption: Relating to regulating elections, providing certain qualifications for voters and providing for absentee voting in order that voters may vote who are absent from the State.
SB 159 Caption: Relating to providing for the licensing of chiropractors.
SB 181 Caption: Relating to amending certain law relating to independent executors, their powers, etc.
SB 213 Caption: Relating to providing for the organization or admission and the regulation and taxation of incorporated mutual insurance companies.
SB 229 Caption: Relating to providing for the manner in which State funds shall be kept and deposited; defining the State Depository Board and its powers.
SB 253 Caption: Relating to amending certain statute relating to the duties of sealers and inspectors of weights and measures so as to include the duty to inspect water meters, gas meters, and electric meters.
SB 280 Caption: Relating to making better provision for the care of delinquent and under privileged girls of Texas and to that end providing for the extension of the State Training School for Girls of Texas.
SB 321 Caption: Relating to providing for the committing of feebleminded persons to the State Colony for the Feebleminded.
SB 353 Caption: Relating to providing for the bond of the State Treasurer so as to provide for the making of such bond with a surety company and the payment of the expense incident thereto by the State.
SB 389 Caption: Relating to extending the jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of the Railroad Commission of Texas to and over telegraph lines and telephone lines lying within the State of Texas.
SB 411 Caption: Relating to taking certain property from Common School District No. 49 of Grayson County, commonly known as Jernigan School District, and attaching the same to and making it part of Common School District No. 50 of Grayson County, commonly known as Pink Hill School District.
SCR 2 Caption: Adopting the Joint Rules of the Legislature.
SCR 19 Caption: Directing the creation of a committee to study the feasibility of establishing a branch of the North Texas State Normal College in Decatur.
SR 62 Caption: Directing the Clerk of the Senate to secure certain petitions relating to the proposed tax on sulfur, HB No. 328
38th 2nd Called Session
SB 58 Caption: Relating to providing for the licensing of chiropractors, for registering license granted to chiropractors and certain sworn statements required to made by chiropractors, and providing for the duty of the county clerk in reference thereto; providing for penalties for the violation of this Act.
SCR 3 Caption: Adopting the Joint Rules of the Legislature.
SR 2 Caption: Electing Mary Belcher as the Assistant Mailing Clerk.
SR 6 Caption: Adopting the Senate Rules.
38th 3rd Called Session
SB 33 Caption: Relating to amending the statutes relative to drugs and narcotics, making it unlawful to possess for unlawful sale, furnishing or giving away any marihuana or other drug, narcotic, preparation, derivative or preparation mentioned in certain statute, and making it a felony to carry on or about the person any pistol, arm or weapon mentioned in certain Article of the Penal Code, while so possessing same; prescribing penalties.
SCR 1 Caption: Adopting the Joint Rules of the Legislature for the 3rd Called Session.
SR 1 Caption: Adopting the Senate Rules.
SR 19 Caption: Inviting former State Sen. Chas. A. Wheeler to address the Senate.
37th Regular Session
SB 56 Caption: Relating to providing for the extension of time on all permits for the prospect of oil and gas on University lands and public school lands; providing specific conditions, etc.
SB 57 Caption: Relating to the abolishing of the Department of Markets and Warehouses and the Weights and Measures Department; providing for the transfer of the duties of the two departments to the Department of Agriculture.
SB 123 Caption: Relating to the appointment of a Superintendent of the Confederate Home, his duties, term of office and salary, by providing that the son of a Confederate soldier is eligible for appointment.
SB 143 Caption: Relating to the transfer of any inmate whose husband is an inmate of the Confederate Home to the Confederate Woman's Home, and providing for the retransfer of such inmate upon the death of the husband.
SB 239 Caption: Relating to the assessing of poll taxes, which is an amendment to the present law relating to the assessment of taxes.
SB 293 Caption: Relating to permitting cities or counties of over 10,000 inhabitants to aid in the maintenance of a hospital where an amount has been left by will for the establishment of such hospital, for the care of the indigent people, etc.
SB 307 Caption: Relating to the ordering of elections in cities, towns and villages, for municipal purposes only.
SCR 9 Caption: Relating to the apportionment of federal aid for road construction.
36th Regular Session
HB 204 Caption: Relating to amending certain Act prohibiting the sale or offering for sale of road vehicles of certain carrying capacity with tires of less than the herein prescribed width within the State of Texas, so as to provide that it shall be unlawful on and after January 1, 1924 to sell or offer for sale any road vehicle of an intended carrying capacity, of more than two thousand pounds with the rim and tire of less than three and fifteen-sixteenths (3 15/16) inches in width and so as to provide that said Act shall take effect on and after January 1, 1924.
HB 293 Caption: Relating to creating the State Board of Control, providing that the board shall be composed of three citizens of the State, and the method of their appointment, defining the method of qualifying such officers, fixing their terms of office and compensation; making appropriations heretofore made available for expenditure by the State Board of Control, and making an appropriation prescribing where and in what courts suits may be brought against the board; creating and defining offenses for violations of the Act, and prescribing the punishment therefor.
HB 306 Caption: Relating to amending certain act fixing the number of members constituting the governing boards of certain State institutions; fixing the term of office of members of such boards.
HB 330 Caption: Relating to providing for the regulation and supervision of investment companies; and providing penalties for the violation thereof.
HB 343 Caption: Relating to providing for the sale of the oil and gas, coal and lignite that may be in any of the surveyed or unsurveyed public free school land that is now unsold and that which may now be sold but which may hereafter revert to the public free school fund by forfeiture or other recovery.
HB 595 Caption: Relating to requiring the tax assessor of each independent school district in this State to prepare and deliver to the Tax Collector, of the county in which said independent school district is located, the tax rolls for said school district at a time not later than July 1 of each year; providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this act.
HCR 6 Caption: Authorizing the Superintendent of Public Buildings and Grounds to permit Oscar Raines to erect, maintain, and operate a lunch counter and cigar stand in the lobby of the new State Office Building.
HR 15 Caption: Denouncing Austin American article about Representative Miller of Dallas.
HR 26 Caption: In memory of former Representative A.H. Seawright.
HR 91 Caption: Increasing salaries of certain porters.
36th 1st Called Session
HB 7 Caption: Relating to amending the Board of Control Act so as to provide that said act shall become effective after a certain date.
HR 29 Caption: Requesting that the Attorney General furnish the House a copy of his 1919 ruling on the liquor laws of the state.
36th 2nd Called Session
HB 69 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the compensation to be paid the assessor of taxes for assessing taxes for certain political subdivisions.
HB 149 Caption: Relating to the creation of the State Board of Control.
HB 212 Caption: Relating to requiring the tax assessor of each independent or common school district in which a school tax has been voted to prepare and deliver to the tax assessor the tax rolls for said school district; providing a penalty.
36th 3rd Called Session
HB 169 Caption: Relating to amending certain law relating to an annual occupation tax on certain occupations.
HR 21 Caption: Relating to block picture for House membership.
35th Regular Session
HB 507 Caption: Relating to amending law relating to suspended sentence regarding minors.
HB 758 Caption: Relating to reciprocal and inter-insurance exchanges.
HR 120 Caption: Providing the speech of Representative DeBogory be printed.
35th 4th Called Session
HB 87 Caption: Relating to creating a State Board of Control; creating and defining offenses and prescribing the punishment therefor.
34th Regular Session
HB 387 Caption: Relating to providing for the erection and equipment of fireproof office building for accommodation of certain departments of the State government.
HB 444 Caption: Relating to amending a certain Statute relating to fraudulent disposition of mortgaged property; providing penalties.
HCR 13 Caption: Granting District Judge W. M. Peck permission to leave the State.
34th 1st Called Session
HB 49 Caption: Relating to amending certain laws relating to the number of hours that shall constitute a legal day's work on public works.
HR 28 Caption: Inviting former Speaker of the House John Marshall to address the House.