Legislation authored by Joe Frank Sparks

Includes legislation with Joe Frank Sparks as the primary author for the 39th through 39th Legislatures. For other types of authorship, search the Legislative Archive System.
Please note author information is not complete for the 43rd through 45th Legislatures or for sessions prior to the 30th.

39th Regular Session
HB 377 Caption: Relating to authorizing the trustees of any common or independent school district of this State to pay off and discharge any bonded indebtedness or any part thereof now or hereafter to be owned by the State Permanent School Fund, outstanding against any such common or independent school district at any interest paying date; providing the mode and manner of such redemption.
HB 463 Caption: Relating to regulating the selection, organization and custody of juries in all cases except capital and lunacy cases in counties with three or more District Courts and in counties where there are two District Courts and one County Court at Law.
39th 1st Called Session
HB 272 Caption: Creating Road District Number One (1) in Callahan County, Texas, validating and approving all orders made by the commissioners' court of said county, in respect to the organization of said district.
HB 273 Caption: Relating to validating the authorization, issuance and sale of Road Bonds of Commissioners' Precinct Number 4, of Callahan County, Texas, and providing for their payment by the annual levy, assessment and collection of general ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in said Precinct.